The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1695: Who can compete with

"Cang! Cang!"

On the Fengyun Platform, sword radiance was radiating in all directions, but no one saw it at this moment. The brilliant golden sword radiance of Taichu Sword also had a faint trace of invisible blood. They only saw Xiao Chen being repelled by one sword after another. Under the Taichu Sword, there was almost no room to fight back.

"how come……"

Everyone couldn't help but look shocked. At this scene, it looked like Xiao Chen's cultivation had deteriorated compared to that day. The two of them were clearly on equal footing that day, but today, Xiao Chen was obviously a little bit different. Can't stand it anymore. ❈♦

No, it's not that Xiao Chen's cultivation level has retreated, but that Yi Yunfeng has become more comfortable in using the Taichu Sword. His ability to exert the power of the Taichu Sword has also increased...

"Brother Xiao..."

In the distance, Yu Wenqing looked nervous. What happened? How could the Taichu Sword in Yi Yunfeng's hand become so powerful in just three days? Could it be...

He looked at Ouyang Changfeng, who was sitting quietly on the high platform at the east end, and he could not help but have doubts in his heart. Could it be that Ouyang Changfeng had tampered with the sword?

It's not just him who is doubting at this moment, many people here are inevitably doubtful. Three days ago, the Taichu Sword in Yi Yunfeng's hand was not so strong. In just three days, it was able to kill Xiao Yi. It's a bit too shocking to hit him with dust.




Sword after sword, it was like a mountain falling apart and the earth cracking. Every time Xiao Chen resisted, he felt that his hands were about to burst. Even the right hand holding Zhongxiao was already a little numb from the shock. If it hadn't been for the master to use Nine Heavens Immortal Dust to re-condensate for him this time. Lian's body is much stronger than his previous body. I'm afraid he can no longer withstand the powerful power of Taichu Sword at this time.

At this time, he naturally had some doubts in his mind. In just three days, the Taichu Sword in Yi Yunfeng's hand had become so much stronger. It was far from what it was that day. But soon, he could already feel the strength of the sword. There is a trace of blood energy hidden in it, so it turns out... this person sacrificed his blood to the sword.


With the last sword strike, Xiao Chen was directly knocked away. At this moment, even the hand holding the Zhongxiao Sword was trembling. The Zhongxiao Sword was trembling even more, and it kept making gentle sword sounds, whining, Like the sound of wind.

"Senior Brother Yi! Senior Brother Yi!"

Seeing this scene, many junior brothers and sisters from Taichu Palace in the audience cheered, and people from various sects were also stunned. The strength Yi Yunfeng showed today was far from what it was that day. It seems that this time , the dust finally settled.

On the stage, Yi Yunfeng also had a faint smile on his lips. Sure enough, after sacrificing blood to the sword that night, not only did his control over the Taichu Sword become much stronger, but even the power of the Taichu Sword itself was greatly enhanced. Less, far from that day.

"Brother Xiao, do you want to continue..."

With the long sword in his hand, Yi Yunfeng looked at Xiao Chen in the distance, as if he had already secured victory. At this moment, the audience slowly became quiet, watching the two people intently, motionless.

I saw Xiao Chen holding the sword in his right hand, and the two fingers of his left hand slowly passed across the body of the Chongxiao Sword. With a "clang" sound, the huge rocks and heavy swords around him seemed to be attracted by him at this moment, and they quickly formed a tower. In the sword formation, the sword energy was surging in an instant, and even people who were far away could feel it.


Seeing the sudden gathering of sword formations, many people in the distance looked shocked. Being able to wield a sword like this, this person's Taoist skills are truly remarkable. If it were an ordinary person, he would not be able to defeat Yi Yunfeng's sword just now. , I'm afraid it will be defeated.

"Sword array?"

Yi Yunfeng looked at the opponent's sword formation that was quickly condensing. He didn't seem to care much. The long sword in his hand shook and flew into the sky-filled sword formation, obviously trying to break the formation by force.

"Him!" Many people in the audience were shocked. He broke through the sword formation. How much stronger is this than the opponent?

Looking at Xiao Chen again, he stood still and slashed out with a sword. The huge rocks in the sky were filled with heavy swords, and he immediately slashed towards Yi Yunfeng. However, even such a strong sword formation could not withstand Yi Yunfeng's hand. The Taichu Sword with its golden light exposed, "Cang! Cang! Cang!" The huge stone heavy sword in the sky was cut into pieces by the sword energy of the Taichu Sword, one sword after another!


In an instant, Yi Yunfeng broke through the sword formation, and struck with a sword. Xiao Chen resisted with Zhongxiao. The two swords collided, and the place where the swords met was filled with fire. Xiao Chen's whole body was shocked, and he was struck by He was forced to keep retreating, no... He couldn't use all his strength. If he unlocked another 10% of his cultivation, the three corpse demons would definitely break through the seal and suppress it!


At the last moment, under everyone's nervous gaze, Xiao Chen and the Chongxiao Sword in his hand were finally knocked away by the surging sword energy of the Taichu Sword. This time, even the Chongxiao Sword was knocked away. It became dim and dull, and kept making "whimpering" sounds like choking.

If a person who practices swordsmanship has reached the state of sword cultivation and has no sword in his hand but a sword in his heart, then he can turn his fingers into a flower or a leaf and turn it into a sword. No matter whether it is a magic weapon or ordinary iron, in the hands of such a person, it will be useless. It will become a peerless weapon, but it is a pity that he has not reached Ling Yin's realm.


With a cold sword whistle, Yi Yunfeng came not far away from Xiao Chen, looked at him, and said with a half-smile, "Brother Xiao, do you want to continue? I won't hold back the next sword."

Hearing this, many people in the distance were shocked. He actually kept his hand with the sword just now. If he didn't keep his hand, would the entire Fengyun Tower be destroyed again?

On the high platform at the east end, several elders from Taichu Palace obviously saw the clues. One of them came to Ouyang Changfeng and whispered, "Brother, look at this..."

Ouyang Changfeng was attentive and silent. With his cultivation and understanding of Yi Yunfeng, he couldn't figure it out. It must be Yi Yunfeng who "sacrifice the sword with blood", otherwise there wouldn't be such a big crisis in a short time. Improvement... At the same time, he also looked at Xiao Chen. Not many people could catch the sword just now... This person is really not simple.

"Senior brother, do you want to..."


Ouyang Changfeng shook his head. Apparently, several elders of the Taichu Palace were worried that if things continued like this, the Taichu Sword would backlash. After all, sacrificing blood to the sword... this method has never been taken by those who cultivate the Xuan.

But Ouyang Changfeng doesn't think so. Throughout the ages, divine swords have had spirits. Since Yunfeng can sacrifice his blood to the sword, it means that he has been recognized by Taichu Sword. As for whether he can control it and whether he can avoid being backlashed by Taichu, Whether the sword's heart can still be clear in the future is also a test for him.

On the stage, the cold wind was raging, and under the stage, everyone was holding their breath and concentrating. At this moment, suddenly a pale color flashed across Yi Yunfeng's face, and the Taichu Sword in his hand also flashed a trace of light on the blade. The bloody light, even though it was very brief, was also seen.

"Blood Sacrifice Sword!"

Some people immediately exclaimed, no wonder the Taichu Sword in Yi Yunfeng's hand today was much stronger than that day. It turned out that he sacrificed his blood to the sword!

"Yes, it is indeed a bloody sacrificial sword."

Yi Yunfeng was calm. Faced with everyone's doubts at this time, he did not hide it, and everyone would not belittle him because of this. After all, it is not something ordinary people can succeed in sacrificing a sword with blood. On the contrary, it shows that he can It would be impossible for another person to control a divine sword like Taichu.

"Being able to shed blood as a sacrificial sword and control Taichu is truly remarkable..."

In the distance, many of the older generation were stroking their beards and nodding. Although sacrificing blood to the sword is not something ordinary people would take, there are no absolutes in this world. At least for now, it seems that Yi Yunfeng can sacrifice blood to the sword, which is a good thing rather than a bad thing. But if you can't control Taichu, you are backlashed by Taichu, or your character changes drastically in the future, it will be a bad thing.

At this time, everyone's eyes gradually fell on Xiao Chen again. Will he continue to resist? This Taichu sword is already extraordinary, but it is even more extraordinary that Yi Yunfeng can sacrifice his blood to the sword. Although the green sword in his hand looks extraordinary, it cannot resist the power of Taichu after all. The only one here that can compete with Taichu is probably the Taisu sword that the sword immortal Xuanjiu passed to Feixue back then. The two swords are both among the five peerless swords.

However, at this moment, Xiao Chen raised his hands and the Chongxiao Sword disappeared. However, he did not intend to give up. At this moment, an invisible airflow seemed to be formed with him as the center. The gravel slowly floated into the air, and he actually closed his eyes.

"This kid, what is he going to do..."

Suddenly seeing Xiao Chen's strange behavior, everyone was inevitably confused. They saw the profound energy flowing around his body, but it looked like he was doing something like self-sealing.

"What is he doing?"

Many people can't understand Xiao Chen's weird behavior at this moment. He himself is not cultivated enough, and now he is sealing his own skills. What on earth does he want to do?

Above the high pavilion in the distance, Elder Sanqing of Taixiao Palace couldn't help but look condensed. No, he was not sealing his own skills, but using his own skills to seal something in his body... Could it be that from the beginning, he Simply... Thinking of this, Elder Sanqing couldn't help but change his expression slightly.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

Suddenly, a strong cold wind blew across the entire Fengyun Platform, causing the floating islands on the platform to sway this way and that. At this moment, Xiao Chen also opened his eyes. In the depths of his pupils, there were actually two The shadow of the green lotus emerged, as if two blue flames appeared in his pupils.

"That is……"

Many people felt suffocated. The eyes of cultivators were different from those of ordinary mortals. No matter how far away they were, no matter how small they were, they still saw the green lotus shadow hidden in Xiao Chen's eyes. What on earth was it? ?

Although they didn't know what it was, they all felt that the terror of those two green lotus shadows, once they broke out, would probably be extraordinary. This person... indeed had hidden his true strength from the beginning!

"Brother Xiao..."

In the distance, Yu Wenqing was also stunned. However, when everyone was surprised, they saw the two green lotus shadows deep in Xiao Chen's pupils disappearing quickly, as if they appeared in a flash, and even the green lotus shadows disappeared quickly. The breath is also gone.

"Okay, let's get started."

A faint voice came from Xiao Chen's mouth, and everyone in the audience was stunned. What's going on? Wouldn't he use those two green lotus shadows?

Above the high pavilion, Elder Sanqing was startled. At this moment, he seemed to have finally confirmed that the doubts that had been in his heart for so many days turned out to be true... And just now, those two words in this child's eyes Like the fleeting green lotus shadow, he did not want to use the power of the green lotus shadow, but used the green lotus shadow to seal a certain existence in his body!

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