"Palace Master!"

Seeing this scene, the disciples in the Suzaku Realm in the distance were even more shocked and pale. The Suzaku Divine Sword has always been indestructible, but now it was even broken and could not hurt the person at all...

The sound of the dragon's roar in the abyss was still faintly heard. Xiao Chen's true energy was shaken, and the power of ten thousand dragon scales surged out. With a "boom", the Suzaku flew away.

I saw the Suzaku shawl spread out, and the hilt of the Suzaku Sword in his hand. When the elders on the other side of the Jiuding Fulong Formation saw the scene here, they all thought something was wrong in their hearts. That treasure was too powerful. No, not even the Suzaku Divine Sword can hurt it in the slightest!

The strength of the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales also slightly exceeded Xiao Chen's expectations. This is the power of the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales after they were sealed. How powerful would they be if they were not sealed?

Although his previous Xuanwu Armor had extremely strong defense, no matter how strong it was, it was only a magic weapon refined by cultivators. However, the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales were composed of the reverse scales of countless ancient divine dragons. The two were thousands of miles apart.

The cold wind blew, Suzaku's eyes were bloodshot, and the messy hair behind his shoulders was dancing in the wind, "Ah--" I saw him let out a deep cry, his palms shook, and all the swords that had fallen on the ground nearby flew over, and fell on the ground. Under the influence of his Suzaku Divine Art, all the swords burned with blazing flames, and they fiercely attacked Xiao Chen!

Thousands of swords, ten thousand swords, a rain of swords all over the sky, coming in an instant!




But there was a burst of sound. There were thousands of swords, ten thousand swords, but none of them could hurt Xiao Chen. Every sword was almost broken or broken when it hit the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales. ...Soon, Xiao Chen's feet were piled with broken swords and fragments.

"Palace Master, Palace Master..."

The disciples of the Suzaku Realm in the distance were stunned. They didn't expect that all the swords in the world and the Suzaku Divine Flame could not hurt this person or break this person's ten thousand dragon scales.

"Ten Thousand Dragon Scales..." Suzaku opened his eyes wide, looking at the dragon shadow swimming around Xiao Chen's body, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.


At this moment, an old man came to him and looked at Xuan'er's body on the ground, with bitterness on his face.

"Take her out of here..."

Suzaku looked at Xiao Chen coldly. When he spoke, the magical power in his body was slowly starting to work. When the old man saw the flames gradually burning on his body, he was startled, but he did not hesitate and immediately took Xuan'er's body away. Away from the neighborhood.

"I want to see how long Wanlonglin can protect you today...ah——"

Suddenly, his whole body was surrounded by flames. At this moment, it seemed that he had used some kind of mysterious power. Although it would backfire on him, his power would be greatly enhanced in an instant.


In the distance, several elders were also shocked. At this moment, Suzaku's magical skill was completed. His face was covered with flame patterns. He raised his palm, as if he had condensed the power of the stars. The power of this palm was unstoppable!

"Brother Xiao..."

Even though he was far away, Luo Yun could still feel the terror of this palm. Although Ten Thousand Dragon Scales was powerful, he had suffered many injuries just now. I am afraid that this time, Suzaku's palm power would directly attack the soul!

"Boy... back off!"

At this moment, a soul shadow in the distance suddenly came like a gust of wind, and came to Xiao Chen in an instant. His palm met Suzaku's palm, and with a "boom", several palaces around him were directly shaken to ashes. Even the Suzaku Palace suddenly burst into countless cracks.

This soul shadow was obviously Chu Guhong. Suzaku's eyes suddenly became colder and more terrifying. This time he finally understood why someone was able to open the gap in the void and let the ancient evil soul in. It turned out to be this person... …

"Who is your Excellency..."

The voice was bone-chilling, but Chu Guhong ignored it. He only sent a spiritual thought to Xiao Chen, "Go to the Jiuding Fulong Formation and rescue your master. Don't hesitate...quickly!"

Hearing this, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated. With Chu Guhong dealing with Suzaku, he would not waste any time here and immediately flew to the Jiuding Fulong Formation.

When he was about to reach the formation, a black shadow suddenly rushed toward him in the void, and stopped him with a "bang". I saw the man wrapped in black robes, hanging in the air, with a cold aura exuding from his whole body. He was Guisu.


Xiao Chen looked at the mysterious man in black robes in front of him. When he was under the Canglang Sea, his master was trapped by this man's Jiuding Fulong Formation. This man was plotting secretly and was a greater threat than Suzaku. If there was a chance, he would be there today. This person must be removed.


Guisu was invisible and attacked in an instant. The power of the soul should not be underestimated, but Xiao Chen's strength now is not comparable to that of a year ago.


The speed of the two of them reached the limit. People outside could not see clearly how the two of them fought. After a few rounds, Gui Su couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart. The mysterious soul was really powerful. It could defeat the two in just one year. This guy has been trained so well and even found Ten Thousand Dragon Scales...


In the blink of an eye, Xiao Chen attacked again, this time as fast as lightning, Gui Su avoided it in an instant, Leng Sensen said, "You just killed an unarmed woman... Everyone says that Lord Wu Yu kills decisively, I will never show mercy to anyone, and it seems that’s the case..."

In the distance, Luo Yun secretly thought something was wrong, and immediately sent a spiritual message to Xiao Chen: "Brother Xiao, this person wants to disturb your mind, don't listen to him!"

Of course Xiao Chen knew Gui Su's purpose, and he did not hesitate at this time. He just wanted to break through this person as soon as possible and rescue his master from the Jiuding Fulong Formation.

"Haha... Do you know? She has been reincarnated for three lives, and now her luck has declined. That sword of yours completely cut off her luck. She will never be reincarnated again..."

"But these are not important to Lord Wuyu. You have killed more people than you can count, right? Haha..."

Guisu's voice kept appearing in Xiao Chen's mind, and at this moment, he seemed to have seen the scene before the woman's death again.


"My little friend, remember, never let darkness come back to bite you in the future..."

"Those with an innocent heart will not be deceived by evil spirits. Chen'er, you must remember..."

"The journey of cultivation is filled with all kinds of demons and temptations. The thoughts that come up are the demons from heaven, and the thoughts that arise are from the demons from the underworld... Fighting with others, fighting with heaven, the most difficult thing is to fight with one's own inner demons..."

"My little friend spends time with this sword day and night. I'm afraid that my mind will be affected by this sword unknowingly..."

At the moment when Xiao Chen lost his mind, Gui Su suddenly struck with a palm. This palm seemed weak and weak, but it was extremely weird and directly attacked the mind!


Xiao Chen reacted, but did not avoid it. He was severely shocked by the palm and flew backwards. Luo Yun was shocked and flew up to hold him in an instant. The real energy in his palm condensed and held him down. Although his shoulders were protected by ten thousand dragon scales, Guisu's palm just now had caused chaos in his body.

"As expected of Ten Thousand Dragon Scales..."

Gui Su's eyes were slightly focused, and he secretly thought in his heart that these Ten Thousand Dragon Scales were really powerful. He couldn't even hurt the opponent with the palm like that just now.


Xiao Chen came back to his senses and stared at the ghost in mid-air. This time he was determined not to be affected by it anymore. With a move of Xuan Gong, his true energy was immediately stabilized.

The two clashed again. This time, Xiao Chen used his strength to the extreme. Gui Su couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart, so fast. In just this short moment of thinking, Xiao Chen appeared beside him in an instant, with a flick of his palm. With a flick of the eye, the power of the Thirty-Three Levels of Lihen Palm surged forward, and with a "bang", he was knocked away.

"Lord Kisu!"

At this time, several masters from the Suzaku Realm flew over, and Gui Su slowly hung in the air again. He said coldly, "Back off..." After the words fell, I saw lines of soul aura wrapped around his body, as if The strength increased a lot at this moment.

"call out!"

At this moment, Xiao Chen launched his offensive again, and disappeared into the void in almost an instant. To put it bluntly, the others could not see his figure. Even Gui Su could not lock his figure. When he reacted, the other party had already Appear behind him.


Another quick palm shot, Gui Su couldn't avoid it at all. He was hit hard by this palm, and his soul trembled immediately. When the opponent's second attack was about to come, he retreated in an instant.

The two fought for a while, but Guisu was still unable to break through Wanlonglin's defense. However, he himself was very afraid of Xiao Chen's current strength and the sword in his hand. If he was struck by Di Gujian, he would definitely kill him. The soul was severely damaged.


At this moment, there was a sudden movement from the Jiuding Fulong Formation. A stream of mysterious light was seen rising into the sky, and a very strong force of the formation spread in all directions.

Xiao Chen concentrated his mind. Once this formation is completely stabilized, it will be difficult to break it with the Reverse Scale Sword...

"Holy One Son!"

Following the order, the soul of Sheng Yizi suddenly appeared in the void. Guisu's eyes narrowed, "Oh? He actually took his soul for his own use..."

Here, the dead soul of Sheng Yizi dealt with Gui Su. Xiao Chen and Luo Yun immediately went to the Jiuding Fulong Formation. When they arrived near the formation, they saw Ling Yin's eyes slightly closed under the ancient Fulong Cauldron. , even though she has sealed herself, there is still the aura of blood soul around her, constantly infecting her, and the Three Flowers Gathering Qi in her body has been suppressed bit by bit.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen was inevitably shocked. Looking at the eight cauldrons around him, blood surged inside, and streams of blood, plus some turbid souls, were constantly eroding towards Ling Yin. In the past year, Suzaku has actually used Countless blood souls came to stain her Three Flowers Gathering, and their methods were extremely cruel.

"Stop him!"

When the eight elders outside saw Xiao Chen's attack, they immediately stopped him. Xiao Chen saw his master trapped. In the past year, he had been stained by their ferocious blood and soul, and he already had a murderous intention in his heart, " "Whoosh!" The emperor's sword flew out in an instant, with a "chi" sound, and blood splattered everywhere, killing one person immediately.

"Watch out!"

The remaining seven people were all shocked. They didn't expect this person to have such a high level of cultivation! This sword was so terrifying that it ignored their defense.

"Today, none of you can survive..."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen's body was full of murderous aura. Even Luo Yun, who was beside him, couldn't help but tremble slightly, as if he was on the edge of a cold pool, feeling a constant chill coming up, and he saw Di Gu. The sword was slowly covered with a layer of strange blood energy.

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