The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,799 The Sword of Reverse Scale


Seeing Xiao Chen coming to kill him, the remaining seven elders each held a sword and immediately attacked Xiao Chen in a besieging manner. These people were not low in cultivation, but over the past month, in order to strengthen Jiuding Fu, They had already consumed too much of the Dragon Formation, and Xiao Chen's murderous intent was at its peak at this time. He had the Emperor Gu in his hands and thousands of dragon scales on his body. Even if they had more people, they would undoubtedly be able to hit a rock with an egg.

"Xiao Yichen, this place today is the place where you will be buried!"

Suddenly, an elder launched the offensive first and stabbed Xiao Chen with a sword. However, even the Suzaku Divine Sword could not hurt him in the slightest. How could an ordinary fairy sword hurt him? ✹

"Ding, ding, ding!"

There was only a sharp sound, and as expected, the sword in the elder's hand was cut off inch by inch. In front of Wanlonglin, any fairy sword's sharp edge was no different than scrap metal.


Xiao Chen penetrated the elder's belly with his sword and said coldly, "This is your burial place..."


The elder's vision suddenly went dark. The next moment, before he could withdraw, the Emperor's sword suddenly burst into blood. In an instant, he was turned into a skinny mummy.

"Elder Mo!"

The remaining six people were even more shocked and quickly launched their flying swords to kill Xiao Chen. However, no matter how powerful the flying swords were, they could not hurt Xiao Chen at all. On the contrary, if they were hit by Di Gu's sword, they would definitely be killed. Hit hard.

In just a short moment, all the elders of the Suzaku Realm were dead and wounded. The disciples in the distance were so frightened that their faces turned pale. No one dared to come forward. If they did, they would undoubtedly die.

"Brother Xiao..."

Luo Yun came to Xiao Chen's side and saw that the blood on the Emperor's sword was a little heavier. Just now he could see clearly from the side that this sword had sucked all the blood of those elders. It's too weird.


Xiao Chen came to the Jiuding Fulong Formation and looked at the master who was trapped in the eye of the formation. His heart felt like he had been stabbed hard by a sword. The scenes under the Canglang Sea reappeared in his mind at this time. In the collapsing void, he almost lost consciousness for the next half month...

"Brother Luo, step back..."

Xiao Chen is about to take off the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales. He naturally remembers what Qiongtian said that day. Once the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales are removed, he will endure pain that ordinary people cannot bear. How strong the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales are, how much pain he will have to bear. pain.

"The dragon's reverse scale itself is not simple. If you lose the reverse scale, you will lose all your magic power. How can a mortal understand these ten thousand dragon scales..."


Xiao Chen did not hesitate, and immediately recited the incantation that Qiongtian had left in Ten Thousand Dragon Scales that day. The first reverse scale separated from his neck, and the following reverse scales on his body were also pieces of flesh and blood. Separation was like pulling off the reverse scales from a dragon. He could feel the pain every time a scale left his body, let alone the entire Ten Thousand Dragon Scales?


Soon, blood was dripping all over his body. Luo Yun watched from the side and was horrified. Senior Chu never said that taking off the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales would be so terrifying...


Xiao Chen endured the pain of separation of flesh and blood and forcibly took off the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales on his body. At this moment, whether it was an illusion or not, he seemed to see dragons all over the sky, falling into the abyss, and the sound of dragon roaring, mourning the heaven and earth.


Finally, the last piece of the reverse scale was separated from his body. The entire Ten Thousand Dragon Scales gathered into a sword of reverse scale in an instant and fell into his hand, and his body was already dripping with blood.

The Jiuding Fulong Formation is extraordinary. No matter how powerful the Emperor Gujian is, it will be difficult to break through this formation. Only the scale-reverse power of countless divine dragons on the Reverse Scale Sword can break through the Nine Cauldrons Fulong Formation.

"Master, I'm here to save you..."

Xiao Chen was bleeding all over his body, like the scales on a dragon's body being pulled out, and the blood flow wouldn't stop. He stepped closer to the Nine Cauldrons and the Dragon Formation, came to one of the cauldrons, and slashed towards the cauldron with a sword, with a "boom" sound. The entire formation suddenly shook, and the blood soul aura in the formation suddenly became heavier.

"Brother Xiao...wait a minute!"

Luo Yun's face was startled. At this moment, he seemed to have seen the clues and said, "Fairy Lingyin is already connected to this formation. If she breaks the formation rashly, I'm afraid she will be backlashed by these blood souls. We must First think of a way to get rid of these turbid air and blood souls..."

"Is the turbid air..."

Xiao Chen looked at the blood soul turbidity in the formation that was constantly eroding his master. He suddenly stretched out his hand and drew all the blood soul turbidity in the formation towards himself.

"Brother Xiao!"

Luo Yun was suddenly startled, but in a short period of time, there seemed to be no other way...

"I already have three corpse demons in my body, so what can this turbid air... do?"

In an instant, Xiao Chen had attracted the blood soul turbidity in this formation to himself, and the entire formation immediately shook, causing everyone in the area to tremble violently.

"Brother Luo, please step back, I'm going to break the formation..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were fixed, and as soon as he finished speaking, he slashed at the cauldron outside with another sword. The sound of roaring dragons in the abyss filled the sky, making people tremble with fear. There was a "boom", and the cauldron could not withstand this force. The power of the Dragon Soul finally fell apart, and one by one, the eight outer cauldrons were destroyed by the Nilin Sword, and the entire Nine Cauldrons Subdued Dragon Formation collapsed immediately.


After the formation was broken, Ling Yin suddenly woke up from the seal. When she saw Xiao Chen covered in blood, she instinctively stretched out her hand, condensed a three-flower gathering Qi, and covered Xiao Chen's body.

"Chen' are you?"

"It's okay... I'm not injured, it's Ni Lin, Ni Lin..."

Xiao Chen held the Anti-Scale Sword in his hand. The breath of dragon soul was entwined on it, and the sound of dragon roars from the abyss could still be heard. Ling Yin glanced up and knew what was going on. No wonder he could break into the Suzaku Realm. It turned out that There is this thing to help.


Suddenly, the vicinity shook violently, and a crack gradually appeared in the sky, and a heavy ancient breath seeped down from the crack.


When Luo Yun saw the crack in the sky, he immediately thought something was wrong and shouted into the formation, "Brother Xiao! Fairy Ling Yin! Come out quickly!"

"Master... let's go!"

The two masters and disciples immediately left the formation. Before leaving, Xiao Chen looked back at the ancient Fulong Cauldron at the center of the formation. He thought that this cauldron was too powerful and could never be left in the Suzaku Realm. Thinking about this, he stretched out his hand, and a mysterious light shrouded it, and he put the ancient Fulong Cauldron into his sleeve at once.


At this time, there was a loud noise in the distance, and the ancient evil spirit stepped on it, finally breaking through the formation of the four saints of the Suzaku Realm. Several nearby mountains suddenly turned into ashes, and smoke billowed from the nearby area. The scene was As scary as you want.

"Kill...kill, kill, kill!"

The ancient evil spirit looked terrifying. When he opened his mouth and swallowed it, he actually swallowed up all the eight evil spirits nearby, and his power suddenly became even more terrifying.


This time, even the four highly cultivated saints of the Suzaku Realm couldn't help but change their expressions. This evil spirit was already immortal. If it were allowed to continue like this, the entire Suzaku Realm would be in danger today!

At this moment, a palm print suddenly hit the crack in the sky, and a deep ancient aura filled the entire Suzaku Realm.


There was a loud noise, and the hundred-foot palm print actually controlled the ancient evil spirit. The people in the Suzaku Realm were already frightened. At this time, they saw the palm print appearing in the crack in the sky. It took a while to come back to their senses. Could it be that It was the elders of the Taikoo Realm who took action!

Although the restrictions on heaven and earth are extremely heavy now, and the elders of the Ancient Realm cannot come out, they can find the void position of the Suzaku Realm and open a gap in the void, just like when this ancient evil spirit came in.


Obviously, Xiao Chen also felt it. Just one palm force could control the ancient evil spirit. It can be imagined that this person's cultivation level is beyond his imagination. The ancient world is really so terrifying...

"Chen'er, don't worry." Ling Yin stretched out his hand, and the jade flute appeared in his hand. Xiao Chen also let the reverse scale sword turn into dragon scale armor again and returned to his body.

"Come with me!"

At this moment, Chu Guhong flew in front of the three people in an instant and said, "They are people from the Taikoo Realm. Once they block the Suzaku Realm, we will not be able to get out. Let's leave the Suzaku Realm first!"

"Stop them!"

Suzaku's shawl was spread out and his eyes were blood red. He had already led someone to stop him. When Xiao Chen saw this person, his murderous aura also surged. With a "clang" sound, the Emperor Gu Sword appeared in his hand again.

"You two, master and disciple, never want to leave the Suzaku Realm today..."

Suddenly, Suzaku's whole body burned with flames, and a pair of fire wings sprouted from his back. The powerful aura surged, causing the nearby elder disciples to tremble. He actually burned the power of his blood soul.

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