The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1803: One inch of lovesickness and one inch of gray (Part 1)

Desireless Heaven, in Weiyang Palace.

Mrs. Xianshu said, "Recently, I have discovered that there are some abnormalities in the spiritual power near Suzhou City. I am afraid that I am a member of the Demonic Heaven Sect who wants to take advantage of the spiritual veins there..."

"Suzhou City..."

Hua Weiyang frowned and said, "How dare they think about the spiritual veins in the mortal world? Once the spiritual veins in the mortal world are damaged, natural disasters will continue and starvation will be everywhere, and they actually..."

Mrs. Xianshu said, "After all, he is a member of the Demon Cult."

Thinking back to those days, no matter what happened, Xiao Chen would never touch the spiritual veins of the mortal world. Hua Weiyang took a deep breath and said, "Suzhou City is only two thousand miles away from Xuan Qing Gate. That old fox really doesn't care about Xuan Qing now." The door is in your eyes? Xian Shu, what’s wrong?”

At this moment, Hua Weiyang noticed that when she mentioned Xuan Qingmen, Mrs. Xianshu had a strange expression on her face, her eyebrows condensed, and she asked, "What happened to Xuanqingmen?"

Mrs. Xianshu frowned and said after a long time, "I heard that after the last time, in the Xuanqing Sect... Qingxuan Zhenren has been in seclusion, and almost everything has been handed over to his eldest disciple Feng Xiaoyin. In the past two years, Demon Heaven It seems a bit abnormal that Xuan Qingmen didn’t respond to such a big move.”

Hearing this, Hua Weiyang also frowned. Xuan Qing Sect is the leader of the righteous path in the world. Even if its vitality was severely damaged by the attack from Tianwaitian last time, it stands to reason that Qingxuan Zhenren should not be affected by the frequent actions of Demon Heaven Sect. No reaction at all...

After a while, Mrs. Xianshu asked, "Weiyang, what are your plans?"

Hua Weiyang squeezed her fingers tightly, frowning deeper and deeper, and whispered to herself, "If the little brother and the eldest brother are here, they can't kill the old fox..."

"Weiyang, what did you say?"


Hua Weiyang shook her head, frowned and said, "I plan to go to Suzhou City in the next two days to have a look. The spiritual veins in Suzhou City are connected to the spiritual veins in the north of Wuyu Tian. If the ancestor of the Demon Sky touches Suzhou at this time, The city’s spiritual veins… its heart is as clear as day.”


Mrs. Xianshu nodded and said, "I'm not worried about you being outside, but..." When she said this, she suddenly lowered her head and sighed softly.

"It would be nice if your Majesty were here."

Hua Weiyang slowly stood up and looked out the window. The snow-white flowers and trees were all planted by him back then. In the past, when he was sleeping, he was always worried about him, but now he heard that No news from him.

"Palace Master, Palace Master."

At this moment, Mingyue's voice came from outside, and Mingyue walked in from outside. Hua Weiyang came back to her senses and looked at her, "Mingyue, what happened?"

Mingyue smiled softly, "No, I just came to see the palace master... Mrs. Xianshu, you are here too."


Mrs. Xianshu nodded slightly, still frowning at this moment. The situation in Wuyutian was tense now. She was not as cheerful by nature as Mingyue, and she could still smile like a flower every day.

Hua Weiyang said, "Well... Mingyue, you came at the right time. In the past two days, I want to go to the mortal world to relax, so you can come with me."

"Okay, okay, where are we going?"

"Well... let's go to Suzhou."


Mingyue thought for a while, seemed to understand something at once, and said, "Palace Master, you want to..."


Hua Weiyang immediately made a silence gesture. This time, she had to go quietly in the mortal world, so that the spies arranged by the Demonic Heaven Sect outside Wuyutian could not be discovered.

A few days later, Hua Weiyang and Mingyue had arrived in Suzhou City. It was the end of summer in June, and the lotus flowers in the pond were in full bloom. Mingyue held Weiyang's hand and walked on the edge of the bridge. The breeze blew through the willows, and the two of them fell in love. They are like good sisters, but they have extraordinary looks. No matter where they go, they will attract more glances from passers-by in this world.

"Palace Master, let's go to Taihu Lake to play. It's been a long time since we came to this mortal world... Palace Master?"

"Ah? Okay..."

Hua Weiyang was sensing the spiritual power nearby just now, and Mingyue saw that she was in a trance, thinking that she had come to this mortal world, so she thought of Your Majesty and said, "Don't worry, Palace Master, Fairy Ling Yin has such great magical powers, she will definitely be able to Find a way to regain your immortal body on your behalf..."

People outside thought that Xiao Chen was dead, but Mingyue and others knew that the master was not alive that day. Although his body was completely destroyed, the Samsara Jade preserved his soul.


Hua Weiyang smiled softly, and the two held hands and headed to Tai Lake. When they arrived, they saw rows of weeping willows swaying in the wind, and many young men and women were boating in the middle of the lake.

Hua Weiyang looked into the distance and saw the lakes and mountains, which were so beautiful that she couldn't help but think of that time when she and Xiao Chen went on a trip, and then something happened to Xuan Qingmen...

"Palace Master, Palace Master, look, look, there is a dog in the lake, and it can swim... Hahahaha!"

Mingyue pointed at a drowned dog in the lake, laughing so hard that the flower branches trembled. However, the two of them were just admiring the scenery of Taihu Lake and did not see anyone coming directly in front of them.

The man was a scholar. He walked quickly with his head lowered. He looked like he was lost in despair. He was still muttering something in his mouth. He was only looking at his feet and did not see the two people approaching in front of him. He bumped into him at this moment. Full of arms.

"Who is it? What kind of dog without eyes dares to hit your aunt! Do you believe she will throw you into the lake?"

Mingyue was almost knocked down and started to curse, which shocked the scholar. She quickly lowered her head and apologized for being "rude, I bumped into the two sisters..."

When he raised his head and saw clearly the two women in front of him who looked like gods descending from heaven, his face turned red to the root of his neck, as if he was ashamed of himself. He quickly stepped back, lowered his head and hesitated, unable to speak a word.

This scholar is indeed handsome, but his body is a little poorer. He is wearing a long green cloth gown, but the cuffs and corners have obviously been washed away.

"Mingyue, forget it, let's go."


Mingyue hummed softly, then took Hua Weiyang's hand again, ignoring the scholar, and the two continued to walk forward, talking and laughing.

The scholar sighed softly, lowered his head again, and left with a few thoughts. After he left, Mingyue looked back and smiled, "Palace Master, that bookworm just now was so stupid. He looked like he had it." She is twenty-three or four, and she still calls us sister..."

Wei Yang shook her head and smiled, stretched out her hand and gently scratched her nose, "Is it the wrong name?"

The two of them have already cultivated their immortal bodies. Weiyang has always looked eighteen years old, while Ming Yue is slightly older and looks to be around twenty. No mortal would know.

The two of them continued walking, but heard someone on the side of the road talking, "Is that the poor scholar named Yanqing who passed by just now? Tsk, tsk, tsk, I heard that both he and Prime Minister Zhao's son fell in love with Miss Tang. What do you think? Miss Tang, how can you like him?"

"It's really a toad that wants to eat swan meat. You are crazy. Last month, for Miss Tang's eighteenth birthday, the ice jade flower that Prime Minister Zhao's son gave you was priceless, right? That poor scholar, he is No matter how many lifetimes I spend studying, I can’t make it back..."

"Pfft! Don't tell me, last month, I went to the outside of Dongcheng, climbed to the green cliff, and picked a 'Acacia Flower'. I almost broke my leg..."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Along the way, Mingyue and Hua Weiyang heard many people talking about poor scholars, eldest ladies, and the prime minister's son.

Hearing what these people said, Mingyue couldn't help but frowned, "When did this mortal world become so cold?"

Weiyang smiled softly and said, "Isn't that what happens in the world?"


Mingyue stopped and looked back, "That poor scholar they were talking about could be the fool who bumped into us just now, right?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Hua Weiyang also stopped, turned around and looked back, but the shadow of the scholar just now was gone. Mingyue Liu frowned slightly, thought for a moment and said, "Palace Master, why don't we go back and have a look, he seemed to have gone to Taihu Lake just now. , I see that he is in despair, oh no! He is going to jump into the lake, right? Palace Master, let’s go and save him!”


The two of them quickly went back, and when they arrived at the edge of Taihu Lake, they saw a simple bookstall there. There were two big willow trees next to it, which provided some shade and shelter from the sun. The scholar, facing the lake, was sighing to himself. Being ruthless is not as painful as being sentimental. One inch is like thousands of strands. When there is no limit to the end of the world, there is only endless love..." While reciting the poem, she kept shaking her head and sighing. Seeing this, Mingyue quickly reached out and said, "Hey! Don't jump!"

This shout frightened the scholar so much that he almost jumped down. When he turned around and saw the two fairy sisters just now, he panicked and said quickly, "Sisters, I was the one who was rude and bumped into you two sisters." …”

"Hey, hey, stop it, stop it..." Mingyue stretched out her hand to interrupt him and asked, "Did you just want to commit suicide by jumping into the lake?"

"Jump into the lake?"

The scholar was stunned for a moment, then slowly turned around and sighed, "Yeah, I might as well jump into this lake and end it all..."

"Hey, hey, hey! No, no, no!"

Mingyue said quickly, "Good guy! You just hit me and the lady. If you jump into the lake and commit suicide, wouldn't your resentful souls be haunted by me and the lady after you die?"

"Resentful soul..."

The scholar smiled bitterly and said, "Yeah, I'm probably like a resentful spirit that won't let go of her..."

Hua Weiyang knew that the matter was not that simple, so she walked forward and said, "Master, you might as well tell me what happened?"

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

Seeing what she called him, the scholar quickly said, "My name is Yanqing. If you two sisters don't mind, just call me Yanqing..."

Looking at his appearance at this time, it seemed that he really regarded Hua Weiyang and Mingyue as fairies descended to earth. Mingyue said, "Okay, Yanqing, let me ask you, on the way just now, I heard those people say a lot of things about you." , is what they say true?”

Yanqing smiled bitterly and said, "Yes... everyone knows it, but I am still lying to myself... What she likes is just the stories in my book, but what I like is her... This book... …Oh, that’s it, that’s it.”

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