The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1804: One inch of lovesickness and one inch of gray (Part 2)

Listening to him sighing here for a long time, talking about something and nothing, but not the main point, Mingyue seemed a little impatient, "Yes, yes, please tell me directly, who is the Miss Tang family, Prime Minister Zhao?" Who is your son? Please take care of it.

"This, this...oh!"

Yanqing was too embarrassed to say anything, so he just shook his head and sighed, "In this city of Suzhou, everyone only knows me, Yanqing. It's just a joke, and it's just a joke after dinner. I shouldn't, it's just my wishful thinking..."

"Hey! What's wrong with you? Then what's the use of feeling sorry for yourself here all day long?"

Mingyue couldn't see his dejected look, and was about to continue talking when Hua Weiyang took her hand, took a step forward, looked at Yanqing and said, "So... just tell me the whole story from beginning to end." "My sister and I would like to hear what's going on, so we can give you some advice."


Yanqing let out a long sigh, looked at the water in the lake, and then slowly said, "It started at the beginning of last year. On weekdays, I like to tell stories by the Taihu Lake, telling some bizarre stories, which makes the guests happy. If so, I will give you two tea money, or you can buy some calligraphy and paintings from my bookstall..."

"That day, a few boring people came from nowhere and said that the stories in my book didn't make sense. They tried to pick out some thorns in my book, cursed me with some unpleasant words, and even smashed my bookstall... …” ✮

"At that time, no one came out to speak for me. It wasn't until a moment later that a man named 'Mr. Tang' came outside the crowd. He was the only one who stood up to speak for me and reprimanded those boring and trouble-making people..."

"Master Tang?"

Mingyue touched her chin and thought for a while. She didn't know what picture she had in mind. She pointed at Yanqing and said, "Ah, you, you, you, so you like men?"

"This...sigh!" Yanqing just shook his head and sighed. Hua Weiyang glanced at Mingyue, indicating that Yanqing should continue speaking without interrupting.

Yanqing continued, "Later on, at the beginning, middle and end of each month, Mr. Tang would come to my bookstall to listen to books. Whenever he saw someone criticizing me, Mr. Tang would stand up and speak for me. Once, he even fought with someone for me, alas... That person was so arrogant, Mr. Tang must have suffered a loss..."


Hearing this, Mingyue nodded, "So, Mr. Tang is also a man of temperament... If you continue, what happens next?"

Yanqing continued, "The next time, it was at the end of June, which was today last year. On that day, I waited for a long time. After telling the story, Mr. Tang didn't come. Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder was rolling. It looked like It's going to rain, and all the guests have left in a hurry, but I'm afraid Mr. Tang won't see anyone when he comes, so I stay in the rain until evening..."

"In the evening, Mr. Tang did not come, but his maid Xiaoruo came. The maid told me that he was ill and might not be able to come in the next few days, but she also wanted to know what happened in my book. I was afraid that the maid would not be able to remember the story, so I wrote it out with paper and pen. It was not until dark that I gave the paper and ink to the maid and asked her to take it back.

"In the next three months, I never saw Mr. Tang again, but three days in every month, the maid would come. As usual, I wrote the story on paper in advance and asked her to take it back..."

"That day, I couldn't help but ask her, what kind of disease did Mr. Tang suffer from? Why has it been three months and he still hasn't recovered? The maid never said anything, just took the paper and ink and left, but I really felt I was worried, so that evening, I followed quietly all the way..."

"I followed all the way and saw the maid entering Taifu Tang's mansion. I was shocked at that time. I thought that Young Master Tang was actually the son of Taifu Tang? But then I thought something was wrong. Taifu Tang had only one daughter in his later years. How could he The young master is here?”

"I didn't know what I was thinking at the time. When my mind got hot, I quietly climbed in from the hill behind the mansion. I just happened to see that in the small attic, she was... and next to her, there was a pile of A thick stack of paper and ink, these are the stories I wrote to Mr. Tang in the past three months. It turns out that she is Mr. Tang. "

"Interesting, interesting..."

Hearing this, Mingyue couldn't help but smile and said, "This Young Master Tang is the daughter of Taifu Tang. What happened next? Have you ever met again?"


Yanqing just shook his head and sighed, and said, "Later I found out that at that time, the Tang Taifu was frustrated in the court and wanted to cling to Prime Minister Zhao, so he wanted to betroth Xuezhi to the Prime Minister's son Zhao Xuan, but who was Zhao Xuan? All day long He oppresses the people and goes around looking for fun. Who in the entire capital knows what his character is? If Xue Zhi marries him, wouldn’t it be... Oh!"

Yanqing sighed and continued, "Tang Taifu used his daughter as a bargaining chip. From then on, Xuezhi was not allowed to go out. The only thing I could do was to write the story on paper, and Xiaoruo would take it back and read it every time. The stories in my book help her relieve her depression..."

Hearing this, Mingyue shook her head and sneered, "It's really a suffering in the world... Then what happened next? Did you really never see it again?"


Yanqing shook his head and sighed bitterly, and added, "The Taifu and the Prime Minister have set the wedding date for next month. But last month, a few days before her birthday, Xiaoruo came to my bookstall and brought a letter. In the letter, she She said she wanted a bunch of acacia flowers on the Acacia Cliff outside the East City..."


Hua Weiyang's expression condensed and she muttered, "How come I have never heard of the acacia flower in this world? I have only heard of the acacia, but that acacia is..."

Mingyue smiled bitterly and said, "People in the mortal world love this. As long as the word "love" is involved, the vines all over the ground can be called 'passionate flowers'..."


Hua Weiyang asked no more questions and said to Yanqing, "Go on, what happened next? Did you go to pick those acacia flowers outside the city?"


Yanqing's face was full of bitterness and he said, "I climbed up the highest cliff and picked a bunch of acacia flowers to bring to her. But when I left that day, I happened to run into Tang Taifu and Zhao Xuan. Xuezhi and I Tang Taifu also knew about the letters exchanged during this year. Tang Taifu was furious at that time and burned the stories I wrote to Xuezhi this year...and I became everyone in the entire Suzhou city. joke.

At this point, Yanqing smiled bitterly, as if he was mocking himself, and said to himself, "It's just my imagination. Even if Xuezhi doesn't want to marry Zhao Xuan, how could she fall in love with a poor scholar? She likes her." , it’s just a story in my book, but what I like is her. How could she know that the whole story in the book was written for her..."

Mingyue shook her head, "She is really an infatuated person... Then have you told her your thoughts?"


Hearing this, Yanqing just shook his head, and then sighed. Mingyue frowned and said, "You, if you don't tell her what's in your mind, how can you know what she's thinking?"

Yanqing shook his head and sighed, "She is the daughter of the current imperial master, and I... am just a poor scholar. Our status is so different between the two of us. The moon in the water, the flower in the mirror, it is impossible..."

"What does this have to do with identity?"

"It doesn't matter, besides...well, in short, no, no."


Mingyue was so angry that she couldn't speak. She stomped her feet, "You dare to climb up such a high cliff. I see you are not a timid person. How could you... That's all. You like to tell stories, right?" ? Well, let me tell you a story today! A long time ago, there was a master of Xuanmen who was famous all over the world and was the disciple of Fairy Miaoyin..."

"Sister, do you also like these mysterious stories?"

"Don't interrupt me! Listen!"

Mingyue glared at him and continued, "Later, he met someone, but that person was the master of Lianhua Palace of the Demon Sect, and he was a disciple of Fairy Miaoyin. The two fell in love at first sight without knowing each other's identities. , tell me, what will happen?”


Yanqing couldn't help being startled and said, "I'm afraid the whole world can't tolerate them, and they will definitely not be able to be together..."

"The first sentence is right! The last sentence is totally wrong!"

Mingyue continued, "Did you know that that day at Xuan Qing Sect, people from all sects wanted to kill him, but Palace Master Lianhua went there alone, knowing that he was going to die, but never looked back... And he would rather fight with everyone Even if the world is our enemy, we must protect her alone..."

At that moment, Mingyue told the story of Xiao Chen and Wei Yang, and Yan Qing was stunned and murmured, "There are such strange men and women in the world..."

As he spoke, he was looking for something on the bookstall. Mingyue frowned and said, "What are you looking for?"

Yanqing muttered slowly, "I'm looking for paper and pen. I'm going to write down the story my sister told me just now. She will definitely like it. She will definitely like it..."

" nerd! What story are you writing now? Of course you are writing a letter, writing out all your thoughts and telling her!"


"But what? The person I just mentioned is not afraid of making enemies of the whole world, so what are you afraid of?"

Yanqing murmured, "But now, the entire Tang Mansion is under martial law, and letters can't be sent in at all..."

Hearing this, Mingyue smiled and said, "Just write the letter. This person has a clever plan to ensure that the letter is delivered to her before dark, without anyone noticing, and she will also bring the reply." "


"Nonsense! Write quickly!"


Next, Yanqing found paper, pen and a letter and handed them into the hands of Mingyue and Hua Weiyang. As for the location of the Tang Mansion, he also informed them.

In the mortal world, the two of them try not to use magic, but if they want to enter a small Tang mansion, even without using any magic, it is as easy as entering a no-man's land.

In the evening, the two quietly entered the Tang Mansion and found Tang Xuezhi's boudoir. The door had been locked. Mingyue couldn't help but smile, "Is this Tang Taifu so willing to push his daughter into a pit of fire for the sake of power?"

Hua Weiyang said, "Many dignitaries in this world are like this. Mingyue, let's be careful not to disturb the nearby servants."

In the new year, I wish everyone all the best and happiness every day! ????We are still together this year! Weiyang, Lingyin, Yichen, Nishang... will never be separated!

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