The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1805: One inch of lovesickness and one inch of gray (Part 2)

In the mortal world, the two of them don't need to suppress their breath, and it's impossible for mortals to detect their breath, as long as they don't make too much noise.

At that moment, the two of them approached the attic in a low voice. As they approached, they heard soft sobbing coming from inside. They thought it must be Miss Tang Xuezhi.

"Miss Tang?"

"Who? Who is outside..."

"Shh..." Mingyue made a silent gesture and whispered, "Yan Qing asked us to come. There is a letter to give to Miss Tang."

"Master Yan... no, no, you, how did you get in?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll throw this letter to you from the window. You should take a good look at it and then think about how to reply."

Mingyue said, walking to the window, even the windows were locked, so she had to stuff the letter in through the gap between the two windows.

"Brother Yan, he..."

As if after reading the content of the letter, Tang Xuezhi even changed her title. Mingyue and Hua Weiyang naturally recognized it, but the nerd didn't know anything and didn't dare to do anything.

After a long time, Tang Xuezhi's voice came from the room, "I...I want to go out to meet him. Can you guys take me out? I have something I want to ask him personally. There is something I want to give to him personally." he……"

Hearing this, Mingyue smiled in her heart and said, "No problem, then tonight, you will meet at the edge of Taihu Lake under the two willow trees. I will come to pick you up then."

"Okay, okay... But Xue'er doesn't know yet, who are the two sisters? How to call them?"

"Well... just call me sister."

At that moment, the two quietly left the Tang Mansion and returned to the edge of Taihu Lake. Seeing them coming back, Yanqing asked hurriedly, "How are you two sisters? What did Xuezhi say..."

Mingyue smiled and said, "Tonight, when you meet here, you will know that she has something to say to you in person, and there is something that she wants to hand over to you."

"What... Xuezhi, she..."

For a moment, Yan Qing could not believe it. Could it be that Xue Zhi, she had always been... but the Tang Mansion was so strict, how could she get out?

Mingyue smiled softly, "Don't worry about anything else. Just be here on time tonight. It's still early in the ion time. Go back and come back when the time is almost here."

At midnight, sure enough, under the bright moon and clear breeze, he saw only one person walking slowly and hurriedly towards the lake. Yanqing took a closer look and saw that it was Miss Tang's family, wasn't she? I felt very anxious for a while, but I didn’t know what to say when I met.

"Tang, Tang..."

Now Yan Qing couldn't even call him Young Master Tang. The person in front of him was dressed like a daughter, and Pingting was graceful. How could he be the dashing Young Master Tang in the past?

"Yan...Brother Yan..."

In the end, Tang Xuezhi raised her head first, her eyes still a little red. She was originally a carefree age, but at this time, the tears on her face made people feel distressed.

"Xue...Xue Zhi..."

Seeing her now much thinner face, Yanqing felt a bad taste in her heart for a moment, and hated the ruthlessness of the world.

In the distance, Hua Weiyang and Mingyue were silent. They could not interfere too much in mortal matters, not to mention that this was a matter between Tang and Yan, and they had no way to interfere.

After a long time, I don't know what the two of them said. Tang Xuezhi suddenly threw herself on Yan Qing and cried softly. The old grudges yesterday were not resolved, but now there are new tears.

The wind on the lake blew gently, and the tears dried up. Tang Xuezhi suddenly said, "Brother Yan, please take me away..."

"Xue Zhi..."

Yan Qing trembled all over and looked at her blankly, but did not speak for a long time. Seeing his hesitation at this time, Tang Xuezhi smiled sadly, "No, no... I was just joking..."


Yanqing squeezed her fingers tightly, her face was full of bitterness, but she still couldn't say a word. Tang Xuezhi wiped the tears on her face and said, "Brother Yan, I'm going back. There is something I want to give you... …”

As she spoke, she took out something from her sleeve, but it was a delicate handkerchief, with a painting of Baihua Pavilion and peonies in full bloom, and four lines of small words written on it.

"Brother Yan, I'm leaving..." Tang Xuezhi handed the handkerchief into his hand, then turned around and walked back to the way he came.

"Xue Zhi..." Yanqing stretched out his hand, but could not see the last drop of tear under the corner of her eye.

In the next few days, Yanqing was in a trance all day long, as if he had lost his soul. He held the handkerchief Tang Xuezhi gave him in his hand, and looked at the four lines of small words on it. Sometimes he giggled, sometimes he was in a daze, and others called him "Yanqing". can not hear.

In the past few days, he has not gone to Taihu Lake to tell stories. There is a small village in the eastern suburbs of Suzhou City called "Yangliu Village". There are about fifty or sixty families living in the village, all of whom are poor people. Even this Yangliu Village The land they owned was not theirs, but belonged to a wealthy man named Wang Dafu in the city. Each household had to pay two taels of silver every year, so the rent was not expensive.

Yanqing lived in a dry well in the East Village. He had a small house. Although it was a bit crude, it was still clean. However, whenever it rained heavily, the roof would always leak. After repairing it several times, it didn't work. He simply ignored it.

Yanqing's parents passed away when he was young, and he had always wanted to obtain fame. However, he later realized that the official world was dark and the world was sinister. It was not as simple as he thought. With his life experience, he could not even enter the Imperial College, so how could he talk about obtaining fame? On the contrary, the pen and ink he wrote were too true and satirized the current political affairs. It was a good thing that he was not imprisoned for it.

Later, he became cynical and liked to write some bizarre stories about gods and ghosts to satirize the current government and even the current emperor. He only wanted immortality and did not ask about the ghosts and gods. He allowed Zhao Zhongyi and others to form cliques for personal gain, making the people below miserable.


After a long sigh, there was light thunder outside again, thinking that another shower was coming. Yanqing shook his head and sighed. Finally, he stood up and took the wooden boards to repair the roof, so as not to wet the whole house. Calligraphy and painting of the house.

But before he could go out, there was a sudden noise outside, "You, what are you doing... In previous years, the rent was twenty taels of silver, this year, why is it that we have to charge fifty taels this year? These fifty taels, Even if you kill us, you won’t be able to get it out..."

"What nonsense! This is my land. I can charge you as much money as you want. If you can't afford it, get out!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Why did they drive us out?"

"Don't smash it, don't smash it, please, don't smash it..."

"If you don't move away, get out of here, I will smash everyone together!"

"Stop! In broad daylight, you oppress good people like this, where is the justice of heaven!"

"Woooooooo...Brother Yanqing, brother Yanqing, save us..."

The young people in the village, ranging from five to six years old to fifteen or sixteen years old, all came to Yan Qing at this moment. The people living in Yangliu Village were poor people who had no money to send their children to study in that private school. , these years, it is Yanqing who has been teaching children to read and write. After so many years, he has never received a penny from anyone.

Looking at the smashed pots and pans all over the floor, Yanqing suddenly became angry and glared at the bullies. "In previous years, the rent was twenty taels of silver. Why did it suddenly rise to fifty taels this year? Wang Dafu Where is he? Let him come out!”


The bullies sneered, "Who do you think you are? Are you a bunch of untouchables worthy of meeting the master? If you tell me, aren't you afraid of being laughed at? A bunch of untouchables..."

"How can life be noble or low in the world of human life? On the contrary, it is you who bully others everywhere..."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, who am I? Isn't this our great talent?"

At this moment, another person walked out from behind the bullies. He was dressed in rich clothes, with a jade pendant hanging from his waist, and holding a folding fan in his hand. It looked like he was not an ordinary person. He walked away with a sneer. Come up.

"Zhao Xuan..."

Yanqing finally understood what was going on today. The man in front of him was none other than Prime Minister Zhao's son, Zhao Xuan. His father was forming a clique for personal gain, while he was oppressing the people below.

"Zhao... Mr. Zhao..."

When the surrounding villagers heard that he was the son of Prime Minister Zhao, they quickly kowtowed, "Mr. Zhao... you make the decision for us, make the decision for us..."

"Haha, I can make the decision for you."

Zhao Xuan sneered, his eyes still on Yan Qing, the folding fan in his hand shook slightly, and said, "As long as this person disappears in Yangliu Village, I will ask Wang Dafu to give you rent-free for ten years. If this person appears before this evening, If you’re still here, I won’t care about the rent.”


There was a sound of thunder, and everyone in the village was stunned. After a while, everyone slowly came back to their senses and looked at Yanqing one after another.

No one spoke at first, but I don't know who started it, and the rest of the people started shouting, "What are you still standing there for? Get out!"

"It's all your disaster. If it weren't for your wishful thinking, how could we be implicated by you..."

"Get out of here!"

"Get out of Yangliu Village, get out!"


Thunder was rolling in the sky, and raindrops as big as beans fell down. The Wang family members immediately stepped forward to hold the umbrella for Zhao Xuan, and Zhao Xuan walked towards Yanqing step by step, and sneered in his ear, "You are like this People are worse than a wild dog on the street. At least a wild dog knows how to wag its tail and beg for mercy, so as not to starve to death... I won't kill you, I want to show Xue'er that you are about to starve to death. How to finally learn to beg for mercy."

Zhao Xuan said as he walked forward, "From today on, you guys will follow him all the way. Wherever he goes, you will follow him. I want to see who dares to listen to his stories and who dares to buy his books." The calligraphy and painting...hahaha, hahahaha!"

"Get out!"

"Get out of here..."

"A person like you is worse than a wild dog on the street. I want to see how you wag your tail and beg for mercy..."

Hundreds of miles outside the city of Suzhou, heavy rain was approaching. The bright moon shielded Hua Weiyang from the wind and rain, and said, "Palace Master, let's find a place to take shelter from the rain first. The spiritual power here seems to be a little unstable and it is not appropriate to move lightly. In two days, we will If we go to the other side and have a look, if people from the Demonic Sect are nearby, they must be looking for the most suitable entry point for spiritual power..."


Three days passed like this. Today is the seventh day of July. Wei Yang seemed to have something on her mind. Seeing that she hadn't spoken a word all day, Mingyue asked, "Palace Master, what's wrong with you?"


Hua Weiyang just remembered that in the past, in the You clan, on this day every year, her little brother would always make her a bowl of longevity noodles and bring her some new and interesting gadgets to coax her. Now that so many years have passed, she has not gone back. once……

"Ah! Oops, I forgot something..."

Mingyue suddenly covered her mouth with a look of shock on her face, "Today is the seventh day of July, the day when the Tang family lady came out of the cabinet. That nerdy Yanqing, oh my, I have been busy these days and haven't paid attention to him. I don't know how he is doing now." Yes, Palace Master, otherwise..."


Hua Weiyang sensed the spiritual power nearby and said, "Well, Mingyue, go back to the city and have a look."


"Mingyue, wait..."

"What's wrong, Palace Master?"

"Well... I'd better go back with you." Hua Weiyang thought for a while, fearing that Mingyue would cause trouble alone in this mortal world, it would be better to stay with her.

"Yeah! Then Palace Master, let's go!"

The city of Suzhou is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations today. The daughter of the Tang Dynasty Emperor is coming out of the palace. How can it not be lively? This morning, there was a huge crowd outside the Tang Mansion. Many people came to watch the fun and congratulate the newlyweds.

"Get out of the way...get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

"Who is this person?"

"Wait a minute, he seems to be... not that poor scholar? Isn't he still giving up? Are you not afraid of death? This man, go farther, go farther..."

"Get out of the way! Give way!"

While the people in the Tang Mansion were not paying attention, Yanqing rushed inside, "Xue Zhi... Xuezhi... I want to see her! She doesn't want to marry Zhao Xuan at all, why do you have to force her! Xuezhi!" Xuezhi!”

"Who's making the noise outside?"

"It's that Yanqing. Master, don't be angry. I'll have him kicked out immediately."

"Hurry, get out!"

"How presumptuous! Kick this guy out!"

"Xue Zhi! Xuezhi! I want to see her! It's impossible for her to's impossible for her to agree to get married..."

"Sir... do you see it?"

At this time, there were so many people outside pointing fingers, and Zhao Xuan's face suddenly became gloomy. "Today is my wedding day, but this person comes to disturb the situation... Very good, beat me to death! Then throw him out!"

"Do you want to die?"

Seven or eight people struck Yanqing with sticks, and soon beat him to the ground, with blood flowing from his mouth. The last stick broke the stick, and Yanqing spurted out a mouthful of blood. Still reaching out, towards the Tang Mansion, "Xue Zhi... Xue Zhi..."

"court death!"

Zhao Xuan's eyes turned cold. He came to get married today, but there were many guards with swords hidden in the dark. At this moment, two figures suddenly flew from the distance and said, "Stop!"

It was Mingyue and Hua Weiyang who arrived, and the two started Qinggong. Once they entered the Tang Mansion, their strength immediately drove away the people holding sticks around them.


Seeing Yan Qing who was beaten half to death on the ground, Mingyue Deng's expression changed immediately. She squatted down and poured a stream of true energy into his body to relieve the injury. At the same time, she looked around coldly, "In broad daylight, you want to kill people." Beating him to death is beyond the pale, right?"

"Who are these two people? Such powerful martial arts..."

Many people outside started talking. They had seen with their own eyes just now that these two little girls were able to scare away so many people at once.


At this time, Tang Taifu finally walked out. Although his temples were white, his martial arts skills were still there and his majesty was even more impressive. He could tell at a glance that the two women's martial arts skills were not low, and he said coldly, "Why are you two girls doing this today?" Intervene in my Tang family’s affairs?”

Mingyue said, "Don't you know who that person named Zhao is? In order to cling to power, he actually used his own daughter as a bargaining chip. Are you still worthy of being a father?"


Just as the housekeeper of the Tang Mansion was about to come out, Taifu Tang stretched out his hand, walked forward step by step with his eyes fixed, and said, "Tang knows that the two girls are extraordinary people, but the world is so big, and the king's land is so big, you two can't help it today." , teach me a lesson here!”

"Ha ha!"

Unexpectedly, Mingyue raised her head and smiled, "The king of earth in the world? Believe it or not, my aunt will blow a breath and your king of earth will be wiped out in an instant!"

"She, this, this..."

People outside were stunned. Who are these two people? They dare to say such things in front of Taifu Tang. They are too brave. Are they really not afraid of beheading?

"Come here, capture these two traitors for me!"

The people in the Tang Mansion were immediately dispatched. Upon closer inspection, they were all officers and soldiers with swords. Mingyue sneered, "Why are there so many soldiers and horses hidden at home? Does the Grand Master want to rebel?"

"Take it!"

Countless officers and soldiers rushed up. Mingyue smiled coldly, "Okay, let me show you what my aunt is capable of." As soon as she finished speaking, she blew out a breath of fairy air, and a strong wind suddenly blew up around her, and all the weapons in the hands of the officers and soldiers were rolled away. Come over, twist it into a ball, and turn into a pile of scrap metal.


"They actually know magic. They are monsters! Run!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Looking at this group of panicked people, Mingyue put her hands on her waist and laughed. Next to her, Hua Weiyang frowned slightly and said, "Mingyue, that's enough."

Obviously Tang Taifu was also shocked by this scene. What kind of martial arts is this? This is clearly Xuanmen Taoism. Could it be that these two people are the legendary cultivators of immortality?

Zhao Xuan was so frightened that he turned pale and quickly hid behind him. Mingyue snorted coldly, "What? Do you want to try again?"

The surrounding suddenly became quiet. At this moment, Tang Xuezhi's voice came from inside, "Brother Yan, is it you...are you here?"

"Xue Zhi...Xue Zhi!"

After being healed by Mingyue just now, Yanqing's injuries were no longer serious. At this time, only one person came out of the Tang Mansion. That person was wearing a phoenix crown and a red dress. He was more beautiful than the sunset on the horizon. It was Tang Xuezhi. .

"Xue Zhi..."

"Brother Yan...Brother Yan! They injured you, how are you injured?"

"It's okay, I'm okay, Xuezhi, you..."

"Xue'er! Come back!"

Seeing this scene, Tang Taifu was so angry that he turned blue, but with Mingyue and Hua Weiyang there, he didn't dare to do anything. As for the door, Zhao Xuan's face was as pale as dirt, but he didn't dare to step forward and could only watch. The wife he was going to marry today was still having sex with another man. If this matter was reported back to the court, how would his father's face be saved? Will Zhao Xuan not be laughed at in the future?

"Xue'er! Are you going to make your father angry to death?"

Taifu Tang's face became increasingly ugly. Although he had martial arts skills, he was already old after all. Tang Xuezhi turned her head, her eyes filled with tears, "Dad, I don't want to marry Zhao Xuan at all, why do you have to force me..."

Taifu Tang said angrily, "Can this man in front of you give you happiness? Daddy is only doing it for your own good!"

"For my own good..." Tang Xuezhi smiled bitterly, tears streaming down her face, "Dad just wants to be able to take power in the court in the future..."


Tang Taifu turned pale with anger. After a while, he finally calmed down, shook his head and sighed, "It doesn't matter, come back. If you don't want to marry, then don't marry..."

Hearing this, Zhao Xuan was startled. The next moment, a cold light came out of his eyes, and Tang Xuezhi smiled sadly, "It's too late..."

"What's too late?"

Taifu Tang's expression condensed, but at this time, Yanqing had already noticed that something was wrong with Tang Xuezhi's face, and said in a daze, "Xue Zhi, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling a little uncomfortable? I'll help you back to your room. I'll help you back home." house……"

"Brother Yan, I'm sorry..."

Tang Xuezhi was filled with tears. At this time, a wisp of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of her mouth. However, the blood was purple-black. It was obvious that she had been poisoned.


"Xue Zhi!"

"Miss Tang!"

The expressions of everyone present changed with shock. Mingyue rushed forward and reached out to hold down Tang Xuezhi's wrist. After checking it, her expressions changed. Just when she was about to cast the spell, Hua Weiyang suddenly came forward and said, "Mingyue! Don't move!"

As soon as Hua Weiyang finished speaking, she stretched out her hand like lightning and pressed it near Tang Xuezhi's heart. At this moment, her face could not help but change. "Sure enough, it is the poison of the lovesickness child... I said, there are no lovesickness flowers in this world. Only Xiangsizi is the most poisonous thing in the world!"

"Xiang...Xiang Sizi...what's going on, what's going on..."

Yanqing was frightened and frightened, and was also full of tears. At this moment, recalling that letter, Xuezhi said that she wanted a bouquet of acacia flowers on the Acacia Cliff outside the city. It turned out that she had long...

"Xue Zhi...Xue Zhi! Two sisters, please save her, please save Xuezhi..." Yanqing was so sad that the beauty in his arms was already as angry as a thread and her life was gone. Almost nothing.

Hua Weiyang murmured, "The poison of lovesickness is the most poisonous than lovesickness. If you meet someone who loves you, it will turn into lovesickness poison. There is no cure..."

", why did you lie to me? It turns out that there are no acacia flowers in the world, only acacia seeds...why...why..."

"Brother Yan...don't cry, okay..."

Tang Xuezhi was still breathing. She gently stretched out her hand and touched Yan Qing's cheek. She smiled softly and said, "You haven't finished telling the story of that day yet. Has Yagyu...his soul...come back... "

"Back, back..."

Yanqing burst into tears and burst into tears, "Yagyu's soul has come back, and he has been with Xiaoyousheng for life, and will never be separated again..."

"Okay, okay... life after life, we will never be separated again... never again... never separated..." After saying the last word, Tang Xuezhi closed her eyes gently, and her hands fell weakly.

"Xue Zhi... no! Xuezhi..."

While sobbing, something from Yanqing's sleeves fell out with the wind. It was the handkerchief that Tang Xuezhi gave him that night. Mingyue felt heavy and complicated. She walked over slowly and gently picked up the handkerchief, only to see the four things above it. The fine print reads

A rustling east wind and drizzle came, and there was light thunder outside Furong Pond.

The golden toad gnaws at the lock to burn incense, and the jade tiger pulls the thread back to the well.

Mr. Jia peeked behind the curtain, Young Master Han, and Concubine Mi stayed on the pillow of King Wei.

In the heart of spring, there are no flowers competing for blooming, every inch of lovesickness and every inch of ashes.

Well... the ending of the story is inevitably a bit sad, but Gu Yi still wants to wish everyone a happy new year. This chapter is a big chapter with more than 6,000 words, so Gu Yi will not update it today! Happy New Year to everyone again!

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