The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1806: Three Demonic Lords

Hua Weiyang remained silent all the way after leaving the Tang Mansion, feeling a little empty in her heart, as if she had lost something. No matter how beautiful the scenery of Taihu Lake was, Mingyue had no intention of looking at it. She only wondered why there were so many joys and sorrows in this world.

"Palace Master, tell me, if...if Yanqing had been braver and expressed his feelings, or if he had been bolder and took Miss Tang away from Suzhou, would everything have been different..."

Looking at the lake full of water, Mingyue couldn't help but sigh softly, "I feel lovesickness and ashes...Every word almost describes Miss Tang's despair at that time...Palace Master, why don't you speak?"

Hua Weiyang was silent and the breeze blew through the willows. She came to the willow tree by the lake, looked at the pairs of mandarin ducks in the middle of the lake, and said softly, "But the world is so sentimental, I only envy the mandarin ducks but not the immortals..."

"Palace Master..."

Hearing Hua Weiyang's last words, Mingyue couldn't help but feel shocked, and the expression on her face froze, and she stared blankly at the person in front of her.

Everyone among cultivators in the world wants to become immortals, live forever, fly to heaven, or break the void and reach the ninth level of heaven, but the palace master, she likes the human world the most...

Hua Weiyang walked forward. She didn't know what was in her mind at this moment, but she squatted on the edge of the lake and suddenly started crying. This startled Mingyue, and she hurriedly knelt down and said, "Palace Master, what's wrong with you?" …”

"In the past, whenever I fell into a deep sleep, he would always be by my side. He would look at me like that, not knowing when I would wake up. But now, he... I finally understand how he felt in the past. But, I...I can't do anything..."


Mingyue hugged her gently. After so many years, she had never seen Hua Weiyang cry like this. Maybe she was thinking of the past in this mortal world, or she had experienced the life and death separation between Yanqing and Tang Xuezhi just now.

After a while, Hua Weiyang slowly raised her head, crying until her eyes and nose were red, as if she was back when she was a child. Every time she cried, Wentian would always bring many gadgets to coax her.

"Don't tell Xianshu when you go back."

"Hmm... Palace Master, let's go outside the city and see if there are any other spiritual problems."


The two of them went outside Suzhou City and searched for abnormal spiritual power in various places. Three days passed like this. On the third day, the two finally found a place where spiritual power was leaking. It was about 30 meters away from Suzhou City. Three hundred miles away, once the spiritual power breaks out, it may endanger the entire city of Suzhou.

"How could the spiritual power leak out here... No, this is..."

Hua Weiyang carefully sensed the nearby spiritual power. The underground spiritual veins were connected to the spiritual veins north of Wuyutian. Once the spiritual veins here changed, Wuyutian's spiritual veins would also inevitably change. At this time, she actually faintly I noticed a trace of the power of the formation.

"Wait... Palace Master, there is someone nearby!"

At this moment, Mingyue noticed that there were three spiritual consciousnesses nearby peeping at them, and immediately became alert. Being able to quietly come to the vicinity of the two of them, it was obvious that the other party's cultivation level was not low, and he was definitely not an ordinary person.

Hua Weiyang naturally noticed it, and stood up slowly at this time, with an unchanging expression on her face, and said loudly toward a forest in the distance, "Since the three seniors have already arrived, why don't you show up to meet them."

After the words fell, I saw three figures walking out of the woods. These three people were all white-haired old men, but their aura was particularly extraordinary. The one on the left walked lightly, and the one on the right was wearing a black robe, with both hands His feet were hanging about a foot above the ground, and bursts of soul breath came out from under the black robe.

The man in the middle looks the most extraordinary. He is wearing a blue Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, with white beard and hair. He is dressed as a Taoist, his eyes are deep and unpredictable, and his aura is not like that of a Taoist man. Qingxuan Zhenren is so full of Taoism.

"Palace Master, they are..."

Mingyue looked nervously on guard, while Hua Weiyang saw the three people coming out, as if they had expected it, with a calm face, looking at the man in the middle dressed as a Taoist, and said softly, "I just said, can Apart from you, Taoist Ye, who else can set up the Xuanmen Three Talents Formation here to use the spirits of mountains and rivers hundreds of miles around to draw out the power of the spiritual veins of this place.

"Taoist Ye..."

Hearing these three words, Mingyue's face was even more startled. As a person of the "Demon Path", she knew a little about some of the senior figures in the Demon Path. Could it be that these three people in front of her were...

The green-robed Taoist in the middle looked at Hua Weiyang with a calm face and said, "We haven't seen you for more than three hundred years. Palace Master Weiyang has not changed at all, but Pindao... is already old. "

"Wait, you are..."

Hearing what the Qing Yi Taoist said, Mingyue was even more shocked. Hua Weiyang smiled softly and said, "Mingyue, you can't even recognize the three seniors in front of you, right?"

"Three Demonic Lords..."

Mingyue was shocked, and she finally dared to confirm the identities of the three people in front of her. What kind of seniors they were. In terms of seniority, the three people in front of her were one generation higher than Master Qingxuan, and they were Master Qingxuan. Master Xuanyin’s generation had already become famous thousands of years ago.

About six or seven hundred years ago, for some unknown reason, those seniors with great magical powers, whether in the righteous path or the demonic path at that time, suddenly retreated from the world, as if to avoid a catastrophe. Feng Xuanzhi and Xuanqing Sect of Zangfeng Valley Zhenren Xuanyin, the three Tianmen deities, and the three demonic deities in front of them.

The man on the left is named Bailizu, and his light skill is one of the best in the world. If he chases and kills anyone, no one can escape, and if he wants to leave, no one can keep him. Heaven and earth, yellow springs and blue falls, without him a hundred Places that are out of reach.

The man in black robe on the right is called Soul Yi Master, and the skills he practices are mysterious and unpredictable. Anyone who dies in his hands will not even be able to escape in the end... As for the man in the middle, he is the most secretive. It’s Taoist Ye whom Hua Weiyang mentioned just now.

Ye Daoren has been comprehending the mystery of life and death all his life, and in the end it was difficult to understand the way to immortality. However, today when he saw Hua Weiyang, although his face was calm, there was already a huge wave in his heart.

If a person cultivates a fairy body, his appearance may not age after thousands of years, just like a tree. Looking from the outside, you can't see how many rings there are inside, so mortals will never be able to tell the difference between Hua Weiyang and Hua Weiyang. Mingyue's true age.

But cultivators are different, especially those with high moral standards. No matter what their appearance is, they can see the "growth rings in the tree" at a glance, which means they can see through someone's true cultivation age at a glance. For example, Xiao Chen's current skill No matter how deep he is, those powerful people in the Taiqing Realm in the Misery Realm can tell at a glance that his cultivation age is no more than a year old.

But just now, the Hua Weiyang that Master Ye saw was almost the same as the Hua Weiyang that he saw back then. So where did the three hundred years in between go?

Three hundred years have passed, but her age has not changed at all. Who on earth could fix her age with such unnatural means? Could this be the way to immortality that he has been searching for all his life?

No matter how high a person is, his lifespan is limited, and as he grows older, his lifespan will continue to decrease. Therefore, from ancient times to the present, no one has understood the mystery of immortality, because no one can beat these years. The passage of time, no one can stop time.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's face was still calm and calm, even though she was facing three demonic seniors with unfathomable skills. "It seems that now, the three seniors are also on the side of Patriarch Motian." She said this at the moment.

Hearing this, Mingyue trembled slightly in her heart. The three demon sects had retired from the world more than 600 to 700 years ago and did not belong to any force. Therefore, the four major demon sects attacked the sects of the Immortal Yuan Zhengdao more than 300 years ago. That time, the three devils did not come out.

But now, Wuyutian is gradually becoming isolated, and the various sects of the Demonic Way have been unified by the Demonic Heaven Sect one after another. Are even the three demonic masters who have long been hidden in the world now on the side of the Demonic Heaven Ancestor? This is undoubtedly a huge impact on Wuyu Tian... Or maybe, in the past few years, Wuyu Tian's momentum has been too much, which resulted in the inevitable situation today.

At this time, Ye Daoren slowly came back to his senses and said, "The power of the world will unite if it is divided for a long time, and it will be divided if it is united for a long time. Now that the tiger is watching from the outside, Palace Master Weiyang should understand that after three thousand years, this world has fallen apart too much." Long……"

Hua Weiyang said, "So the three seniors came out today to help the ancestor of Motian to dominate the world?" Ye Daoren closed his eyes and said slowly, "Wuyutian is the last obstacle."

Master Yi Hun followed, "It's a pity that Xiao Yichen is not the material. He stood in the wrong place. That time three years ago was supposed to be a great opportunity to severely damage the Xuan Qing Sect, but he actually... what he did It’s really disappointing.”

"I see."

Hua Weiyang looked at the three people in front of her. Today's battle is inevitable, and said, "This place is too close to the mortal world. Three seniors, don't you mind changing places?"

"Palace Master..."

Mingyue's heart trembled. At this moment, she clearly understood the intentions of the three people in front of her. Wuyutian was the last obstacle to the Demonic Heaven Sect's unification of the Demonic Sect, and now the Palace Master was the last pillar of Wuyutian. As long as If this pillar falls, the entire Desireless Heaven will also collapse.

"Palace Master Weiyang...please."

Taoren Ye gently stretched out his hand, and Hua Weiyang didn't hesitate much, and immediately took Mingyue away from Suzhou City and went to another place.

After traveling thousands of miles away, Hua Weiyang looked at the three of them again and said, "One moment and another, Patriarch Motian's heart has changed. Three seniors, have you really thought about it clearly? Or should I say, three seniors?" , In fact, I have a plan..."

Before the founding of Wuyutian, Hua Weiyang was the master of Lianhua Palace, and she was also half a member of the Demonic Way. She knew that the Demonic Heaven Ancestor wanted to unify the Demonic Way and let the Demonic Way regain its glory when Patriarch Tianxin was there. .

But this is just the old ancestor of Motian. Now the ancestor of Motian has practiced the skills in the strange book "Extreme Demon Chapter" in the world of heaven. This skill is extremely weird. This person has obviously been deeply possessed by the devil and can no longer look back. He has already He is no longer the old ancestor of Motian.

Bailizu said, "Palace Master Weiyang was originally a member of our Holy Religion, and was deeply influenced by the true inheritance of Patriarch Tianxin. However, ever since Palace Master Weiyang got to know the disciple of Xuanqing Sect Ling Yin, he has always opposed our Holy Religion. It is really... so... It hurts.”

"Palace Master..."

Mingyue stood aside and couldn't help but be surprised. Who is the palace owner? Not only did he recognize these three people, but listening to the tone of these three people at this time, it seemed that the palace owner had a deep connection with them in the past. Does "teaching" refer to the entire demonic path, the demonic path before it collapsed? It was the demon sect founded by Patriarch Tianxin back then... So the identities of these three people, they are not just the three demon sects...

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