The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1809: Demonic Heaven Ancestor

When night falls, the entire Wuyu Tian is extremely peaceful. Above the sea of ​​clouds, the bright moon is thousands of miles away, the fairy island, the waterfall, every place is like an ancient fairyland, but there is one place that becomes even more weird every time after nightfall.

Let's just say it's weird at night. Even during the day, there's an eerie and terrifying cold air there that comes in from time to time. Not even the sun can shine into that place. It's dark and gloomy all day long. There's a sea of ​​hidden clouds there.

Back then, Xiao Chen invited everyone to come to Wuyu Tian and work together to set up a sky-covering formation to isolate Wuyu Tian from the Hidden Cloud Sea. Now, the formation has not loosened, but slight movements can be heard from there from time to time.

Hidden Cloud Sea is a forbidden place in Wuyu Tian. Xiao Chen once issued an order that no one is allowed to approach Hidden Cloud Sea without permission. Violators will be severely punished. However, in recent years, no one in Wuyu Tian has gone to Hidden Cloud Sea.

"Hmm... Xiaolu, Xiaotu, don't run away, brother is back... Hmm, where did the raccoon cat spirit come from... Brother, please help me catch that raccoon cat spirit..."

In the room, Xian'er talked softly in her sleep. This night was probably the most peaceful sleep she had had in the past three years. Xiao Chen was beside the bed, coaxing her to sleep, and then slowly got up and covered her up. Good quilt, finally went outside the house.

"Is Xian'er asleep?"

Wei Young stood by the door at some point. She had been watching just now, and she had rarely seen Xiao Chen look so gentle. He was so kind to Xian'er.


Xiao Chen gently closed the door, for fear of making any noise. Hua Weiyang glanced at the crack in the door and pouted softly, "You are so good to my sister. I only think about my sister once Wuyutian comes."

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and gently scratched her nose. "She will have random thoughts." He took her hand and went outside.

The two of them came outside and faced the gentle breeze. Sure enough, after returning here, Xiao Chen felt a familiar feeling. The previous experiences in places such as the Wan Zhang Misery and the Canglang Sea now recalled it as if it were a dream.

"Tell me, what did you encounter in the ancient eastern world?"


Xiao Chen led her to the edge of a cliff, watching the sea of ​​clouds rise and fall slowly under the moonlight. She had experienced so much that she didn't know where to start, and she was afraid that those thrilling things would make her worry.

"I met a prince there. He was quite interesting. He was good at making opinions. He signed me up for a big competition..."

"Hmm...then what?"

"Then? Then out of nowhere, I took first place..."


Weiyang covered her mouth and smiled, then lightly punched his chest, "You are already a master of Wuyu, and you still go to compete with the juniors. You are so embarrassed... um, what else?"

"And... well, I met a friend named Luo Yun there. Speaking of which, his experience was also very tortuous. Three hundred years ago, he was framed for killing his adoptive father and was The eight sects chased him, and when he returned later, the person he loved the most had been killed..."

Hearing this, the smile on Wei Yang's face gradually disappeared, and suddenly she remembered the story of Yan Qing and Miss Tang in Suzhou not long ago. At this time, she couldn't help but feel sentimental, "The most painful thing in the world is always the separation between life and death, right?" …”

"Weiyang, why are you suddenly so sad?" Xiao Chen saw that her expression was suddenly so sad, and he must have encountered something when she went to the mortal world before.


Hua Weiyang shook her head, leaned gently on his shoulder, looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of her slowly rising and falling, and said, "If one day, I want to marry someone else, you..."


Xiao Chen interrupted her and continued, "Except for Lord Wuyu, no one dares to marry Palace Master Lianhua. He can't be defeated."

Originally, when Hua Weiyang thought about the story of Yan Qing and Tang Xuezhi, she felt a little sad about separation, but when she heard what he said, she couldn't help but be amused by him.

"What's going on with this skill you have?"

Hua Weiyang was so close to him, so he could naturally notice that his skill was vaguely different. Xiao Chen looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him and thought of Elder Sanqing. He couldn't help but sigh and said, "He is a senior who will general before his death." His skills were transferred to me..."


Seeing his expression at this time, Hua Weiyang must know what he has experienced in the world of misery, and asked, "Which senior? Tell me..."

At that moment, Xiao Chen told Taixiao Palace, Sheng Yizi, and Elder Sanqing. After listening to it, Hua Weiyang suddenly frowned deeply for some reason and said to himself, "Sheng Yizi is here." The righteous path is hidden so deeply. It was he who led the Sanqing elders into the path back then, but now he fell into the devil first. With such a high Taoist heart, is it inevitable that he will be deceived by the devil? Or, the higher the Taoist heart, the more evil he will be after falling into the devil. It’s hard to look back…”

"Weiyang, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Chen asked when he saw her sudden expression.

"No, it's nothing..."

Hua Weiyang was awakened by his words. She came back to her senses and changed the topic, "By the way, I heard from Xian Shu that a year and a half ago, that Xiao Meng'er came to Wuyutian to look for you."

"Xiao Menger, is she looking for me?"

Xiao Chen's heart froze. It has been so long since he returned from the ancient immortal world. Why did Xiao Meng'er suddenly come to see him? She came to see him more than a year ago. Did she not know what happened more than three years ago?

Hua Weiyang shook her head and said, "I don't know either. She didn't say what it was and just left... Do you want to go to the Xiao family to find her?"


Xiao Chen shook his head, thinking that Xiao Meng'er might not be at the Xiao family. Besides, it had been so long and he didn't know what happened to her, so he might as well forget it.

Hua Weiyang asked again, "What about the Demonic Heaven Sect? What are your plans this time..."


Xiao Chen concentrated slightly. There were rumors outside that the Patriarch of Demon Heaven had cultivated a magical book from the heavens. It was no longer comparable to the original. He would not underestimate the enemy. No matter how high his cultivation level was now, could he only be allowed to increase his cultivation level while everyone else would remain in the same place? Not moving? It's impossible even if you think about it. If he can have the opportunity to create something, shouldn't others be able to?

Besides, those who seem to be the Three Demonic Dao Lords have sealed part of their own cultivation. Now with the advent of annihilation, the seals are slowly unlocked. Their strength must not be underestimated, but the Demonic Heaven Sect is not as powerful as the Ancient Reincarnation Dao. In other words, there is no need to be too nervous.

He just heard him say, "Weiyang, when I come back this time, there is something I want to tell you. The Demonic Heaven Sect is nothing. The real enemy is the ancient Tao of Reincarnation..."

At that moment, he told about the Suzaku Realm. After hearing this, Hua Weiyang couldn't help being stunned. Taikoo Samsara said, they have been so blatant and captured Fairy Ling Yin, and now, Xiao Chen has destroyed half of it. In the Vermillion Bird Realm...the two sides are obviously fighting to the death.

Xiao Chen said, "The ancient Suzaku will definitely come to seek revenge. Weiyang, what I'm worried about is that this person will also find the location of Wuyu Tian..."

Hua Weiyang thought for a while and said, "There is an ancient restriction outside Wuyu Tian. According to legend, it was left by Fairy Wuyu. No one can break it. There is also the Ten Thousand Bone Formation. As long as there is no problem with these spiritual powers, anyone can attack it." Don’t worry if you don’t come in. What I’m worried about is…”

When she said this, she stopped and looked up at Xiao Chen, "What did Uncle Xiao take from them back then? Could it be..."

"I don't know either……"

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "Tianzhu City knows more. Qilin still has many things that he hasn't told me. I will go to Tianzhu City after the current matter is settled."

"Well...I'll go with you then."

"Okay, by the way, Weiyang, there is something else. Let me show it to you. I brought it from the Suzaku Realm."

As Xiao Chen spoke, he took out the Ancient Fulong Cauldron. This cauldron was so powerful that even the master was suppressed by it, so he took the cauldron away when he left the Suzaku Realm.

At this moment, the whole cauldron exudes a strong ancient atmosphere, and there are nine dragon totems on the cauldron, each containing dragon beads, which are so lifelike that they are not ordinary things at first glance.

"This is……"

Hua Weiyang gently stretched out her hand to touch the cauldron, and immediately felt a strong ancient aura. Xiao Chen said, "It's the ancient Fulong Cauldron. Suzaku used this cauldron to capture the master that day... It's a pity, I don't understand." There's a curse inside, Weiyang, can you see how to use this cauldron?"


Hua Weiyang nodded. She had always been much more proficient in the spiritual power of magic weapons than Xiao Chen. Any magic weapon that fell into her hands would eventually be used by her.

At this time, she used her spiritual power to carefully spy on the inside of the cauldron. After a while, she suddenly saw her evil smile: "Hehehehe, in a few days, I will use this cauldron to deal with the Demonic Sky Patriarch, just in time to deal with his astrological wheel." …”

Xiao Chen naturally remembered that the ancestor of Motian had a very powerful magic weapon in his hand, called the "Star Wheel". At the top of Qiongshan Mountain, this object combined with the "killing array" of the blood sacrifices of thousands of people was like the ancient Fulong. The tripod with the nine tripods and the dragon formation can trap even the master. Even after so many years, it still cannot be underestimated.

The stars are bright and the moon is bright tonight, but there is one place that is full of ghosts. This is the Devil's Sect. During this period, the evil spirit in the mountains is very strong. Even the disciples of the Devil's Sect feel shuddering all the time. feeling.

At this time, at the top of the mountain, a bloody light suddenly rose into the sky. The evil spirit that filled the mountain seemed to have been condensed suddenly, and became heavier all of a sudden. Under the bloody light, someone seemed to be sitting. There was a human figure, and that person was covered in blood, and his appearance was really scary. It was none other than the Patriarch of Demon Heaven.

Today's Demonic Patriarch, after practicing the Heavenly World's Wonderful Book, is indeed very different from back then. Not only has his appearance changed a bit, but the aura on his body is completely different, just like the Heavenly Demon. What he had on his body was a terrifying aura of heavenly demon.

Of course, this is just the appearance he shows when he is practicing alone. When he goes outside, the aura of the devil on his body will be more or less gone.

At this moment, the bloody light on the top of the mountain slowly disappeared, and at the bottom of the mountain, I saw a figure walking up slowly and slowly. The person who came was a young man in green clothes with extraordinary eyebrows. He was the most trusted person of Patriarch Mo Tian. Chu Yunshen.

"Yun Shen, you're here..."

The demonic aura on Motian Patriarch's body slowly disappeared, but his eyes were still blood red, and there was a blood-red demon seal above his eyebrows.

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