The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1810 Go to Zhongyue Peak Again

"How's the situation outside?"

Patriarch Motian's face was a little gloomy, and Chu Yunshen walked up slowly, "Just as the leader said, after receiving the news of this person's return, several sects below began to become unable to sit still. Ye Yan"

"Is it……"

At this moment, a cold look flashed in the eyes of the Demonic Heaven Ancestor. Nowadays, the Demonic Heaven Sect is at its peak. As long as the serious problem of Wuyutian is eliminated, the unification of the Demonic Way is just around the corner. But now, Xiao Chen is back. This Things have really gotten tricky.

"In a few days, I will go out and meet this person..."

The ancestor of Motian had cold eyes. As early as decades ago, he saw that Xiao Chen was not a creature of the pond. Unfortunately, he failed to get rid of him at that time. Later, he developed a serious problem and could no longer suppress him. This time is his best chance. If he fails, his thousand-year plan will come to nothing in the blink of an eye.

A few days later, there was a lot of buzz outside about the Wuyutian and Demonic Sect. Now, within the Demonic Path of the Five Realms of Xianyuan, these two forces are competing against each other. It is said that the leaders of both sides will meet at the Zhongyue Summit this month.

The first time he went to Zhongyue Peak, Xiao Chen couldn't remember how many years ago it was. If he had to do the math carefully, it would have been about thirty-two years ago. At that time, he was not the Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​nor the Lord of Desireless Heaven. He has no power and only carries the stigma of being a "Xuanmen traitor".

At that time, no one would be afraid of him. But that time when he went to Zhongyue Peak, he fell into someone else's scheme and was surrounded by Tianmen, resulting in Weiyang being captured. It was later that he and Gui Si went to rescue him.

Now everything is still vivid in my mind, as if yesterday had just passed not long ago, and in the blink of an eye, he has become the famous Lord of Wuyu Tian. Nowadays, in the five realms of Immortal Yuan, I don’t know how many people are afraid of him, and they will no longer be afraid of him. Probably the same as before.

At this time, the Yao Qin was placed in front of him, as well as the Nine-Nine Transformation Blood Needle, as well as various things he had in the past, all intact, but the Xuanwu Armor was completely broken and might never be repaired.

Xiao Chen gently stretched out his hand and slowly rubbed it over the strings of Fuxi Qin. Last time at Xuanqingmen, we experienced the heavenly calamity with him. Did Su Ye fall into a deep sleep again?

Hua Weiyang said, "Your body was destroyed in the catastrophe that day. Fortunately, these things were completely preserved. Later, it was your junior sister who sent these things to Wuyu Tian..."

"Qianyu Nishang..."

Xiao Chen looked at these things in front of him. This time when he came back, he seemed not to have heard any news about Qian Yu Nishang. How has her Three Flowers Gathering been doing over the years? I'm afraid her cultivation level has already surpassed that of many famous seniors...

Hua Weiyang said, "I heard... Lord Meiyue wanted to pass on Tianxuan's lineage to her.


After hearing this, Xiao Chen's heart condensed slightly. Lord Meiyue passed the throne of Tianxuan lineage to her. Then she is one of the seven Xuanqing Lords. How could Lord Meiyue think of passing the throne at this time? ?

Hua Weiyang said, "It's hard to say what's going on with the Xuan Qing Sect. I heard that in recent years, Master Qing Xuan has not been able to come out of seclusion, and has handed over all matters in the sect to his eldest disciple Feng Xiao Yin... Apparently, Feng Xiao Yin It’s the next generation of Xuan Qing’s leader.”


Xiao Chen raised his head slightly and looked at the falling flowers outside the window. It felt like yesterday had just passed. In fact, it had been many years since he left Xuanqing. In total, Qingxuan Zhenren had been in charge of Xuanqing Sect for six to seven hundred years. Already...

It’s not just the Xuanqing Sect, it’s probably the same for several other sects. Life is endless from generation to generation. If a sect wants to be long-lasting, it must be passed down from generation to generation. It’s just that the world is easy to change. After tens of millions of years, these sects will still there? Xuanqing Sect, Zangfeng Valley... maybe at that time, there were already new sects.

Only this Fuxi Qin is still intact after tens of thousands of years...

At this time, Xiao Chen gently touched the two strings on the piano and said, "Weiyang, do you know the origin of this Fuxi Qin?"

"Huh? The Fuxi Qin is said to have been made by the Great God Fuxi from a piece of wood from the 'Dachun', the sacred tree that reaches the sky. The seven spiritual veins in the world were also obtained by the Great God Fuxi. What's wrong?"

Hua Weiyang looked at him, wondering what story was hidden in the Fuxi Qin.

Xiao Chen said slowly, "There are two strings on it. One is transformed by the ancient divine dragon Yinglong, and the other is transformed by the ancient evil dragon Qiongtian. At that time, the two dragons fought fiercely, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. Later, they were transformed by the great god Fuxi. Put it into the piano and turn it into the two strings of 'Wen' and 'Wu'..."

"Hmm...then what?"


Xiao Chen looked at the dragon carvings on the Qin and said, "The Great God Fuxi and the God of Hundred Flowers are good friends. Later, the Great God Fuxi gave the Yao Qin to the God of Hundred Flowers and told him not to release the two dragons in the Qin no matter what." , to avoid another chaos in the world..."

Hearing this, Hua Weiyang smiled sweetly, "Let me guess, the God of Hundred Flowers felt pity for all things in the world, even the ancient evil dragons, so he released the two dragons later.

"Well..." Xiao Chen nodded and continued, "At that time, Qiongtian promised Baihua God that after he left, he would no longer do evil..."

"Well...then did he abide by the agreement?" Hua Weiyang asked.


Xiao Chen shook his head, looked at Qin Xian and said, "He finally broke the agreement with the God of Hundred Flowers."

"Why?" After hearing this, Hua Weiyang also wanted to know, why did Qiongtian not keep his promise? Xiao Chen paused for a while and then said, "He is doing it for...the Hundred Flowers God."

"Is that so..."

Hua Weiyang leaned lightly on his shoulder, closed her eyes gently, and after a while, she said, "Do you know? Every time I fall asleep, I have a long, long dream. In the dream, I It was a piece of jade on the Kunlun Mountains. I was asleep all the time. I forgot who put me there. It wasn’t until a long, long time later that I heard footsteps approaching softly. I opened my eyes and saw for the first time The one who sees it is you..."

"Wherever you walked, flowers bloomed under the ice and snow. I asked you where this was, and you said this was the human world. Did you like it? I said, yes... I like it the most."


Xiao Chen turned his head to look at her, and Hua Weiyang also opened her eyes gently. The two looked at each other, the distance getting closer and closer, so close that they could smell each other's breath. Weiyang's heartbeat became faster and faster, and her face was filled with tears. As if dyed with a red cloud, at this moment, a gentle cough suddenly came from outside.

Hua Weiyang woke up with a start, quickly separated from Xiao Chen, quickly smoothed her hair, lowered her head and said, "Mingyue, when did you come? Why do you walk silently..."

"I...ahem, I just came here too..."

"Ahem, Mingyue, what's the matter with you?"


Mingyue walked in, her eyes rolled, and after looking at Hua Weiyang, she said, "Everything is ready outside. Over at Zhongyue Peak, Yang Xiaoran has already gone to take a look. Many people from the Demonic Sect have gone. Your Majesty, we When will you leave?"

"It will take some time, now."

Xiao Chen stood up and put all the Fuxi Qin and other things back into his sleeves. There was no need to be nervous when going to Zhongyue Peak this time. He even planned to take Xian'er there as well, so he just went out to play.

Zhongyue Peak, above the white snow, could only see the shaking figures. Today, many people from the Demonic Heaven Sect have come. The vicinity of Fengyun Pavilion has been occupied by Xie Tianluo's people. The "No. 1 in the World" stone tablet still stands. On the contrary, throughout the ages, the number one or four characters in the world has been so tempting, but who can take on the role of the number one or four characters in the world?

Today not only many people came from the Demonic Heaven Sect, but also many people from the good and evil paths came. They all wanted to see the fight between two tigers in a mountain, and also wanted to see if the recent rumors were true.

When it was almost noon, Wu Yutian's people still didn't arrive. Xie Tianluo sneered and said, "Isn't this kid too scared to come?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a series of powerful voices suddenly came from the bottom of the mountain: "Lord Wuyu, your magical power is unparalleled! All over the world, I am the only one who is supreme!"

The sound was getting closer and louder, as if it was about to collapse the snow-capped mountains. Xie Tianluo's eyes narrowed, and it turned out that Yang Xiaoran had brought people up, and there was no sign of Xiao Chen.

"Lord Wuyu, his magical power is unparalleled! All over the world, I am the only one who is supreme!"

Soon, Yang Xiaoran had brought people up, but this time there were not as many as last time, only about a thousand people. Compared with the 100,000 people in the Demonic Heaven Sect here, it was still a little less, but if you lose people, you will not lose the formation, and the momentum is absolutely To overwhelm the opponent.

Seeing that thousands of them dared to come up to provoke them, Xie Tianluo sneered and stretched out his hand. A hundred thousand people nearby also shouted in unison, "Ancestor from the Demon Sky, great blessings spread all over the sky, dominate the world, and have boundless magic power!"

The sound was so loud and the momentum was so strong that it quickly silenced Yang Xiaoran's thousands of people. Yang Xiaoran glanced back and said, "What are you doing? Didn't you eat this morning? Shout to me! Lord Wuyu, his magical power is unparalleled." ! All over the world, I am the only one!"

"Ancestor of the Demon Heaven, great blessings reach the sky, rule the world, and have boundless magic power!"

The two sides shouted loudly on the top of the snow-capped mountain, causing the snow on the nearby cliff to fall. They saw that the two hairs were about to collapse the mountain. At this time, an old man with a white beard in Taoist robes flew over. He smiled and said, "Stop shouting. If you keep shouting, there may be an avalanche."

The two sides finally stopped. Yang Xiaoran took a few steps forward, looked at Xie Tianluo opposite, and sneered, "Are you worthy of standing next to the words 'No. 1 in the world'? Why don't you get out of here!"

Xie Tianluo said, "What? Commander Yang is not convinced and is coming to fight again today?"

"Is Mr. Yang afraid of you?"

Yang Xiaoran glared at the other party, raised his head, smiled, and said loudly, "Everyone, step back! It's just these small fish and shrimps, and I, Yang Xiaoran, am alone..."

Before he finished speaking, there was suddenly no sound behind him. He turned around and saw that the group of people who were behind him just now had all retreated into the distance. He couldn't help but curse in his heart, this group of people, really All of them retreated?

Seeing that he was still standing here alone, Xie Tianluo smiled and said, "What did Commander Yang just say? How about being alone?"

Yang Xiaoran coughed and said with a serious face, "I am alone... You must listen to your Majesty even when you are outside. Your Majesty said you are not allowed to cause trouble outside. I will count you lucky today. I will take care of you when your Majesty comes up..." ..." As he said that, he turned around and left in despair.


The people behind Xie Tianluo laughed loudly, and at this moment, the entire mountaintop suddenly trembled, and two powerful auras, one from the south and one from the north, pressed towards the middle.


The people of the nearby sects all trembled. Now, they were in the middle of these two auras, as if their souls were about to be crushed. There was no doubt that the ancestors of Motian and Xiao Yichen were coming.

I saw black clouds surging in the sky in the north, and among the black clouds, a figure stepped out of the sky, with such strong aura that it seemed to grind the entire Zhongyue Peak into dust.

And in the southern sky, there is also a figure coming from the sky. The figure has his hands behind his back, stepping into the void, and his white hair is flying in the wind. Isn't it Lord Wuyu?

"It's Xiao Yichen, it's him..."

Everyone was shocked. Such a powerful aura was really shocking. No matter how skilled the disguise artist was, he would never have such a powerful and suffocating aura in his body.

Soon, Xiao Chen and Patriarch Motian had both arrived at the top of Zhongyue Peak. The entire top of the mountain was suddenly filled with strong winds and flying snow. Their powerful auras seemed to crush the void nearby. Everyone present Among the people, no one can breathe through it!


In the originally clear sky, with the arrival of the two people, at this moment, black clouds rolled in, and there was constant thunder. Above the nine heavens, this breath... was heaven's punishment!

Everyone was even more shocked. The strength of the two people had already exceeded the limits of the human world. As soon as they arrived, before they took action, they faintly triggered the punishment of heaven. This is really unimaginable. How far the cultivation base of the two people have entered. realm.

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