The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1816 Behind the Mask

"You come with me.

Qilin gently turned the wheelchair and led him to the stone platform. Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and touched the Canglong mask. At this moment, he felt an aura from the distant ancient times!


At this moment, Xiao Chen instinctively retracted his hand as if he was electrocuted. Sure enough, this Canglong mask is not simple. Qilin said, "Do you want to know who the previous owner of this mask was?"

"who is it?"

Xiao Chen looked at him. The owner of this Canglong Mask must be something special. Besides the master of Canglong Palace, who else could it be? But what is the true identity of the master of Canglong Palace in Tianzhu City?

Qilin said, "Before this, you must have thought that the Ancient Reincarnation Dao has no rivals in this world, right? But this is not the case. Their rival is the Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance..."

"The Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance?"

Xiao Chen's expression condensed. He had never heard of this name before, so what kind of existence could it be? Is it the same as the ancient Tao of Reincarnation? It has been passed down since ancient times...

Qilin said, "Once upon a time, the Taoist Way of Reincarnation was so powerful that no one in the world could compete with them. At that time, there was no Immemorial Eight Desolations Alliance. The Immemorial Eight Desolations Alliance appeared later..."

"Then what? What does this Canglong Mask have to do with the Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance?" Xiao Chen asked.

"No rush, just listen to me and explain slowly."

Qilin gently turned the wheelchair, came to the stone platform, looked at the Canglong mask on it, and said, "The Eight Ancient Desolations Alliance is divided into four forces. These four forces are the Eastern Canglong Palace, the Western White Tiger Palace, and the Southern Suzaku Palace. Hall, North Xuanwu Hall... The elders of the four halls each have a mask. They never take off their masks in front of others, so they have never seen each other's appearance, and they don't know whether the other has other identities.

At this point, Qilin paused before continuing, "The Canglong mask you see now is the only token of Canglong Palace. The person who wears this mask is the Canglong Elder."

Xiao Chen was silent and listened quietly to what he said. Qilin turned around again, looked at the mask on the stone platform, and said slowly, "Do you know who founded Tianzhu Palace?"

"Who? Is it a certain Canglong elder many years ago?"


Qilin nodded, "It was founded many years ago by Elder Canglong in the Lingxu Realm. The Ancient Reincarnation Way has a force in the Lingxu Realm called 'Tianmu'. You must already know this, and the Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance The power in the Lingxu Realm is Tianzhu City, do you understand this time?" At the end of his words, he looked at Xiao Chen.

"I see……"

Xiao Chen looked at the Canglong mask on the stone platform. At this moment, he finally understood the matter bit by bit. Qilin continued, "The Canglong mask has been passed down for countless generations. To this day, behind this mask are the Canglong elders of all generations." The will left behind, the indelible will... needs someone to pass it on. "

Xiao Chen asked, "Then... the previous generation of Canglong, I'm not talking about my father, I mean, the Canglong elder who handed the mask into my father's hands, where is he now?"

"he died."



Qilin sighed and said, "He was already severely injured at that time. It was a powerful man from the ancient world who broke the void. He was not able to come out in the end, but before he died, he sealed all his remaining skills in your father's body." In the body, he finally defeated himself, released the power of the soul, shattered a crack in the Canglong Realm, and allowed your father to successfully escape from it with such a thing..."


Hearing this, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a little shocked, and this scene couldn't help but remind him of the day when Elder Sanqing passed down his cultivation to himself before he died...

Qilin said, "A hundred years ago, Old Canglong came out of the Bahuang Realm. At that time, he sneaked into the Canglong Realm of the Ancient Reincarnation Path alone. The purpose was to find something and bring it out. Although from the beginning to the end, Old Canglong never I have mentioned what that thing is, but I know that it must be a very dangerous thing. If it falls into the hands of those people in the ancient world, the consequences will be disastrous..."

Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses and asked, "In that case, sneaking into the Taoist Reincarnation Path... knowing that it is such a dangerous thing and that there is a narrow escape from death, why doesn't Elder Canglong go with this clone of Tianzhu City?"

Qilin shook his head, "You think of the ancient Tao of Reincarnation too simply. Old Canglong sneaked in and it would take decades to find clues to such a thing, instead of blatantly breaking into the Suzaku Realm to save people like you did. If he When he sneaked in as a clone, he was afraid that his identity would have been exposed long ago in the Canglong Realm. At that time, he designed to kill the master of the Canglong Realm, then disguised himself as the master of the Canglong Realm, and lurked there for decades..."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen naturally thought of Shen Cangming. Three hundred years ago, Shen Cangming killed Master Youlan of Tianmen, then disguised himself as Master Youlan and lurked in Tianmen for three hundred years... However, the two purposes were different. Very different.

Qilin continued, "Thirty years later, the clone of Old Canglong who stayed outside, that is, Canglong in Tianzhu City, discovered your father. At that time, your father was just a young boy. Old Canglong asked me to pay close attention to this matter. Young man, I understood his intention at the time. He was interested in your father's qualifications and potential, but he didn't know what the young man's character was, so he didn't dare to be careless. "

After hearing him talk about things related to his father, Xiao Chen held his breath and listened carefully.

Qilin continued, "Later, I followed Old Canglong's instructions and paid close attention to your father, and found that he was not the young master of the Xiao family. On the contrary, he was ordinary in the Xiao family. His status... can be said to be very insignificant, but I found that you But your father's perseverance is amazing, far beyond the comparison of those well-dressed young masters. At the same time, your father's character also surprised me. He was just a young boy at the time, but he was very upright, very responsible, and had great potential. He is very masculine and understands many truths in the world, far better than those of his age.”

Hearing Qilin praising his father as a human being, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in his heart. However, after this warmth, there was a burst of bitterness. He had never seen his parents since he was born. Maybe he had, but at that time In a dream.

Qilin continued, "I later told Old Canglong that this son has good conduct and a better temperament than many of his peers. It's feasible. Later, Old Canglong accepted your father as his disciple, and secretly recognized your father as Canglong. The best candidate to succeed.”

"What happened next? What happened next?" Xiao Chen couldn't wait to know what happened next, even though he had already guessed the ending.

Qilin continued, "Later, your father became the youngest of the Ten Saints, but he always remembered Old Canglong's words. He must not let anyone know about the relationship between him and Old Canglong. Of course, your father will do what he says. , no matter how the elders of the Xiao family pressed him at that time, he would not say a single word about Old Canglong..."

"those people……"

When it comes to those people in the Xiao family, Xiao Chen doesn't even want to think about it. His father suffered a lot in the Xiao family at that time, right? Just because my father does not have the status of a young master...

Qilin continued, "Your father, he is a passionate person, and he was also sad about love in the end. Not long after, in a competition, he met your mother, the eldest daughter of the Su family, Su Rou, but the Xiao family I don’t know how to describe the relationship with the Su family. Anyway, their two families have never married since ancient times. At that time, the two of them were strongly opposed by both families. Even the elders of the Xiao family wanted to marry your father. Expelled…”


Xiao Chen squeezed his fingers tightly. It was not only his father, but also his mother who had suffered a lot. She was not married yet, but she already had him first. How would she be viewed by the world, but she... was still willing to follow her? He will stay with his father forever and ever.

Qilin continued, "The next year, Old Canglong finally found that thing in Canglong Realm, but he knew that he could not bring the thing out, so he could only let people go in and bring the thing out... That year, he He told your father everything, and mentioned that only if he, as the Lord of the Canglong Realm, accepts your father as the successor of the Canglong Realm and allows your father to enter the ancient path of reincarnation, will he have the opportunity to let your father take that kind of thing out. "

"After your father heard this, he was naturally in disbelief at first, but he finally accepted the fact. However, at that time, Old Canglong did not force Zhufeng. He told Zhufeng that you could go back and continue to be the youngest of the Ten Saints. , with your qualifications and talents, you will definitely achieve great things in the Lingxu Realm in the future, but if you choose to enter the Canglong Realm, I can't guarantee whether you can get out alive. Once the matter is exposed, both of you and I... will die in the Canglong Realm. boundary."

"Then...did dad still go?"

Xiao Chen couldn't wait to ask. At this moment, his palms were already starting to tremble a little. He knew that he couldn't do anything, but what about his mother? What should he do about his mother...

Qilin sighed softly and said, "Zhufeng... was a little hesitant at the time, but it was definitely not because he was greedy for life or afraid of death. It was because your mother might have been pregnant at that time, and he really couldn't let go of your mother, so later, he gave this matter I told your mother about the matter, but how could I have thought that your mother... is also a strange woman who understands righteousness well. If such things fall into the hands of those people in the ancient world, it will cause chaos in the world and the loss of life, then she will let your father , According to what Old Canglong said, go to the Ancient Canglong Realm and take out that thing. If he fails to come out in the end, then she... will accompany him. "


Xiao Chen pinched his fingers. At this time, his eyes could no longer hold back tears. Looking at the Canglong mask in front of him, he finally understood what was behind the mask...

Qilin sighed softly, looked at the mask and said, "So now you know what is behind the Canglong mask?"

"I know, I know..." Xiao Chen pinched his fingers tightly. On the back of this mask were engraved four words... sacrifice one's life for righteousness.

Lao Canglong sacrificed his life for righteousness, his father sacrificed his life for righteousness...

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