The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1817 The Meaning of Cang Long

Qilin looked at the Canglong mask on the stone platform and continued, "You already know what happened next. This matter was eventually exposed. In order to get that thing, the master of the Canglong Palace was severely injured by the ban, and then was injured in the ancient world. Under a master, if this were not the case, Zhuye from the Vermillion Bird Realm, even with the Fulong Cauldron in hand, would not be able to deal with the Master of the Canglong Palace..."

"The master of the Canglong Palace was so seriously injured that day that even his soul was scattered several times by Zhuye and the masters from the Suzaku Realm. He sealed the last few remaining skills into your father's body, and finally defeated himself... ...Breaked the seal of the Canglong Realm, allowing your father to escape with that thing and the Canglong Mask..."

After listening to Qilin finish telling the story behind the Canglong Mask, anyone who listens will feel angry, not to mention that the person in the story is Xiao Chen's biological father...

At this time, there were already some tears in his eyes, and he looked motionlessly at the Canglong mask on the stone platform. The mask behind it was too heavy, and no one could pick it up. No wonder Qilin said that the time had not come yet, so how could it be so heavy? It was something I could pick up at that time...

Qilin continued, "Although Zhufeng escaped from the Canglong Realm that day, how could the Taoist Reincarnation Path let him go? So let Mutian capture him no matter what, but the matter involved too much and he couldn't alert others. We can't let the world know, so at that time, Mu Tian asked Taihuazi of Wutian Palace to plant an unfounded charge on your father, saying that he killed people to steal the quota of the Ancient Immortal World..."

At this point, Qilin stopped and sighed before continuing, "With Zhufeng's temperament, he will not harm the Xiao family. He left the Xiao family on his own initiative. He was not expelled by several elders of the Xiao family as in the rumors." , Wutian Palace has been chasing him all the way since then. It is obviously the unfounded crime, and the world thinks so, but secretly, the Taoist Reincarnation Dao and Tianmu are chasing him, but no one knows. Everything about the Taoist Reincarnation Dao is unknown. Being perfectly covered up by Mu Tian, ​​this person is very scary. Not only is he highly cultivated, but he is also very deep in the city. He probably also wants to get something like that..."


Xiao Chen squeezed his fingers tightly and his eyes turned red. This person and he had a hatred of killing his father and mother. They had a blood feud and they were irreconcilable. He would definitely kill this person with his own hands...

"Why didn't my father return to the Eight Desolate Realms with the Canglong Mask? No matter how unscrupulous the Ancient Reincarnation Way is, it is impossible to pursue him into the Eight Desolate Realms..."

"Zhufeng... can't.

Qilin shook his head and said, "Your mother was already pregnant with you at that time. If Zhufeng returned to the Bahuang Realm and inherited the position of Canglong, given the situation at that time, he might not be able to come out again for the next hundred years. Then How could he abandon your mother and you..."

In fact, there was no need for Qilin to tell Xiao Chen that his mother already had him at that time, and his father was an upright man, so how could he abandon her and leave...

That night outside the Qin family in Qinling Mountains, on a snowy night, he fought countless people in a bloody battle, protecting his mother and himself, and not letting those people step into the Qin family.

Qilin sighed and continued, "On that day, your father gave me the Canglong Mask. He said that if he failed to come back, he would let me find a suitable person to inherit the Canglong Mask..."

"Where is father going? Has he ever mentioned it?"


Qilin shook his head and said, "He just went to the Bone Erosion Land, but he didn't say the exact place he was going to, but I guess he wanted to find a place to destroy and bring him out of the ancient reincarnation path. Something like that..."

"What on earth is that thing?" Xiao Chen frowned and asked.

"Zhufeng didn't say anything."

Qilin took a deep breath and slowly recalled the past. After a long time, he said, "It was probably the intention of Master Canglong Palace to keep it a secret and not let anyone know what that thing was."

Xiao Chen stopped asking questions. At this moment, his thoughts were very confused. Every time he had that dream, he would always be confused when he woke up. The dream was like he had experienced it himself.

Qilin continued, "You should already know what happened next. Zhufeng took your mother and you, who was not yet a full moon, and just escaped to Huangquan Valley when they were caught up by Taihuazi. Later, Mutian also appeared..."

What happened next was what Xiao Chen heard Taihuazi say that day in Wutian Palace. Unfortunately, before Taihuazi could finish what he said, someone remotely destroyed his soul. In addition, killing people is invisible and very powerful. Even he and Weiyang don't know who killed Taihuazi that day.

"That's all."

Qilin gently turned the wheelchair and moved closer to the stone platform. He took off the Canglong mask and looked at the familiar totem on it. He could not help but sigh and feel sad in his heart. He and Canglong had known each other for hundreds of years and were both teachers and friends, but in the end, they were still friends. Unavoidably, the original soul was scattered, and the clone was also annihilated.

After a long time, I heard him say, "Canglong...can't be left without an owner. Back then, Zhufeng asked me to find a suitable person to inherit Canglong's position. I think this person has already appeared."

Xiao Chen slowly moved closer to him, looked at the Canglong mask in his hand, and said, "You want me to return to the Bahuang Realm and inherit the position of the Master of Canglong Palace..."

Qilin said, "I think... there is no one more suitable than you. Besides... only if you inherit the position of Canglong, will the Taoist Reincarnation be afraid of you."

At the end of his words, he handed the Canglong mask in his hand to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen held this Canglong mask and suddenly felt extremely heavy. He felt heavier than he had ever felt before, and it even made him a little breathless.

Qilin said, "After you inherit the position of Canglong, you are not allowed to let people from the Eight Desolate Alliance know your original identity. At the same time, you are not allowed to reveal your identity as Canglong to anyone, and you are not allowed to take off your mask in front of others, unless you are like Miss Weiyang." , someone you can trust completely.”

"Can't you let others know your identity..."

Xiao Chen held the Canglong Mask in his hand, and he could naturally feel the magic power contained in it. The Canglong Mask was the only token of the Canglong Palace, and it was by no means just an ordinary mask that covered the appearance.

Qilin said, "No one can break the magic power on the Canglong mask. As long as you put on the mask, even the most powerful people will not be able to see your face, detect your cultivation, or sense your breath. Even your Your voice will change... In short, as long as you wear the Canglong mask, even the people closest to you will not be able to recognize you, but you have to remember..."

At this point, Qilin stopped and looked at him. After a long time, he continued, "From the moment you put on the Canglong Mask, you are no longer just the former Lord Wuyu. What you want to inherit is not only Not only the Canglong position, but also... your father's will, if you think about it clearly, just come out and tell me."

After saying that, Qilin gently turned the wheelchair and went out of the palace. The sound of the windmill gradually disappeared. In the huge secret palace, only the beam of light from the top of the palace shone on Xiao Chen and the Canglong mask in his hand... …

The dust slowly dispersed.

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