The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1818 Condensing the clone

After a long time, Xiao Chen came out of the secret realm. It was getting late outside. Hua Weiyang waited until he came out. Seeing the strange expression on his face, she immediately walked up and asked with concern, "What's the matter? Qilin Palace" Lord...what did he tell you?"

Xiao Chen was silent, and after a while, he took out the Canglong mask. When Hua Weiyang saw the Canglong mask, she was even more convinced of her previous guess, and murmured, "This... was left by Uncle Xiao.


Xiao Chen nodded. He was not worried about inheriting Canglong at the moment, but he always thought about his father and mother. When would he be able to avenge this revenge? As for going to the Bahuang League...

"This is a good thing."

Seeing his worried look, Hua Weiyang gently held his hand and said, "The cultivation resources of the Bahuang League are much more than those outside. You go to the Bahuang League and inherit the position of Canglong. This is what many people ask for." An opportunity you can’t ask for…”

"Weiyang, how do you know about the Eight Wastelands Alliance? I didn't say just now..."

Xiao Chen looked at her and remembered at this moment that she was familiar with the Taoist Reincarnation Way and Tianmu before. Why did she know these things that she had never known before? Why does she know so much more than herself...

Hua Weiyang stuck out her tongue, "I guessed it a long time ago!"

"Is this so..."

Xiao Chen slowly lowered his head again and looked at the Canglong mask that Qilin handed him. He didn't know what kind of existence the Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance was, but he heard from Qilin that it was composed of four huge forces. These four The two forces are Eastern Canglong, Western White Tiger, Southern Suzaku, and Northern Xuanwu.

It was inevitable to go to the Bahuang League to inherit the position of Canglong. How could he give the Canglong mask left by his father to others? He will inherit the position of Canglong, and he will avenge the old Canglong, just like he avenged Elder Sanqing...

It's just that it's been a hundred years, and the previous generation of Canglong Palace Master has not been back for a hundred years. I don't know what the situation is like in the Bahuang League now. Canglong Palace has been without a master for a hundred years. It must be in ruins now.

"Before I go to the Eight Desolate Alliance, I must condense a clone... Let's go and find Qilin first."

As night fell, the two returned to Qilin Palace. Qilin saw him coming back with the Canglong Mask and knew that he had made a decision. Canglong Palace had been without an owner for too long. Now, someone had to go back with this Canglong Mask.

"Before I go to the Eight Desolations League, I need to condense a clone first." At that moment, Xiao Chen said what he was thinking. I want to go to the Eight Desolations League, but I must leave a clone outside.


Qilin nodded slightly. He had already prepared everything. At this moment, he took out a small bronze tripod and said, "This is a wisp of the Eight Desolations left by the old Canglong. This Eight Desolations The energy can help you condense your clone." After saying that, he handed the cauldron in his hand to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen held the bronze cauldron, and Qilin said again, "Condensing the clone is extraordinary. We must find a suitable thing to refine the immortal body."

The last time Ling Yin condensed the body for Xiao Chen, she found four things, among which Nine Heavens Fairy Dust was the most important. Of course, this time, Xiao Chen didn't have to go to so much trouble to refine the clone, he only needed to find one suitable thing.

Hua Weiyang said, "In ancient times, there was a sacred tree called 'Qionghua', which grew in the west of Kunlun. Its wood is Qiong, and its stamens are flowers. If you eat it, you will not die."

Qilin smiled softly, "Miss Weiyang is just as I thought. If you can go to Kunlun, find this Qionghua Fairy Tree, take a branch, and use the energy of the Eight Desolations, you will be able to condense a clone."

When he said this, he paused and continued, "Bai Ze is relatively familiar with Kunlun. I will ask her to go to Kunlun with you tomorrow."

The Kunlun that Qilin is talking about at this moment naturally refers to the Kunlun Mountains in the human world, located in the northwest of the Five Immortal Domains. Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang had been to the Kunlun Mountains before, and they also found a fairy valley at that time, and Hua Weiyang was in that fairy valley. , found a jade pity flower.

The next day, Bai Ze came to the Qilin Hall. Hua Weiyang looked at Bai Ze walking in from the outside, and couldn't help but feel in her heart, it turned out that she was a woman.

Bai Ze is the sixth palace in Tianzhu City, and the owner of Bai Ze Palace is the only woman in the seven palaces. She usually wears white clothes and a Bai Ze mask on her face, so that others cannot see her appearance.

"Qilin, are you looking for me?"

At this time, Bai Ze walked in. Qilin gently turned the wheelchair and said to her, "Bai Ze, you haven't been out for a long time. This time I want you to go to Kunlun and find the Qionghua Wood."

Hearing this, Bai Ze looked at Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang, already understanding a little bit, and nodded, "Okay."

Next, everyone set off immediately without delay. When they arrived at Kunlun Mountain, they saw thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, and a vast expanse between heaven and earth.

Xiao Chen has many memories of Kunlun in the human world. Now that he comes here again, he is very emotional. Back then, he and Hua Weiyang fled to Kunlun. After returning, that time was the turning point of his fate.

"The Qionghua tree is born in the fairyland. Outside the fairyland, there must be wind and snow to block it. Next, you follow me closely."

Along the way, Bai Ze didn't talk much, and his whole person didn't give people a gentle feeling like Qilin. Instead, he felt cold, like the ice and snow on Kunlun Mountain.

In the past tens of millions of years, countless people have tried to find the Kunlun Wonderland, but they often returned in vain, or were buried under the glacier. In the wind and snow, they couldn't even find the way, so what's the point? Looking for Kunlun Wonderland?

However, Bai Ze seemed to be able to sense where Kunlun Wonderland was. Half a month later, she led the two of them to a cliff. The wind and snow were very strong nearby, and the sky was full of blizzards. Almost nothing could be seen a few feet away. .

But in the center of the wind and snow, there was an abnormal spiritual power coming out. Hua Weiyang also felt it at this time and said, "It seems that Kunlun Wonderland is nearby."

Bai Ze said, "You have to go up this cliff. Let's go." After saying that, he put his feet up and flew up to the cliff. However, the snowstorm up there was stronger than some of the restrictions outside, and ordinary people couldn't climb up at all.

"Weiyang, be careful."

Xiao Chen protected Hua Weiyang and flew up to the cliff. When the three of them reached the middle of the cliff, the wind and snow became even faster. Xiao Chen could feel it. This was definitely an unusual snowstorm. It must be a restriction outside the fairyland. If it weren't for His current level of cultivation is so advanced that it would be extremely difficult for him to reach this level.


At that moment, he used his inner strength to carry Bai Ze and Wei Yang and forcefully flew to the top of the cliff. After about half a stick of incense, the three of them finally reached the top.

After reaching the top of the cliff, everything suddenly became clear. It was no longer the ice and snow, nor the dark blizzard. Instead, there were flowers blooming, countless exotic flowers, and streams running in the forest. Fairy birds and beasts.

"Is this...the Kunlun Wonderland?"

Hua Weiyang stared blankly at the fairyland in front of her. Those myths and legends are indeed true. There is a fairyland in Kunlun, but mortals can't find it... After tens of thousands of years, the fairyland has never disappeared.

Xiao Chen also stared blankly at the fairyland in front of him. At this moment, he had an indescribable feeling in his heart. Looking at the rare birds and animals and the flowers everywhere, it seemed as if he had been here before.

Bai Ze said, "This is just a part of the fairyland. As for the legendary Hundred Flowers Fairyland, the world has long since lost it. Perhaps tens of thousands of years ago, it was buried under the endless ice and snow. Let's go... let's go in ”

After entering the fairyland, Xiao Chen felt like he was dreaming back to ancient times. Everything here was different from the outside. The colorful lakes, the grassy wilderness, the fairies in the forest, and even the deer in the flowers. Rabbits are not surprised when they meet people.

"Did you see the tree on the cliff?"

When the two of them were lost in thought, Bai Ze pointed to a cliff in the distance. Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang were both immersed in this fairyland. After hearing what Bai Ze said, they came back to their senses and looked at the top of the cliff. go.

I saw something twinkling on the top of the cliff. It was very beautiful. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a tall Qiong tree. It was indeed a jade tree and Qionghua. The whole tree looked like it was carved from natural white jade. , there are blooming red Qiong flowers hanging on the branches, which must be the Qionghua fairy tree they are looking for.

"There must be spiritual beasts guarding the fairy tree. I will lure the spiritual beasts away, and you go get the branches of the qiongmu tree." Bai Ze said, and flew to the top of the cliff. Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and said, "Bai Ze, you Be careful."


Bai Ze didn't say anything and flew towards the cliff. Sure enough, when she got close to the cliff, a ten-foot-long green snake sprang out.

This green snake had red eyes and was spitting out snake messages. It was a spiritual beast with at least seven or eight thousand years of Taoism. Its strength was extraordinary. Bai Ze formed a seal with his hands and immediately cast a spell to lead the green snake elsewhere.

Seeing that Bai Ze successfully lured the green snake away, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang no longer hesitated, and they immediately flew to the top of the cliff.

When they arrived under the Qionghua tree, they immediately felt an ancient immortal energy. They had not felt it when they were there before. When they arrived under the tree, they realized how big the tree was. It had grown for at least tens of thousands of years. Xiao Chen I couldn't help but think of the Qionghua Fairy Tree in the Bishui Yaotai of Zixiao Peak. It was very similar to the Kunlun Qionghua Tree. Could it be that the Master also transplanted it from the Kunlun Fairyland?

"Quick, let's get the Qionghua Wood."


Xiao Chen came back to his senses and no longer hesitated, but when he stepped forward and was about to take off a piece of Qionghua wood, a swift shadow suddenly came down from the tree. It came down too fast, and he I was so focused on the Qiong tree that I didn't even react.


Hua Weiyang stepped forward in an instant, and the swift shadow was a white snake. Hua Weiyang stood in front of Xiao Chen and was immediately bitten by the white snake.

"Ah!" Hua Weiyang suddenly felt a burning sting and retracted her hand. After the white snake bit her, it also retracted back to the tree like lightning.


Xiao Chen picked up her hand and saw that the white snake had bitten her with blood. He immediately put her hand in his mouth and wanted to suck out the poison for her. Hua Weiyang calmed down and shook her head and said, "No, it's okay. I am immune to all poisons." ...Besides, this white snake has spirit and is not poisonous..."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen felt relieved and slowly took her hand off. He looked at the white snake on the tree and saw that it was still swallowing snake letters with a fierce look. He pointed his finger and said "zheng" With one sound, he drew out the flying sword and shouted, "Beast! You won't retreat yet!"

"Ah... don't! Don't hurt it." Hua Weiyang quickly grabbed him and said, "This white snake has been guarding the fairy tree here for thousands of years. Don't hurt it..."

Of course Xiao Chen would not hurt the white snake's life, he just used the flying sword to scare it away, but unexpectedly the white snake became even more fierce after seeing him using the flying sword.

Hua Weiyang looked at it and said, "Xiaobai Xiaobai, we only take one Qionghua tree without damaging the roots. Please get out of the way..."

As she spoke, she formed a seal with her hands, and gathered some spiritual light on her body, which slowly floated to the white snake. After the white snake sensed her spiritual power, it actually became docile and slowly retreated.

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