The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1819 The Eight Ancient Realms

“Now, take the Qionghua wood quickly.

Hua Weiyang quickly retreated to Xiao Chen, and at this moment, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, offered the flying sword, and carefully took off a piece of Qionghua wood. After getting the Qionghua wood, the two of them did not hesitate, and immediately He flew towards the Immortal Valley under the cliff.

Bai Ze also flew back and looked at the two of them, "How is it? Did you get the Qionghua Wood?"


Xiao Chen took out the Qionghua Wood. This piece of Qionghua Wood contains ancient immortal power and will definitely be able to refine an immortal body. However, to condense a clone, it is not just a matter of refining an immortal body. So simple. ✺✬

Bai Ze looked around and said, "The Immortal Valley here is full of spiritual energy. You can condense the clone here. Weiyang and I will guard outside."


Xiao Chen didn't hesitate much. Condensing a clone was not an easy task. Although he had already mastered the art of clone, he had never condensed a clone before, so he had to be very careful during the process.

"Weiyang, does your hand still hurt?" Seeing that Hua Weiyang still had a worried look on her face, Xiao Chen walked closer to her.

"It doesn't hurt anymore..." Hua Weiyang shook her head. Bai Ze stood aside, looked at her hand and asked, "What's wrong with it?"

"'s okay. I was bitten by a little white snake just now."

"Well... let's go."

Bai Ze nodded lightly, asked no more questions, and immediately went outside the Immortal Valley. Hua Weiyang looked at Xiao Chen, and finally followed Bai Ze out without saying anything more.

There is plenty of spiritual energy in this fairy valley, but Xiao Chen also has to set up a spirit gathering formation to increase the chance of success. Using Qionghua Wood as the foundation, supplemented by the spiritual energy of the fairyland, and finally condensing the Qi of the Eight Desolations given by Qilin, It is not difficult to condense an immortal body like this.

But the difficulty lies in the difficulty. Next, he must successfully introduce a ray of his soul into the clone, and resist the catastrophe. There is no room for failure in this process. Once he fails, not only the clone will be wiped out in an instant, but also his true self. The soul will also be severely traumatized.

In this way, time passed day by day. In the following days, thunder often came out of the originally sunny Immortal Valley. On the sky, there were also tribulations and divine punishments that fell every once in a while.

Condensing a clone is an act against nature. Both the original body and the clone have to endure seven or forty-nine heavenly tribulations. Otherwise, even if the clone is finally refined, it is just a puppet. Without the wisdom of the original body, it cannot be regarded as a real one. Doppelgänger in the sense.

During this period of time, Hua Weiyang has been nervously guarding outside, fearing that Xiao Chen will fail to condense the clone. In this case, the original self will be severely injured. As for the clone technique, she does know one person. That person's clone technique is probably the best in the three realms. There is no one in the world who can match him, and that person is Si You, the high priest of the You clan.

The high priest's clone technique has long been superb. He only needs to blow a breath to condense a clone. However, he no longer distinguishes between the original body and the clone. The clone can be the original body, the original body can also be the clone, and the clone can be transformed into another clone. , as long as one clone is not dead, no one can kill him.

Of course, this kind of clone technique cannot be practiced by everyone. Even Ling Yin's one-qi transformation into three pure beings is slightly inferior to the high priest's clone technique.

More than a month has passed like this, and the seven or forty-nine heavenly tribulations have finally passed. On this day, a mysterious light suddenly shot into the sky in the Immortal Valley. Wei Young immediately smiled and said, "He succeeded!"


Bai Ze, standing aside, was not surprised. If he couldn't successfully condense the clone, then he... might be the most inferior Canglong of the generation.

"Come on, let's go in and take a look."

At that moment, Bai Ze and Hua Weiyang walked into the Immortal Valley. When they entered, they saw two "Xiao Chens". However, if these two Xiao Chens stood together, if they looked carefully, they could still tell who was who. It's a clone, who is the real person.

"Weiyang, Bai Ze." Xiao Chen walked towards the two of them and asked, "How do you think? Can you tell which one is my clone?"

Hearing this, Weiyang covered her mouth and smiled, "Stupid, stupid, you've come here yourself and said it yourself, do you still need to guess?"


Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the clone. Although the appearance of this clone was the same as his, and the aura was exactly the same, its strength was currently only half of his original form. After all, he did not have the master's magical power of one qi and three pure beings.

It is extremely difficult to condense such a clone, and if you want to cultivate the magical power of one qi and three pure beings, you probably have to gather three flowers at the top.

However, this clone is condensed from his own soul. Unless it completely exceeds a certain limit, it will definitely be able to communicate with his true self no matter where he is, even if he is in the Wuyu Heaven. , even in the Eight Desolate Realms, they can sense each other.

In other words, even if Xiao Chen himself is in the Bahuang League, he can still know about the affairs of Wuyutian through his avatar, and his clone can also know about the affairs of the Bahuang League through his avatar in Wuyutian.

He wanted to give this avatar a name. What he felt was the artistic conception of immortality, so he named it after the fourth level of artistic conception and called it "Ruthless".

Next, Qingqing's clone and Weiyang returned to Wuyu Heaven, while his original self and Bai Ze returned to heaven and chased the city, preparing to go to the Ancient Eight Desolate Alliance soon. The Ancient Nine Heavens and Ten Realms, these Eight Desolate Realms are naturally also the Nine Heavens and Ten Realms. one of them.

Seven days later, Xiao Chen and Bai Ze returned to Tianzhu City. Qilin had already made arrangements to go to the Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance. Several people had to work together to activate the Eight Desolations Array at the top of the clouds in the Tianzhu Palace.

This Eight Desolate Formation was left behind by a certain Canglong many years ago. When this formation is activated, a gap in the void leading to the Eight Desolate Realm can be opened at the center of the formation. Those who want to enter the Eight Desolate Realm only need to stand Just stay in the center of the formation.

By noon that day, the Eight Desolations formation was ready. Bai Hu, Xuanwu, Suzaku, Bai Ze, and Chongming worked together to activate the formation outside, while Qilin and Xiao Chen entered the Eight Desolations Realm together.

"If you are ready, then join the battle."

Qilin was sitting in a wheelchair, and Xiao Chen stood next to him, looking at the mysterious light in the center of the formation. He was leaving for the Bahuang League and might not be able to come back for a while... The Canglong mask in his hand was still heavy. Suzaku, Bai Ze and others outside were also silent and looked at him quietly.

"The moment you put on the Canglong Mask, you are no longer just the Lord Wuyu before. What you want to inherit is not only the position of Canglong, but also... your father's will."

At this moment, in Xiao Chen's mind, the words Qilin said to him that day in the secret palace resounded. From the moment he put on the Canglong mask, he was no longer the same person as before.

The Canglong mask in his hand suddenly seemed to become heavier. At this moment, whether it was an illusion or not, Xiao Chen seemed to hear a voice coming from behind the mask. It was his father's voice. "Chen'er...don't give up at any time, don't give up, the path you choose to take in front of you..."


Xiao Chen picked up the mask in his hand. The ancient charm flowed on it and no sound came out. But at this moment, looking at the Canglong totem on it, it seemed to come to life, and his eyes became more determined.

No matter when, don't give up.

"I see."

Xiao Chen firmly picked up the Canglong mask in his hand. Although his father had never put on this mask before, he was already a Canglong from the moment he chose to go to the ancient reincarnation path... No matter when , he never gave up.

Qilin, Suzaku and others also held their breath and remained silent at this moment, watching him quietly as he put on the Canglong mask.


The originally clear sky suddenly roared with thunder. The moment Xiao Chen put on the Canglong mask, the sky was filled with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunder, and the sound of dragon roars came from the nine heavens. Seeing the shadow of the blue dragon appearing on the top of the sky.

At this moment, countless dragon shadows flew up around Xiao Chen's body, and with bursts of soul-stirring dragon roars, they soared into the sky.

At this time, in the remote Eight Ancient Wastelands, over the mysterious and ancient Canglong Palace, there were also bursts of dragon roars. Several old men below were shocked and looked at the flying dragon shadow in the sky in disbelief. One scene.

"It's Canglong... Canglong has returned to his throne!"

Just when the old men were about to stop shouting in shock, the magic weapons in the palace began to operate on their own, condensing into formations, and the mysterious light shot straight into the sky, complementing the shadows of the blue dragons all over the sky.

At the same time, in these three places, White Tiger Hall, Suzaku Hall, and Xuanwu Hall, a voice also came from a certain secret hall.

"Canglong, you're back..."

In Tianzhu City, countless cultivators looked at the astonishing scene in the sky, with dragon shadows flying all over the sky. They had never seen such a spectacle for almost thousands of years.

"That seems to be...the direction of Tianzhu Palace?"

"This sound of dragon roar...could it be that the blue dragon is back?"

The cultivators in Tianzhu City have no idea about the origin of the blue dragon, let alone the Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance. At this time, looking at the dragon shadows all over the sky, they can only make their own assumptions.

I don't know how long it took for the strange scene of dragon shadows in the sky to gradually disappear. At this time, on the top of the clouds of Tianzhu Palace, the Eight Wilds Array had been opened. Xiao Chen put on the Canglong mask and headed towards the center of the array with Qilin. Went away.

The moment the magic circle was activated, Xiao Chen seemed to have entered the endless void. His eyes were pitch black, he could not see anything, and he could not feel anything. When he opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him was completely new. It was no longer the same. Above the clouds of Tianzhu Palace, there is a mysterious ancient world.

I saw the surrounding mountains and mountains, one after another, reaching straight into the sky. Ancient creatures that looked like dragons but not dragons were flying in the sky. Those creatures were very huge, with wings growing out of them. When they flapped, they made the sky surge. They did not look like the Eastern Dragon at all. , rather like the dragons in some Western myths and legends.

" the Eight Desolate Realms?"

Xiao Chen looked at the completely unfamiliar and magnificent ancient world in front of him. As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of wind suddenly surged towards him from the sky. Then he saw a huge shadow rushing down, and with a "bang", it fell in front of him. On the cliff, the powerful ancient power immediately shook the entire mountain peak. At the same time, accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds, Xiao Chen almost had his ears broken and stepped back repeatedly.

What was in front of him at this time was an ancient fire-winged dragon, with its wings spread out, as if it could make the mountain in front of him turn into ashes in an instant, and its power was terrifying.

But seeing that the pterodactyl's eyes were like fire, and its mouth could breathe flames. This blazing breath of fire seemed to be able to destroy the world. Xiao Chen had never seen such an exaggerated and strange ancient creature. At this time, he also I don’t know how to describe it, but I can feel the terrifying power contained in these creatures.

Qilin smiled and said, "These are ancient dragons from the West. They probably came to the Eastern Continent when the ancient Eastern cultivation world collapsed, causing chaos in time and space. You don't have to be nervous. Now that you are a Canglong, try to use it." The power of your blue dragon.”


Xiao Chen slowly tried to touch the Canglong mask on his face with his fingers. At this moment, the Canglong totem on the mask seemed to come alive. The power of the Canglong instantly spread throughout his body, followed closely by a shocking sound. The sound of dragon roars in the nine heavens.

Shocked by the power of the blue dragon, the ancient fire-winged dragon suddenly fell down in fright and covered its head with its wings. In the sky, those ancient pterosaurs that were originally flying were so frightened that they fell nearby. On the mountain peak, some were prostrate on the ground, shivering, while some covered their heads with their wings and did not dare to move.

"Is this the power of the blue dragon..."

Xiao Chen slowly put down his hand. At this time, he could still feel the power of the blue dragon flowing in his body. It seemed that now, he had gradually understood the mystery of the blue dragon.

After the sound of the dragon's roar disappeared, the ancient pterosaurs all over the mountain quickly flew up and fled away in fear.

Seeing that he had initially mastered the use of the power of the Canglong, Qilin nodded and smiled: "Yes, it seems that you have initially understood how to use the power of the Canglong. These ancient pterosaurs just now are all first and second level. If you encounter high-level Your Canglong power can also frighten pterosaurs of the seventh level, but if you encounter those of the seventh level or above, hehe, with your current cultivation level, you have to be careful."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly and slowly put away the power of the Canglong. Qilin turned the wheelchair and said, "This place is still some distance away from the Canglong Palace. Let's talk about the Eight Desolate Alliance things as we walk. I will tell you something on the way, and then someone from Canglong Palace will pick you up today."


The two set off immediately. Along the way, Qilin told him many things about the Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance. Although they were in the Eight Desolations, there were many taboos in some places. Even Canglong could not go there at will.

"Canglong Palace, White Tiger Palace, Suzaku Palace, Xuanwu Palace...these four palaces each have their own power, but in recent years, the four palaces have also been fighting with each other. You will understand these overt and covert struggles in the future."

Qilin told him a lot, and of course Xiao Chen also understood that the previous generation of Canglong died decades ago, and the life and death soul lamp in Canglong Hall was also extinguished. The news of Canglong's death cannot be hidden from the other three halls, so The Three Halls must have known for a long time that the current Canglong Hall is probably the weakest among the Four Halls.

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