The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1821: Palace of Eternal Life

"Hehe, Master of Canglong Hall, we are here, look! That mountain peak in front is our Canglong Peak, Canglong Hall, right on top of it..."

Liu San pointed to the Canglong Peak in the distance with a smile on his face. Xiao Chen walked forward for a while. Before he reached the Canglong Peak, he had already felt the majestic power of the mountain and river.

"Let's go." Xiao Chen walked forward and came to a magic array. He saw the mysterious light in the array changing unpredictably and asked, "What array is this?"

Liu San chuckled and said, "Master Canglong Palace, I just came here and I didn't realize that this is our Canglong Peak's teleportation formation, and it's also a defensive formation. It's so powerful! There are 720 such formations on the entire Canglong Peak. Palace Master, please." At the end of his words, he made a gesture of invitation to the magic circle.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate, and immediately entered the magic circle. Liu San also walked in with a smile, and then recited an unknown formula. Xiao Chen only saw a flash of golden light in front of his eyes. When he saw things clearly, he was already in another place. There is a place where there are clouds and mist, and there are cranes flying in the clouds. I think it must be on the mountainside.

Liu San smiled and said, "Master Canglong Palace, let's go to another magic circle now."


Xiao Chen didn't ask any more questions. After walking out of the magic circle, he felt a strong spiritual energy. He was now sitting on one of the green dragon's scales. The size of this scale was equivalent to the square of a sect outside. , enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

The size of the entire Canglong Peak was completely beyond his imagination. At this time, Liu San led him to another magic circle, smiled and invited him in. After passing several magic circles, Xiao Chen finally arrived at the top of the mountain. place, and along the way, he also appreciated the majesty of Canglong Peak.

Standing on the top of the clouds, looking down, the mountains and rivers were all in sight, and everything became insignificant. Even some of the majestic buildings he saw when he came up just now became as small as ants and leeches.

Canglong Peak is so high that ordinary people would be out of breath when they come up here, but Xiao Chen has been in Wuyu Tian all year round and has long been accustomed to such loneliness and coldness.

"Canglong Palace is not far ahead. Palace Master, please."

Along the way, Liu San was always smiling and respectful, but Xiao Chen had other thoughts in his heart. He thought that Liu San had assisted the old Canglong, but now that the old Canglong was dead, he didn't look sad at all... ...That's right. He has assisted several generations of Canglong, so he may have gotten used to it. If one day he dies too, he will do the same to welcome the next generation of Canglong...

After a while, the two came to several palaces. They didn't know what these palaces were for, but they were not Canglong Hall. At this time, on the other side, Xiao Chen heard intermittent noises coming from there, and followed the sounds. , I saw only two old men from Canglong Hall, some disciples with their heads lowered, and a man in purple clothes. But looking at the arrogant look of the man in purple clothes, I don’t know what he was talking about, but it didn’t look like Canglong. The people of the temple.

"Elder Liu, what happened over there? Who is that man in purple?"

Xiao Chen looked over there, and Liu San had been smiling all the time before. When he saw the situation over there, his smile seemed to freeze for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses, smiled and said, "It's okay. It’s okay, it’s probably because the disciples were disobedient again and were reprimanded. Lord Canglong Hall, you don’t have to worry about this. I’ll talk to them later. Let’s go to Canglong Hall...”


Xiao Chen came to Canglong Hall for the first time today, so he didn't ask any more questions. He followed Liu San to Canglong Hall. The whole hall was indeed very grand, but it looked cold. Not to mention the elders, even a disciple Invisible, it was even colder than his Wuyu Palace.

"Why is there no one?"

Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown, Canglong hadn't come back for a hundred years, but it wasn't so depressed and cold, right? Could it be that in the past hundred years, everyone has left? He thought that even if the palace owners of the Qisu Palace were in retreat today, at least one or two elders should come to greet him, right? No one was seen.


Liu San smiled bitterly and said, "The master of Canglong Palace came back suddenly today. I haven't had time to prepare yet, but it's okay. They will all come in a few days..."


Xiao Chen didn't bother to ask who "they" he was talking about at the moment, and walked straight to the main hall. The entire Canglong Hall was full of carved beams and painted pillars, and even the steps and floors were paved with white jade. It could be said to be very magnificent. , but I always felt that something was missing. For a moment, Xiao Chen couldn't tell what exactly was missing.

"Master Canglong Palace, please.

Liu San had been smiling since he came in. At this time, Xiao Chen sat on the chair at the head of the palace and looked down. At this moment, he finally understood that something was missing. This Canglong Palace was indeed majestic, but But he lacked some... Canglong's majesty.

Liu Sanxiao chuckled and said, "Palace Master, please rest here for a while, I will pour you tea..."

"Forget it, it's okay."

Xiao Chen raised his hand. He didn't expect that when he first came to Canglong Hall, he didn't even have a disciple to carry tea and pour water. What kind of behavior was this?

"Ouch! Palace Master, you said so, how can you forget about this? Hehe, wait for me..."

As Liu San spoke, he ran out of the palace. After a while, he brought tea and said with a smile, "Palace Master, please use tea!"


Xiao Chen took the tea from him and thought that this Canglong Palace was too deserted. After all, it was the Eight Desolate Alliance. Even Wuyutian had 300,000 disciples. Could it be that the Eight Desolate Alliance had a hundred disciples? All gone? No one was seen in broad daylight. Where have all those people gone?

"Elder Liu, let me ask you, how many disciples are there in Canglong Hall now?"

"This..." Liu San thought for a while, looking a little embarrassed, and finally said, "If you don't count Qisu Palace, there are probably... probably ten thousand disciples."

"There are probably ten thousand disciples?" Xiao Chen thought to himself, ten thousand disciples are not that few, but why are there no people in broad daylight?

"Uh...this, this..."

Liu San scratched his head and said, "When the old palace master was here, we had a total of more than 700,000 disciples, and there are still many forces below, but now that the old palace master is gone...sigh."

"okay, I get it."

Xiao Chen put down the tea cup in his hand and asked, "What do these ten thousand disciples do on weekdays? Why didn't I see many of them when I came just now?"


Liu San thought for a while and said, "The disciples are very busy on weekdays. Some are practicing and some are collecting spiritual jade... So, why the palace master came today, alas, I was not prepared."

"Nothing to do with you."

Xiao Chen looked at him, and at this moment, he was even more sure that there must be some problems in Canglong Palace, and asked, "What should we do next?"

"Next...Master Canglong Palace, please wait here for a moment, I will get you the soul lamp."


Xiao Chen gradually frowned as he watched Liu San go out. When he came just now, he observed carefully all the way. Canglong Peak condenses the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is a rare treasure. And Canglong Palace has been there for decades. Without a master, there is absolutely no reason not to covet the other three palaces. It seems that he has a lot of things to do next.

Not long after, Liu San brought a soul lamp. There was a soul stone inside the soul lamp. When every generation of Canglong Palace Master came, he would put a drop of blood essence on it, so that the soul lamp would light up. , and once the soul lamp goes out one day, it means that Canglong is dead outside.

Xiao Chen is not unfamiliar with this soul lamp of life and death. The soul lamps of the twenty-four people in Yeying are all in Wuyutian. Once someone's soul lamp goes out, it means that that person died in an accident while performing a mission outside. Once the soul lamp is extinguished, there is no possibility of resurrection.

At this moment, Liu San was holding the soul lamp carefully, Xiao Chen cut his finger and poured a drop of blood essence into the soul stone inside. Slowly, a faint light emitted from the soul lamp.

Canglong's soul lamp is usually placed behind the Canglong Hall. At this time, Xiao Chen came to the back hall with Liu San. The light inside was dim. Only the soul lamp in Liu San's hand gave out a faint light. It seemed that he had not seen it for a long time. When we came here, the four corners of the hall were covered with spider webs, and some of the desks were also covered with dust.

At this moment, when I came to a desk above the main head of the hall, I saw a life and death soul lamp already placed on it, but the soul lamp had long been extinguished and was covered with dust and cobwebs.

Xiao Chen asked, "Is this... the old palace master's soul lamp?"

"Oh...yes, after so many years, I have not removed the soul lamp of the old palace master. It has always been in this position. What if it suddenly lights up again one day? Do you think so? Haha... "

At the end of his words, Liu San shook his head and smiled. Then, he took down the old palace master's soul lamp of life and death and put Xiao Chen's soul lamp up. Finally, there was some light in the whole palace.

Xiao Chen asked, "Next, what are you going to do with the old palace master's soul lamp?"

Liu Sandao said, "I will naturally put it in the Palace of Eternal Life."

"Eternal Life Palace? Then I'll go with you. It can be regarded as... handing over to the old palace master."

"Hey...this, this is not possible."

"What? I can't go to the Palace of Eternal Life?"

Xiao Chen looked at him motionless, Liu San had a very embarrassed look on his face, and said with a wry smile, "That's not true, it's just that you just came today, Master, so you'd better not go to the Palace of Eternal Life, it's not good..."

"It doesn't matter, I'll go with you."

At that moment, Xiao Chen went to the Palace of Eternal Life with him. As soon as he walked in, Xiao Chen felt a faint feeling. He couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was.

There was a smell of sandalwood in the air, incense candles were burning in the hall, and the light was a little dim. On the desks, there were extinguished soul lamps. Some soul lamps were already covered with cobweb dust. .

These are the soul lanterns of the past generations of Canglong. They are all dead. This time Xiao Chen finally understands why Liu San dissuaded him from coming here just now. However, he has never had any taboos. If one day he dies, his soul lantern will... It will also be placed in this Hall of Eternal Life.

Liu San smiled bitterly and said, "Palace Master, you have seen that this is the place where the blue dragons of all generations have rested. Counting the old palace master, alas... I have personally placed the soul lamps of the three palace masters here." …”

At the end of his words, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, "If one day, while you are outside, your soul lamp goes out, I will have to put it in the Hall of Eternal Life with my own hands... Hey, bah, bah, bah! Look at my mouth. , what nonsense are you talking about..."

"It's okay, you were right."

Xiao Chen looked at the rows of neatly arranged soul lanterns in the hall, and couldn't explain how he felt in his heart. He just sighed, "Everyone in the world thinks about immortality, but they didn't expect that they will be able to live forever after death." Enter this Hall of Eternal Life.”

At this time, Liu San was still holding the soul lamp of the old palace master in his hand. After listening to his words, he turned to look at him. Although he couldn't see his face under the Canglong mask, he could feel that he was a young man. , a... young man with an open mind.

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