The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1824 A dispute arises

"I told you that you can leave now..."

The cold voice made everyone present tremble. Liu San was the first to react and quickly stopped in front of Xiao Chen. "Let him go, let him go, let this jinx go as far as he can. Palace Master, please don't bother with him, just let him go..."


The atmosphere was as cold as frost. Zhao Ziran slowly turned around and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "What? Palace Master Canglong, do you have anything else to do?"

Everyone was extremely nervous at this moment. Could it be that he was really going to hit Zhao Ziran with thirty sticks today? Liu San thought it was not good, and he was afraid that something was really going to happen this time!

"Punishment Elder!"

"I'm here, I'm here!"

The Punishment Elder only came to his senses at this time. He was a little at a loss for a while. After a while, he reacted and made a seal with his hands. Lightning and thunder flashed in the air, and several lightning chains bound Zhao Ziran at once.

"You dare to touch the young master!" The people from the Xuanwu Hall came up with swords, but there were many people from the Canglong Hall, so they didn't dare to act rashly. Zhao Ziran obviously didn't expect that the other party would dare to tie him up, but he soon calmed down and said coldly, "I have the Xuanwu Order. Who of you dares to touch me today!" "Punishment Elder, what are you still standing there for." Xiao Chen's voice was cold, and at this time, the disciples of the Punishment Hall outside had come up, two of them holding a stick in their hands, but the sticks were heavily restricted and wrapped with lightning. This was definitely not an ordinary stick, but a punishment item known as "beating the stick". If you get hit by a stick, you may not be able to get out of bed for half a month. "Thirty sticks, not one less, beat them!"

At Xiao Chen's command, the two punishment disciples immediately walked up. This time, Zhao Ziran finally showed a look of shock on his face, "Canglong! Dare you touch me? My master will destroy your entire Canglong Hall!"

"Beat them!"

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves. Although this order made people tremble, the two disciples of the Punishment Hall were so scared that they dared not take action and could only look at the Punishment Elder.

"Wait... wait!"

Liu San's face was full of shock. While calling the two people of the Punishment Hall, he stopped Xiao Chen and said anxiously, "Don't beat them, don't beat them!"

"Why can't you beat them? Beat them!"

"Don't beat them!"

Liu San shouted to the two disciples of the Punishment Hall, then turned around and whispered in Xiao Chen's ear, "He is the direct disciple of the Xuanwu Elder. Don't beat him. If you beat him, we will all suffer this time..."

"Beat him, I said you can beat him, beat him!"


This time Liu San was really anxious. He stopped the two people from the Punishment Hall while stopping Xiao Chen. "Hidden Dragon, don't use it. Now is not the time...Hidden Dragon, don't use it!" After he finished speaking, he immediately turned around and shouted at the two disciples of the Punishment Hall, "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you go back? What do you want to do!" "Come back! Who told you to leave?" One wanted to be beaten, and the other didn't. This time, the two disciples of the Punishment Hall were also confused. They could only look at the Punishment Elder, and the Punishment Elder had a bitter face. How could he dare to ask for a fight? Liu San kept giving Xiao Chen a look, "Just scare him... Look at him, he is so scared that he can't speak. Hall Master, we should forgive him when we can. If we win, let him go..." "Haha, hahaha..." At this moment, Zhao Ziran suddenly laughed, and no one of the Canglong Hall disciples nearby dared to shout for a fight, and they all retreated silently. Xiao Chen pointed at Zhao Ziran and said, "You saw that he was still laughing. How could he be scared? Beat him!"


Liu San shouted at the two disciples of the Punishment Hall, then turned around and whispered in Xiao Chen's ear, "You really can't beat him. If you do, something bad will happen..."

"You can beat him. I say you can beat him."

"You can't beat him."

"You can't beat him. Are you Canglong or am I?"

"I am... no no no, you you you, you are..."

"Then I have the final say, beat him!"

"No... You can't beat him!"

"Beat him! Who dares to stand there again? I'll beat him together!"

"You can't beat him!"

"Beat him!"


Just in the chaos, Zhao Ziran suddenly screamed, and the whole square was quiet. The disciples around him were all stunned.

"Who? Who hit me!"

Liu San was startled. He saw the Punishment Hall disciple on the left with a confused look on his face, holding a beating stick in his hand, his body trembling constantly, and tremblingly said, "I, I... I'm confused..."

"Good hit! That's it, keep hitting!"

Xiao Chen pointed his finger, and the Punishment Hall disciple on the right also woke up. When he was about to swing the stick, Zhao Ziran angrily said, "Canglong! You dare to hit me..."

"My hand slipped, my hand slipped!" Liu San hurriedly said.

Zhao Ziran's face was covered with cold sweat. Obviously, the stick just hit him and made him suffer a lot. At this time, the Xuanwu Hall disciples behind him were all stunned when they saw that he was really hit. They shouted loudly just now, but now no one dared to rush up to save people.

"What are you standing there for? Thirty sticks, not one less, hit me!"

Xiao Chen gave an order, and the Punishment Hall disciple on the right was stunned for a moment, his mind was suddenly blank, and he swung the stick and hit Zhao Ziran.


Another scream sounded, and Liu San covered his face. "Oh my god, it's over, my aunt, it's really over this time..."


"It's over, it's over..."

"It's really over this time..."

A crescent moon hung in the night, and gusts of breeze blew in from outside the hall. Xiao Chen was reading a book in the hall. At this time, he saw Liu Sandui walking in in despair. He slowly put down the book in his hand and asked, "Elder Liu ,What's wrong?"

"It's's really over this time..."

Liu San looked like he had lost his soul, with his head hanging down, he walked slowly in front of him, looking at him with blank eyes, "It's over, it's over..."

Xiao Chen picked up the scroll on the case again and said, "I don't see Elder Liu like this on weekdays. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

Liu San looked mournful and said, "Palace Master, during the day you beat Zhao Ziran with thirty sticks, a lot of them. The scene was like a pig howling. Did you forget about it so quickly?"

"Oh?" Xiao Chen touched his chin and thought for a while, then asked, "So what?"


Liu San's face was bitter, and he felt as if he was mourning for his heir. He said feebly, "Now the whole Bahuang League knows that you beat Zhao Ziran. Every one of your thirty sticks is a knot." It hit Elder Xuanwu hard in the face..."


Xiao Chen touched his chin and said the same thing as before, "So what?"


Liu San said with a bitter face, "You just kicked the tiger's butt, kicking the balls. This time, we will all be killed..."

"Is it that serious?"

Xiao Chen stood up slowly, and Liu San nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, it really is. Let's think carefully about what to do next. Elder Xuanwu can lift the roof of our temple with just one breath." Already..."

"Hmm... let me think about it."

Xiao Chen put down the scroll in his hand and picked up a magatama jade from the desk. He saw that this jade was extremely warm and moist. It contained the spiritual power of the Canglong Realm. It was many times stronger than the spiritual stone outside. This is During the day, what Zhao Ziran wanted was so good that even he was tempted by it, let alone those from Xuanwu Hall?

"Elder Liu, let me ask you, where do these spiritual jade come from?"


Liu San looked at the magatama he held in his hand and said, "This is the Eight Wild Magatama. It contains the spirit of the earth of our Canglong Palace, which is incomparable to the other three palaces..."

"now it's right."

Xiao Chen turned around and looked outside the palace and said, "Our Canglong Palace's earth-line spirits were not even willing to waste any of them when the old palace master was here, but you gathered them together in such a big way and gave them to others. Isn't this ridiculous?"

"This, this..." Liu San said with a bitter face, "Then what can be done..."

Xiao Chen said, "Xuanwu has swallowed up a lot of our earth-line spirits over the years, right? From tomorrow on, we can no longer give one spiritual jade to them."


Liu San's face was startled, Xiao Chen turned around, looked at him and said, "What is this? Not only will I not give them any spiritual jade, but I also want them to spit out all the spiritual jade they had before."


Liu San was shocked, and then he looked mournful, "Little Ancestor, let me beg you. You just came here and don't know the situation. Anyway, from tomorrow on, I will arrange for you to practice in Canglong Secret Realm, and you can practice well there." , Can you just leave the outside things alone for now?"

"Liu San."

"Hey... I'm here, I'm here, please tell me, Master."

Xiao Chen looked at Liu San. Even though he was wearing a mask, Liu San could see how serious he was at this moment. He asked, "Who am I?"

Liu San was stunned for a moment and replied, "Canglong."

Xiao Chen pointed to the ground, "Then where is this place?"

Liu San was stunned again and replied, "Canglong Palace."

Xiao Chen finally looked at him and said in a more serious tone, "Who has the final say here?"

This time, Liu San was stunned for a while before he said in a daze, "Elder Xuanwu."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, turned his back, pointed outside and said, "This is Canglong Hall. I, Canglong, am standing here, but I want him, Elder Xuanwu, to have the final say. Tell me again, who has the final say here?" Calculate!"

As the last word fell, a wave of Canglong power surged out, causing the whole palace to tremble. Liu San also trembled with fright. After a while, he said with a mournful face, "Master Canglong Palace, you just asked me a hundred times." , then I have to say the same thing, which of the two temporary palace masters dared to disobey Elder Xuanwu..."

"I'll say it again!"

Xiao Chen turned around, looked at him and said, "The Canglong mask I'm wearing now is a person. He brought it out of the Tao of Reincarnation with his life. I am Canglong, not the temporary master of the palace. Did you hear clearly?" ?”

Liu San looked at him and was speechless. Xiao Chen said, "Let me ask you again, when the old palace master is here, will he also listen to Elder Xuanwu? Who has the final say here!"

After listening, Liu San said with a bitter look on his face, "When the old palace master was here, he could fight Xuanwu at once. But, palace master, look around you. Now this Canglong Qisu, who is he?" Listen to you, let’s talk about people outside. If you hadn’t beaten Zhao Ziran thirty times today, they might not even know about you..."

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