A few days passed like this. Due to what happened that day, both the disciples and the elders in Canglong Temple were a little uneasy. The sky above Canglong Peak was often shrouded in lead clouds, giving people a dull and depressing feeling. a feeling of.

On this day, Xiao Chen was reading books in the palace. Suddenly, there was a shock outside. At first, the shock only caused the palace to shake, but soon it became extremely violent, as if the entire Canglong Peak was about to collapse. .

"what happened?"

Xiao Chen immediately put down the book in his hand. This shock was so violent that it was absolutely unusual. It was impossible for anyone to attack Canglong Peak. There were 720 defensive formations on Canglong Peak. Even Elder Xuanwu could not attack. There is only one possibility. The spiritual veins under the mountain have been tampered with.

When he came here before, he noticed that the spiritual power of Canglong Peak was very special, and the direction of the spiritual veins underground was also very special, just like the distribution of blood vessels in the human body. Once something happened, the decline of Canglong Peak's spiritual power would be very small. The green dragon stone statue collapsed, and I am afraid that the entire Canglong Peak will be wiped out in an instant.


The tremors outside were getting more and more violent, and the disciples were all frightened into panic. The Xinsu Palace was closest to Canglong Peak, and Xinyuehu could clearly feel the strong tremors coming from there.

"Canglong Peak... something happened."

At this time, Xinyuehu quickly came outside and looked in the direction of Canglong Peak. He saw that the entire top of Canglong Peak was covered with clouds, and the scene was indescribably weird.

"What? You want to go?"

At this moment, a man walked out from behind her. This man was the elder of Xinsu Palace. He was also looking at Canglong Peak, but the expression on his face was very calm. He said calmly, "That man rushed to me as soon as he came." Xuanwu, something will happen sooner or later. I still advise you to stay away from him, lest the city gate catches fire and the pond fish is affected..."

“I’m going to go take a look.

Xinyuehu didn't have time to listen to his sarcastic words here. As soon as he finished speaking, he made a secret in his hand and immediately turned into a ray of mysterious light and flew towards Canglong Peak.

"go Go……"

The man looked at her gradually disappearing figure and said calmly, "It's not enough for one Canglong to die. Do you want another one to die now?"

"Liu San...Liu San!"

In the Canglong Palace, Xiao Chen put down the book in his hand and quickly went outside, while Liu San also hurried over, with a look of horror on his face, "Not good, not good..."

"Elder Liu!" Xiao Chen called him, and Liu San came back to his senses and said hurriedly, "Palace Master, you go back first, I will handle it here..."

"What are you dealing with? Do you know what's wrong!"

Xiao Chen pulled him, looked at the elders in the distance, and said loudly, "Let everyone stay away from every magic circle immediately! No one is allowed to approach the cliff, let alone go down the mountain!"

When the elders heard his shouting, they immediately became angry and spread their voices hundreds of miles away. "Everyone, listen to the order! No one is allowed to approach the magic circle, no one is allowed to approach the cliff, and no one is allowed to go down the mountain!"

The voices of several elders echoed throughout Canglong Peak for a long time, and when everyone heard the warning voice echoing throughout the sky, those who were still running towards the teleportation formation immediately stopped.

In just a short moment, spiritual power suddenly surged out of those magic circles. The powerful spiritual power turned everything around the magic circle into ashes in an instant.

"This this!"

Seeing this scene, the disciples who originally wanted to run into the teleportation array were so frightened that they crawled and hid behind them. They were almost there just now. Without the elder's warning, they would have been wiped out in the array. .

"what happened……"

The elders of Canglong Palace were holding swords in the air and were shocked when they saw this scene. How could such destructive spiritual power surge out of the formation...

In front of the Canglong Palace, Liu San was stunned and looked at Xiao Chen blankly: "Palace Master, how do you know..."

"Of course I know……"

At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice was low, he squeezed his fingers tightly, and said to him, "You maintain order here and tell everyone to stay away from the formation, the suspended island, and any place with abundant spiritual power immediately!"

"Then...what about you?"

The shock on Liu San's face was still there, Xiao Chen glanced at the chaotic spiritual whirlpool below and said, "I'm going to repair the spiritual cracks. The spiritual veins below have been cut off. If it is not repaired, the consequences will be unpredictable." ”

"Wait! It's too dangerous..."

Liu San immediately pulled him back, "It's too dangerous, you can't go down! I'll let others go down. You are Canglong, nothing can happen to you..."

"Others? Who? You?"

Xiao Chen glanced at him, "Tell me, who can withstand the spiritual power down there in Canglong Palace now? Let go!" After the words fell, he shook off his hand, and then turned into a ray of light, following the green dragon. The stone statue flew down there.

"Palace Master...Palace Master!"

"Palace Master! No!"

Seeing Xiao Chen flying down there like this, both the disciples and elders of Canglong Palace screamed in surprise at this moment, but they couldn't follow. The spiritual power down there was too strong, and the physical body couldn't bear it. , if you are not careful, even the soul will be wiped out.

"What a mess, what a mess..." Liu San's face was still filled with shock. At this moment, a flower shadow fell from the sky and landed next to him. "Where are the others?"

Liu San came back to his senses and saw that it was Xinyue Fox, and said, "There is something wrong with the spiritual veins at the foot of the mountain. He went down just now..."

"Total chaos!"

Xinyuehu looked at the surging spiritual power at the bottom of the mountain, and finally found Xiao Chen. At this time, Xiao Chen continued to go down along the Qinglong stone statue, but the further down he went, the more ferocious the spiritual power became.

"Palace Master...be careful!"

Everyone's hearts were hanging outside. They held their breaths and didn't dare to blink their eyes, just watching Xiao Chen rush into the spiritual whirlpool.

At this time, the spiritual power at the foot of the mountain was getting stronger and stronger. Xiao Chen held his breath and used Lingxian Step to the extreme. While avoiding the spiritual power coming from around him, he followed the green dragon stone statue and continued down the mountain.

Even if he has ten thousand dragon scales on his body, he would never underestimate the power of the spiritual veins of Canglong Peak. Even if the ten thousand dragon scales are invulnerable to all weapons and weapons, there is no guarantee that his internal organs will not be shocked by this devastating spiritual power. hurt.

Soon, he had arrived at the mountainside, and the spiritual power here was even more ferocious. He still remembered that in the ancient realm of Xianbei, the spiritual vein of the Tianling Sect was broken and the spiritual power was about to fail. At that time, Weiyang used her spiritual power to At that time, she was the only one who could repair the spiritual cracks in Tianling Sect.

But now, Canglong Peak's spiritual veins have been cut off, and he is the only one to repair it. Of course, although Canglong Peak's spiritual veins are much stronger than those of Tianling Sect, it is only temporarily cut off, unlike Tianling Sect's. , it broke on its own over time, so it was much easier for him to repair it, but the spiritual energy surged around here, which was a bit dangerous.

Finally, he came to the foot of the mountain and found the place where the spiritual veins had been cut off. There was still some power of the magic weapon left here, which could forcibly cut off the power of the spiritual veins. It seemed that the opponent's cultivation level was at least in the realm of Taiqing, and he used the magic weapon in his hand. The magic weapon is by no means simple.

The spiritual power surged around here, and it was extremely fierce. Xiao Chen did not dare to take it lightly. However, fortunately, Chu Guhong trained him for a year under the black water, so that he can now face these dangers calmly.

At this moment, I saw him offering Fuxi Qin, and then raising his hand, an extremely powerful magic power surged out from his palm. At the same time, with the help of Fuxi Qin's divine power, he forcibly condensed the spiritual power that was surging nearby. Only in this way could he Repair damaged spiritual veins.

After about a stick of incense, the spiritual veins were finally repaired, and the entire Canglong Peak gradually stopped shaking. Fortunately, the damage was not too deep, and the ten thousand-foot-long Azure Dragon stone statue was still coiled around the mountain peak without any damage.

Xiao Chen slowly took Fu Xiqin back and looked at the spiritual power that had been re-condensed here. The spiritual veins of Canglong Peak would not be cut off for no reason, and no one outside would dare to destroy the spiritual energy of Canglong Peak. Pulse, even if Canglong Palace is declining now, it will still be Canglong Palace, and outsiders will never dare to peep.

There is only one person, Elder Xuanwu. It seems that what happened last time is just as Liu San said. Now Xuanwu is coming to give him a warning. Destroying the spiritual veins is just the beginning.

But at this time on the mountain, everyone saw that the shaking had stopped, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, "The Palace Master succeeded, Canglong Palace Master, he succeeded..."

On Canglong Peak, many disciples turned from worry to joy, and the elders also breathed a sigh of relief. But just when they had just recovered, a faint man's voice came from below the square, "It seems that your new palace master is indeed There are some abilities that make you so happy that you forget about your identity, right?"

"Who? Who!"

All the elders present were shocked, and the disciples all quieted down and stopped making any noise. It was difficult for ordinary people to come up to Canglong Peak silently. Someone must have taken advantage of the chaos and came in just now.

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