I saw two figures slowly walking up from the bottom of the square. One of them was a man wearing brocade clothes with a cold look on his face. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

"Master Weisu Palace..."

Seeing this man in brocade clothes walking up, many people in Canglong Palace trembled. This man is the Bahuang Alliance, the master of Weisu Palace in Twenty-Eight Sus, Wei Yueyan, and belongs to Xuanwu Palace. Is he here today because of the previous ones? What about Zhao Ziran?

Sure enough, the weather has been calm these past few days, but the calmer it is, the more violent the storm will be when it comes. At this time, the old man next to him has a hidden aura of cultivation, and he is by no means an ordinary person.


Liu San's expression had completely changed. It would be fine if everyone else in Xuanwu Palace came today, but it was Wei Yueyan. This person... that was not an ordinary person. He was the palace master of Weisu Palace in Twenty-Eight Sus. Maybe His strength is not the strongest in Weisu Palace, but his identity is different from Xinyue Fox.

Although Xinyuehu is the lord of the Heart Su Palace and is also the lord of the Twenty-Eight Su Palaces, the twenty-eight Su Palaces, not to mention the huge difference in strength between each Su Palace, the identity of this palace lord is also very different. Obviously in the Eight Desolate Alliance , Wei Yueyan's identity is much higher than Xinyuehu's. This person came in person today, and I'm afraid things will get serious this time.

Xinyuehu also knew very well at this time how powerful Wei Yueyan was, not in terms of how powerful he was in cultivation, but how powerful he was in the Eight Desolations League. If he pointed at a deer and said it was a horse, , then no one down there would dare to say it was a deer.

At this moment, the disciples of Canglong Palace, who had just turned from worry to joy, had not had time to recover. After feeling the suffocating aura of Palace Master Weisu, everyone's heart trembled again. Wei Yueyan Every time they took a step forward, they subconsciously took a step back.

"Palace Master Weisu, you...why did you come all this way..."

Liu Sanqiang calmed down, put on a smile, and walked forward. He knew very well why the other party came today. If he wanted to protect the disciples behind him, then he could only stick out his face and let others beat him. , the opponent is happy with the fight, and his anger has subsided, then today's matter will be over. Otherwise, the elders can barely get through this, but the disciples will not have a hard time.

"Liu San, long time no see..."

Wei Yueyan looked at Liu San who was walking up at this time and smiled softly, but no matter how he looked at it, the smile on his face made people feel panicked.

Liu San rubbed his hands together and smiled in agreement, "Long time no see, Palace Master Weisu, you... Why do you suddenly think of our Canglong Palace today?"

Wei Yueyan looked at the nearby Canglong Palace disciples and saw that they were all standing still and did not salute to her. She said, "They say that Canglong Palace is full of gold, but why, it doesn't look like it to me... …”

"This this……"

Liu San smiled bitterly and said, "How can there be gold all over the place? Palace Master Weisu, you have done me a favor, you have done me a favor..."

"Is not it?"

Wei Yueyan looked at the disciples around him again, then turned around and looked at Liu San. Liu San saw that the smile on his face slowly disappeared, and his heart became even more nervous. He whispered, "Palace Master Weisu, you Listen to me, that day was purely a misunderstanding, and it was all because of me, Zhao Ziran..."

"Stop it.

Wei Yueyan raised her hand to stop him from continuing, and said coldly, "Where is your new palace master? Let him come out to see me."

There was a smile on his face one moment, but it changed at the moment. When he spoke, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. Even from a distance of more than ten feet, you could feel the cold air coming from his body. .

Liu San was sweating from behind, and said with a grimace, "The master of the palace...he has something to do. He's out. He's out. He'll be back in a few days."

"Who said I'll be back in a few days... I won't be back now." At this moment, a voice came from the distance, but it was Xiao Chen who was back.

As he returned at this time, the atmosphere in the entire square suddenly became more tense, and the disciples were all filled with shock. "Palace...Master."

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, walked slowly to Liu San and Wei Yueyan, and said to Liu San, "Elder Liu, what were you talking about just now? I think we were quite happy talking."

"Yes... I'm quite happy."

Liu San immediately put on a smile and said, "Palace Master Weisu praised us, saying that our Canglong Palace is full of gold. This, this makes me feel embarrassed..."

"He scolded you."

Xiao Chen looked at Wei Yueyan and said.

"Curse... scold me? No, no, no, Palace Master, you really know how to joke. Palace Master Weisu is praising us, how can he be scolding us..."

Liu San was covered in cold sweat, but he still had to force out a smile, "Just in time, Palace Master, you came back just in time, how about I prepare the preparations, and you and Palace Master Weisu sit together, and we have a meal and a drink. Nothing will happen now, don’t you think?”

"Back off.

Xiao Chen's gaze fell on Wei Yueyan's face without moving. Although he was wearing a mask and no one could see his face at this time, it must have been scary.

Seeing this posture, Liu San immediately secretly thought something was wrong. He grabbed him and said in a secret voice, "Master, you can't do it. You absolutely can't do it. He is the twenty-eight-year-old..."

"Back off."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice even sounded a little cold and scary. After all these days, Liu San had never felt such a cold and scary aura on him. He was in a trance for a moment and subconsciously let go of his hand.

Xiao Chen took a few steps closer to Wei Yueyan, almost touching his face, and said, "I know that the spiritual veins down there were caused by you..."

Wei Yueyan still looked calm, smiled and said, "Palace Master, these are unfounded words...don't say nonsense."


Xiao Chen looked at him and stopped talking nonsense. He said directly, "What do you want? Tell me, I will accompany you to the end today."

"Haha...Master Canglong Hall, please don't misunderstand me. I'm not here to cause trouble today. I just saw that you just arrived and it seems that the disciples below don't understand the rules..."

Wei Yueyan had a smile on her face. As she spoke, she looked at the disciples of Canglong Palace around her, and finally her eyes fell back on Xiao Chen. She said with a smile, "I'll teach you, so that no one will know anything in the future." Yes, the following offense..."

"Palace...Palace Master..."

Being stared at by Wei Yueyan just now, the disciples of Canglong Palace nearby felt indescribable fear. No matter the identity or cultivation level of the other party, they felt extremely scared.


At this moment, the old man next to Wei Yueyan suddenly shouted coldly. The sound was like thunder, which frightened the hearts of the nearby disciples. Especially under the shock of this Taiqing realm breath at this moment, everyone was even more shocked. I couldn't help but almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, the old man's expression suddenly became extremely stern and terrifying, and he said coldly, "Don't you know that when you see the Master of the Twenty-Eight Palaces, you have to salute! Why don't you kneel down!"

The voice was like thunder, and it was said that the disciples could not bear it any longer. Even some of the elders of Canglong Palace present had their hearts beat faster and their faces turned pale.

"Palace...Palace Master..."

The disciples were trembling and could only look at Xiao Chen. However, some of them couldn't bear the pressure of the aura, so they finally made a plop and knelt down towards Wei Yueyan.

"Kneel down!"

The Taiqing Realm old man drank again, and under the shock of this terrifying cultivation aura, this time, the last psychological defense line of the disciples finally collapsed, and they knelt down one by one.


Seeing so many Canglong Palace disciples kneeling on the ground, Xinyuehu was stunned for a moment. Who said he would kneel down when he saw the Master of the Twenty-Eight Su Palace? It's okay to salute, but I didn't say to kneel down!


Wei Yueyan smiled faintly, and her eyes slowly fell on Xiao Chen again, "What did I say? Your Canglong Palace is full of gold, right? Otherwise, what are they doing kneeling on the ground..."

At this moment, the disciples in the entire square were too frightened to say anything, and their bodies were trembling. Xiao Chen looked at Wei Yueyan, and his fingers squeaked. This time, he was really angry, but he was not angry at Xuanwu Hall for bullying. But the group of people behind him were saddened by his misfortune and angry at him for not fighting!

"stand up!"

These two words almost roared out, and even Liu San was startled. He seemed to have seen how terrifying the face under Xiao Chen's mask was.

Wei Yueyan smiled faintly, "I didn't ask them to get up. You let them get up and try..."

"You...you all get up!" Suddenly, Xinyuehu rushed out, grabbed the disciple on the ground, and pulled him up hard, but he couldn't pull him up.

"Get up! Don't kneel!"

"Get up! You! You! You! Stand up! No kneeling! Do you hear me? Stand up!"

"You all get up! Get up! Don't kneel!"

Xinyuehu couldn't pull these people up, so she pulled one up, and the other knelt down again. Slowly, tears rolled out of her eyes. Is this the Canglong Palace left by the old palace master? Why did it become like this? , It’s not that Xuanwu Palace is too strong, but that we ourselves have already lost... It turns out that what they said is true, once a person kneels down, he will never get up again.

"Get up, get up... don't kneel, get up... don't kneel..." Xinyuehu shouted hoarsely, but finally tired, she sat on the ground, hugged her legs with her hands, and sobbed softly.

"Haha, now, have you seen it, have you learned it? Now let's talk about it, who has the final say here..."

Wei Yueyan walked closer to Xiao Chen, always with a smile on her face, and said word by word, "You don't really think that as long as you put on this mask, you will become a blue dragon, right? You don't really think, You have the strength of Canglong, so you can compete with Elder Xuanwu... Save it." At the end of his words, he stretched out his hand and patted his Canglong mask twice.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's true energy gathered, as if all the true energy in his body flowed to his right palm at this moment, and this palm hit Wei Yueyan unstoppably.


The old man in Taiqing Realm was shocked to realize that something was wrong, but it was already too late when he spoke. With a "bang", Xiao Chen's palm hit Wei Yueyan hard on the chest.

"Poof -" Wei Yueyan suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards without any resistance.

At this scene, all the elders of Canglong Palace were shocked. Palace Master Weisu, with his cultivation level in Taiqing Realm, how could he not have the strength to resist at all... At this moment, all the muscles and bones in his body were broken, and all the meridians in his body were severed!

"It's over..."

Liu San was even more stunned, as if his soul had flown away, leaving only this body standing in place, motionless.


The old man in Taiqing Realm was shocked and angry. Without saying much, he turned his palm and attacked Xiao Chen. However, his speed was much slower than Xiao Chen after a year of training in the black water. , before he could use his skills, the true energy from Xiao Chen's whole body was poured into the two fingers of his right hand in an instant. The two fingers suddenly became dazzling with golden light, and the devil fingers were formed in an instant. No one could see it clearly. The old man's throat has been strangled and he cannot move.


With the devil's fingers strangling his throat, the old man, even though he had the cultivation level of Taiqing Realm, had no strength to resist at this moment. Xiao Chen only needed to squeeze hard and he could be wiped out in an instant!

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