The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1828 The Heart of the Beast

This scene shocked everyone present. Not only was Xiao Chen's cultivation far beyond their imagination, but what shocked them even more was that in the past few decades, they had never dared to disobey Elder Xuanwu. , even the two temporary hall masters who came before were also respectful to the people of Xuanwu Hall, but now...

"Uh... uh..."

The old man in the Taiqing Realm was choked by Xiao Chen's demonic fingers and was unable to move. Liu San and others behind him had been stunned for a long time. They also stayed in place at this time, not knowing what to do. If Xiao Chen killed these two people today , they don’t know what the consequences will be.

"Cough... cough cough..."

Wei Yueyan was severely injured by Xiao Chen's palm just now. She reluctantly stood up and was about to sacrifice the magic weapon. Xiao Chen made a swipe with his finger and a fairy sword flew over. With a "chi" sound, blood suddenly flowed out. With a splash, this sword nailed Wei Yueyan to a stone pillar in the square.

"This this……"

Seeing the red-stained stone pillar, all the disciples panicked. Even the elders of Canglong Palace seemed to have lost their souls, their eyes filled with horror.

Xinyuehu didn't expect it at all. She still remembered the first time she saw Xiao Chen that day. Although he was always stern, he was also gentle and gentle. At this time, the murderous aura in him was different from the Canglong she saw on the first day. The master of the palace is completely different from the other two.

"you you……"

The face of the old man in the Taiqing Realm was finally filled with panic. He could clearly feel the terrifying murderous aura on the other side, which was a coldness he had never felt before.

At this moment, he seemed to have fallen into the abyss of hell, as if his life was no longer in his possession, but in the opponent's hand. He had no doubt that the opponent would not have any scruples if he wanted to kill him.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen pinched his fingers, and a cold and terrifying murderous aura suddenly filled the entire square. Everyone present held their breath. I don't know if it was an illusion or something, but they vaguely saw a trace of red on Xiao Chen's body. The breath filled the air, could it be the actualized murderous aura!

No one has ever felt such murderous intent. Liu San finally came to his senses and secretly thought something was wrong. He rushed forward, took Xiao Chen's hand and said hurriedly, "I can't kill you, you can't kill me! Palace Master, calm down, I can't kill you." , I can’t kill him!”

Obviously, no matter how Xuanwu Hall and Canglong Hall fight on weekdays, Wei Yueyan is one of the twenty-eight constellations of the Ancient Eight Desolate Alliance. If Xiao Chen kills these two people today, the nature of the entire incident will completely change. Undoubtedly, it violated the taboo of the Bahuang League.


Although Xiao Chen was being pulled by Liu San at this moment, the old man in Taiqing Realm was still suffocated. He still had no doubt that if the other party wanted to kill him, he would not even take the taboos of the Eight Desolate Alliance into consideration!

"Palace Master, Palace Master..." Seeing Xiao Chen's murderous look, Liu San turned pale with fear.

"You two, listen carefully, in my Canglong Palace, it will never be your turn to run wild... Do you hear me clearly?"

Xiao Chen's voice was cold, and he spoke clearly every word. The old man in his hand kept nodding, "Listen clearly, listen clearly..."

"Then tell me now, who has the final say here..."

" Canglong Palace, you have the final say..."

"Let me see you appear in Canglong Palace again, and next time, I will completely wipe you out... Get out!"

Xiao Chen pushed the old man out. The old man was full of horror. At this moment, he seemed to have come back from the Palace of Hell with his life. He didn't dare to stay any longer. He glanced at Wei Yueyan who was nailed to the stone pillar and immediately He flew up and carried it away far away.

The wind blew coldly, and the whole square suddenly became silent. Everyone stopped talking, and Xiao Chen stopped talking. Step by step, he walked back into the Canglong Palace. "From now on, no one can anymore." Let you kneel down..."

"Palace Master..."

The disciples finally stood up from the ground one by one. Looking at Xiao Chen turning away, tears slowly gathered in the eyes of the disciples present.

At night, a crescent moon hung obliquely, and the breeze blew through the leaves, making a constant rustling sound. The Canglong Palace was so quiet at night, without the frightening murderous aura during the day.

At this time, in the Canglong Hall, Xiao Chen sat alone at the head of the hall without saying a word. The scene during the day was still in his mind and he could not get rid of it. He would always remember that scene.

Today's Canglong Palace is a mess. Since Canglong's death, people have left and scattered. Qisu Palace is so powerful, but they only protect themselves wisely. No one is willing to compete with Xuanwu Palace.


A gust of wind blew in a few leaves, and then Liu San walked in, but he didn't speak, he just stood there with his head lowered, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, Xiao Chen spoke first, "I injured those two people today. Why, Elder Liu, don't you have anything to say?"

Only then did Liu San come back to his senses and smiled bitterly, "It's just an injury, what else can you do..."


Xiao Chen nodded and said, "If anything happens here in the Bahuang League, I will take care of it myself. No matter what, it won't fall on you. Don't worry..."

Hearing this, Liu San smiled bitterly and said, "Palace Master, I see what you said is true. I, Liu San'er, am afraid of death, but I actually understand some things. It's just that this time, Elder Xuanwu..."

"What?" Xiao Chen glanced at him and said, "Are you here to teach me how to kneel to others again?"

"No no no no no..."

Liu San kept waving his hands and never dared to mention kneeling again. Xiao Chen stood up from the chair, walked slowly towards him, and said, "Let me tell you a story."

"Hey, Palace Master, you say it and I listen."


Xiao Chen nodded and said, "I was born in a small village in the mortal world. I remember that at that time, there was a rich man in the town. He was rich and unkind. People in the town and village were afraid of him. And he had a son, the little rich man. Just like his father, he likes to bully people everywhere. Children from ten miles and eight villages are afraid of him. He likes to ride on others and ask others to kneel down and kowtow to him. The children are afraid of him, so they have to do it. But One day, he met me and guess what?"

After hearing this, Liu San thought for a while and asked, "Then... what happened next?"

Xiao Chen continued, "Later, he also asked me to kneel down to him, kowtow to him, and recognize him as my father, but I didn't do it, so he rushed up and slapped me, and then, when he turned around, I Laughing, when he was showing off his power to others, he picked up a stone on the ground and hit him on the head..."


Liu San couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then asked, "What happened next? What happened?"

Xiao Chen said, "What else can I do? I was pushed to the ground and beaten by a group of them. I was bruised all over my body. I didn't even dare to go home at night. I was afraid that my mother-in-law would know that I was fighting with someone outside again and she would say that I was arrested." The wild boar accidentally fell, and the little rich man said that he would hit me every time he saw me in the future. "


Liu San thought for a while and then asked, "Then... if we meet him once, then..."


Xiao Chen said, "Then when he saw me once, he rushed up to beat me, but every time, I fought hard with him. Once, I almost bit off his ears and almost dug out his eyes. That time, he He was probably scared. From then on, when he saw me, if there were not two people around him, he would have to walk around me..."

After listening, Liu San fell into deep thought, and Xiao Chen continued, "Let me tell you another story. A long time ago, there was a village. One day, two robbers came to the village. At first, the two robbers were just testing. After all, There were many people in the village, so they were wary. But later, they found that although there were many people in the village, everyone was so scared that they hid. So they called six more robbers, and eight more robbers, and they were so unscrupulous among hundreds of people. In people's villages, they burned, killed and looted..."


This time, Liu San finally understood it completely. Xiao Chen looked at him and said, "Yes, the villagers have no weapons in their hands, so they can't compete with the robbers with knives. However, as long as they have a little bit of blood, even if they rush Go up and bite off a robber's ear, and the remaining robbers will be afraid..."

Liu San was stunned when he heard this, Xiao Chen continued, "Yes, as long as you resist, there will be sacrifices, people will bleed, and people will die because of it. But, if you don't resist, if you are alive, you won't even have the courage to resist. You You know, there is only one kind of people in this world who dare not resist, and their name is slaves.”

After saying that, Xiao Chen walked to the window, looked at the night outside the window, and said, "Even the wild beasts and wolves in the mountains, if they see their companions being bitten by other beasts, they will rush to save their companions, no matter how powerful they are. ...But there is a kind of animal that will remain indifferent when seeing its companions being bitten and devoured by other beasts. They can even eat grass leisurely next to them, perhaps thinking that the beast will not come after it is full today. Eat yourself."

At the end of his words, Xiao Chen turned around, looked at Liu San who was speechless, and said, "Sometimes, to live, one has to have the heart of a beast, even if it results in bleeding and sacrifice."

"Palace Master...I understand."

Liu San walked up blankly, looked out the window at the night, and murmured, "I always thought that doing this was to protect everyone. It turns out that I was wrong. Every time we take a step back, they will only push forward..."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, looked at the crescent moon in the sky, and said, "In a few days, call all the people from Qisu Palace, and those who have left over the years, call them back. Canglong Palace After being separated for too long, it’s time for Canglong Qisu to come together.”

Liu Sandao said, "Okay, I will definitely do this according to the palace master's instructions."


Xiao Chen nodded, thought for a while, and then said, "In addition, when I was repairing the spiritual veins down there during the day today, I found that there seemed to be something vaguely wrong with the power of the spiritual veins in Canglong Realm."

"What's wrong with the spiritual veins?" Liu San couldn't help but be startled. He hadn't found any problems in Canglong Palace for so long, so how could there be a problem with the spiritual veins?

Xiao Chen said, "Maybe thousands of years ago, the spiritual veins had been secretly manipulated at that time."


Liu San was shocked. How could this be possible? The spiritual veins of the four halls were related to their respective fortunes, and the spiritual veins of Canglong Palace were quietly tampered with thousands of years ago? Who has such great ability!

Impossible... But, suddenly, he thought of something, thousands of years ago, yes! The Canglong Palace in the past was so prosperous that it would not be an exaggeration to call it the first of the four palaces. However, it probably started thousands of years ago, and it was at that time that it slowly began to decline over the past few thousand years...

The cold wind blew in from the window, and Xiao Chen stopped talking. He has always been able to sense things more easily than others. Although his sense of spiritual power is not as sharp as Wei Yang's, he did sense something abnormal today. Although it only passed by in a flash, he could be sure that that moment was definitely not an illusion. He could only say that no one had discovered it for thousands of years. That person's method was very clever.

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