Inside the main hall, there was silence. At this moment, even the night seemed to have become mysterious. Liu San's eyes were still frightened, but Xiao Chen looked much calmer. He only said, "It's late at night, Liu San." Elder, please go back first. As for what I just said, Elder Liu does not need to let others know for the time being. I will check again in a few days.

"Okay, okay..." Only then did Liu San come back to his senses. He wanted to say something, but he hesitated and finally left alone.

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the night outside the window. Sure enough, the Ancient Eight Wastelands Alliance was not as simple as he thought before coming. The reason he told Liu San about the spiritual veins just now was because Liu San could be trusted. As for other people, it’s better not to disturb them for the time being.

Now, if he wants to solve the trouble in front of him and confront the Xuanwu Palace, he must unite the Canglong Qisu. Over the past few thousand years, although the Canglong Palace has declined a lot, it is after all an ancient alliance with a strong foundation. , definitely not comparable to Wuyu Tian, ​​nor what he has seen in the past few days.

The night is getting darker outside, but what about the Wuyu Tian at this time?

At this time, on the Secret Demon Cliff, the stars and moon are bright and the breeze is gentle. This is the highest cliff in Wuyu Tian, ​​and it is also the place where Xiao Chen practiced alone in the past.

Under the Secret Demon Cliff, there is a deep pool. In the deep pool, he usually sticks his head out from under the water and looks outside.

"Gudong, Gudong..."

At this time, a few more bubbles appeared under the black pool water, and then there was a "crash" sound. Under the moonlight, a black alien dragon emerged from it, splashing water all over the sky.

The Yijiao came to the cliff, and his figure slowly shrank. At this time, there was a figure standing on the cliff. That person was Xiao Chen, but his "heartless clone".


Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and gently touched the only blue dragon scale on Li's head. Li was originally a green dragon from the ancient Eastern cultivation world in ancient times. Unfortunately, he failed to transform into a dragon that time and his body was completely destroyed by the catastrophe. Later, he may have regained his physical body, but he still failed to transform into a dragon. After many failed attempts at transforming into a dragon, the ruthless dragon soul had become extremely weak.

And that time at the Tomb of Gods and Demons happened to be when Rui failed to transform into a dragon for the last time. At that time, Rui was extremely weak. Otherwise, their group might not be able to get through there, and Xiao Chen would not be able to subdue his dragon soul.

Now, in the past few decades, Zhu has been living under this black pool, using the ancient aura of Wuyu Tian, ​​to condense the dragon body again. Unfortunately, it can no longer transform into a dragon.

"Rou, what's wrong?"

At this time, Xiao Chen seemed to feel vaguely that Rui was a little uneasy. He saw Rui looking at the night sky opposite the Mystic Demon Cliff, and kept making a deep roar of "woo woo", as if a powerful enemy was coming, Rui's dragon body It slowly started to tremble, and a black aura of gods and demons immediately seeped out from the scales on its body.

"Li, what did you find?"

At this time, the strength of Xiao Chen's ruthless clone was too different from the original one, and his spiritual consciousness was far inferior to that of the original one, so he didn't notice anything strange. However, Rui didn't act like this for no reason, it must have felt something.

"What's wrong?"

At this moment, a figure quickly walked up from behind. That person was Hua Weiyang. Xiao Chen turned around and said to her, "Rui seems to have sensed something..."


At this time, Rui was still looking in the opposite direction of the Mystic Demon Cliff, with a fierce look in his eyes, and kept making low sounds. Hua Weiyang quickly walked forward and gently stroked the scales on its body, "Rui, what's wrong? What did you see? ?”

"That direction is the hidden sea of ​​clouds. Could it be..."

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed. Although his clone could not sense the situation in front of him, there was nothing else in front of him that could attract Luo's attention except for the hidden sea of ​​clouds.

"Hidden Cloud Sea?"

Hearing these three words, the expression on Hua Weiyang's face suddenly became serious. Since the last time Xiao Chen asked people to work together to set up the sky-covering formation, there has been no movement in the Hidden Cloud Sea. And in these years, Every once in a while, Xian Shu will ask people to strengthen the formation. Is there another problem with Hidden Cloud Sea?

After a while, the violent mood slowly calmed down, and the surroundings became quiet again. Only the wind blew across the cliff and made a gentle sound.


Ruo let out a deep roar, swung his body, and with a "plop", he went under the black water pool again, and no more sounds came up.

After a while, Hua Weiyang slowly looked away from the direction of the Hidden Cloud Sea, and looked at Xiao Chen again, "How are you? How are you doing in the Bahuang League during this time?"

Regarding the affairs of the Bahuang League, except for Hua Weiyang, Xiao Chen did not tell anyone else in Wuyutian. Of course, with Ku Lingzi's induction of the soul, the moment his clone came back, the other party discovered that he was just A clone, but where he went, Ku Lingzi did not ask.

"Why don't you speak? Is it not going well?" Hua Weiyang asked after seeing that he was silent for a long time.


Xiao Chen shook his head and looked at the crescent moon in the sky just like his current self in the Eight Desolate Realm, and said, "Everything is going well. The palace masters of Canglong Palace and Qisu Palace are very enthusiastic, and the disciples are also very enthusiastic." diligent……"

"That's good."

Hua Weiyang smiled softly, and the moonlight shone on her face, which also became gentle. She had known Xiao Chen for so many years, and she could tell when he was lying, but at this moment, she did not expose him.


In the Canglong Palace, Xiao Chen gently stretched out his hand out of the window, but what he touched was only the cold moonlight.

Just like this, the past few days have not been peaceful in the Ancient Eight Wastelands League. The first day, Xiao Chen beat Zhao Ziran with a stick thirty times, which was just a trivial matter. Although Zhao Ziran is the direct disciple of Elder Xuanwu, he has no status in the Eight Desolate League. However, Wei Yueyan is different. Wei Yueyan is one of the twenty-eight constellations of the Eight Desolate League. That day Xiao Chen took action and beat her to death. Seriously injured, this incident obviously caused quite a stir.

The entire Bahuang League, up and down, is now discussing who the new Canglong is. Not only the Bahuang League is talking about it, but also some other cultivation forces in the Bahuang Realm outside the Bahuang League. .

After all, Wei Yueyan is one of the Twenty-Eight Constellations. Regardless of whether he is from Xuanwu Hall or not, now that Xiao Chen has seriously injured him, it will be difficult to let the matter go.

"This new Canglong has been so powerful since he arrived. Who is he?"

At this time, in a certain palace in the Suzaku Hall, an old man in green clothes was seen walking back and forth, and then a man in brocade clothes walked in from the door. "I didn't expect that the Canglong mask appeared so soon. I thought Canglong died in ancient times." Samsara said, no one took out his mask..."

"Shaoai, you're here."

At this moment, the old man in green and the man in brocade were none other than the mysterious person Xiao Chen met in the Forbidden Soul Forbidden Area when he went to the Black Sea Burial Abyss last time to look for the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales. It turned out that these two people were the Eight Ancients. In the Desolate League, people from the "Zhang Su Palace" of the Suzaku Palace.

The man in brocade clothes is named Mu Shaoai, and he is a disciple of Yuelu, the leader of Zhangsu Palace, and the old man next to him is Elder Taiyi of Zhangsu Palace.

Obviously, the last time in the Burial Abyss, it was Xiao Chen who finally took away the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales, and they returned without success.

At this moment, Mu Shaoai walked in and said coldly, "This Canglong Mask has not appeared earlier or later, but it appears at this time. It must not be a person from the ancient reincarnation path, right?"

"Shao Ai! Don't talk nonsense!"

Elder Taiyi immediately glared at him, and then subconsciously looked outside the hall. Fortunately, no one was passing by. If he heard this and spread it around, there might be some big trouble.

"come over!"

"Oh! I'm just going to tell you what you are so nervous about..."

Mu Shaoai frowned, looking unhappy, and said, "Besides, Cang Long died in the Ancient Reincarnation Path. Who knows if this mask fell into the hands of someone from the Ancient Reincarnation Path?"

"Shut up! Are you still saying that?"

When Elder Taiyi saw that he was speaking freely outside, he was still like this when he returned to the Bahuang League. He glared at him again and lowered his voice and said, "This Canglong mask has a secret method. How can it be taken away by those demons from the ancient reincarnation path?" ? If Canglong hadn’t passed it down from his own hands, no one would be able to unlock the secret method above. The person who gave the mask to Canglong would definitely not be wrong..."

"whispering sound……"

Mu Shaoai glanced at him and said casually, "After all, you yourself are somewhat doubtful about the origin of this new Canglong. I saw from outside that you have been hanging around here for a long time..."

This time, Elder Taiyi did not refute him. He slowly frowned and said in deep thought, "As soon as this person came, he dared to confront Elder Xuanwu like this. He is so strong. It is indeed very unusual. Canglong is out there. What kind of person did you choose..."

Mu Shaoai said, "Who cares, let's fight. It's best to fight to the bitter end. The harder the fight, the better... I've long been unhappy with those people in Xuanwu Hall."

"This matter is not that simple. You just said it right. The Canglong Mask will appear sooner or later. Why does it have to appear at this time?"

In Canglong Palace, Xiao Chen secretly checked the spiritual veins near Canglong Peak in the past few days, but could not find the abnormality he sensed that day. But he was sure that that day was definitely not an illusion. The spiritual veins in Canglong Palace, It is very possible that someone secretly manipulated it thousands of years ago, causing the luck of Canglong Palace to continue to lose.

During these days, Liu San has been feeling a little uneasy and restless. Firstly, he was thinking about what happened that day, and secondly, he was thinking about that night. Xiao Chen told him that maybe the spiritual veins of Canglong Palace were in the thousands. It had been tampered with years ago, and in the past few thousand years, the entire Canglong Palace had been completely unaware of it.

The more Liu San thought about it, the more he shuddered. I'm afraid what the palace master said that night was not groundless. He had assisted three generations of Canglong, and as a result, each of the three Canglong palace masters died. It was really strange. Could it be that this time... Oops!

"Elder Liu, what's wrong?" Xiao Chen saw him walking in absentmindedly, and wondered what happened again?

"Ah...ah?" Liu San lowered his head all the way, thinking about what Xiao Chen said that night, but he didn't notice that he had already walked into the Canglong Palace.

Xiao Chen walked down from the head of the palace and walked towards him step by step, "Elder Liu, you have become more and more absent-minded recently. I have learned some acupuncture and soothing techniques. Do you want me to do it for you..."

"Ah... no, no, no, it's okay, it's okay."

Liu San walked up quickly, Xiao Chen looked at him, and finally nodded, "That's okay, you came just in time, I have something to do..."

"I, I also have something..."


Xiao Chen looked at him, "Then tell me first what your problem is."

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