Liu San turned his head and looked outside the hall, then turned back and whispered in Xiao Chen's ear, "On the fifteenth of this month, there will be a meeting of the Eight Desolate Alliance, and people from the four halls will have to go there, so the hall master You, you have to go there too..."

"Oh? That's a good thing."

"What's the matter..."

Liu San frowned, whispered in Xiao Chen's ear, and said in a low voice, "Most of the people in the Bahuang League are from Elder Xuanwu's faction now. I think what happened last time is probably..." ✧✧

"Ok, I know."

Xiao Chen looked at the falling leaves outside and said, "I said, I am responsible for what happened last time. Besides, they were the ones who committed the crime against me, Canglong Palace, and as the master of Canglong Palace, I am responsible for them. So what if I teach you a lesson?”


Liu San said with a bitter look on his face, "That's what I say, but when the time comes in the Bahuang Palace, there will be many of them, and I'm afraid that you, the Palace Master, won't be able to resist them alone. Everyone from Elder Xuanwu's faction is not a good person." The lights..."

"okay, I get it."

Xiao Chen knew in his heart that people like Elder Xuanwu were by no means a good person, but he was by no means a soft persimmon that could be pinched as much as he wanted. If this time, he could not gain a foothold in the Bahuang League, then this Canglong The master of the palace is in name only, so he might as well go back and be his Wuyu Lord in peace. At least in Wuyutian, the ancestors of Motian and the others don't dare to challenge him like this.

After a while, Xiao Chen saw that Liu San still looked worried, as if he had something else on his mind, and asked, "What's wrong? Elder Liu has something else to do?"

"This...well, there is indeed one more thing. When you came last month, I didn't have time to tell you..."

Liu San looked very embarrassed and didn't want to speak. Xiao Chen looked at him and said, "Elder Liu, if you have something to do, it doesn't matter.

"Is such that……"

After a while, Liu San drafted the words in his mind and then said, "Every generation of Canglong must recruit a disciple within half a year after coming to the Bahuang League, and this disciple must form a contract with Canglong." , made a blood oath that he would never join another sect in this life, let alone betray his sect. In the future, he would become a descendant of Canglong, and this person would not be just casual, he would need to go through the layers of screening of the Eight Desolate Alliance, and finally be among all those who passed the test. Among people, choose a person..."

After listening to him talking for a long time, Xiao Chen roughly understood the meaning and said, "The meaning is to leave a descendant of Canglong in the Bahuang League. If something happens to Canglong outside in the future, this person will take over the position of Canglong. Is that so?"

"Hey, yes, that's it..."

Liu San immediately nodded and said, "This is the rule of the Eight Desolate Alliance. It is not just the Canglong Palace, but also the other three palaces..."

At this point, he paused, and after a while he continued, "This time when I go to Bahuang Hall, several Bahuang elders will definitely talk about this matter and ask you to accept a successor as soon as possible. It just so happens that this time, Bahuang elders The trial is about to begin. This trial of the Eight Desolations is very important. I will talk to the Palace Master later."


Xiao Chen's heart condensed slightly. He had to accept a successor, and the Bahuang Alliance had to arrange the selection. Why did he feel that it was not that simple? He asked, "What about the old palace master? According to what he said, he should also have a descendant in the Bahuang League. Why didn't I see it?"


Hearing his question, even though Liu San had thought about this problem on the way here, there was still a look of sadness on his face. Xiao Chen saw the difference in the expression on his face and said, "It doesn't matter. Elder Liu, tell me, what happened, where is the person who was originally the descendant of Canglong?"


Liu San sighed heavily, and finally shook his head, "The old palace master did have a successor, but just after the old palace master left, in the Eight Wastelands Trial that year, the descendant of Canglong... his entire cultivation was ruined.


Xiao Chen frowned, his cultivation was ruined. How could a descendant of Canglong end up in such a miserable end?

"Sigh...I'll tell you later."

Liu San shook his head, and finally raised his head to look at Xiao Chen, "By the way, Palace Master, did you just say that you had something to say?"

Xiao Chen looked at him, "I forgot what I was going to say when you interrupted me like this."


Liu San scratched his head and smiled, "It won't be too late when the Palace Master remembers it. By the way, Palace Master, I have arranged all the things you asked me to arrange that day. The people from Qisu Palace will arrive tomorrow." ”

"Um... who are they?"

Xiao Chen thought about the palace master of Canglong Qisu. He had only seen Xinyue Fox and not the other palace masters. Those people should be in seclusion to realize their secrets and it would be inconvenient to come out, right?

Liu San smiled and said, "In Jiaosu Palace, the two elders Qianji and Duanmu will come, and the elder Chonghua from Kangsu Palace will also come, but the master of Kangsu Palace and the other palace masters are practicing in seclusion. My cultivation has reached a critical period and I cannot escape, so I only let the most powerful elders in the palace come. Master, do you think this is okay?"

"Yeah... no problem."

Xiao Chen nodded. If he was in retreat to learn knowledge, it would be inappropriate for others to disturb him. Even if he was in retreat to learn knowledge, he would never let anyone disturb him.

"That's good."

Liu San smiled. He was worried that he would be unhappy before, but now it seems that it doesn't matter if the palace masters don't come. He said, "Then the matter is arranged like this. Before noon tomorrow, the Qisu Palace All the elders will be here.”

The next day, at noon, all the elders of Qisu Palace arrived. In addition to the elders of Qisu Palace, there were also disciples and directors from various palaces. The originally deserted Canglong Palace suddenly became full of people. However, the Canglong Palace is so big that it can accommodate even tens of millions more people.

Qianji and Duanmu, the two elders of Jiaosu Palace, had heard Qilin talk about it before when Xiao Chen came here. Sure enough, when they met today, they immediately felt that the cultivation of these two elders was indeed unfathomable. Even Even with such a keen insight into the soul, he could not see through the opponent's cultivation level. With such a cultivation level, it was obvious that he would not be inferior to the Holy One.

There is no palace master in Spica Palace, only two senior elders, Qianji and Duanmu. Elder Qianji is usually stricter and unsmiling. Even if he sits there, the disciples will feel a sense of nervousness, and Duanmu The elder looks relatively gentle and always has a smile on his face, which makes him very popular among his disciples.

As for Elder Chonghua of Kangsu Palace, his cultivation is also unfathomable. Elder Yunmu of Disu Palace, Fangsu Palace, Osu Palace, Jisu Palace, several elders are all of extremely high cultivation. Even in the Taiqing Realm, the elders are considered strong.

Today, Xiao Chen finally realized that even if the Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance has ten thousand years of foundation, even if it continues to decline, it is by no means comparable to the power of the sects outside. No wonder it has been able to compete with the Ancient Reincarnation Dao for so many years.

Even if Canglong Palace is no longer as good as before, if it can unite Canglong Qisu together, it will definitely not be comparable to ordinary forces.

It's a pity that Qisu has been scattered and independent in these years. Under the pressure of Xuanwu Palace, Qisu can only protect himself wisely. It is really heartbreaking. Of course, from another aspect, it also shows the strength of Xuanwu Palace. Not to be underestimated.

At this moment, Xiao Chen was sitting at the head of the palace. As a Canglong, he naturally had to have the aura of a Canglong. Even if an ordinary person sat in this position, it would be impossible for him to have this aura. Instead, he would look nondescript and become a joke to everyone.

But these years in Wuyutian, this kind of spirit has naturally condensed in him. Now he only needs to sit there, and the people below can feel it immediately.

The elders of Qisu Palace were sitting on both sides of the hall, with several disciples behind them. As for the other disciples, they were outside the hall, looking at the newly arrived Canglong at the head of the hall.

When Xiao Chen first came, not to mention the people in Qisu Palace, even the disciples of Canglong Palace didn't know about it at all. It was only after the two subsequent incidents that he was known.

When I came here before, people in various palaces were still thinking about what kind of person this Canglong was, who dared to confront Elder Xuanwu as soon as he arrived. Today, when they arrived at the Canglong Palace and felt his unruffled and self-powerful spirit, everyone thought. People will understand in their hearts.

"Elders, there is no need to be formal."

Seeing that all the elders below were silent at this time, Xiao Chen raised his hand and said, "I still remember that when the old palace master handed this Canglong mask into my hand, he said something to me, elders, do you know , what is that sentence that the old palace master said?"

Hearing this, several elders below looked at each other. After a while, a few people looked up at the head of the palace: "Master Canglong Palace, what is that sentence?"

Xiao Chen said, "The old palace master said that the seven constellations of Canglong are one body, Jiao, Kang, Di, Fang, Xin, Wei, Ji... without any one of them, we can no longer call it Canglong..."

Naturally, everyone could hear that there was a profound meaning in his words at this time. Seeing that everyone understood, Xiao Chen continued, "I know that over the years, Cang Long has been leaderless, causing chaos in the palace, and Xuanwu has taken the opportunity to continue intruding, but now, Cang Long has returned. I will never allow anyone to invade even an inch of my Canglong Palace!"

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