The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1836 The Sword Master in White

It's night, the moon and stars are sparse, the world is already in the cold winter season, the snow is flying, the north wind is howling, but in the Wuyu sky, it is still a spring-like scene with blooming peach blossoms.

"Is there anything you need?"

On the edge of the cliff, both of them were looking at the sea of ​​clouds, as if they had their own thoughts. Hua Weiyang saw that these days, Xiao Chen always had sadness on his face from time to time. She knew that it must be something about the Eight Desolate Alliance that separated him. Heart.


Xiao Chen shook his head and looked at the bright moon on the sea of ​​clouds. Although the one in Wuyu Tian was just a clone of him, there was a trace of his soul in it, so his emotions would naturally be revealed inadvertently.

Hua Weiyang slowly walked closer to him and asked softly, "When did it start?"


Xiao Chen couldn't understand what she was referring to for a moment. Hua Weiyang looked at him and said softly, "Since when did you start keeping things in your heart? In the past, even if you didn't tell me, you would follow Mingyue and He. Xianshu and the others said..."


Hearing her words at this time, Xiao Chen couldn't help but be slightly startled. When did it start? He couldn't tell clearly, probably...after returning from the ancient immortal world.

Hua Weiyang said, "That day, you told me that you said that the elders of Canglong Palace were very enthusiastic, and you said that the disciples were also eager to learn. At that time, I knew that what you said was all false..."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and looked at the bright moon on the sea of ​​clouds. He knew that there were some things that could never be hidden from the other party. In the end, he told the story about the Eight Desolate Alliance one by one.

After Hua Weiyang listened, Xiao Chen originally thought that she would be like him, frowning, but he didn't expect that. She just smiled softly and said, "Don't worry."


Xiao Chen saw how relaxed she was at this moment, could she possibly have a solution? Hua Weiyang looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of her, then turned her head, looked at him and smiled softly, "When Elder Xuanwu falls, he is destined to be defeated."


Xiao Chen saw her unpredictable look. Could it be that she already had a plan in mind?

In the Bahuang League, some time has passed. During this period, Xinyuehu tried his best to deal with the Canglong successor, but could not find a way to deal with Elder Xuanwu's move. Is all this destined? It’s impossible for Elder Xuanwu to have secretly made this move a hundred years ago, right?

The elders of Qisu Palace also thought of some methods, and this method was nothing more than to find outstanding disciples under each sect and go to Bahuang Palace to participate in the selection trial of Canglong's successor. However, after this period of time, without exception, they all failed. In the hands of Na Ji Wuxin, this person is too strong and it is really difficult to have an opponent.

"Palace Master...Palace Master!"

In the afternoon of this day, Xiao Chen was reading the past files of Canglong Palace in the main hall. Liu San suddenly ran in in a hurry. Xiao Chen saw that he seemed to have something important to do, so he put down the file in his hand and asked, "Elder Liu is in such a hurry." Come, but what happened?"

When Liu San saw that he still looked okay, he couldn't help but frowned: "Palace Master, are you still not worried today?"


Xiao Chen slowly stood up and said calmly, "What is supposed to come will always come. What's the use of worrying?"


When he heard what he said, Liu San was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed. Xiao Chen saw his sudden change, so he came closer and looked at him, "Elder Liu, are you... okay?"

"It's okay, of course it's okay, hehehe! It's great!"

Liu San suddenly smiled and said, "The palace master is right. You don't have to worry about it this time. That plan is unintentional. Someone can deal with him this time!"

"Oh?" Seeing his cheerful smile, Xiao Chen obviously wasn't joking and asked, "Who is it?"

Liu San walked closer to him and said, "He is also a young man. His identity is not clear yet, but I heard that he calls himself 'Ajiu, the Sword Master in White', and he has a long sword on his back. I think he has some background... …”

"Sword Master in White, Ah Jiu..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed. At this moment, he couldn't help but think about what Weiyang said that night. During this period, she was always invisible in Wuyutian. It couldn't be...

"Elder Liu, let me ask you, that young swordsman in white, what does he look like?"


Liu San thought for a while and said, "You can't see him. He always wears a jade fox mask on his face. No one has seen what he looks like..."

"Wearing a mask..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, and then he thought, with Weiyang's unparalleled disguise skills, if she didn't want others to see her appearance, she didn't need to wear a mask at all. She only needed to disguise herself a little, and even she wouldn't be able to recognize her. Back then, she disguised herself as herself and deceived the heads and elders of so many sects.

Thinking about this, he asked again, "Can you see clearly what the sword on his back looks like?"

Hearing this, Liu San smiled bitterly and said, "It's just an extremely ordinary iron sword. Such an ordinary iron sword, but no one can take three moves under his sword..."


Xiao Chen thought for a while and said, "Then he must be very skilled in swordsmanship."

"High! High!"

"Oh? How high?"

"The swordsmanship is smooth and flowing, without any flaws! Point, pick, stab, tease... one sword after another, like the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, the inner strength is endless!"

Liu San talked about the miraculous skills of the swordsman in white. Xiao Chen listened and nodded slightly, "Then let's do this for now. Let's take a look in a few days."

"Great! Don't worry, Palace Master, I will always pay close attention to the sword master in white..."


A few more days passed like this. After these few days, almost all the disciples of the Eight Desolate League knew the names of Ji Wuxin and Bai Yi Jian Shao. No one could survive ten moves under their swords. , within ten moves, he will definitely be defeated.

Today was the final showdown between Ji Wuxin and the white-robed sword master. The others were defeated by their swords. Today, the square outside the Bahuang Palace was full of people, and everyone wanted to take a look. This mysterious swordsman in white, or this amazing scheming Wu Xin, who is better?

The cold wind rustled, rolling the fallen leaves on the square onto the fighting stage, making a constant rustling sound. At this time, the two people were about ten feet apart, but the sword energy on their bodies had enveloped the entire fighting stage. Even those who were extremely far apart, You can feel it too.

Ji Wuxin was dressed in black and had cold eyes. In his eyes, there was only the sword, while Master Jian was dressed in white and flawless, with a jade fox mask on his face. No one could see his face.

At this time, everyone in the audience was talking about it. These two young men were both outstanding, once-in-a-millennium prodigies. They were young, but they had such amazing attainments in swordsmanship that even many of the older generation were not as good as him. It is really unimaginable that the two of them will achieve great things if given time, and their future is limitless.

"Palace Master, what do you think of that young man?"

Xiao Chen also came today. He and Liu San were sitting on a high platform at the east end of the square. Not far away, there were several Bahuang elders with extraordinary cultivation, who were also watching the most critical competition today. Whoever wins will be the descendant of Canglong.

Xiao Chen looked carefully at the two people on the stage at this time. The young man in black, Ji Wuxin, according to Liu San, was the adopted son secretly adopted by Xuanwu a hundred years ago. So why did he look like a young man in his age and aura?

And the young man in white, Ah Jiu, seemed to be no more than eighteen years old...

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