"Elder Canglong! Elder Canglong!"

I saw a group of Bahuang League disciples running over here. The group stopped. Xiao Chen looked at the group of bright young girls in front of him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I want to join Elder Canglong's sect, hee hee!"

The girls were innocent and innocent. They seemed to be joking at the moment, but they were a little serious. Xiao Chen looked at Xinyuehu, who immediately understood and said with a sweet smile, "Okay, if you can pass me If you have passed the test, then I will let you become the disciple of Elder Canglong.

"Hmph! Sister Xinyue, then come up with the questions!"

"Haha, then take a look, this style... is called looking at flowers in the mist, looking at the moon in the water!"

Xinyue Fox flicked his sleeves, and a faint fragrance enveloped the sky, turning into red mist all over the sky. The disciples were wrapped in this rich floral fragrance, and felt dizzy all of a sudden, as if they saw petals flying all over the sky, and then I saw the blurry moon shadow in the water, but when I woke up, there was no one in front of me.

"Elder Canglong is missing?"

"Did you see which way Elder Canglong and the others went..."

After leaving the Bahuang Palace, Xiao Chen and his party went straight back to the Canglong Realm in the east. On the way, Liu San said, "Palace Master, do you already have a candidate in mind?"

Xiao Chen had just come to the Bahuang League not long ago and was not very familiar with the disciples of the Canglong Palace. But today at the Bahuang Palace, he saw Qin Wuyi. Among the younger generation of disciples, he was indeed considered to be at the top of his game. Canglong Palace has been losing its talent over the years, and now it is even more difficult to find such a disciple.

After a while, when Liu San saw that Xiao Chen was silent, he sighed again and said, "This time the Bahuang Trial will probably be held by Xuanwu Hall again. As long as they win twice more, then..."

Xiao Chen didn't know the words "Bahuang Trial" before, but just now in the Bahuang Palace, he had heard from the elders that the "Bahuang Trial" was a major event held every Jiazi in the Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance. In the trial, four halls compete, and the winner will be able to obtain a certain qualification in the future, and this qualification, Xiao Chen vaguely heard in the Bahuang Hall today, seemed to be related to the Nine Layers of Heaven.

Now that the era of annihilation is coming, everyone wants to go to the Nine Heavens. As for the Eight Ancient Desolations League, some strong men once went to the Nine Heavens, but after they went, they never came back, including some of the Four Palaces. host……

Xinyuehu said, "I know Qin Wuyi very well. His methods are extremely fierce. I don't know about the other palaces, but there is really no disciple in my Heart Palace who can compete with him..."

Next to them, Elder Duanmu and Elder Chonghua were also attentive and silent. Obviously, no disciple in Jiaosu Palace and Kangsu Palace could beat this person. After all, Qin Wuyi is the descendant of Xuanwu, whether it is cultivation or talent, or the people around him The resources are definitely not comparable to those of other Eight Desolate Alliance disciples.

Xiao Chen didn't say anything. It was hard to find a few disciples in the entire Bahuang League who could stand up to Qin Wuyi, and he, Wu Yutian, couldn't even find one. Although Leng Baihu could be considered half of his disciples, But with Leng Baihu's cultivation level, he was afraid that the opponent would be beaten to pieces with just half a move, so there was no need to think about it.

Only people like Qian Yu Nichang and Xiao Meng'er can possibly defeat Qin Wuyi, but do you want people like Qian Yu Nichang and Xiao Meng'er to be his disciples? It's impossible even if you think about it.

After a while, Xiao Chen asked Liu San again, "Elder Liu, the Canglong descendant you told me about before, you said that after the last trial of the Eight Desolations, his entire body was completely useless. This is another question." what happened?"


Liu San sighed heavily, while Xinyuehu stood aside, his face suddenly turned cold, and he said coldly, "What else could have happened? Of course it was in the hands of Qin Wuyi!"


Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, and the descendant of Canglong fought against the descendant of Xuanwu. In the end, the descendant of Canglong was ruined by the descendant of Xuanwu...

Xinyuehu said, "This time, if we can't find someone who can fight Qin Wuyi, then don't worry, it will be the same as the last Black Dragon Descendant."

"That's all, let's put this matter aside for now. Anyway, there is still some time before the Bahuang Trial."

After a period of time like this, the selection of Canglong's successor was also in full swing in the Bahuang League. When they heard that Elder Canglong wanted to establish a successor, many people from all over the Bahuang world and various cultivation fields came to the Bahuang League.

Xiao Chen didn't seem to care much about this matter. He even never went to Bahuang Palace to see how the selection trial was going in the past month.

Today in the Heart Su Palace, when Xinyue Fox was about to go out, a mysterious man in dark blue clothes suddenly appeared behind her. "It seems that during this period of time, the number of times Xinyue Palace went to Canglong Peak has become more and more frequent." Frequently…”

Hearing the voice from behind, Xinyuehu immediately stopped and turned his head slightly, "What? Now, even where I go, does Elder Jingxin have to intervene?"

"Palace Master, please don't misunderstand..."

That mysterious man, named Jing Xinyue, is the elder of the Heart Su Palace. He was already the elder of the Heart Su Palace before Xinyue Hu became the master of the Heart Su Palace.

At this time, Jing Xinyue walked up and said calmly, "Now Xuanwu is very popular in the Bahuang League. He can't beat Xuanwu. I just want to advise the palace master, in everything... don't cause trouble to yourself."

Xinyuehu turned around, looked at him and said, "Xuanwu wants to swallow up the entire Canglong Palace. Now it's not easy for such a person to appear and lead everyone to resist Xuanwu Palace. Could it be that Elder Jingxin can't see it?"

Jing Xinyue said, "Whether that person will bring Canglong Palace up to the sky or fall into the abyss, everything is still unknown... In the selection of Canglong's successor this time, there is a young man named 'Ji Wuxin', who has a sword without a trace." No one can stop the marks, but it is rare for a young boy to have such a powerful swordsmanship..."

Xinyuehu said, "Isn't that just right? There is such an outstanding person who can fight against Qin Wuyi. In this trial of the Eight Wastelands, it is just right to avenge the previous shame."

"The Palace Master thinks of this matter too simply..."

Jing Xinyue walked forward, looked at the looming Canglong Peak in the distance, and said, "Such a young man who has not been seen in a thousand years, how do you think he got here?"

Hearing this, Xinyuehu's eyes narrowed, he thought for a moment, and said, "How did it come about?"

Jing Xinyue said, "This young man's true identity is the adopted son adopted by Xuanwu in Qingqiu a hundred years ago. Not many people know about this."

"What did you say?"

Hearing this, Xinyuehu's face changed. If what Elder Jingxin said at this moment is true, then Xuanwu's purpose is obviously to...

"So now, Palace Master, do you understand? In fact, all of this cannot escape Xuanwu's control in the end." Jing Xinyue looked at Xinyue Fox and said slowly.

After a while, Xinyuehu slowly came back to his senses and looked up at him, "It seems that the Bahuang Alliance really has nothing going on and can hide it from Elder Jingxin..."

"Palace Master...thank you."

"I didn't praise you!"

Xinyuehu looked at him and said coldly, "Since you already knew it, why did you tell me now?" Jing Xinyue said, "The reason why I told the palace master now is because I don't want the palace master to fall deeper and deeper..." "

"Hmph! I don't care! Now that I know now, this matter is of great importance, I want to tell the Master of Canglong Palace immediately!" She said, forming a seal with her hands, and immediately turned into a burst of red mist, heading towards Canglong Peak It flew in that direction.


Jing Xinyue watched her disappearing figure in the distance, and finally just shook her head and sighed, "Xinyue Fox, Xinyue Fox, you are still the same. You are too young. If you could have half the city of your senior sister...sigh."

The atmosphere in Canglong Hall was solemn. Only Liu San and Xiao Chen were present. At this moment, Liu San's eyebrows seemed to be twisted together. After a while, Xiao Chen slowly opened his mouth and said three words: " Ji Wuxin..."

"Yes, it is this person..."

Liu San glanced to the side, pondered for a moment, then turned back and said, "I dare to conclude that this person must be a member of Xuanwu. His cultivation level is indeed extraordinary. He can stand out among thousands of people. Xuanwu uses Such a ruthless move, it seems that this time, he is determined..."

Xiao Chen still spoke indifferently, "What Xuanwu means is that I can't even be the puppet master of the palace, but the person he has personally arranged to be the puppet master of the Canglong Palace. In that way, he is the one who truly controls the Canglong Palace..." …”

"Hey, that's it."

Liu San said with a bitter look on his face, "Xuanwu used this trick. Obviously, he made Ji Wuxin become the descendant of Canglong, and then it will definitely be detrimental to you, the master of the palace. Finally, Ji Wuxin took over as the master of Canglong. From that moment on , he will officially take control of Canglong Palace..."

Xiao Chen said, "It seems that this is his last move."

Liu San said bitterly, "But this move is also the most dangerous one. If we are not careful, we will lose everything. Master, look, how should we deal with it now?"


Xiao Chen closed his eyes. This move was indeed difficult to deal with. The man named Ji Wuxin was so strong that no one could match him. He was bound to stand out in this selection. Most of the people in the Eight Desolations League were When the time comes, people from Xuanwu's faction will definitely accept Ji Wuxin as his successor because he will have no reason to shirk.

"Palace Master...Palace Master!"

At this moment, a quick voice came from outside the hall, and then Xinyuehu was seen running in in a hurry. But when he saw the atmosphere in the hall at this time, Xinyuehu immediately guessed something, and murmured He muttered, "Palace Master, you already know..."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly and said, "Palace Master Xinsu, did you already know the origin of Ji Wuxin before this?"


Xinyuehu nodded vigorously and said, "It turns out that this plan was unintentional. He was the adopted son secretly adopted by Xuanwu in the Qingqiu area a hundred years ago! Not many people in the entire Bahuang League know about this..."


When he heard that he was Xuanwu's adopted son, Liu San's face became even more gloomy. There was nothing they could do this time. Xuanwu's adopted son, even if they wanted to instigate rebellion, there was no way...

"Palace Master...what should we do now?"

Xinyuehu's face was slightly pale, and she looked nervously at Xiao Chen sitting at the head of the palace. At this time, Xiao Chen was also deep in thought. What should he do this time to quietly win over Elder Xuanwu? chess?

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