The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1834 Descendants of Canglong

"It actually turned around and pecked me hard. This bite made my hand bleed. Haha... guess what happened in the end?"

Qin Wuyi looked at Xiao Chen with a faint smile. At this time, everyone in the hall and outside the hall were silent, and the atmosphere was indescribably tense.

Everyone looked at Qin Wuyi intently, wondering what he was going to say next. At this moment, Xinyue Fox smiled faintly, "Qin Wuyi, you should tell me, after being pecked by the chicken, , what happened in the end? Did you have chicken fever or tetanus? It’s not easy to grow so big..."

"Pfft! Hahahahaha! Sister Xinyue, are you going to laugh me to death? Chicken plague, hahaha..."

The originally serious atmosphere was suddenly broken by the laughter from several girls outside the palace. Not only the girls outside the palace, but also the elders in the palace could not help but laugh. However, Elder Xuanwu was too powerful. They would never dare to laugh at this time.

"Chicken plague...poof!"

"Shao Ai! What are you doing!"

"No, it's nothing... I'm sorry, Brother Qin, um, I couldn't hold it back..."

"Go back!"

Elder Taiyi glared at Mu Shaoai. Mu Shaoai covered his mouth and couldn't help laughing. He looked at Qin Wuyi who was not far away. He saw that Qin Wuyi was smiling just now, but now his face looked like it was covered with tears. It looks as ugly as if someone stepped on it.


Several Bahuang elders coughed, and the group of naughty disciples outside the hall finally restrained themselves. At this time, Xiao Chen looked at Qin Wuyi and said lightly, "Finally, what happened?"

Qin Wuyi's face was covered with frost at this time, his eyes showed a fierce look, and he said coldly, "In the end, I first broke its wings alive, then broke its legs, and finally stepped on its neck and watched it die. Then I unscrewed its head!"

"This..." As soon as these words came out, some of the disciples who were still laughing outside the hall were stunned. This was too cruel!

In the Bahuang Hall, several elders couldn't help but be stunned and looked at Qin Wuyi motionlessly. Of course they knew that Qin Wuyi was adopted by Elder Xuanwu since he was a child. This story was made up, but if people listen to it, it is true. It feels a bit cruel.

And doesn’t this story clearly refer to the new Canglong Palace Master? There were two temporary hall masters before, and they all obeyed Elder Xuanwu's words and waited to be slaughtered. But when they arrived at the new Canglong, Elder Xuanwu was "pecked" so hard that his hands were covered with blood.

The atmosphere in the entire hall seemed to freeze for a moment. Everyone was silent and looked at Xiao Chen motionless. After a while, he gently patted his palms a few times and said, "It's indeed... good." Story."

Qin Wuyi saw that Xiao Chen couldn't answer. As if he had managed to win the game, Qin Wuyi smiled again and gently opened the folding fan in his hand: "Master Canglong Hall, thank you very much."

Who here can't figure out what his "story" is about? Xinyuehu was so angry that she stood up and sneered, "I think you haven't finished telling the story yet?"


Qin Wuyi looked at Xinyuehu again and said lightly, "What? Does the Lord of Xinsu Palace have anything to add?"

Xinyuehu smiled, "Of course, in the end you forgot to mention that your father happened to come over and saw you, and he got a good beating...I was wrong, I was wrong, wuwu, daddy, I was wrong. , Wuwuwu!" she said, rubbing her eyes and crying.

"Hahahahahahaha..." A burst of cheerful laughter suddenly sounded outside the hall.


"Shao Ai! Don't laugh!"

"Okay, okay... no, Elder Taiyi, I can't do it anymore, hahahahahahaha!"

The hall was filled with cheerful laughter. At this time, Elder Xuanwu's face was extremely ugly. If it weren't for the mask, he would have frightened everyone on the spot and not dare to laugh anymore.

"Wu Yi! Back off!"


Qin Wuyi glared at Xinyuehu fiercely, but saw that the other party had his hands tied on his chest, a smile on his face, and a look of triumph. He secretly said in his heart, stinky woman, one day, you will fall for me. In his hands... it seems that the grudge between him and Xinyuehu is not this time.

As Elder Xuanwu's cold air came out, the atmosphere in the hall slowly became tense again. Several Bahuang elders looked at each other. They must not let these two people continue talking now. An elder He immediately changed the subject and said, "Now, let's talk about another thing."

Then, several elders looked at Xiao Chen at the same time, and one elder asked, "Master Canglong Palace, the previous generation of Palace Masters, in addition to handing over the Canglong Mask to you, will you also give other things to you?" about you?"

As soon as this question came up, the elders below the head of the hall immediately understood, ordered the disciples to leave, and then slowly closed the doors of the hall.

The atmosphere in the entire Bahuang Hall suddenly became a little solemn, and everyone did not dare to joke around anymore. After a while, Xiao Chen opened his mouth and said, "What the elders want to ask is, what happened to the previous generation of Canglong in the ancient Tao of Reincarnation?" Have you successfully brought something like that out?"

After he said this, everyone's expressions became even more solemn. Even the masters of Suzaku Hall and White Tiger Hall looked at him at the same time. As for Elder Chonghua and Elder Duanmu behind him, their expressions were even more solemn. ,in silence.

You know, when the Eight Wastelands League learned that something would appear in the ancient world of reincarnation, once that thing fell into the hands of those powerful people in the ancient world, the consequences would be disastrous. But at that time, no one knew what it was. , no one stood up, and in the end only the master of Canglong Palace risked his life and went to the ancient reincarnation path alone.

As for that kind of thing, no one knows whether the master of Canglong Palace successfully brought it out in the end. In these years, although the Eight Desolate Alliance sent people to search for it, they have never found the whereabouts of Canglong and Canglong Mask. They only know that Canglong is dead.

And now, the new Canglong suddenly came back with the Canglong mask at this time, and everyone was inevitably a little suspicious, but after thinking about it, if he was really a bad guy, he would never be able to wear the Canglong mask on his face. If he could wear the Canglong mask on his face, There must be a secret passed down by the Canglong of the previous generation.

Xiao Chen said, "The situation at that time was too chaotic. Elder Canglong rushed out with me desperately, but that thing was lost in the chaos, and I don't know where it ended up."

"This this……"

Hearing what he said, several elders of Bahuang Palace were startled. They didn't know how to speak for a moment. Since the other party had already said it, there was no way they could follow up and ask where such things fell.

At this time, another elder asked again, "Master Canglong Palace, have you ever seen something like that? Do you know what it is?"

"Never seen it."

Xiao Chen said, "That thing was sealed in a box. Elder Canglong has never opened it. As for what's inside, Elder Canglong didn't say anything either..."


For a moment, everyone was confused, what on earth was that? And where is he now? Has he been found by the ancient Tao of Reincarnation? If he was found by the Taoist Reincarnation Dao, wouldn't all this be meaningless?

Of course, there are also people who are skeptical of what Xiao Chen said at this moment, thinking that he is lying. Maybe that thing is hidden on his body now, but he is unwilling to take it out.

They discussed this for a long time. In the end, everyone had no choice but to continue questioning Xiao Chen. The questioning was fruitless. After a while, an elder said, "Master Canglong Palace, there is something else I want to tell you today."

Xiao Chen looked at him, "What's the matter? It doesn't matter if the elder says it."


The elder nodded and then said, "After the four palace masters of the Eight Desolate Alliance take office, they always have to accept a successor within half a year. I wonder if Elder Liu has told you about this?"

Xiao Chen said, "Elder Liu did tell me about this a few days ago."


Several Bahuang elders looked at him, and one of them asked, "I wonder if Lord Canglong Palace already has a suitable person in mind at this moment?"

"Not yet." Xiao Chen shook his head and said.

"Oh? Is that so..."

Several elders thought for a while, and one of them said to him, "In this case, the Bahuang Alliance will select one person from among ten thousand people on a certain day to be the successor of Canglong. This person will definitely be a dragon or a phoenix among people. I don't know if the master of Canglong Palace, how about?"

"Okay." Xiao Chen didn't say much, which seemed to be somewhat beyond the expectations of the Bahuang elders.

At this time, outside the palace, although the palace door had been closed, those naughty Bahuang League disciples were clinging to the crack of the door. When they heard that Canglong Palace was the main recipient, they all became excited.

"Elder Canglong wants to accept a disciple, and I want to join Elder Canglong's sect! Hehehe..."

"Hey! Come on, there will be tens of thousands of people vying for this spot. Do you have the ability to win? You will be knocked down in a few seconds."

"Bah, bah, bah! I didn't say that I must be the descendant of Canglong. What if Elder Canglong just likes me? Hehehehe..."

It wasn't until dusk was approaching that the doors of the main hall slowly opened, and four hall masters and several Bahuang elders were seen walking out of it first. I don't know what they discussed later. At this moment, Elder Xuanwu had such a strong feeling The cold air seems to freeze people into ice even from a distance.

After arriving at the square, Xiao Chen glanced at Elder Xuanwu and said calmly, "Elder Xuanwu, goodbye." After saying that, he went to the other side with Liu San and others, while Elder Xuanwu looked at his leaving figure. , his eyes were still cold.

When Xiao Chen arrived outside the square, he saw that Liu San had something to say, but he always hesitated and asked, "What does Elder Liu have to say?"


Liu San thought for a while, then lowered his voice and said, "I always feel that things are a little unusual..."

"What are you referring to?"

"What else could it be?"

Liu San looked around, and lowered his voice a lot this time, "Of course it's about the Canglong Descendants. I was standing aside just now, and when I looked at the eyes of the people under Xuanwu, something was wrong."


Xiao Chen didn't seem to care too much, but at this moment, a group of young girls suddenly ran over from a distance, "Elder Canglong! Elder Canglong!"

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