At this time, everyone in the Canglong Palace was holding their breath. They could obviously see that Hua Weiyang was very powerful in both swordsmanship and moves. However, the Xuanwu power was too strong, and even the most powerful attacks could not Qin Wuyi's offensive was too overbearing. Hua Weiyang did not have the power of Xuanwu to protect her body, so she could not confront him head-on and could only move between his attacks.

They fought like this for half a stick of incense, and everyone in the audience watched intently. Although Qin Wuyi's offensive was indeed overbearing and powerful, what they didn't expect was that the descendant of Canglong's movement skills were so dexterous, and under the opponent's heavy offensive , and being able to avoid him like a god is really unparalleled by ordinary people.

"Hmph... let's see how long you can hide."

Suddenly, a fierce light appeared on Qin Wuyi's face, and the next moment, there was a faint sound of thunder in the air. Qin Wuyi could see Qi condensing all over his body, and the air currents turned into a stream of air in the blink of an eye. A golden and dazzling sword energy.

"It's Bahuang Sword Qi!"

Many people in the audience were shocked. They didn't expect Qin Wuyi to have cultivated the Ancient Eight Desolations Jue to the second level peak of the Earth Character Jue. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to display the Eight Desolations Sword Qi.

"Bahuang Sword Qi... is terrible."

Over at Canglong Palace, Liu Sanli secretly thought that something was not right. Everyone here knew very well how powerful the Eight Desolations Sword Qi was. Only when one reaches the peak of the second level of the Di Zi Jue can one display the elementary Eight Desolations Sword Qi. At the seventh level of the art, you can display the intermediate Eight Desolate Sword Qi. ✷

As for the Tianzi-level Bahuang Sword Qi, it can only be practiced after obtaining the Tianzi Jue. In the entire Bahuang League, no one present has ever seen the Tianzi-level Bahuang Sword Qi. Legend has it that it has already destroyed the world. With his existence, he can kill all gods and Buddhas with one sword.


There was thunder in the air. At this moment, Qin Wuyi's Eight Desolations Sword Qi was ready. Even though the entire sword platform was covered with defensive formations, everyone in the audience could feel the terror on the platform. The sword spirit.


With the movement of Qin Wuyi's fingers, the Eight Desolations sword energy in the sky suddenly slashed fiercely at Hua Weiyang. The entire sword platform was enveloped by the sword energy, and it began to tremble violently.

"Ajiu...get out of the way!"

Xinyue Hu let out a cry of surprise, but the Eight Desolations sword energy that filled the sky instantly covered the entire sword platform without leaving any gaps. Even though Hua Weiyang's body skills were dexterous, the sword platform was so big that she could go Where to hide? Once you leave the sword platform, you lose.

At the moment when everyone was shocked, they saw Hua Weiyang's hands continuously forming seals. At this moment, a strong Qi of the Eight Desolations rushed out of her body.

"This is!"

Many people in the Bahuang League were shocked again. Could it be that this Bahuang Qi was also the Earth Character Jue? How is it possible? It has only been half a year since she became the descendant of Canglong!


Before everyone could think about it, the Eight Desolations Sword Qi that filled the sky came like rain, and at this moment, the Eight Desolations' Qi on Hua Weiyang's body also instantly condensed into a giant sword.

Although her Eight Desolations Qi is still far behind Qin Wuyi's Eight Desolations Sword Qi, Qin Wuyi dispersed the Eight Desolations Sword Qi throughout the sword platform in order to make her unable to escape. If it is concentrated in one place, even if Hua Weiyang condenses the Eight Desolate Qi of the Earth Character Jue, she will never be able to block it.

But now, she is only blocking part of the dispersed Eight Desolations Sword Qi, and the Eight Desolations Qi of Di Zi Jue can still be blocked.


The whole sword platform was shaking, and dust was flying on it. Some stone swords could not withstand the sword energy of the Eight Desolations in the sky, and suddenly turned into pieces. When the terrifying sword power passed, Hua Weiyang was still standing there. , she had just used the Qi of the Eight Desolations to resist Qin Wuyi's sword Qi of the Eight Desolations.

"How can it be……"

After the smoke and dust dispersed, everyone was still full of shock, as if they were in a dream. On the other side of the Suzaku Hall, Mu Shaoai's face was also pale, and he was secretly sweating just now.

"Sister Jiu'er... so amazing!"

Seeing that Hua Weiyang successfully blocked Qin Wuyi's most powerful sword energy, the boys and girls in Canglong Palace opened their eyes wide at this time, looked at the sword platform, and shouted loudly.

"It seems that your practice of Bahuang Sword Qi is not very good either."

Hua Weiyang looked at Qin Wuyi across from her. There seemed to be a kind of contempt in her eyes at this time. The Eight Ancient Desolations Art was indeed extremely powerful. She had only practiced it for half a year and it was already so powerful. If she had been given another three years , she was confident that she could trample the person in front of her under her feet.

But at this time, on the high platform, several elders of the Eight Desolations League were still stunned. The Earth Character Jue... the Qi of the Eight Desolations just now was definitely the Earth Character Jue! But she had only been practicing the Ancient Eight Desolations Art for half a year. In half a year, she was able to comprehend the Earth Character Art. Wouldn't her talent be comparable to those of the ancestors who went to the Nine Heavens? Even is this possible!

It has been thousands of years, it has been thousands of years, and no one in the entire Bahuang League has understood the Tianzi Jue. If given time, wouldn't she be able to understand the Tianzi Jue? Canglong Palace has been declining for thousands of years. If someone can understand the Tianzi Jue now, it will definitely turn the world around!

"It seems that I underestimated you..."

Qin Wuyi obviously did not expect that the other party actually practiced the Ancient Eight Desolations Jue to the Earth-Character Jue, but there was definitely something wrong with it. It was impossible for someone to have such a strong talent, no matter how strong the talent was.

At this time, over at Xuanwu Hall, Elder Xuanwu also had a gloomy face, but he was covered by a mask so that others could not see it. Over the years, he had watched Canglong Hall continue to decline, which was exactly what he wanted. However, now, there is something wrong with him. He threatens such a big person.

He had always thought that the new Canglong was his biggest threat before, but now it seems that he was wrong. The descendant of Canglong in front of him is his real biggest threat. Once this person is allowed to practice Tianzi Jue, then The Canglong Palace at that time... was afraid that it would return to its heyday thousands of years ago. He would never tolerate the existence of such a threat.

On the high platform at the east end, the stick of incense next to the trial elders has almost burned out. Once the time limit for the stick of incense is reached, today's competition will end. If the two of them cannot decide the winner, they will have to try again tomorrow. Compared.


On the sword platform, Qin Wuyi suddenly showed a sneer on his face. At this moment, there was murderous intent in his eyes. It was obvious that he also had murderous intentions towards the person in front of him.

"You are indeed much better than the last descendant of Canglong, but unfortunately... you will end up like him."

The moment he finished speaking, a gust of wind suddenly arose in the entire square, rolling up fallen leaves all over the ground. In the sky, the originally clear and clear sky was now covered with dark clouds.

"what happened……"

Many people were shocked. The disciples who were still in low cultivation didn't know why, but some seniors with advanced Taoism could already feel a taboo aura coming from the sword platform.

"That is……"

Everyone felt deeply suffocated, and saw streaks of bloody light suddenly appearing on Qin Wuyi's body. Even his pupils gradually turned blood red, and his hands and eyes were all covered with bloody light!

"It's Shura!"

All the elders of the Eight Desolate Hall were shocked. The ancient Eight Desolate Techniques are infinitely mysterious. The third level of the Earth Character Jue is a watershed. Once you understand the third level of the Earth Character Jue, you can practice two magical skills. These two magical techniques are only You can choose one of them to practice. One of them is called "Wuxian" and the other is called "Shura".

The magic power of Wuxiang, the power of Wuxiang, and the transformation of Wuxiang into all phases, is too mysterious and very few people can really understand it. Therefore, in the Eight Desolations League, although the vast majority of people practice Wuxiang, there are not many people. can exert its power.

As for Shura, hearing these two words gives people the feeling of an evil skill. However, in fact, Shura is not an evil skill. It is just because the skill itself is too overbearing and can easily backfire on oneself. Unless one is extremely talented, it will never be possible. Don't try it lightly.

Therefore, the elders of all generations generally do not allow the people below to practice Shura. Although they practice Wuxiang and are far less powerful than Shura, at least they will not backfire on themselves. Once Shura practices carelessly, it is easy to become possessed.

At the same time, if you practice Shura, you will no longer be able to practice Wuxiang. Your future cultivation will be affected by Shura. On the contrary, the same principle applies to cultivating Wuxiang.

"That's... Shura?"

At this time in the west square, people from various cultivation forces in the Eight Desolations Realm were inevitably surprised. Although they also knew about Shura from the Ancient Eight Desolations League, because there were so many who practiced Wuxiang, they had only heard of Shura, but had never heard of it. I have seen it with my own eyes, and I am also very curious. Since the power of Shura is much stronger than that of Wuxiang, why do the people of the Eight Desolate Alliance only practice Wuxiang and abandon Shura?

They may have understood when they saw it today. At this time, the entire sword platform was covered with blood light. Qin Wuyi's whole body was also reflected red by the blood light, as if the ancient evil god came to the world, with the violent aura of Shura. , gushing out, even if there was a defensive formation on the sword platform, everyone could feel it deeply. At this time, they subconsciously retreated far away, for fear of hurting themselves later.


This time, at the Canglong Palace, Liu San's expression had completely changed. He hadn't even reached the third level of the Earth Character Jue yet. Unexpectedly, Qin Wuyi was one step ahead of him and had reached the third level of the Earth Character Jue. He even practiced this Shura! I'm afraid something bad will happen this time...

Thinking about this, he quickly sent a spiritual thought to Xiao Chen, "Palace Master! That's all... Just let Ah Jiu come down, she will never win against Shura..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen was also focused. Is there anyone here who is more worried about Wei Young than him? It was obviously impossible, but he knew that even if he asked Weiyang to come down, Weiyang would never listen to him. It was impossible for her to admit defeat to Qin Wuyi, but... he was already ready to save people.

At that moment, he felt the murderous intent of Elder Xuanwu and Qin Wuyi, and he would never let these two people hurt Weiyang in the slightest today.

The whole square was filled with a cold wind, and everyone held their breath. Shura, who was at the third level of Earthly Arts, this time, no matter how powerful the descendant of Canglong was, there was no way he could defeat Qin Wuyi in ten moves. Within ten moves, Defeat is certain! He was even seriously injured... and ended up with the same fate as the previous Canglong descendant.

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