The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1850: Thousands of clues

At this moment, Hua Weiyang stepped back seven or eight feet, holding her breath and staring at Qin Wuyi motionlessly. She could naturally feel that this person's Shura magic skills were becoming more and more terrifying and powerful. She She absolutely cannot bear any blow, but the more so, the flaw in Shura's magical skill will become more obvious, and she will definitely be able to find this person's flaw...

"I will defeat you within ten moves!"

Qin Wuyi's eyes had turned blood red, and his murderous intent was already evident. The moment he attacked again, Hua Weiyang finally found... a flaw!

"Ajiu! Be careful!"

This time, even Elder Liu couldn't help but exclaimed. If he was hit by this blow, he would lose the competition, but Hua Weiyang's cultivation would be ruined!

"Qin Wuyi!"

At this time, Elder Chonghua suddenly stood up, and the scene from that year seemed to reappear in front of his eyes. It was also on this sword platform. The descendant of Canglong at that time ended up with all his cultivation. He was destroyed by Qin Wuyi. Remove all the meridians!


There was a loud noise, and the entire sword platform trembled violently, and dust and smoke suddenly billowed. But at this moment, Hua Weiyang performed Seeing Flowers in the Smoke, and what was hit by Qin Wuyi was just an afterimage of her.

At this moment, with a single stroke of her finger, a trace of invisible spiritual power suddenly hit Qin Wuyi on the back. With a "Zhi" sound, this invisible trace of spiritual power seemed to be integrated into the opponent's body. ✥

However, the people in the audience did not notice it. They only thought that she was turning from defense to attack, and finally attacked. However, her attack was too weak for Qin Wuyi at this time, and it was not painful at all.

Qin Wuyi turned around, obviously he didn't notice the trace of spiritual power that had secretly entered his body just now. Only Elder Xuanwu and several other elders at Xuanwu Hall seemed to have vague clues.

At the Suzaku Hall, Wang Shu and others couldn't help but change their expressions when they saw that the attack of the descendant of Canglong was ineffective at all. Only the master of the Suzaku Hall had a calm look in his eyes. As for whether she had seen any clues just now, it was unknown. .

" this all you have?"

Qin Wuyi attacked again, but Hua Weiyang continued to do as before, and the moment after dodging, she penetrated the opponent's body with a trace of spiritual power, making the opponent unaware.

In the eyes of everyone in the audience, this scene was a meaningless attack by her, an attack that could not cause any harm to Qin Wuyi. However, over at Xuanwu Hall, the expressions on the faces of several elders became more and more solemn. What on earth is the woman doing?

Impossible... If she knew that her attack could not cause any harm to Qin Wuyi, then why did she take the risk to attack after dodging? Some of this doesn’t make sense…

This continued for nearly half a stick of incense. The time limit for one stick of incense was almost up, but the outcome was still undecided between the two. The incense in the incense burner was almost exhausted, and the condensation had already condensed on the foreheads of several trial elders. A thick layer of cold sweat broke out.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Above the sword platform, dust was flying, and loud noises were heard constantly. The stone swords on it had been almost completely destroyed, and many of the defensive formations were also destroyed. If the attack continued like this, the entire sword platform would be destroyed. Destroyed, Shura's power is indeed extremely violent and unstoppable.

"The ten moves have been passed long ago, but I am still standing on the stage."

After Hua Weiyang dodged for the last time, she landed on a broken stone sword, while Qin Wuyi's eyes were blood red and he stared at her fiercely like a beast.

"In addition to escaping, what else can you do... If you have the ability, just fight me openly..." The voice was low, like the roar of a wild beast, and even everyone in the audience was a little frightened.

"This time, let me see how you escape! Drink -"

Suddenly, Qin Wuyi let out a deep beast-like roar. In the next moment, he saw his figure suddenly surged a lot, and with a "chi" sound, the clothes on his body were shattered, revealing his beast-like body. And gesture!


At this moment, Qin Wuyi's eyes were constantly filled with blood, and the meridians on his body seemed to be on fire. A terrifying force surged out in all directions, trying to shake the entire sword platform to pieces!

"No clothes..."

This time, even the elders of Xuanwu Hall couldn't help but change their expressions, and the elders of the Eight Desolations Alliance could see that Qin Wuyi had pushed Shura to its limit, even beyond what he could bear. He will suffer backlash next!


Even the Master of Suzaku Palace, who had been sitting quietly and silently, couldn't help but feel moved at this time. He put down the tea cup in his hand and said calmly, "Knowing that I am going to suffer the backlash, I really... don't want to die.

Beside them, Wang Shu and others were already stunned. Is this Qin Wuyi's strength? If that day, he had used Shura to this point from the beginning, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to make it past three moves in his hands.


The beast-like roar shook the entire Bahuang Palace. Qin Wuyi jumped up and attacked Hua Weiyang with the most terrifying attack without leaving any room.

"Seven Shura moves, the first move...Shura's violent bite! Ah——"

This move is like destroying the heaven and the earth. Qin Wuyi flipped his palm, and in an instant, it seemed as if he had imprisoned the void. He took all the energy from all directions for his own use, making Hua Weiyang feel trapped between heaven and earth. There is no escape!

With a "boom", where Hua Weiyang stood, with her as the center, countless cracks suddenly opened. The entire sword platform was filled with strong winds, rocks flew everywhere, and an unparalleled force covered her whole body, making her She can no longer escape, it is already a certain death!


Over at Canglong Palace, several elders stood up at the same time, and everyone watching the battle stood up from their seats almost at the same time!

"A stick of incense...A stick of incense has arrived!"

At this moment, the strong wind took away the last spark in the incense burner. The stick of incense had burned out, and the time was up!

"Time's up! Both sides stop fighting immediately!"

Several trial elders used their inner strength to spread their voices to the maximum extent. The voices echoed throughout the square, but Qin Wuyi seemed not to hear them at all. Still without leaving any room, he hit Hua Weiyang with one move, "Go to hell." ! "This blow is clearly meant to kill the opponent! Where is the competition?

"The time has come, Qin Wuyi... stop!"

At this moment, the three Bahuang elders finally stood up and wanted to save people. On the other side of Canglong Hall, Xiao Chen also stood up in an instant. But in this unforgettable moment, the entire square suddenly became silent. , I saw Qin Wuyi's originally ferocious offensive on the sword platform, but suddenly stopped when he was still three feet away from Hua Weiyang.

"what happened……"

At this moment, everyone was stunned. They saw Qin Wuyi hanging in the air, still maintaining the posture of attacking Hua Weiyang, but at this time, there was a look of pain on his face, and Hua Weiyang Wei Young raised her hands, and her fingers seemed to be controlling something, which actually made Qin Wuyi unable to move.


Qin Wuyi's face suddenly turned pale, and he no longer dared to use his skills. The cold wind rustled, and then everyone finally saw that there were thousands of filaments of spiritual power coming out of Qin Wuyi's body.

This trace of spiritual power is like an extremely invisible filament, controlled by Hua Weiyang. At this moment, Qin Wuyi is like a marionette. Under the control of Hua Weiyang, he can no longer move.

"What's going on!"

Everyone was stunned, and the expressions of the people in Xuanwu Hall changed drastically. How could this be possible? How could this be possible? Even though there were flaws exposed when Qin Wuyi used Shura Devour just now, how could it be possible for her? Could it be that at the beginning, she …

At this time, everyone thought that she had been hitting Qin Wuyi with one move after another. It was clear that she could not cause any harm, but she still persisted at the risk. Could it be that from that moment on, Qin Wuyi had already been hit, and moreover... Without realizing it!

"How does this 'thousands of threads' taste..."

At this moment, Hua Weiyang controls the countless strands of spiritual power. With just a little exertion, she can instantly destroy Qin Wuyi's entire body's meridians!


Qin Wuyi's face turned pale, and he would never dare to make any move at this time. No matter how fast he was, he would never be faster than the opponent's countless clues at this time!

He never imagined that someone could control spiritual power to such a superb level that he could quietly penetrate streams of spiritual power into his body, which would then turn into thousands of threads. , like the most terrifying poisonous poison in the world, dormant in every meridian on his body. Once it breaks out, it is bound to destroy his whole body’s meridians and destroy his entire cultivation in an instant!

"I see……"

At this moment, everyone in the audience finally figured it out, but who dared to believe it? How could someone be able to use spiritual power to such an extreme level! It’s simply impossible. Of all the people present, which one can do this? Who can use spiritual power so superbly and perfectly? To be able to pinpoint every meridian in the opponent's body...

"Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

Thinking that this descendant of Canglong actually controlled Qin Wuyi's whole body's meridians with his spiritual power, the elders of Xuanwu Hall suddenly turned pale. They never believed that someone could do this, that is, the person from the realm of Nine Heavens and Far Beyond. It is impossible to master spiritual power so accurately!


A cold sweat broke out on Xiao Chen's back just now, but he didn't recover until now. Wei Young's use of spiritual power is unparalleled by anyone in the world, even though he sealed the extremely powerful energy in her body with the seal of Qinglian. Spiritual power, but her mastery and use of spiritual power has not diminished at all. Only she can do this. There is no other person in the world who can display her unique skill, 'thousands of threads'...

In fact, the reason why Hua Weiyang was able to display "Thousands of Threads" so smoothly is because Qin Wuyi's Shura has too many flaws. The further back, the more powerful it becomes, but the flaws are also getting bigger. If the opponent is practicing If there is no phase, then she may not be able to find the flaw and bury all these clues in the other party's body.

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