"She actually..."

Everyone in the audience was in disbelief. They thought that she would definitely lose in this competition, and even end up with the same miserable end as the previous Canglong descendant. In front of Qin Wuyi's Shura magic, she was like a limp The little sheep has no power to resist, but now it seems that not only is she not a sheep, she also has the strength to kill Qin Wuyi, a ferocious wolf!


Qin Wuyi was covered in cold sweat and did not dare to move easily. His eyes at this time showed both unwillingness and sullenness, and various complex emotions were all intertwined together.


Hua Weiyang looked at him. At this moment, she seemed to have completely changed. From yesterday to now, when she went on stage, she always gave people the feeling of an obedient disciple, like a docile deer. But at this moment, the look in her eyes She is even more like the former Mistress of Lianhua Palace, the Mistress of the Demon Cult who made people tremble as soon as they heard her name.

"You just...wanted to kill me?"

The cold and indifferent words at this time woke everyone up. She was definitely not that kind of docile and obedient deer. The look in her eyes at this time actually made people feel scared.

"So what……"

Qin Wuyi stared at her, as if he hadn't realized yet that his life was on the line. Perhaps from the beginning, he regarded Hua Weiyang as such a docile little deer, like the previous descendant of Canglong.

He would never have thought that the other party wanted to kill him or destroy his cultivation. He would not have any scruples at all. The other party did not take his master seriously at all... Who is she? She is the daughter of Emperor You of the Demon Realm.

"If that's the case, then just go... and die."

No one expected that at the next moment, Hua Weiyang raised her hands to use this "thousands of spiritual power" to terminate the meridians of Qin Wuyi's body... At this moment, Qin Wuyi finally changed. Her face turned pale, and everyone present looked shocked. How dare she?

How could she not dare?


At this moment that was not allowed to happen, Elder Xuanwu stood up and flew over. Using his skills, he struck Hua Weiyang with one palm. How could he allow others to destroy his successor's cultivation in front of his eyes?

And how can the power of his palm be taken lightly? Even an elder who has stepped into the realm of Taiqing will be beaten to the point of breaking his muscles and bones if he is hit by him!

The scene was completely chaotic. Several Bahuang elders did not expect that Elder Xuanwu, as the master of the first hall, would actually take action against a junior. The people from the cultivation forces outside were even more stunned. They did not expect this sudden scene. It's happening right in front of their eyes.

Elder Xuanwu's figure arrived in an instant, but at the same moment, a figure flew up from the high platform in the south, it was Xiao Chen.

Elder Xuanwu's power was too strong, far beyond Qin Wuyi's. Xiao Chen almost used Ling Xian Step to the extreme, and then he arrived at this moment. With a movement of his right hand, he caught Hua Weiyang back from the air. He hit Elder Xuanwu with a "Dragon Roar of Dead Wood" with his left hand.


The moment the palms of the two people met, the entire sword platform suddenly fell apart and collapsed. In an instant, the sky was filled with dust and smoke, and a terrifying force spread out in all directions, shaking everything nearby. Crush.

Fortunately, there were elders nearby who had already deployed layers of defensive formations. Otherwise, the consequences of these two palms would be disastrous. But even so, everyone present was shaken back, especially some with low cultivation levels. The disciple's blood surged even more.

When the dust and smoke nearby dispersed, Xiao Chen and Elder Xuanwu were seen confronting each other in the air, each with a palm, but they still didn't withdraw their palm power. Xiao Chen protected Hua Weiyang behind him, and turned his head slightly at this time: "What... are you okay?" ?”

"No, it's okay..."

Hua Weiyang seemed to have just recovered. At this moment, Xiao Chen stood in front of her, giving her a sense of security that she had never had before. As long as he was around, she had nothing to fear.

The people nearby were dumbfounded, looking at the messy and completely shattered sword platform. On the pile of rubble, Canglong and Xuanwu were still facing each other with their palms. A very strong force was formed nearby. Air flow, no one can get close.


Everyone present, whether it was the Suzaku Palace, the White Tiger Palace, the Eight Desolate Alliance, or even the elders of the Canglong Palace, were shocked by this scene. Before this, they did not know the cultivation of the new Canglong Palace Master. Why, wearing a mask, no one can see his cultivation, but does it still need to be said now? Being able to divide the world equally with Elder Xuanwu with one palm, what do you think of this cultivation level?

Everyone was extremely shocked. There were few in the Eight Desolate Alliance who could compete with Elder Xuanwu. The reason why Elder Xuanwu was able to achieve what he is today was due to more than a thousand years of hard training, but the Canglong in front of him was clearly still like this. How could he have such profound skills at such a young age!

Of course, everyone didn't know and couldn't see what kind of ancient treasure the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales on Xiao Chen's body were? Even now, most of the power of Ten Thousand Dragon Scales has been sealed.

Elder Xuanwu's palm was indeed extremely domineering. If Xiao Chen didn't have Ten Thousand Dragon Scales, he wouldn't have been able to resist it. Even with Ten Thousand Dragon Scales, the true energy in his body was already in chaos at this time, but he was wearing a Canglong mask. , no one can see it.

The cold wind rustled, and Elder Xuanwu showed no intention of withdrawing his palm power, but Xiao Chen slowly turned around, looked at him and said, "Elder Xuanwu is here today, and he takes action against a disciple. This is a bit... inappropriate."

As soon as these words came out, everyone nearby seemed to suddenly wake up. If Canglong hadn't stopped the palm of Elder Xuanwu just now, I'm afraid that the descendant of Canglong would have been dead by now, right?


At this moment, a faint laughter came from the distance, and the master of Suzaku Palace was seen holding a tea cup in his hand. He glanced at the broken sword platform and said lightly, "Xuanwu, this palm of yours is to save people." , or murder?”

In such an atmosphere, such a sentence was really heartbreaking. Everyone present shuddered and looked at Elder Xuanwu with shock. That's right... Even though Elder Xuanwu had completely concealed the murderous aura in his body just now, No one noticed his murderous intent, but with that powerful palm just now, how could he just save Qin Wuyi? He clearly wants to take the life of the descendant of Canglong!

At this time, the atmosphere became even more tense. Several trial elders turned pale. They were a little overwhelmed by what happened. After a while, the voice of an elder from the Eight Desolations finally came from behind: " Both palace masters, please stop. Why do the two palace masters need to take action in a competition between disciples? "

I thought that at this time, an elder from Bahuang stood up. Canglong and Xuanwu should have given up as soon as they got along. They were both at the same level, but unexpectedly, the two people were still facing each other with palms. They have no intention of withdrawing their power.


People from various cultivation forces nearby couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Although they were not in the Bahuang League, they also knew that the new Canglong was incompatible with Xuanwu as soon as he arrived. They couldn't find any opportunities in the first six months, but now the two of them finally It was the swords that met.

"Two palace masters, please stop! This is the Bahuang Palace, and there is no room for you two to mess around!"

At this time, another Bahuang elder came forward, looking majestic, but it was useless. Even the Bahuang elder couldn't stop these two people.


Obviously, the elders in the Bahuang Palace did not expect that in less than a year, these two people had already had such deep grudges. Now they are openly fighting here. Wouldn't they have to fight to the death privately in the future? At that time, it will be in line with the wishes of those in the Taoist Reincarnation Way!


Suddenly, Elder Xuanwu flicked his hand and used a soft force to send Qin Wuyi behind him outside. In the next moment, he saw a golden light covering his whole body, and his palm strength increased a lot. The surrounding area was violently windy, and rocks were flying everywhere. Everyone was so frightened that they hid outside, fearing that the two people's power would affect them later and hurt them.

At the same time, Xiao Chen also used the Great Freedom Palm Technique to send Hua Weiyang to the back, and what followed was a surging blue dragon power!


The sound of dragon roars shook the sky, and dragon shadows continued to surround him. Seeing this scene, everyone in the distance was shocked. He actually had the strength to equal the world with Elder Xuanwu?

"Palace Master..."

Liu San never expected that Xiao Chen would be so powerful. Could it be that in the Black Emperor's Abyss that night, he could only see the tip of the iceberg?

Elder Duanmu, Elder Chonghua... Xinyuehu and others finally saw Canglong's strength today. In the past, they didn't know it, and they didn't know that Canglong was hidden so deeply!

"Order everyone to step back."

Several Bahuang elders knew that they could no longer stop them. The two of them must fight today, but many of the surrounding formations had been destroyed. These formations could only defend against Qin Wuyi's level of cultivation. How could they defend against it? Elder Xuanwu has such a level of cultivation?

"Everyone, stay back!"

The elders of the Bahuang League immediately asked people to retreat far away, and also set up a barrier nearby to prevent the power of these two people from destroying the Bahuang Palace.


After seeing everyone retreat, Elder Xuanwu seemed to have finally lost his scruples. A terrifying power suddenly surged out with him as the center. Even if they were far away, they could still feel this terrifying aura!

Xiao Chen's aura was also trembling, and the dragon's roar shook the sky, making people soul-stirring.

Among the people present, only Hua Weiyang's face turned pale. She knew very well that Elder Xuanwu's cultivation level was far superior to Xiao Chen's, and the reason why Xiao Chen could still confront him was because he had Ten Thousand Dragon Scales on his body. In an instant, she had noticed that Xiao Chen had lost his energy. If he continued to fight like this, I was afraid...


At this moment, the originally dark sky became even more cloudy at this moment, and heavy thunder continued to sound above the nine heavens, and this was by no means an ordinary thunder!


Hua Weiyang's expression changed. Sure enough, the thing she least wanted to happen was about to happen. With such extensive use of skills, the three corpse demons dormant in Xiao Chen's body were finally awakened...

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