At this moment, the entire Bahuang Palace was shrouded in dark clouds, and there was loud thunder in the nine heavens. And just when everyone was nervous, a dull and strange heartbeat sound suddenly sounded between the heaven and the earth.

"Dong dong...dong dong..."

"Dong dong...dong dong..."

This deep and powerful heartbeat seemed to resound between heaven and earth, echoing clearly in everyone's ears.

"This, this is..."

Everyone was startled when they heard this strange heartbeat that suddenly sounded, with looks of surprise on their faces. Where did this heartbeat sound come from?

"Oops..." At this moment, Xiao Chen secretly thought something was wrong. It was the Three Corpse Demons. The Three Corpse Demons were about to wake up!


At this moment, the masters of Suzaku Hall and White Tiger Hall, as well as several Bahuang elders from the Bahuang Alliance, seemed to have noticed the source of the heartbeat sound, and their eyes were fixed on Xiao Chen at the same time.


Elder Xuanwu naturally noticed the abnormality. When his Xuanli was activated, another wave of power came in. Xiao Chen had to use his skills to resist, but his heartbeat was getting faster and faster at this time. He could even feel the three corpse demons. The seal of Tianmo Yuandan is about to be broken!

No...he must not let the three corpse demons wake up, and he must not let anyone in the Eight Desolations League discover the three corpse demons in his body! There must be a hidden secret to what happened back then, and it may even be related to Canglong’s death...

He has gradually gained some clues about what happened back then. When Canglong risked his life and went to the ancient reincarnation path, the thing he was looking for was probably darkness! That is, the three corpse demons existing in his body at this moment!

The thing that my father desperately brought out from the ancient Tao of Reincarnation was the Three Corpse Demons in his body. No one knew about this...

As for why his father sealed the three corpse demons in his body, he didn't know. He only knew that no one in the Eight Desolate Alliance should know that the three corpse demons were sealed in his body.

"Dong dong...dong dong...dong dong..."

His heartbeat became more and more violent, and Xiao Chen's power was about to lose control. At this moment, Duanmu, Chonghua, Xinyuehu and other seven elders behind him suddenly flew up together, "Canglong-Qisu!"

The seven people formed a formation in an instant, each using their strongest strength to form a team. Cooperating with Xiao Chen, they attacked Elder Xuanwu at the same time. With a "boom", the entire square trembled violently. Elder Xuanwu's body suddenly shook under the impact of Canglong Qisu.

"Palace Master!"

In the distance, the elders of Xuanwu Hall saw that Canglong Qisu's people were working together to attack the hall master. At this time, they wanted to step forward, but they were a little worried. As a result, the two sides were fighting together, and they were afraid that Bahuang Hall would really attack them today. Many people were killed or injured.

"Back off!"

Unexpectedly, Elder Xuanwu shouted loudly, knocking back all those who came forward to help. The next moment, he was covered with a layer of golden light, and there was a strong wind around him. And in the vicinity, with him as the center, there was actually A shadow of Xuanwu appeared!

"It's the power of Xuanwu... motionless as a mountain!"

Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked. No one can break Elder Xuanwu's "immovable as a mountain", not even Canglong Qisu!


Canglong Qisu and the seven elders also pushed their own strength to the limit at this moment, but Xuanwu's immobility was beyond their imagination. The seven of them worked together, but they were completely unable to shake the opponent at all. To put it bluntly, it was them. Even if Old Canglong is reincarnated, he can't shake Xuanwu's "immovable mountain".

"'s up to you!"

Elder Xuanwu's voice was cold, his palms shook, and a terrifying force rushed over, forcing the seven people to retreat. Even if the seven people used the Canglong Qisu formation, they could not resist it at this moment!

At this moment, layers of black clouds suddenly shrouded the sky, "Ah!" Xiao Chen sent a palm forward. The power of this palm was actually the hidden power of the three corpse demons. The rocks on the ground were all covered by it. It flew out.

"This power is wrong..."

In the distance, the master of Suzaku Hall seemed to notice something strange for a moment. At this time, Elder Duanmu and others reacted. Without hesitation, they pushed their skills to the limit, and in conjunction with Xiao Chen's palm, they struck Xuanwu violently.


There was a loud noise, and the whole square shook violently. The shadow of Xuanwu on Elder Xuanwu's body suddenly split into countless cracks. The next moment, it shattered into pieces, and his whole body was blown away.

"Palace Master!"

Everyone in Xuanwu Hall couldn't believe it, and the others were also stunned. How could it be possible that Elder Xuanwu's immobility was actually broken...

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The force of this counterattack was not weak either. The seven elders of Duanmu were all thrown backwards by the counterattack. Xiao Chen's body swayed and he could not stand still at this moment. He felt a sweetness in his throat and a mouthful of blood immediately came to him. It came out, but he forcefully swallowed it back.

"Protect the palace master!"

The scene was in chaos. Liu San immediately led people to protect Xiao Chen. Hua Weiyang also flew up in an instant and held him up. "How..."


The aura in Xiao Chen's body was completely chaotic. Even at that moment, he had an illusion that the body that the master had refined for him would be broken into pieces again.

Elder Xuanwu's power is too strong. Although he broke the opponent's immovable force, the force of the counterattack was not small. It was like a punch hitting a hard stone. Although the stone shattered, the fist did not break. It was bleeding, and even the seven elders Duanmu were knocked back. If it weren't for the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales on his body, he would never have been able to withstand it.

The cold wind rustled, rolling up dust and smoke all over the ground. After a long time, everyone still seemed to be in a dream, looking at the ruins in the square. It was hard to believe what they had just seen. Elder Xuanwu was as motionless as a mountain. Canglong was broken, although it seemed that Canglong also suffered a lot of back injuries.


Qin Wuyi hurriedly stepped forward and supported Elder Xuanwu. He could not believe that this new Canglong had such strength that he could compete with his master and break his "immovable as a mountain". Although he himself could not He must have been severely injured.

At this time, Elder Xuanwu slowly lowered his hand covering his chest, but his eyes were still coldly on Xiao Chen. What was that force just now that gave him such a strong sense of oppression...

At this time, in the distance, the master of the Suzaku Palace also had doubts in his eyes. The black clouds in the sky had dispersed, and the sound of the heartbeat had also disappeared. The breath just now disappeared in a flash, even though it was only for a short moment, but that It's definitely not an illusion, what exactly is it...

Outside, people from all the major forces were silent at this moment. They had only heard before that Canglong was an inexperienced young man, but they did not expect that what they saw was completely different from the rumors. What I saw was such a powerful young man.

After a long time, the trial elders on the high platform came to their senses. Looking at the mess in front of them, they were at a loss. No one expected that such a situation would happen today.

At this time, Xiao Chen looked towards the high platform and said in a calm tone, "The competition is over. What do the elders think of today's result?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone became nervous again. Yes, today's Bahuang trial is not over yet. Now that the sword platform has been destroyed, how should the result be calculated? Is it a draw, or did the descendants of Canglong win? Or should we wait for another day? But in the current situation, it’s a bit impossible to compete again on another day, right? The palace masters on both sides took action today...


Several trial elders looked at the destroyed sword platform and were a little embarrassed for a moment. How to judge now? Who wins and who loses? When the time limit for one stick of incense expired, neither party stopped...


At this time, Xinyuehu came out and sneered, "Do you even need to think about it? Didn't anyone see it just now? If so-and-so hadn't suddenly come out to intervene, then so-and-so would have lost his soul now. You Tell me who wins!"

One of the trial elders looked at her with a wry smile and said, "Elder Xinyue, who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? You've made everyone confused..."

Xinyuehu had no intention of joking with him at this time, and said coldly, "Who am I to say? Didn't anyone here see it? Or do you want to continue to pretend to be confused? Who wins or loses? These elders really have no idea at all. ?"


Obviously, the descendant of Canglong won the competition just now. Although something unexpected happened in the end, everyone saw all this. If Elder Xuanwu hadn't suddenly intervened, Qin Wuyi would have been a useless person now.

The trial elders were in a dilemma at this time, not because they were biased towards Xuanwu Hall, but because the result of the competition just now was produced outside the time limit of one stick of incense. If it had been within the time limit of one stick of incense, they would naturally not be in such a dilemma. .

Qin Wuyi snorted coldly, "Today the sword platform has been destroyed, what do you think? If we want to compete again, Qin will accompany him to the end..." Hearing this, Xinyuehu looked at him and sneered, "Qin Wuyi, Are you still a man? Do you still want to be embarrassed?"

"What did you say!"

"What did I say? Haha!"

Xinyuehu raised his head and smiled, flicked his sleeves, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and pointed at him and said, "When the time limit for one stick of incense was up, several elders had already shouted to stop, but did you stop at that time? You seemed to You haven’t stopped, so it means you want to continue the competition, and now that you’ve lost, you won’t admit the result? Can you be more wasteful?”


Qin Wuyi was speechless for a moment in retort. His face, which was originally pale, gradually turned red. The people around him were silent, but everyone knew very clearly that there was no doubt about the result of this competition. It’s the descendant of Canglong who won, so it doesn’t make much sense to continue talking about it.

"Wu Yi, step back..."


"Back off!"

"Yes..." Seeing the stern look on his master's face, Qin Wuyi did not dare to say any more and had to retreat.

"Senior brother..."

"Go away!"

Qin Wuyi was filled with anger. If he hadn't been careless, how could he have let the other party put spiritual power into his body? Now he just wished he could crush the other party and spread it in the soil as fertilizer.

"Today's competition, Canglong Palace wins."

At this moment, the voice of a Bahuang elder came from behind. The trial elders in front did not dare to say anything more and all retreated silently. The Bahuang elder stepped forward and looked at Elder Xuanwu again. "Master Xuanwu Hall, do you still have any questions about the results of today's competition?"


Elder Xuanwu's voice was low, and his eyes were still coldly fixed on Xiao Chen. Today's competition was over, but the matter was far from over.

"Since the results of the competition are out, I won't disturb you anymore. I'll leave first. Everyone in Canglong Palace, follow me."

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and after speaking, he immediately led everyone outside the square. The zhenqi in his body was in chaos at this time. He had to find a place to adjust his breath as soon as possible, otherwise it might be a problem for his future practice. Irreversible obstacles.

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