Xiao Chen led everyone in Canglong Hall outside the square. Several Bahuang elders on the high platform were silent. The whole square was left with messes all over the ground and the shocked eyes of everyone.

It was night, extremely quiet. In the Bahuang Palace, several elders sat silently. The competition during the day still seemed to be in front of several people. Needless to say, the descendants of Canglong had talents and good fortunes that were unparalleled by ordinary people. ...And now, what puzzles them is Cang Long.

"The power at that time only lasted for a moment, and then it disappeared. But you all felt it at that time, right?" After a long time, one of them spoke slowly and looked at the other people at the same time.

Another person said, "That power comes from Canglong, but with the Canglong mask, we can't peep, and we don't know where that power comes from, but it can break Xuanwu's Immovable Mountain. It’s never simple…”

"Could it be..."

At this time, another elder in red wanted to say something, but in the end he frowned and stopped talking. When the words came to his lips, he took back the words.

"Elder Yanshan, what do you want to say, but it doesn't matter... I'm the only one here."

At this time, several other people looked at him. After a while, he slowly relaxed his brows and finally said, "Back then, the previous generation of Canglong, he ventured to the ancient reincarnation path to get something like this..."


Several people were startled when they heard him talk about what happened back then. However, not many people knew the inside story of what happened back then. Even they didn't know much.

After a while, an elder in green clothes slowly said, "Back then, Canglong sneaked into the Taoist Reincarnation Road alone. No one had ever seen the thing he was looking for, and no one knew what it was. Now everything is just speculation. , even when Canglong died, no one brought the news back, and no word about such a thing was revealed. It was not until so many years later that the Canglong Mask was suddenly brought back..."

"Elder Yanshan, what you just meant is that the thing that the previous generation of Canglong went to the ancient reincarnation path to find is now in this generation of Canglong?"

At this moment, another elder looked at the elder named Yanshan and asked.

Elder Qingyi said, "But in the palace, Canglong said that something like that was eventually lost... From what you can see, how credible is his words?"


Several other elders began to think carefully. How could this be made clear to some extent? But looking at the other party's appearance, he definitely didn't look like a treacherous person. Ordinarily, there was no reason to lie, unless there was something bigger involved, something that no one could know.

"This Canglong's life experience is indeed not simple..."

At this time, the elder in the black Taoist robe at the head of the hall suddenly said this, and several others looked at him, "Elder Xuan Ye, what do you mean by this?"

The elder in the black robe smoothed his beard and said slowly, "I think his age does not match the time when Canglong went out. If my prediction is correct, there should be another generation of Canglong in the middle... or maybe Said that this Canglong mask has been waiting for him to appear. "


After hearing this, the people below were even more puzzled. If it was really like what Elder Xuan Ye said at this moment, then why didn't this Canglong tell the truth that day in the Bahuang Palace? Even if you tell the truth, it doesn't matter, right?

At this moment, several people in the palace were lost in thought. What on earth is going on? Back then, why didn't Canglong let someone bring the news back to the Bahuang League? What exactly did he discover in the Ancient Reincarnation Path? Why did he hide everything so secretly, and even refused to reveal anything about his death... What was the reason for this?

After a while, a person below the head of the hall said, "Well... Elder Xuan Ye, if you think about this, do you want to tell the Supreme Elders in Xuanjing?"

"No, no need for the time being..." Elder Mopao focused his gaze, and the people below didn't know what he was thinking at this time.

A few days later, in the Canglong Secret Realm, the Immortal Valley was full of spiritual energy, with hundreds of flowers blooming like brocade, and even the water gushing out of the spring was transformed by the spiritual energy rain and dew.

In the past few days, Xiao Chen has been adjusting his breath in the secret realm, and Wei Young has been working on his behalf. It was not until today that his breath stabilized.

"How's it going? Are you feeling better?" At this moment, Hua Weiyang saw that his expression finally improved and asked with concern.

"Well... almost, it's okay."

Xiao Chen took a breath and recalled that day in his mind. Now that he thinks about it, it was really dangerous that day. The three corpse demons almost broke through the seal and woke up. At that moment, the breath of the three corpse demons must have been... The masters of Suzaku Hall and those with advanced cultivation noticed it, but fortunately, it was only a fleeting moment.

Now, he must have aroused the vigilance of several elders of the Eight Desolate Alliance, but it doesn't matter. All he needs to do next is to hide the aura of the three zombie demons so that no one can detect it again.

Hua Weiyang said, "That Xuanwu cultivation level is indeed very deep..."

Xiao Chen said, "That day, he didn't use all his strength."

"Didn't use all his strength?" Hua Weiyang couldn't help but frown. So, does this person have some scruples?


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and at this moment, he recalled the scene in his mind. He was wearing a Canglong mask, and others could not see through his cultivation. Similarly, Elder Xuanwu was wearing a Xuanwu mask, and he could not see through the other's cultivation. , but it can be felt that Elder Xuanwu must have some kind of fear at that time, and did not try his best.

"Things that can make Xuanwu fearful must be extraordinary..." Hua Weiyang said softly.


Xiao Chen nodded and said, "That's all, let's forget about this matter for the time being. In this Eight Wilderness Trial, Canglong Palace won the first place. Now Elder Qisu and Elder Liu are taking care of everything outside. Now... "

When he said this, he turned back, looked at Weiyang and said, "Your Ancient Eight Desolations Technique has not yet been consolidated. The aura here is extraordinary. In the next month, I will consolidate your cultivation for you."

In this way, all outside matters were left to Liu San and the elders of Canglong Palace. Xiao Chen concentrated on consolidating the Eight Ancient Desolations Art for Weiyang in the Canglong Secret Realm.

Although Hua Weiyang was extremely talented and used the aura of heaven and earth here to comprehend the Ancient Eight Desolations Art to the Earth-Character Art in half a year, each level has not yet been consolidated. Compared with the Ancient Eight Desolations Art that Qin Wuyi had practiced for many years, There is still a lot to be desired. If you want to continue practicing, you must first consolidate, otherwise there will be obstacles.

Outside, due to the extraordinary strength shown by Xiao Chen in this Eight Desolations Trial, he was able to compete with Elder Xuanwu, and also broke the opponent's immobility. Now, no one in the Eight Desolations League dares to look down on him anymore. No one dared to treat him as an inexperienced young man anymore.

A month passed like this, and as of today, a faint spiritual light appeared on Wei Yang's body. Her cultivation level was obviously much deeper than a month ago. Even Xiao Chen was a little surprised by her luck. It can be said that she is the master of heaven and earth, and most of this is probably due to her control of spiritual power, which is unmatched by anyone.

This Canglong Secret Realm is really conducive to cultivation. As Elder Liu said, one day of cultivation inside is enough to last for several days outside. And Weiyang makes good use of the spiritual energy here, and one day is better than ten days for others.

"Weiyang, let's go out and take a look today."


Today, the two finally returned outside, but the entire Canglong Peak was deserted. The disciples didn't know what to do anymore. Many palaces were empty, and no one was seen practicing swordsmanship in the square.

"Are these disciples lazy again?"

When Hua Weiyang saw that there was no one nearby, she couldn't help but frown slightly. Xiao Chen looked around and said, "That day, Elder Liu said that some formation seemed to be arranged on the mountain. Maybe, they all passed... Let's walk around look."

The two walked for a while and came to a forest. They saw a thick layer of fallen leaves on the ground. Most of the leaves on the trees were withered. When the wind blew, they slowly fell to the ground.

"It's July now, summer has just passed, why are all the leaves withered..."

Xiao Chen looked at the vegetation nearby. It was clearly early autumn, but the scene in front of him looked like late autumn. How could it be like this?

"Weiyang, let's go and look elsewhere."

The two quickened their pace and walked to other places, only to find that not only the forest just now, but also the vegetation in many places had withered in advance.

"Aura...it's a lack of aura."

Hua Weiyang is very sensitive to spiritual energy. How could she not notice it at this time? Compared with when she first arrived half a year ago, the spiritual energy in the entire Canglong Peak seemed to be much thinner without even realizing it.

"Lack of spiritual energy... Could it be that the formation that Elder Liu mentioned is... Weiyang, let's go, let's go check out other places."

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly thought of something, and immediately went elsewhere with Hua Weiyang. After a while, they arrived at the Xinsu Palace, which is closest to Canglong Peak, and saw that the vegetation on this mountain was also withered. What was going on?

"Palace Master...you, why are you here suddenly? When did you come out of the secret realm..."

Xinyue Fox walked out of the palace. Xiao Chen looked at her, then at the withered vegetation nearby, frowning and asked, "What's going on? Why are all the flowers and plants here withered?"

"This this……"

Xinyuehu looked at the withered vegetation around him and said vaguely, "Maybe, maybe recently, the disciples have been lazy and neglected to take care of themselves..."

"Shit!" Hua Weiyang immediately corrected, "It's obviously a lack of spiritual energy!"

"Hey! Little girl, how are you talking?"

"Hmph, it is."

Hua Weiyang tied her hands on her chest and raised her head. Xiao Chen looked at Xinyue Fox. Although his sensitivity to spiritual energy was not as good as Hua Weiyang's, it was not to the extent that he could not detect anything.

"Ajiu, let's go to Spica Palace."

Xiao Chen looked at Xinyuehu, and while talking, he stepped back. When Xinyuehu heard that he was going to Jiaoxiu Palace, he immediately said, "It's so far away, Master, what are you doing there..."

Xiao Chen didn't say anything more, and then took Hua Weiyang to the Jiaosu Palace. Xinyuehu looked at his disappearing figure and was speechless. After a while, he slowly walked out of the palace behind. A man in ink clothes said calmly, "It seems that what you did was finally discovered by him... Haha."

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