The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1854 Spiritual Power

After a while, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang came to a cliff and looked down. They saw misty clouds, almost turbid, subtle and mysterious, and unfathomable. Even though they were on the top of this cliff, they did not feel the danger. , this is the first place in Canglong Qisu, and it is also the Taoist resort of Canglong Hall and the location of Jiaoxiu Palace.

Jiaozi Palace is divided into two parts, Qianji Pavilion and Qingfeng Valley. Qianji Pavilion is where Elder Qianji is, and Qingfeng Valley is where Elder Duanmu is. At this time, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang are visiting Qingfeng Valley, where Elder Duanmu is. There are palaces below, as if hidden in the mist.

Xiao Chen suddenly arrived at the Spica Palace today. Soon, disciples came to greet him in the misty clouds. The visitors were sixteen boys and girls of similar age. Seeing that the master of Canglong Palace came to the Spica Palace today, the disciples They were all very polite and invited him into the valley.

When we arrived at Qingfeng Valley, we saw luxuriant grass and clear springs in the valley. Although it was full of vitality, there were some inconspicuous places, and it was inevitable that the flowers and plants would wither.

"Master Canglong Palace, why did you come suddenly today?"

Hearing that Xiao Chen suddenly came today, seven or eight elders in the valley greeted him. In addition to these elders, there were many other young disciples. When they heard that the Master of Canglong Hall was coming, they all came to watch.

"Elder Canglong...Elder Canglong!"

The disciples of Spica Palace were very enthusiastic, and they all ran up at this moment, and some girls were hiding behind the trees to secretly look at this one, the youngest Canglong in history.

"Is he Elder Canglong?"

"'re not old at all."

"Is the person next to him the descendant of Canglong?"

The disciples were chattering in the distance, but here, Xiao Chen looked around and saw no sign of Elder Duanmu. He asked the elders of Qingfeng Valley in front of him, "Where is Elder Duanmu at this moment?"

"Elder Duanmu..."

After hearing that the other party was looking for Elder Duanmu, several elders had some hesitation on their faces, but they were still very polite. After a while, one of them said respectfully, "Elder Duanmu is in the inner valley, what's the matter with Master Canglong Hall?"

Today's Xiao Chen is no longer what he was when he first came to Canglong Palace. During this Eight Desolations Trial, everyone looked at him with admiration. No one in the entire Eight Desolations League dared to look down upon him anymore.

"It's okay. When I passed by just now, I noticed that the spiritual energy flow nearby was abnormal, so I came to take a look."

"That's it, Palace Master, please..."

At that moment, several elders from Qingfeng Valley took him to the inner valley. When they arrived, Elder Duanmu happened to come out. Xiao Chen looked around and saw that there was faint power of the formation here, and asked "Elder Duanmu, is the formation here different?"

"Palace Master, why are you here..."

Elder Duanmu did not expect that he would suddenly come out of the Canglong Secret Realm today. At this time, he walked forward and said, "The formation nearby is a little loose. I just... went inside to reinforce it."


Xiao Chen looked into the depths of the inner valley and said, "Elder Duanmu, can you take me in to have a look?"


Elder Duanmu looked at him and asked, "Does the master of the palace... have something to do today?"

"It's okay, I just happened to pass by and found that the spiritual power nearby was a bit unstable, so I came to take a look."


The inner valley is where the forbidden area is, and the disciples stopped there. Only Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang went in with Duanmu and the elders. When they arrived, they saw that the formation inside was still there, but there were withered grass and trees nearby. elephant.

"Elder Duanmu, what's going on?" Xiao Chen put his hands behind his back, looked at Elder Duanmu, and asked.


Elder Duanmu looked at the scene in front of him and didn't know what to say for a while. After a while, an elder next to him said bitterly, "Master Canglong Palace, it's not that we intentionally deceive, but... the Palace Master doesn't know something. Starting many years ago, I don’t know which year it was, the spiritual power of Canglong Realm gradually began to decline... We really can’t find the reason.”

"Spiritual power decline..."

Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed and she looked at the valley in front of her. She had been in Canglong Palace for so long and had naturally explored it. The spiritual vein in Canglong Realm was very strong. How could the spiritual power decline for no reason?

At this moment, she couldn't help but remember that when she and Xiao Chen were in the ancient realm of Xianbei, they went to Tianling Sect to ask for "Dieffenbachia Seeds". At that time, Tianling Sect's spiritual power was declining and even in danger of drying up. That was because of Tianling Sect's spiritual power. There are cracks in the spiritual power that need to be repaired.

But now the spiritual veins in the Canglong Realm are in good condition, and no problems can be seen. How could the spiritual power decline? This is totally unjustifiable.

"It's such a big deal, but no one has ever said a word to me."

Xiao Chen looked at the people behind him, but those people did not dare to look directly at him. Only Elder Duanmu walked up at this time, looked at the bleak scene in front of him, and said, "I originally planned to do this. I'll tell the palace master after a while..."

"Forget it, I'll go back and ask Elder Liu about this." Xiao Chen walked out. There is no need to go to other places for the next few nights. It must be the same as the Heart Palace and the Spica Palace.

Returning to Canglong Peak, Xiao Chen did not find Liu San. After asking two disciples, he heard that he had gone to the "Red Leaf Valley" behind Canglong Peak early in the morning and had not returned until evening.

"The formation over there still needs to be stable...wait a minute, remove the formation over here and set it up again."

The maple leaves in the valley are as red as fire. In a maple forest, Liu San is instructing some disciples to set up formations. There are about three to four hundred disciples, and they are all sweating profusely from exhaustion.

"Elder Liu, I'm afraid that after removing this formation, the spiritual power will be dispersed. Otherwise, let's leave it like this..."

"No, this formation blocks the flow of spiritual energy from several other formations and must be removed."

"But, this is... okay."

"Elder Liu, what is the formation here used for?"

At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice came from outside Fenglin. Liu San couldn't help being startled. He turned around and saw Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang walking inside.

"Hall Master, you, when did you come out..." Liu San was obviously a little surprised, and when the disciples saw the Hall Master coming, they all stopped immediately.

Xiao Chen walked up slowly, looked at the nearby spiritual power formation, and said, "If I don't come out, does Elder Liu plan to gather all the spiritual power of the entire Canglong Realm into the Canglong Secret Realm?"

"Palace Master, you..."

Liu San couldn't help but his face changed slightly, he looked around, then came to Xiao Chen, lowered his voice and said, "Palace Master, I will talk to you later about this matter..."


Hua Weiyang looked at the spirit gathering formations around her and the hundreds of disciples who were sweating profusely from exhaustion. At this moment, the look on her face became extremely solemn and she said, "The aura of the Canglong Secret Realm, it turns out to be you." ...Condensing the spiritual energy from other places? No wonder the spiritual energy in those places is so thin..."


For a moment, Elder Liu also had a bitter look on his face. In the past, the Canglong Secret Realm had so much spiritual energy that there was no need to condense the spiritual energy outside. However, since many years ago, the spiritual power of the entire Canglong Realm has been declining. The current spiritual power is not at all It is not enough to maintain the aura of Canglong Secret Realm.

At this time, the disciples also came up, with miserable looks on their faces, and said, "Palace Master, don't blame Elder Liu for not telling you this. For the past hundred years, Xuanwu Palace has been plundering our spiritual energy. Now there is not much spiritual energy left in Canglong Peak. Only in this way can we ensure that the spiritual energy in Canglong Secret Realm will not decline..."


This time, Hua Weiyang finally understood why the spiritual energy in the Canglong Secret Realm was always so abundant, allowing her to practice the Ancient Eight Desolations Jue to the Dizi Jue in just half a year. So that's it...

It was them who allocated part of the spiritual energy from each place to the Canglong Secret Realm. This way they could ensure that the spiritual energy in the Canglong Secret Realm would not decline and ensure that she and Xiao Chen could practice there. However, in other places, the spiritual energy would decline due to this, making them unable to practice. If they continue to practice, or even continue like this, being in a state of lack of spiritual energy for a long time will eventually cause their cultivation to regress...

At this moment, all the disciples lowered their heads. Xiao Chen looked at them and after a long time said, "You guys go back first."

"But..." A disciple raised his head and said, "There are still a few formations over there that have not yet been stabilized. Now..."

"Let's go back."


Hundreds of disciples left the Maple Leaf Valley one after another. Xiao Chen looked at Liu San motionless for a long time and then said, "When I first came to Canglong Palace, you told me not to care about the affairs of Xuanwu Palace and arranged for me to go to Canglong Palace." Cultivation in the secret realm, that’s what you plan to do at that time.”


Liu San wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed softly, lowered his head and remained silent. After a while, he raised his head, with some indescribable bitterness on his face. "Only in this way can the aura of the secret realm be preserved..." …”

Hua Weiyang said, "But other people, because of me and your Majesty, are unable to practice. In the long run, there is a risk that their cultivation will decline..."

"Wait, just weighed..."

Liu San looked at her strangely, but Hua Weiyang reacted immediately and almost spilled the beans. She immediately said, "What's wrong? The master of the palace is my master. I call you your master. Is there anything wrong?"

"No, no..."

Liu San lowered his head silently again, and Xiao Chen said, "That's all, let me go back and think about this matter. In short, these formations should be removed first."

That night, the entire Canglong Peak was very quiet. In the Canglong Palace, Xiao Chen sat quietly and said nothing. In his mind, the scene in Hongye Valley during the day was still there.

When he first came to Canglong Palace, he saw the disciples kneeling to Wei Yueyan. He was indeed a little disappointed at that moment. But now, in order to keep the spiritual energy in Canglong Secret Realm from declining, these disciples work hard every day to pass the spiritual energy from other places through the formation. The Dharma was all condensed into the Canglong Secret Realm, but they themselves were unable to practice because of this.

"The way of heaven is to make up for the excess of losses and make up for the deficiencies. The way of man is to make up for the excess of losses and benefits..."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath. It was clear that the spiritual energy in other places in Canglong Peak was insufficient, but he still used that spiritual energy for his own use, and used it for him and Weiyang to practice in the secret realm. Although this matter, from the beginning to the end, In the end he didn't know.

Now that he knows, he must stop Elder Liu from continuing, otherwise what is the difference between him and sucking human blood?

"Ta, ta, ta..."

The sound of gentle footsteps came from outside, followed by Weiyang walking in. As he walked, he muttered something, "Xuanwu Hall is so abominable. In the past hundred years, it has taken away most of the spiritual power of Canglong Peak, resulting in what is now The aura of Canglong Peak is so declining..."

By the end of her words, she had already arrived in the hall, looked up at Xiao Chen and said, "It must be Elder Xuanwu who is causing trouble behind his back, but it doesn't matter, soon..."

Before she could continue, Xiao Chen interrupted her: "Weiyang, with your spiritual knowledge, how could you think that Xuanwu did it behind your back?"


Hua Weiyang was stunned for a moment, and after a while, she whispered, "So, you already know..."

In the evening this evening, she went to check the spiritual veins near Canglong Peak, and did not come back until late at night. Even Xiao Chen could detect that the spiritual veins in Canglong Realm had been tampered with, so how could she not notice it?

It's just that she was afraid that if she told it, it would only increase Xiao Chen's troubles, so she didn't tell the truth just now. She wanted to use Xuanwu Hall to cover it up for the time being, but she didn't expect that the other party had known about it for a long time.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, stood up slowly, and walked to the window sill. He looked at the night outside the window and remained silent. After a long time, he said, "Thousands of years ago, who was it that secretly controlled the spiritual pulse of Canglong Realm?" The manipulation was done, and no one noticed it for thousands of years..."

After hearing this, Hua Weiyang was also silent. To be able to hide this secret from others for thousands of years without letting the people of the Bahuang League notice it, this person's methods must be very powerful...

Now Canglong Peak's spiritual power is facing exhaustion. The disciples thought that the Xuanwu Palace had robbed the spiritual power. However, the elders could not find the reason. In the end, they could only think that the spiritual veins were naturally exhausted. The man's powerful method was able to hide his purpose from everyone. Why exactly?

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