The night was quiet and silent, with a cool breeze blowing in from the window. Xiao Chen stood by the window sill, staring at the night outside, looking at the distant night sky.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang slowly walked up and said softly, "Thousands of years ago, the spiritual veins of Canglong Realm were secretly tampered with. As a result, in the past thousands of years in Canglong Palace, the luck of the Canglong Palace has gradually declined, and the spiritual energy has gradually declined. Loss little by little, no wonder Canglong Palace, once the most powerful, has now ended up..."

At this point, she stopped talking and just sighed softly. Now she naturally has some understanding of what happened when Xiao Chen first came to Canglong Palace. Canglong Palace was once the strongest among the four halls, but now it has ended up like this. If Xiao Chen hadn't come this time, it would be hard to say what would have happened next.

After a while, she spoke again, "If it's just a loss of spiritual energy, that's it. I can find a way to re-condensate some spiritual energy, but if my luck declines..."

When she said this, she couldn't help but frown deeply. If her luck declined, it would be very troublesome. Even in the mortal world, everyone has their own luck. Those with strong luck are born with good luck. Those who are rich and powerful but have bad luck will find it difficult to turn around in their lifetime... or even become a beggar on the street.

The luck in the world of cultivation is more important than the luck of those in the mortal world. When a cultivator's luck completely declines, unless there is a person with supreme supernatural power who can change his fate against the will of heaven, Otherwise, that person's ending must be tragic.

Xiao Chen remained silent, looking up at the ink-like sky. His spiritual energy was declining, and there was still a way to recover. However, his luck was declining, and even with a pair of heavenly hands, it would be difficult to reverse it... unless the problem could be completely eradicated. .

After a while, he asked, "Weiyang, you may be able to guess who secretly manipulated Canglong Palace thousands of years ago?"

Hua Weiyang thought for a while, frowned, and said uncertainly, "Could it be... Xuanwu Hall?"

There was silence in the whole hall, and finally Xiao Chen shook his head, "Nowadays, Canglong Hall and Xuanwu Hall are indeed on the same page, but they may not have been on the same page back then. Besides, I thought... Xuanwu Hall was not that capable.


Hua Weiyang frowned deeply again, and after a while, she spoke again, "Is that the Ancient Reincarnation Path? The previous generation of Canglong was able to sneak into the Ancient Reincarnation Path. Will there be people from the Ancient Reincarnation Path who also sneaked into the Bahuang League?"

Xiao Chen still looked up at the dark sky and said, "It may not be impossible, but I thought..."

"What do you think... is?"

Hua Weiyang saw that he suddenly stopped talking and just looked at the sky. At this moment, she suddenly thought of something and her whole body trembled slightly.

"Nine Heavens Beyond."

At this moment, the two of them said these four words at the same time.

"If you are someone from outside the Nine Heavens..."

Hua Weiyang found it hard to believe that if it was someone from the Nine Heavens, it must be someone who had already stepped into the realm of Fangwai. Who on earth would do such a shameful thing to the Canglong Palace? What is the purpose?

The night breeze blew slowly. After a long time, Xiao Chen turned around, put a hand gently on Hua Weiyang's shoulder, and said, "Weiyang, this matter is unusual, including this time. Qilin asked me to take care of Hua Weiyang at this time." Wearing the Canglong mask and returning to the Eight Desolate Alliance may not be easy..."


Hearing what he said, Hua Weiyang could actually feel that things were definitely not that simple, including the thing that the previous generation Canglong was looking for when he went to the ancient reincarnation path, including those people who later hunted down Uncle Xiao... …

This may involve something even more unimaginable, and now, Xiao Chen is already in the center of the whirlpool. It is no longer possible to get out. He can only... stay above it to see clearly what is happening in this whirlpool. Everything hidden.

"No matter who is behind the scenes, the truth of this world will never be buried under the dust..."

Xiao Chen raised his head and looked at the bottomless black night sky. In his mind, he seemed to see the scene in the dream again. His mother fought to the death and used her last spiritual power to protect herself...

He will definitely find out the truth.


At this moment, Hua Weiyang's eyes became determined. She must find out the truth no matter what, and she must not let Uncle Xiao and Aunt Rou die in vain...

The crisis at hand was the spiritual power of Canglong Realm. In the next few days, the two of them were looking for the problem. With Weiyang's induction of spiritual power, it was easier to find it than it was when Xiao Chen and Liu San searched aimlessly. too much.

That afternoon, when the two of them came back from outside, Xiao Chen's heart suddenly beat violently, and an uneasy feeling suddenly came to his heart. Weiyang saw that his expression suddenly changed, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Chen wears a Canglong mask on his face, so others will not be able to see the change in his expression, but Wei Young is so close to him, how could they not notice it?

"Wuyutian, something happened..."

A few words slowly came out of Xiao Chen's mouth. Seeing his appearance at this time, Hua Weiyang must have known that something was serious. When she left before, she did not leave a clone behind. I wonder what happened to Wuyutian now. Asking "What happened?"

"I don't know...but I'm afraid it's a little serious."

Xiao Chen put two fingers together and pressed on his temples. However, even if he condensed the consciousness of his soul, he could not perceive Wuyutian's situation at this time through Wuyutian's clone. The original body lost contact with the clone, and there were often only a few Possibly, and the current situation should be that the area near Wuyutian was disturbed by a very strong soul power.

Hua Weiyang held her breath and watched him silently, trying not to disturb the connection between him and his clone, but after a long time, there was still no result.

"Still...can't sense it?"


After a long time, Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes. He could not establish soul connection with the clone at this time. After all, this clone was just condensed by him. Once the distance is too far or there is any obstacle in the way, it will be with him. He severed the spiritual connection.

"Then what should I do..."

Hua Weiyang couldn't help but become nervous. She had been out for so long and never went back. Now that Xiao Chen's clone in Wuyutian suddenly lost contact with his original self, she would inevitably worry about Mingyue and Xian Shu.

"Don't worry, there is a way."

Xiao Chen slowly calmed down. Although he now doesn't know what happened to Wuyutian, his "Qingqing clone" left in Wuyutian has independent consciousness and will definitely find a way to get in touch with him.

At this time, outside Wuyu Tian, ​​the ancient restriction has been activated, making it difficult for anyone to approach, and inside, the defensive formations have also been activated.

"Youtian Soul Saint...are you serious and want tens of thousands of people here to be buried with you?"

At this moment, a deep voice came into Wuyutian. Listening to this voice and looking at the two terrifying soul figures outside, the disciples fell into panic for a moment. Fortunately, there was a very strong layer of energy outside Wuyutian. The ancient restrictions are difficult for anyone to break through in a short time.

"The two men from the Netherworld came here uninvited today and want to take people away from my Wuyu Heaven. Have you asked me if you agree..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's figure also appeared on Zhaotian Cliff. Seeing his appearance, the disciples' nervous hearts finally relaxed a little.

At this moment, Xiao Chen could be seen with his hands behind his back, and his white hair behind his shoulders flying in the wind. Although this was just a clone of him, his aura was still the same as before, the Lord of Wuyu Tian.

"Oh? It's you... your fate is really great. When you were hit by my soul outside Xuanxiao Palace, you were not completely dead."

The sounds from outside slowly came in, and at that moment, everyone in Wuyutian felt the terrifying breath of soul power!

Note: Some friends mentioned why the masters of the four halls wore masks but the four heirs did not. In this way, wouldn’t the four heirs have seen each other in the future?

This issue was indeed not explained clearly by Gu Yi before. Strictly speaking, when Qilin mentioned the Eight Wastelands Alliance to Xiao Chen, the four palace masters he was referring to were all palace masters of this generation, and they had never met each other. appearance, and the successor may not necessarily succeed in becoming the next generation of palace master, such as the previous descendant of Canglong.

Maybe some friends have understood it by now, but there are still friends who don’t quite understand it, so I will explain it more clearly. It is mentioned in the article that the palace masters of the four palaces of this generation all wear masks, so if the next generation of palace masters have already met each other, Now that the other party's appearance has changed, is there any need to continue wearing a mask? Yes, in this way, the outside world, especially the Taikoo Reincarnation Dao, will never know whether the Canglong, Xuanwu, or Suzaku White Tiger at this moment is the Canglong, Xuanwu, and Suzaku White Tiger they think.

The Eight Desolate Alliance has gone through countless generations until today, and among them, there will be a certain generation like now where the masters of the four halls have never seen each other's faces. Of course, there will also be a certain generation where all four of them have seen each other's faces. But whether you have seen it or not, it actually doesn’t matter much in the end.

For example, if many years later, even if Wei Yang, Qin Wuyi and others become the masters of the four halls, and many years later, they go to the Nine Heavens, the Eight Desolate Alliance at that time will have been separated by many generations. Does anyone recognize them? The answer is definitely no. Even if the newly appointed Canglong or Suzaku have gone to the Nine Heavens, even if they face Weiyang or Wangshu face to face, they don't know that the person standing in front of them at this moment is actually a certain generation of palace masters. They will only feel that They just have a familiar aura about them.

Seeing this, some friends may wonder, why does Guyi set it up like this? Can't we set the successor to also wear a mask? The answer is not necessary. It is not that every generation of palace masters cannot let others see their faces. Even if they have seen each other's faces, it does not matter much. As mentioned before, no one will recognize them after a few years. , and it involves the subsequent plot. As for what the subsequent plot is, Gu Yi will not reveal it here. This text has already hinted a bit clearly.

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