The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1857 Ten Thousand Souls

"You don't know how high Cang Yue and Bai Ye are in cultivation..."

Ku Lingzi's face was a little gloomy. In fact, since the last time his identity was exposed, he knew that this day would come sooner or later, but he didn't expect that it would come so quickly and come so unfortunately.

He knew very well what the cultivation levels of Cang Yue and Bai Ye were. How could the Four Soul Saints of Netherworld Dao back then be ordinary people? If the two people coming today were just a clone of the soul, it would be easy to handle. But with these two suffocating auras, it is obvious that the two people are coming...

He is also very clear in his heart that Cang Yue is ruthless and often unscrupulous in his actions. This was true a thousand years ago, and it will only become more so in a thousand years.

Shen Jing said, "Senior, don't worry. No matter how high those two people are, there are ancient restrictions outside Wuyu Tian, ​​and they can't even think of breaking through..."

"hope so……"

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in Ku Lingzi's eyes. Of course, he was prepared for the worst. Although Cang Yue and Bai Ye had extremely high cultivation and strong soul power, he, as You Tian back then, Soul Saint, he also knows very well the weaknesses of these two people. ❂


Shen Jing looked at him blankly. For some reason, at this moment, she actually saw a feeling in him that she was about to die with him.

When night fell, Cang Yue and Bai Ye had left outside, but inside Wuyu Tian, ​​the disciples did not relax. Since the establishment of Wuyu Tian, ​​although it has only been less than thirty years, it has also gone through many things. This happened many times today.

Any cultivation force will go through many hardships and will eventually become a legend in people's mouths after tens of millions of years. Otherwise, it will only perish in this era and become a small and inconspicuous dust. No one knows its existence, and no one knows about its existence. Meaningless.

"Your Majesty, how are you now?"

In Wuyu Hall, Bai Luan, Zi Yuan and others were present, but at the head of the hall, Xiao Chen closed his eyes and said nothing. With his current clone, there was no way he could be the opponent of the two people outside.

After a long time, I saw him open his eyes, get up and walk down, slowly walked to the window, looked at the quiet night outside, and said, "Don't worry, someone will come to deal with those two people..."


For a moment, Bai Luan and Zi Yuan were a little confused. Are they going to the Ancient Immortal Realm to invite someone? But it's a long way to go, and I'm afraid it might be too late in the hurry.

In the Bahuang League, Canglong Palace, Xiao Chen finally sensed Wu Yutian's situation. He opened his eyes and stood up. When Hua Weiyang saw him standing up suddenly, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "How? But you have already sensed it?" "


Xiao Chen nodded. At this moment, a slight cold light came out from under the mask. Hua Weiyang asked in a low voice, "Are you from the ancient reincarnation path... from the Suzaku Realm?"

"No, they are people from all over the world, from the Netherworld."

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed, then he looked at her again and said, "Weiyang, do you still remember the Cang Yue who appeared outside Xuanxiao Palace?"

Hua Weiyang clearly remembered the incident when she went to Xuanxiao Palace to rescue Ku Lingzi. In order to obtain the Holy Cang Yue Soul Cultivation, only one soul clone made it difficult for everyone to defeat him. In the end, although that soul He died, but Xiao Chen was also seriously injured and couldn't wake up. If Fairy Suwen didn't have the ability to bring the dead back to life, it would be hard to imagine what the consequences would be.

Xiao Chen said, "Yes, it is this person. The person who came this time is his true form, and there is also another soul saint named Bai Ye."

"Cang Yue, Bai Ye..."

Hua Weiyang thought for a moment and understood what was going on. Although these two people were soul saints of the Netherworld Dao, every move they made was directed by the Netherworld Soul Lord. Otherwise, they would never appear in the immortal world as themselves. In Yuanwu Domain, it seems that this time, it is the Nether Soul that is mainly responsible for catching the dead spirit son.

"Netherworld Soul Lord..."

Naturally, it was not difficult for Xiao Chen to think that the Nether Soul Master was one of the eight desolate masters in the world. He still didn't know what his strength was, but the cultivation levels of Cang Yue and Bai Ye could not be said to be top-notch, but they were not low either. Even if he himself comes forward, he can probably only deal with one of them. Now in Wuyutian, no one except Ku Lingzi can deal with these two people.

"What...are you planning to do?" Hua Weiyang looked at him and seemed to have guessed what he was going to do next.

"Well, Weiyang, you should go back first. Don't worry about the rest."

Xiao Chen naturally had a plan in his mind. He came to Xinsu Palace late at night. Xinyuehu saw him coming late at night and thought, could it be because of the spiritual power of Canglong Peak?

"The master of the palace came to my place so late, there something wrong?"


Xiao Chen came to her palace and saw that the palace was very magnificent. Compared with the coldness of Canglong Hall, it was a bit more gorgeous here. There was also a fragrance like orchid and musk in the air, which made people smell it. , feeling drowsy.

"Ahem... Palace Master, you came to my place so late and didn't say anything for a long time. The atmosphere is weird. If anyone sees it, how bad is it..."

Xinyuehu glanced at him secretly, looking at the situation at this time, could it be that there was something else other than the spiritual power of Canglong Peak today?

"Elder Xinyue, listen to me."

At this time, Xiao Chen turned around and faced her. Even though he was wearing a Canglong mask on his face, Xinyuehu could see that the solemnity in his eyes at this moment was definitely not a trivial matter. At this moment, He stopped joking and became serious, "Palace Master, tell me, what's the matter..."

Xiao Chen said, "I want you to go to the human world tomorrow with Elder Qianji and Elder Duanmu."


When he heard that he was going to the human world, he brought Qianji and Duanmu, two elders with advanced cultivation, which was obviously beyond Xinyuehu's expectation. What was he going to do in the human world?

After a while, she didn't know what she thought, and looked at Xiao Chen in shock, "You, you, you, Palace Master, are you planning to introduce the power of spiritual veins from the human world..."


Xiao Chen shook his head. With his current level of cultivation, he was not yet capable of introducing the power of human spiritual veins into the Eight Desolate Realm, and said, "You go to a place called Wuyu Tian to help them repel the enemy."


The more Xinyuehu listened, the more confused she became. Where is this Wuyutian? It's so good, why should you help them fight off the enemy? For this small piece of land in the mortal world, is it necessary to ask the two elders Qianji and Duanmu to take action?

After a while, I heard her say, "But I heard that the current world of the human world is very restrictive. If we go there, if we attract the attention of the ancient reincarnation path..."

"So this matter must be kept secret and must not be known to anyone."

Xiao Chen turned around, looked at her and said, "Wuyutian is a very important place at the moment. We must ensure that it is not damaged. Do you understand?"


Xinyuehu still looked at him with a strange expression. If it were the two elders Qianji and Duanmu, they would definitely not ask so many questions. They would do whatever Canglong arranged. They would not ask one more word, but Xin Yuehu would not ask so many questions. Yuehu was originally just like Weiyang, a bit eccentric and curious about everything. She even wished that Xiao Chen would take off his mask and let her see it.

"Palace you know that person from Wuyu Tian?"

Xinyuehu looked at him curiously, and Xiao Chen said, "I have had some interactions with their lords. In short, you must act secretly and not let Xuanwu Palace know about this matter. I will continue The matter of investigating the spiritual veins of Canglong Peak and Wuyutian will be left to you and Qianji Duanmu. As for why I did this, I will tell you later."

"Okay... don't worry, Lord, this matter will be left to me and the two elders Qianji Duanmu."

Just like this, a few days passed. On this day, outside Wuyu Tian, ​​the sea of ​​clouds suddenly surged, and there were two powerful soul power auras in it. They came over. It was Cang Yue and Bai Ye who had disappeared for a few days. Back again.

"It's them, here they come again..."

The people inside Wuyu Tian immediately became on guard. Today, the ancient restrictions outside Wuyu Tian are still very heavy. It is not that simple for the two of them to break through, even if the Nether Soul Lord comes in person. , as long as the restriction of heaven and earth still exists for a moment, no matter whether it is the outer world or the wilderness, no one anywhere can think of using all their strength, unless they are not afraid of the thunder and punishment of heaven in the nine heavens.

"Set up the formation!"

Under the command of the elders, everyone immediately set up formations. Cang Yue smiled coldly, looking at the people inside like looking at struggling ants. After a while, he passed to Lone Peak. A voice said, "Youtian, I brought you something today. Do you want to come out and take a look?"

At this time, everyone in Wuyutian had nervous faces. Just as Cang Yue finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves, and a black mist flew out of his sleeves. Suddenly, the whole sky was filled with a strong wind, and the rustling sound was like a fierce ghost. The roar enveloped the entire Zhaotian Cliff in an instant.

"That, that's..."

At this time, everyone inside trembled in their hearts. They saw the black mist flying out of Cang Yue's sleeves, turning into a black soul flag in the air. The soul flag grew in the wind, and in the end there were seven It was eight feet long, and it was covered with human faces. The mournful wailing sound came from the flag.


Seeing the black soul flag that imprisoned countless souls, Madam Xianshu's expression suddenly changed. The souls in the flag were obviously people from the sects under Wuyu Tian. There were countless of them, but these two people actually showed no resistance to those people. A man with so much power would do such cruel things.


Cang Yue smiled coldly and said loudly, "Youtian, if you don't come out, I will send you the souls of these ten thousand people..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he swiped his fingers, and there was a strong wind around the soul flag. Then hundreds of souls, driven by him, rushed straight towards Zhaotian Cliff, but there were many restrictions outside Zhaotian Cliff, so let’s talk about this slowly. Only the soul is left, even if the body is still there, if you break through the restriction, you will end up in ashes.

"Boom!" As soon as these hundreds of souls approached the forbidden area, they were struck by the forbidden thunder in the sky, and their souls flew away.


Seeing this scene, many disciples in Wuyutian were so frightened that they screamed out, but Cang Yue's face was still sinister and vicious, and she said coldly, "Youtian, why don't you come out yet?"

"Stop it!"

Seeing another soul rushing out of the soul flag, a figure suddenly appeared on Zhaotian Cliff, it was Xiao Chen's clone.

"Your Majesty!"

Zi Yuan, Bai Luan and others immediately guarded him. Mingyue also came to his side, pointed outside to Cang Yue and Bai Ye, and said bitterly, "You two are also two soul saints of the Netherworld. A dignified soul saint who has practiced Taoism for thousands of years actually does such a thing to a mortal? Aren’t you afraid of being punished by God in the future?”

"God's punishment? What is God's punishment? Tell me..."

Cang Yue smiled coldly, and in the next moment, with a flick of her finger, there were many souls in the flag, and it hit the restriction outside Zhaotian Cliff.


"Ah! Your Majesty, save me..."

"Your Majesty, save me..."

The shrill sounds of countless souls sounded in front of Xiao Chen, but in the next moment, their souls flew away under the restriction outside Zhaotian Cliff.

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