The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1858 Youtian Soul Saint

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

Bai Luan and Zi Yuan stood in front of Xiao Chen, pointing their swords at Cang Yue and Bai Ye outside. "You two can be regarded as senior figures from all over the world. If you commit murder here today, you won't be afraid of being criticized in the future..."

"so what……"

There was a fierce look on Cang Yue's face. Outside Xuanxiao Palace, Xiao Chen caused him to lose a soul clone, and also caused his own body to be injured because of it. Now, he wants to do it bit by bit, Return it.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

Suddenly, there was a strong gloomy wind in the sky, and many souls were summoned out by him from the black soul flag, and they kept rushing towards the restriction of Zhaotian Cliff.

Bursts of howling sounds could be heard immediately. Many people in Wuyu Tian were frightened by this scene. This man was too cruel!

"Using the souls of Wuyutian's people to attack Wuyutian's restrictions, and finally forcing Wuyutian to open the restrictions. The methods of these two people are indeed ruthless..."

At this moment, on an island in the distance, I saw a woman in red. This woman was the Phantom Musical Piano Demon. Although over the years, with the help of Wuyutian's spiritual energy, her cultivation had improved a lot. She had already become a When she first entered the realm of the Great Saint from the Nine Realms, she didn't have the "Tian Mo Qin" in her hand, so there was no way she could be the opponent of the two Soul Saints of Netherworld Dao.

"Cang Yue, stop it."

At this moment, a gloomy voice suddenly came from Wuyutian. Everyone trembled when they heard the voice. At the same time, they also felt a very strong soul power aura. Looking back, they saw the lonely peak. A figure flew over from the side, arriving in an instant, giving people a feeling of suffocation.

"Senior Gufeng..."

Many disciples of Wuyutian call Ku Lingzi Senior Gufeng, because no one knows his former name, and his previous name was not Ku Lingzi, but... Youtian.

"Haha, Youtian, are you finally willing to come out..."

Cang Yue looked at Ku Lingzi with a bit of coldness on her face. At this time, everyone in Wuyutian was also frightened. The senior Gufeng in front of them was very different from before. This soul power aura is completely inferior to the two people outside...

"Bai Ye, you're here too."

Ku Lingzi walked out of it step by step. At this time, the soul power aura on his body made him look different. Even without a physical body, it still made people tremble and uneasy. At this moment, he was no longer the same as before. Ku Lingzi is no longer the old man from Gufeng in Wuyutian, but in the past, he was the Soul Sage of Youtian who was inferior to one person in the Netherworld and surpassed ten thousand people.

"Youtian Soul Saint, it's been a thousand years, you have been gone for too long..."

At this time, Bai Yehunsheng slowly walked up from behind, his eyes fell on Ku Lingzi, with an indescribable emotion. It was unimaginable that after a thousand years without a physical body, his soul was still so powerful, and he was worthy of it. The number one person under Lord Nether Soul back then was the only person who had not yet become a saint, but could make even the powerful saints tremble...

Ku Lingzi said coldly, "That cold place has nothing to do with me. Why have we been forced to fight against each other for thousands of years..."

Bai Yehun's Holy Way: "You are born as a Netherworld person, and you die as a Netherworld soul...Senior Youtian, do you still remember who said this to me back then? Yes, it was you... But why did you want to Betray the Soul Master, why?”

"Why, I also want to know why..."

Ku Lingzi's voice was low, and in his mind, it seemed that the scene of that year, the brutal massacre, was the person he once respected the most, who took away everything from him, buried everything about him, and personally killed the person he once had. Youtian.

At this time, the disciples of Wuyutian were already stunned. It turned out that Senior Gufeng was really the Youtian Soul Saint of the Netherworld all over the world. Even the Baiye Soul Saint in front of them called him senior...

"That's all..."

Bai Yehunsheng looked at Ku Lingzi on Zhaotian Cliff and said, "Youtian, you can't escape. Go back with us. The Soul Master has issued a 'Liuhe Bahuang Killing Order' on you. If I don't do it today, If people fail to take your soul back, someone more powerful will appear in the future. You should know better than us that no one in this world can escape the killing order issued by the soul master. That person back then, he transformed into I made seven souls and fled in seven directions, escaping from all over the world. In the end, none of the seven souls escaped your soul-forbidden technique, right..."

"Haha, the killing order..."

Ku Lingzi sneered, but there was endless loneliness and vicissitudes of life on his face. Back then... he was the sharpest and most ruthless sword in the hands of the Nether Soul Master. The word "Nether Sky" was used by those who had already entered the holy realm. The strong will also tremble. No one can escape from his killing order, even in the nine heavens and ten realms, there is nowhere to escape.

All over the world, everyone is afraid of the Netherworld Dao, not only because of the Netherworld Soul Lord, but also because of a terrifying Netherworld Soul Saint, and it is impossible for anyone's soul to escape from his soul confinement technique.

Bai Yehunshengdao: "Youtian, you know very well that your body and a ray of your soul are in the hands of the soul master. Now the soul master can know where you have escaped..."

Upon hearing this, everyone in Wuyu Tian was even more shocked. Their soul fell into the hands of others, and there was almost no possibility of escape. However, Senior Gufeng was able to escape from the other party's control for a thousand years, a full thousand years, Only to be found by the other party.

In fact, Bai Ye Soul Saint has always been surprised. If other people's souls fell into the hands of the Nether Soul Lord, there would be no possibility of escape. But You Tian didn't know what method he used to completely cut off his own soul. The connection with that ray of natal soul.

He is worthy of being the Netherworld Soul Sage. Apart from him, there is probably no other person in the world who can do this. His soul skills are even better than those of the Netherworld Soul Lord. If he had not suffered major changes in the past thousand years, If he can practice normally, then his cultivation level may no longer be inferior to that of the Netherworld Soul Lord.

At that time, Bai Ye was the youngest among the four and the latest to get started. He respected You Tian and regarded him as a senior. Cang Yue was originally the first among the four to be conferred the title of Soul Saint, but However, he was far less respected than You Tian later, so he was jealous of You Tian back then.

"Haha, are you over reminiscing about old times?"

At this moment, Cang Yue slowly walked forward and raised her palm. The souls in the soul flags immediately made a howling sound. The faces were printed on the flags. People are frightened.

"Youtian, if you are willing to go back with us obediently, I will release the souls of more than 10,000 people today. days later, I will take the souls of 100,000 people and ask you to come out."

Cang Yue pinched it with her palm, and a fierce look appeared on her face. As he pinched it, the soul flag immediately tightened, and the screams coming from inside became more violent.


Ku Lingzi's face darkened, and he stepped forward heavily, "Open the restriction!"



Seeing him about to go out, the disciples around him were startled and stopped him hastily. Regardless of whether he was the Youtian Soul Saint of the Netherworld Dao or not, in their eyes, he was always the Gufeng Senior of Wuyutian.

Over the years, Your Majesty has often been absent. Whenever a powerful enemy comes, he always stands in front of everyone. Now that these two people from Netherworld Dao are coming to capture him, how can they watch him being captured?

"Senior!" Shen Jing also caught up with him.

"Fight them!"

At this moment, many disciples rushed up and glared at Cang Yue outside. Cang Yue looked at these people in front of her as if she were looking down at ants, and said calmly, "Fight? What are you trying to do? Otherwise, Ask him..." He said this, pointed to Xiao Chen, and then said, "Ask him if he has the ability to fight with me..."

"Your Majesty..."

Everyone looked at Xiao Chen again. They knew in their hearts that the strength of the two people outside was not for Wuyutian's ancient restrictions. These two people would have invaded long ago. I am afraid that your Majesty would not be able to deal with these two people.

"Back off."

Ku Lingzi told everyone to step back, and then walked forward slowly, came to Xiao Chen's side, opened his mouth to him, but did not make a sound, but Xiao Chen could tell that his mouth shape was five words "Take good care of Shen Jing..."

"Senior! Senior, don't want it!"

Seeing Ku Lingzi walking resolutely to the outside of Zhaotian Cliff, the disciples cried out sadly, if their senior fell into the hands of the Netherworld Soul Lord, he would definitely die!

"Haha, that's right..." Cang Yue smiled coldly, and she couldn't stop sneering in her heart. Youtian Youtian, I didn't expect that one day you would bow to me.

However, just when Ku Lingzi was about to step out of Zhaotian Cliff, Xiao Chen suddenly held his shoulder behind him. Ku Lingzi turned his head slightly and said, "What's wrong?"

"Old guy, I don't think you need to take action this time."

Just as Xiao Chen finished speaking, the clouds suddenly surged in the distant sky, and then two powerful auras came straight to this side. In an instant, it caused thunder to roll and roar.


At this moment, it was obvious that Cang Yue and Bai Ye also felt that this aura... was definitely not the aura of a cultivator in the world!

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