The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1859: Thousands of Chances and Duanmu

"Who is coming..."

The disciples of Wuyu Tian were also slightly startled. Just this aura was already vaguely intended to attract heavenly punishment, and the cultivation level of the person who came was probably hard to estimate.

In the blink of an eye, three figures flew towards this side, an old man wearing a black robe, an old man wearing a green robe, and an extremely beautiful woman.

"Those three people are..."

Many people in Wuyu Tian felt suffocated. The auras of these three people were not like those of the cultivators from the Five Immortal Realms. Moreover, such powerful three people had never been heard of in the Five Immortal Realms...

Xiao Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the three figures who were approaching in an instant. They were Xinyuehu and the two elders Qianji and Duanmu. Although they arrived a step late, they were not too late.

At this moment, Elder Qianji and Elder Duanmu have both concealed their auras. Their cultivation is higher than that of Elder Taiyi in Suzaku Hall. In this world, if they do not hide their auras, they will surely be punished by heaven. , at this moment, with the arrival of the two people, the nine heavens were already covered with dark clouds, as if thunder would fall at any time.

"Is this the Desireless Heaven?"

Xinyuehu came to the front of Zhaotian Cliff and looked at the islands and waterfalls above the sea of ​​clouds. Before coming here, she thought that the earthly world was just like this, but now that she came to Wuyu Tian, ​​she could not help but feel... I was shocked by the ancient spiritual energy here. It was unimaginable that this world was left behind tens of thousands of years ago. No wonder Old Canglong once said, never underestimate this world...

"I don't know who these three people are..."

At this moment, a low and cold voice came from under Cang Yue's black robe. Xinyue Hu looked at him, thinking that these two people were the ones the palace wanted them to repel. How powerful did they think they were? That's all.

"Three of you, are you here to intervene in this matter today?" Seeing a hint of contempt in this woman's eyes, Cang Yue's eyes became even colder at that moment.

Xinyuehu looked at the black soul flag in mid-air and said, "This is an ancient fairyland with excellent aura, but it has been messed up by you two juniors. I don't think it will be easy for you two to practice. If you leave quickly, you will avoid death, and I can go back to deliver my work quickly."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Cang Yue suddenly laughed in a low voice, and in the next moment, her voice became extremely cold and terrifying, "I'm not old, but my tone is not young. Do you know who I am..."

"Then do you know who I am?" Xinyuehu looked at him coldly. There are probably only a few people in this world who dare to be enemies of the Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance.

" will know soon!"

Cang Yue's eyes were cold and stern. As soon as she finished speaking, she raised her hand, and a black soul mark about a foot wide suddenly enveloped Xinyue Fox. It seemed that because she was used to being tyrannical, she ignored the two people behind Xinyue Fox at this time. A person whose cultivation is unfathomable.

The moment the soul seal came over, Elder Qianji and Elder Duanmu also took action. The two of them just waved their palms casually, and a wave of Bahuang Qi surged out, immediately dispelling the soul seal.


Thunder roared in the sky, as if a divine punishment was coming. Xinyuehu chuckled, looked at Cang Yue and Bai Ye, and said lightly, "Two elders, it's better to slow down, don't lead to the heavenly tribulation, mortals can't bear it. live……"

"So strong..."

At this time, many disciples in Wuyu Tian were stunned. Although it was just the two elders Qianji and Duanmu who took action at will, the energy of the Eight Desolations easily dispersed Cang Yue's soul seal. Its depth is evident.

"What are the origins of these three people..."

Cang Yue couldn't help but feel suspicious in her heart. At that moment, he could sense that these two old men had extremely high cultivation levels, but there were still restrictions in the world, so they both hid their cultivation abilities.

"Cang Yue Soul Saint, what should we do now?"

Bai Yehunsheng stood aside, and he could obviously feel that the cultivation of these two people should not be underestimated. If they were to force themselves, they would never get any benefits. Apart from these two people, there was another Youyou in Wuyutian. Heavenly Soul Saint.

"Hmph... I want to see how powerful it is!"

Cang Yue's whole body soul power shook, and a huge soul shadow suddenly appeared behind her, "Youquan Soul Seal!" With a loud shout, a sinister wind suddenly spread over a radius of more than ten miles, and black soul seals suddenly appeared. Chao Qianji Duanmu devoured the two elders.


Elder Qianji had a stern look on his face, and when he put two fingers together, a burst of true energy immediately spread throughout his body. At this moment, there were streaks of golden light flying up and down on his body.

Xiao Chen held his breath, this was... phaseless! Although Wuxiang in the Ancient Eight Desolations Art does not have the fierce and domineering attack of Shura, it is still a very powerful skill if practiced to the transformation state.

"The form without form!"

At this moment, Elder Qianji seemed to be transformed into dozens of shadows. Each shadow, it was difficult to distinguish the true and false, passed through Cang Yue's soul seal.

"So fast..."

Many people in Wuyutian were shocked. They could no longer see the figure of Elder Qianji clearly. When they saw it clearly, Elder Qianji had broken through Cang Yue's layers of soul seals and arrived in front of him in an instant. .


The sudden arrival of the figure made Cang Yue's pupils shrink sharply. Before she could react, the other party suddenly stretched out a palm, and with a "bang" sound, five fingers hit him hard in the middle of the chest.


Cang Yue suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards. Even though he was protected by a treasured armor, Elder Qianji had a red palm print on his chest, and the true energy in his body was even more intense. The other party's strong Bahuang Qi was shaken into chaos.

"Cang Yue!"

Bai Yehunsheng was suddenly startled. He flew over in an instant and caught Cang Yue from mid-air. He never expected that that person's cultivation level was so high!

"'s your own fault."

Elder Qianji was always cold and stern, so he didn't say anything at this time. He raised his palm, and a hundred-foot golden palm print suddenly formed in the void, and he suddenly grabbed the two of them.

"Watch out!"

Cang Yue's face changed in shock. At this moment, she and Bai Ye worked together to form several layers of soul power barriers, "Bang! Bang! Bang!", but heard a rapid sound, this originally extremely powerful soul power barrier, in Qianji Under the elder's golden palm print, it broke into pieces at a touch, and finally only one layer remained. The faces of both of them turned pale at this moment.


There was a deafening thunder, and the power of Elder Qianji finally caused heaven's punishment. At this moment, Elder Duanmu flew up, and with a flick of his hands, in an instant, with the ancient spiritual energy of Wuyutian, a layer of energy was condensed. The cyan barrier blocked all the mysterious thunder outside.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel shocked. This was also the Wuxiang Divine Art. It turned out that the two elders Qianji and Duanmu had so profound Taoist practices, far beyond what he saw that day. Such high Taoist practices could not even detect Canglong. Is the problem with the earth’s spiritual veins?

At this time, the disciples of Wuyutian were also stunned. These two seniors have such advanced cultivation. Where did your Majesty invite such powerful people?


Cang Yue and Bai Ye are almost unable to resist. Although their soul power is strong, they have practiced soul skills for thousands of years, but their Taoism is not as advanced as Elder Qianji's. In addition, Elder Qianji's Qi of the Eight Desolations and Wuxiang Divine Art, The two of them are joining forces, so how can they be rivals?

At this moment, Xinyuehu slowly walked up from behind, looked at them, and smiled lightly, "Now, do you know who I am?"

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