The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1866 The storm is coming

The entire Eight Wastelands is very large, and of course it is far more than the ancient Eight Wastelands League. When Xiao Chen first came in that day, Qilin told him that outside the Eight Wastelands League, there are many places that cannot be easily visited, so In addition to the Bahuang Alliance, there are naturally many other cultivation forces in the Bahuang Land.

At this time, Liu San walked up, and after making sure that no one was listening nearby, he whispered in Xiao Chen's ear, "The old palace master mentioned four places at the beginning. These four places were the wild land in the north, the wild land in the south, and the wild land in the north." The Flame Domain, the Shangyang Ancient Road to the east, and the Sea of ​​Evil to the west..."

Listening to what Liu San said, Xiao Chen thought carefully. These four places were relatively far away from the Eight Desolations Alliance. Of course, those places did not belong to the Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance and were occupied by other cultivation forces.

After a while, he asked, "You elders have been out for decades, and now, have you found any clues about Canglong Qisu?"


Liu San seemed to be hesitant. He lowered his head and pondered for a moment. After a while, he raised his head, looked at Xiao Chen and whispered, "Each of the four places I just mentioned is very big. Looking for it in such a big place... , the news cannot be leaked, even the elders, it is normal for them to spend decades. In recent years, they have indeed found some clues, but they have only found some clues..."


Xiao Chen nodded. Of course he knew that Canglong Qisu was not that easy to find, but as long as he found some clues, it would be good. Next, he had his own arrangements. The first thing was to remove the Xuanwu Palace and arrange it in Canglong Realm. Eyeliner.

A few days later, in the Xuanwu Hall, the atmosphere in the entire hall was heavy. Elder Xuanwu was sitting at the head of the hall, calm and proud. The two guardian elders next to him were whispering something to him.


After a while, he snorted coldly and asked, "Has there been any movement over at Canglong Palace recently?"


The guardian elder on the left thought for a while and said, "It seems that not long ago, Xinyuehu and Qianji Duanmu went to the mortal world..."

"Goed outside?"

Elder Xuanwu's eyes narrowed and he pondered for a long time before he spoke again, "Do you know where they went?"

"This..." m.✺v✭o✷dt✻w❈.com The guardian elder thought for a while, and finally shook his head, "I don't know, but it seems that the three of them came back soon."


Elder Xuanwu snorted coldly. At this time, the guardian elder on the right said, "There is another thing. I learned yesterday that Canglong has found many people who arranged for us there these days... He seems to have already Now that we have begun to eliminate the people we have arranged in Canglong Realm, Hall Master... look, what happens next?"


Just as the protector elder finished speaking, the word "report" came quickly from outside, and then a disciple from the Xuanwu Hall ran in in despair.

"Why panic!"

Elder Xuanwu's voice was so cold and stern that the disciple staggered and fell to the ground in fright. He said in a trembling voice, "Return to the palace master. This morning, this morning, Canglong, he...he destroyed all of our people...all of them." Achieved fifty percent cultivation..."


With a loud sound, Elder Xuanwu smashed the coffee table next to him with his palm. The tea cup also shattered on the floor, and the tea flowed down the steps.

The disciple turned pale with fright, threw himself on the ground, trembling all over, and did not dare to get up. It was not until a moment later that the voice of an elder protecting the law slowly sounded, "That's all, you can get down."

"Yes...yes..." The disciple stood up in a panic, lowered his head, and walked out with a hunched body.

"Having 50% of your cultivation level abolished and still leaving 50% of your cultivation level is a warning to me..."

At this time, Elder Xuanwu's voice was low. Even if he wore a Xuanwu mask on his face, he could not hide the murderous look on his face at this time. If he could, he would not hesitate to abolish Xiao Chen's 50% cultivation level.

The two guardian elders did not dare to answer the question at this time. After a while, the elder on the left said, "Palace Master, calm down, I think this person..."


Elder Xuanwu snorted coldly and said in a gloomy voice, "The more this person is like this, the more it means that he will make big moves in the near future. Next, please watch carefully... As long as there is a chance, he will definitely make another move." Defeat this person.”

At this moment, six hundred miles away from Canglong Peak, in a dense forest, four people from Xuanwu Hall were captured. Xiao Chen walked towards the four people step by step and said lightly, "Did I say that if there is another person?" Come to my Canglong Palace to find out the secret, what will be the result... It seems that you will soon forget it."

"what do you want……"

The four people gritted their teeth and stared at him fiercely. It seemed that in their eyes, the Canglong in front of them was still the same as the two temporary masters of Canglong Palace.

"I want to refresh your memory."

As soon as Xiao Chen finished speaking, he moved his hands together and sent four internal forces directly into the four people's bodies. In an instant, they broke their meridians and destroyed their cultivation.


The screams resounded through the entire dense forest, causing the crows on the trees to fly to the sky. This scene shocked even the disciples of Canglong Palace.

"Go back and tell your master that if he thinks there are too many people, just send more people over...get out!"

After a long time, tranquility returned to the dense forest. A layer of cold sweat had formed on Liu San's forehead. At this time, he came back to his senses, looked at Xiao Chen, and said calmly, "Palace Master, is this too..."

"Elder Liu, remember, sometimes... people cannot stand firm if they are not ruthless."

Xiao Chen put his hands behind his back. As he spoke, he turned around and went to the other end of the dense forest. Next, in the past month, during this month, he captured most of the people in the Xuanwu Hall who were hiding in the Canglong Realm. When he came out, all the people he found had their cultivation level destroyed, and the rest were too frightened to enter easily again.

On this day, Xiao Chen was planning to go to Canglong Secret Realm to see how well Wei Young was practicing the Eight Ancient Desolations Art. Liu San suddenly burst into the hall with a hurried look. Xiao Chen saw his panic and asked, "Liu San" Elder, what’s wrong?”

"Palace...Palace Master..."

Liu San raised his head, with cold sweat on his face, and looked behind him, then hurriedly walked forward and whispered in his ear, "Xun Huo Zhu, Xun Huo Zhu has been found..."


At this moment, even Xiao Chen felt a little sudden. He had been searching for decades but could not find it, and now he was suddenly told that Xun Huozhu, one of the Canglong Qisu, had been found.

At this moment, Liu San's face was pale, whether because of excitement or fright, Xiao Chen said, "Elder Liu, calm down first and tell us what's going on."

After a while, Liu San finally calmed down, swallowed hard, and said, "The Xunhuo Pearl was found in the wilderness. The six elders led the disciples to fight all the way out. Four elders died on the way, and the remaining The next two elders are now hiding with Xun Huo Beads..."

"In the wilderness, four of the six elders died..."

After hearing the news, Xiao Chen's originally happy heart suddenly became heavy, but he knew that now was not the time to mourn, but how to ensure that the remaining two elders could come back safely and be able to Successfully brought Xun Huozhu back to Canglong Palace.

"Sure enough, Canglong Qisu appears again and will definitely cause a bloody storm in the Eight Wastelands." At this moment, a soft voice came from outside the palace.

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