Half a month later, the land of Genyue.

Leijia City is heavily guarded. Not even a sparrow can fly inside the Leiyan Gate. There are masters hidden everywhere up and down.

The Lei Yan Sect is neither strong nor weak, but the strength of the entire Lei Clan is much greater. Lei Bao is only one of the seventy-two sect masters, and there are even more powerful ones going up from the seventy-two sects. exist.

At this time, in the secret palace of Lei Yanmen, I saw a middle-aged man in red pacing back and forth. There was a fierce light on this middle-aged face. One glance gave people a very violent feeling, and they did not dare to get close. .

This person was Lei Bao, the leader of Lei Yan Sect, and he had a son named Lei Hu. On that day, the two elders Fei Xing and Li Yue wanted to cross Genyue secretly, but Lei Bao's son Lei Hu noticed them. At that time, the two elders fought out of the wilderness and were already seriously injured. How could they defeat the elders and masters of Leiyan Sect?

At this moment, there is a fiery red bead suspended in the palm of Lei Bao's right hand. There is flame flowing in the bead. The flame sometimes turns into the shadow of a blue dragon, and sometimes turns into the appearance of the gods of the nine heavens. It is really extraordinary.

"What secret is hidden in this Xunhuo Pearl?"

Lei Bao's eyes narrowed slightly. He has used many methods these days, but he can't find out the secret hidden in the Xun Fire Bead, nor can he use the power of the Xun Fire Bead. But this bead can't just be used to look good, right? There were so many people in the wilderness fighting for their heads, and they just grabbed such a useless piece of crap?

Next to him, there was an old man in green with a smile on his face. The old man smiled and said, "Master, you don't know the origin of this Xun Fire Bead. It is said that in ancient times, the energy of the blue dragon gathered in the throat and transformed. If you can get the inside Once the power of the dragon is refined, then...hehe.


Lei Bao flicked his sleeves and said coldly, "I understand the truth, but how to refine it? It's impossible. You still need me to find the Shennong Cauldron? In the past half a month, I have used various methods to refine it." No method can be used to refine this broken bead, and it seems to be of no use..."

"Hey, how can this Xunhuo Pearl be useless?"

The old man smiled. How could he not understand what Lei Bao was thinking? He was talking about useless broken beads, but if it was really useless, then why didn't he hand over the broken beads to the clan? go? Now that I hide it privately, in the final analysis, I still want to line my own pockets...

"That's all."

Lei Bao put the Xun Huo Bead into a box and asked the old man, "Where is that kid Lei Hu? Why haven't you seen anyone else in the past few days?"

"Young Master..." The old man bowed and smiled and said, "These past few days, he should be practicing in the Xuan Realm..."


Lei Bao flicked his sleeves and said with a stern tone, "I don't know about that bastard? You have to keep an eye on me these days. Don't let him go out and talk nonsense. If the news leaks out, let the elders in the clan get back to him." The devil knows, when the time comes...hum, you know, this Xun Huozhu..."

"Hehe, yes, yes..."

The old man was smiling all over his face. Just as he finished speaking, there were sudden roars of beasts outside in the city, making the entire secret palace tremble. (っ◔◡◔)っ

"What's going on? What's going on outside? It's so noisy!"


Listening to the roar of the flying dragon coming from outside at this time, the old man suddenly thought of something and said, "More than half a month has passed. I think...it's probably the people from Canglong Palace who are here!"

"Oh? Is Shiwanbahuang Magatama here?"

Lei Bao smiled coldly, and a fierce look gradually appeared in his eyes, "I heard that the new Canglong was a ruthless character. He destroyed many people in Xuanwu when he came. I want to see how ruthless he is... …Let’s go out and meet him!”

At this time, outside the city, I saw flying dragons all over the sky, like dark clouds covering the city. Their wings were like clouds and their voices were like thunder. It was really frightening.

Most of these flying dragons are exotic beasts raised by the Thunder Clan. When Xiao Chen first came to the Eight Wastelands, he saw many such flying dragons. However, the flying dragons of the Thunder Flame Sect were somewhat different from the flying dragons he saw before.

Although most of the flying dragons of the Thunder Flame Sect are low-level flying dragons, each head exudes a ferocious and cruel aura. Even the eyes are blood red, looking extremely bloodthirsty and terrifying.


At this time, the sky was full of flying dragons, hovering above the heads of Xiao Chen and others, as if to intimidate them. The bloody aura rushed down towards the group of people, and there were even a few flying dragons passing over the heads of a few people. It's arrogant and domineering.

Xiao Chen said, "Most of these flying dragons exude a bloodthirsty and ferocious aura. It seems that Lei Bao often feeds these beasts with human blood and flesh..."

Feeding human flesh and blood to the flying dragon. Listening to this, Liu San and others already had a very bad premonition...

"Stop! Who is it!"

Suddenly two groups of people from the Leiyan Sect came in front. Xiao Chen looked at these people and said calmly, "The Eight Desolate Alliance Canglong, one hundred thousand Magatama, have been delivered."

"As expected, he is from Canglong Palace..."

Many cultivators in the city started talking at this time. The two groups of people from Leiyan Sect looked at the eight large boxes carried by each other, and the leader shouted coldly, "Be honest, follow me!"

"You can't tell how polite these people are."

Xiao Chen spoke indifferently, and then he led everyone to follow him. If they were outside, facing Taiqing Realm powerhouses like Elder Qianji and Elder Chonghua, these little minions in front of them would probably not even be able to breathe.

But the land of Genyue is the territory of the Lei Clan, and the Lei Bao is the local emperor. Therefore, it is not surprising that the people of the Leiyan Sect dare to yell at them, just like the roaring flying dragon in the sky at this time. .

When the group of people arrived at the Lei Yan Gate, they saw a series of ferocious eyes, like wolves and tigers, staring at them until they entered the hall of the Lei Yan Gate.

"It's really kind of..."

Lei Bao sat at the top of the hall and looked at Xiao Chen with a sneer, "Do you know where this place is? You really dare to come..."

"Since Lord Lei Sect dares to invite you, why can't I dare to come?"

Xiao Chen spoke calmly, and after speaking, he raised his hand, and the sixteen Canglong Palace disciples immediately put down the eight heavy boxes.

"Haha! Boy...you have the guts!"

Lei Bao smiled fiercely, stared at the eight big gold boxes in the hall, his eyes motionless, and said coldly, "Come here, open the box for me!"

"Wait a minute..."

Xiao Chen took a step forward and said calmly, "Where is my person?" Lei Bao looked gloomy, "Didn't you understand what I said? I have to see something first before I let him go..."

Xiao Chen said, "If you don't see anyone, the box won't open."

"Ha ha!"

Lei Bao raised his head and smiled, then glared fiercely and said fiercely, "Do you think this is the Eight Desolate Alliance? Here, whatever I say is what I say! You try to move it for me!"

After the words fell, the entire hall suddenly became much darker. It was not that the sky outside became cloudy, but that there were suddenly countless experts from the Lei Yan Sect at the entrance of the hall.

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