The atmosphere suddenly became extremely solid. Elder Qianji and Elder Chonghua were silent. A stream of true energy had secretly condensed in their palms. On both sides of the hall, several people from the Leiyan Sect wanted to step forward. Xiao Chen raised his palm. , he immediately gathered his inner strength and said lightly, "I only need to wave my hand, and these eight boxes will immediately turn into powder.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous..."

At this time, the old man in green clothes who was beside Lei Bao walked down quickly, motioning to the people on both sides to step back first, and then smiled at Xiao Chen and said, "Master Canglong Palace just wants to see someone open the box, easy to talk to, easy to talk to..."

The atmosphere relaxed a little, but the group of masters from the Lei Yan Sect outside were still surrounding the door. Inside, the old man in green clapped his hands toward the back of the hall, and then saw the people from the Lei Yan Sect escorting more than twenty people to the hall. came.

"Elder Feixing!"

Liu San's face was shocked. Among the twenty or so people, the leading man in blood-clothed clothes was none other than Elder Feixing, but he had been tortured to the point of being transformed into a human being. His whole body was dripping with blood, and the flesh on his hands and legs had been cut out. He went there, revealing his white bones. You don’t need to explain what’s going on.

"Third...Third Master..."

Elder Feixing's face was pale, his steps were staggering, his arms were hanging down weakly, and there was no aura of cultivation on his body. He must have had all his meridians broken by the thunder leopard, and his cultivation was ruined. And there were more than twenty people behind him. It was a little better. He only got beaten every two days, but at least his body was still intact, with no missing arms or legs.

Lei Bao sneered and said, "Everyone is here, open the box."

Looking at the twenty or so people in front of him, Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged and he said, "The letter from Lord Lei Sect mentioned one hundred and thirty-seven people, but now I see only twenty-eight people, and the other one hundred and nine people." Woolen cloth.

Lei Bao smiled coldly and said, "When you came, didn't you see those dragons flying outside? You delayed me for more than half a month. Don't the dragons I feed need to eat?"

"Thunder Leopard!" Liu Sandeng's eyes turned red and he pointed at him and said, "You broke your promise! You promised no less than one person, but what about the more than a hundred people? Ah!"

"Hahaha!" Lei Bao raised his head and burst into laughter, looked at him fiercely and said, "Are you deaf and can't you hear? I just said that I had chopped them up and fed them to the dragon. What happened to you? You want mine?" Those dragons, spit them out?”

"you you……"

Liu San's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, he glared at Lei Bao, and his body was shaking with anger. At this time, Xiao Chen came up from behind, gently pressed his shoulders, looked at Lei Bao and said, "Where's Xun Huozhu, Lei Bao?" The sect leader said in the letter that once the 100,000 magatama arrives, the things and people will be returned together. "

"Ha ha!"

Lei Bao laughed loudly, took out the Xun Fire Bead, and sneered, "Are you talking about this broken bead? I have suddenly changed my mind now!"

"Thunder Leopard, you!"

Liu San's eyes widened angrily, and his fingers squeaked loudly. Lei Bao sneered, "Then I thought about it, this bead is worth at least 200,000 magatama, right? Now, I want 300,000 magatama..."

Elder Chonghua said, "Lei Sect Master is also a famous person in this sect. If you don't keep your word today, won't you make your fellow sects laugh in the future?"

"Don't talk nonsense to me!"

Lei Bao pointed his hand and slowly landed on Liu San, "You go back and get another 200,000 magatama, and the rest... all stay!"

The Canglong Palace disciples who came with him this time were all pale at this time. It was obvious that the Thunder Leopard wanted to swallow everything black, and he would not let go, nor would the Xun Fire Pearl be returned.

Xiao Chen looked at Lei Bao and said calmly, "I have always been honest. If you want one hundred thousand magatama, I will get it for you. But what I hate most in my life are people who are dishonest..."

Lei Bao smiled fiercely, "This is my place. Whatever I say is what I say. You have no choice... Oh, by the way, I heard that you are a ruthless person, and you don't even look down on Xuanwu. I Lei Bao wants to see how ruthless you are..."

"Soon, it will be as you wish."

Xiao Chen's voice was calm. When he finished speaking, a woman's voice suddenly came from outside: "Haha, Master Lei Sect, you are not surprised at all. It is so lively today, but your young master is nowhere to be seen..."

"Who's outside! Get it for me!" Lei Bao shouted coldly, followed by a trembling man's voice: "Dad...Dad, yes, it's me..."


Lei Bao's eyes narrowed, and he saw the masters of Leiyan Sect outside the hall moved to both sides, and then a woman held his son hostage and walked into the hall.

"Haha... beauty is as thin as silk, and sharp as a knife on the throat. Mr. Lei, what do you think?"

The person who was holding Lei Hu hostage at this moment was naturally Xinyue Fox. She was the only one who had this ability. She sneaked in quietly under the heavy defenses of Leiyan Sect.

"Young Master... it's terrible." The old man in green clothes next to Lei Bao saw that Lei Hu was being held hostage, and he immediately thought something was wrong.

"Thunder Tiger! What are you doing!"

Seeing Lei Hu's disheveled appearance, Lei Bao was furious. Lei Hu was being held captive by Xinyue Fox and could not move. He said with a mournful face, "Dad, don't blame me. It's this witch. She, she changed." The magic confuses me, I thought, thought..."

"Haha... Young Master, how could you accuse someone so innocently? I hate you." Xinyuehu covered her mouth and smiled softly. What man would not be fascinated by her charming and gentle look at this time?

"You have the guts..."

Lei Bao squeezed his finger bones so hard that he glared at Xiao Chen, "Cang Long! How dare you play dirty tricks with me!" Xiao Chen said lightly, "He is the leader of the Lei Sect, and he doesn't care about integrity first... So now, you can Have you released him?"

"Okay, okay, I will let him go now..."

Lei Bao was so angry that he stretched out his hand and grabbed a person from the air. With a swipe of his finger, he heard a "chi" sound, and immediately blood spattered and he actually cut off one of the man's ears.

"Ah!" The man covered his bloody head and screamed in pain.

Lei Bao said fiercely, "Canglong, if you don't let him go, I will kill all the twenty-eight people here and chop them into pieces and feed them to the dragon!"

"Palace Master!"

Liu San was immediately startled and looked at Xiao Chen. He believed that this Lei Bao could definitely do it. This person was famous for his ruthlessness among the seventy-two sects of the Lei Clan.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he slowly walked towards Lei Hu. When Lei Hu saw him coming, not only was he no longer afraid, but he even arrogantly said, "Don't let me go!"


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and in the next moment, with his Qi Ning fingertips, he cut off one of Lei Hu's ears with a "chi" sound.


Lei Hu covered his bloody forehead and screamed in agony. This scene shocked all the elders of the Lei Yan Sect and stunned them. Soon, experts from the Lei Yan Sect came outside and overwhelmed a large area of ​​the Lei Yan Sect.

"Ah! Ah! Ah——"

Lei Hu covered his head, and blood continued to flow from his fingers. The screams echoed throughout the hall, making people's scalp numb.


Lei Bao's eyes suddenly burst open. He was just such a son. Although he was used to yelling at his son, everyone below knew that no one could touch his son.


Lei Bao's eyes were about to burst as he stared at Xiao Chen. He raised his palm to kill the man whose ears he had cut off in Canglong Palace. At that moment, Xiao Chen put two fingers together and pressed against Lei Hu's throat. "Lei Sect Master, please give it a try."

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