The atmosphere in the entire hall instantly became as cold as ice. Although the square outside was crowded with experts from the Leiyan Sect, no one dared to act rashly. The elders in the hall did not expect that things would turn out like this.

"Everyone... calm down!"

At this moment, the old man in green clothes next to Lei Bao was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat. He had no choice but to persuade him from both sides. Lei Bao placed his palm on the head of the man in Canglong Palace and looked at Xiao Chen coldly. Xiao Chen also pressed his two fingers against Lei Hu's throat. , once the demon pointed out, even the gods would not be able to save the person from his hands.

"Roar——" ✦

At this moment, a thundering dragon roar suddenly sounded outside, causing the entire hall to tremble. The flying dragons in the city were so frightened that they lay on the roof and trembled.

"It's a high-level flying dragon..."

Liu San was slightly shocked. It turned out that in the Thunder Flame Sect, there was a high-level flying dragon tamed by the elders of the Thunder Clan. This powerful dragon soul was definitely not comparable to the low-level flying dragons in the city.

At this time, the doors and windows in the hall were shaken uncontrollably, making a low sound. Then, a large shadow shrouded the square, scaring the disciples of the Leiyan Sect so much that they did not dare to move. This sixth-order dragon , but a few months ago, an elder from the Thunder Clan sent it, and it was much more valuable than any of them.

"Palace Master, there is a high-level dragon outside..."

Xinyue Fox immediately sent a secret message to Xiao Chen. This high-level dragon was rough-skinned and thick-bodied, extremely powerful, and extremely fast. It was very difficult to deal with.

Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged, he looked at Lei Bao and said calmly, "Master Lei Sect, aren't you going to let him go?" Lei Bao's eyes were fierce, his face full of fierce light, and he said coldly, "You can't leave this house today. city……"

Xiao Chen said, "You'd better hope that I can get out of this city today..." At this point, he paused and continued, "I have five Taiqing realm cultivators here, what do you think, even if you are added to them?" How likely are the cultivators in this city to win?"

Seeing that the two sides were at war with each other, no one would give in. The expression on the old man's face was changing, and finally he sent a secret message to Lei Bao: "Master, forget it, let him go first. The young master is in his hands, so he can't make any mistakes..." …”

Xiao Chen looked at Lei Bao and continued, "If my guess is right, the leader of Lei Yan Sect only has this son, right? If he dies, who will inherit your Lei Yan Sect in the future? I think this Lei Yan Sect will change hands." Already..."

"Dad, dad!"

Feeling the murderous intention in Xiao Chen at this moment, Lei Hu was so frightened that he could not speak incoherently, "Dad...Dad...let him go, let him go..."

"Shut up!" Lei Bao's eyes widened angrily, veins popping up all over his face. If Lei Hu, that brat, hadn't done something bad today, how could he be so passive!

" have the guts. Let's wait and see. I want to see if you can get out of this Genyue land in three days. As long as you don't return to Canglong Palace for one day, you will definitely suffer from our clan." The elders’ endless pursuit!”

Lei Bao's eyes were cold and he glared at Xiao Chen fiercely. At the end of his words, he raised his hand. The old man in green clothes next to him finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly gave the person behind him a look to signal him to be sent over.

"Flying Star..."

Liu San immediately supported the seriously injured Elder Feixing. After a closer look, he found that the meridians throughout his body were indeed severed. But now that what had happened had happened, what could be done?


Elder Feixing, covered in blood, threw himself on Liu San and whispered in his ear, "Elder Liyue's soul is in my Yuanying... My Yuanying has not been destroyed..."


Liu San held his shoulders, his hands couldn't help trembling, and his eyes turned red. Xiao Chen immediately sent a secret message to Xinyuehu, "Take people out first."

" careful."

Xinyuehu glanced at him, without any hesitation, and immediately led the people outside. Xiao Chen held Lei Hu's throat with one hand, looked at Lei Bao and said, "Lei Sect Master, the Xunhuo Pearl in your hand , it should also be returned to its original owner, right?”

"Dad, dad..."

Feeling Xiao Chen's cold murderous intention at this time, Lei Hu was so frightened that his whole body trembled. Lei Bao's eyes glared, and finally had no choice but to wave his hand and throw the Xun Fire Bead at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, caught the Xun Fire Bead, and then moved it back and handed it into the hands of Elder Qianji. Lei Bao glared at him, "You still won't let me go..."

Xiao Chen said, "When I leave this city and it's safe, I will release him. If you dare to follow me, I can't guarantee whether he will be missing arms or legs... Let's go!"

" me..."

Lei Hu was so frightened that his face turned pale, but at this time, he was held hostage by Xiao Chen, and he did not dare to struggle, let alone use his skills. Xiao Chen retreated to the door and said, "Oh, by the way, I am the one who owns this hundred thousand magatama." Delivered..." After saying that, he held Lei Hu hostage and stepped out of the door.

When the group of people retreated to the square, a startled voice suddenly sounded in the palace: "Master! This box... is full of stones!"

"What? Damn it! I hate dishonest people the most in my life! Take them down for me and don't let any of them go!"

Before Xiao Chen and his party could leave the square, they were intercepted by countless masters from the Leiyan Sect in a blink of an eye. Then Lei Bao rushed out of the hall angrily, "Canglong! How dare you play tricks on me!"

"Roar——" ✦

There was also a roar from the sky, and the sixth-order dragon suddenly fell down, glaring fiercely at Xiao Chen, blocking the way of the group of people.

"Palace Master, what should I do..."

Xinyuehu suddenly became nervous. Although they were highly cultivated and could come and go freely, there were more than twenty injured people in Canglong Palace who could not just leave. Otherwise, why would they talk so much nonsense with Lei Bao just now?

"Canglong! What do you mean!"

Lei Bao glared at Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen still had calm eyes and said calmly, "What do you mean? You killed more than a hundred of me and I haven't settled the account with you yet. What do you mean..."

"Okay, very good! Let me see how powerful this generation of Canglong is!"

Suddenly, Lei Bao raised his hand, and his body was suddenly filled with thunder and lightning, and an unparalleled bloodline power surged out to the surroundings.


Lei Bao let out a loud shout, and his figure suddenly grew a lot at this moment, and suddenly hit Xiao Chen with a palm.

"Palace careful!"

Xinyue Hu's face was startled, and at that moment, Xiao Chen threw Lei Hu towards her without hesitation. Then he gathered his true energy and greeted Lei Bao with one palm.


The two of them faced each other with their palms, and even though there was a defensive formation, the entire square collapsed in an instant. Dust flew up in an area of ​​hundreds of feet, and a powerful force impacted out, tearing down some nearby palaces and pavilions that were protected by defensive formations. flipped.

At this time, all the cultivators in the city were stunned. Is this the strength of the leader of the Lei Yan Sect? The bloodline of the powerful people in the Far Beyond Realm is indeed extraordinary. Even from such a distance, they can feel the terrifying aura of the Emperor's bloodline.

Many people have a feeling of suffocation. For them, this is purely a bloodline suppression, a bloodline suppression by the strong people in the Fangwai Realm. Before the ancestor of the Thunder Clan went to the Nine Heavens, there was naturally a trace left behind. The bloodline is in the clan, otherwise how could the current Thunder Clan be so powerful and become one of the Eight Ancient Clan?

The whole square was filled with flying sand and rocks. The two forces were intertwined with each other. No one could get close. Xiao Chen's eyes were fixed. The bloodline of Fangwai Realm was indeed terrifying. The cultivation of this Lei Bao was far inferior to Elder Xuanwu, but At this time, with the blessing of this bloodline, the power is so domineering... This Thunder Flame Sect is just a side branch of the Thunder Clan. Are the strong men in the Fangwai Realm really so terrifying?

"Dad, daddy..."

Thunder Tiger fell into the hands of Xinyue Fox. At this time, his face was pale with fear and his legs were paralyzed. The sudden attack from Thunder Leopard just now really scared him out of his wits.

Xiao Chen said calmly, "As expected of the Lord of the Thunder Clan, your cultivation is indeed extraordinary, but you don't really think that you, a small Thunder Clan, can compete with our Immemorial Eight Desolate Alliance? Thousands of years ago, I was eight When the Desolate Alliance dominated the world, there was no trace of your ancestor from the Thunder Tribe..."

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