The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1876 Seven Nether Rocks

"Look carefully. There is the aura left by this person here. He must still be nearby and has not gone far..."

There were bursts of booby thunder in the sky, and the strong wind and rain made the mountain road under everyone's feet even more muddy and difficult to walk. At this moment, there were about a dozen people in the woods, all masters of the Thunder Clan, searching for traces of Xiao Chen.

"Now that you know I'm nearby, you still come to die. It's really courageous..."

After a burst of thunder, a cold voice suddenly sounded behind more than a dozen people. At this moment, the cold rain in the sky seemed to become even more freezing. A dozen people turned around at the same time, and lightning flashed across the sky. , shining on the Canglong mask, added an even more terrifying aspect.


More than a dozen Thunder Clan masters were all shocked. At this moment, the first thing they thought of was not to attack them, but to send a message to the three nearby elders. Unfortunately, they were a step too late. The leader just took out the jade note and the god Before the thought could be heard, the head had already flown into the sky, and the body fell into the rain with a plop.


The remaining dozen people didn't even think about it. They were on the line between life and death. Only by killing each other would they have a chance to survive. However, their cultivation level may be extremely high for ordinary people, but for Xiao Chen today To put it simply, insignificant.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!"

There was a burst of sound, and the blood on Emperor Gu's sword burst out. In a few moments, all the dozen people were killed in the woods. The thunder in the sky did not stop, and the heavy rain could not cover it up. The smell of blood.

Di Gujian returned to Xiao Chen again. He looked at the dozens of corpses on the ground with no pity in his eyes. These were killers trained by the Thunder Clan. They had no emotions and only existed to kill people... And the fate of the killers, Often they die by the sword of others.

At this time, hundreds of miles away, the three Thunder Clan elders seemed to sense that more than a dozen people here were dead. The expressions of the three of them changed and they immediately rushed here. But when they arrived, The dozens of corpses under their feet were still warm, but there was no trace of Xiao Chen nearby.


There was lightning and thunder in the sky. Looking at the dozens of corpses at their feet, at this moment, the expressions of the three Thunder Clan elders finally changed. Only then did they think of something. The other party was trying to lure the enemy deeper and then defeat them one by one... The rest of the people were in trouble. !

Three days and three nights passed. During these three days and nights, during the day, Xiao Chen walked quickly, leaving the pursuers behind him far away. At night, he used the darkness as a cover to quietly kill all those who came to pursue him. As of today, the Thunder Clan has suffered heavy losses. The people who came to hunt him this time were quite large, but they were already dead.

This evening, Xiao Chen was about to leave this mountain range. He was not familiar with the Eight Wastelands. He could only use the map in his hand to roughly find the location of the Eight Wastelands Alliance. If he wanted to continue moving forward, he would have to go back. To reach the boundary of the Bahuang League, you need to pass through a place called "Qiyou Rock", which is considered the last hurdle for the Bahuang Ancient Clan. After passing there, you will leave the boundary of the Bahuang Ancient Clan. People from the Lei Clan thought It is not that easy to hunt him down.

Counting the time, Liu San and others have been away for several days. They should have successfully left the territory of the Bahuang Ancient Clan now, right?

Next, he will leave here as soon as possible and return to the Eight Wastelands Alliance. As for the people of the Thunder Clan, he has killed enough people this time. His original purpose was to distract the pursuers of the Thunder Clan so that Liu The third class of people were able to leave smoothly. Now that their goal had been achieved, he no longer had to deal with those three people.

Thinking about this, he did not hesitate, put away the map, gathered away his breath, and headed all the way towards Qiyouyan.

At the same time, the three elders of the Thunder Clan who were chasing him all had pale faces at the moment. In the past three days, their people had been killed to pieces by Xiao Chen, but they had no way to capture them. They have suffered heavy losses this time. If they cannot complete the task, even if their status in the clan is not low, they will still be blamed after they return.

At this moment, the face of the old man in black was gloomy, and there seemed to be a hint of murderous intent in his eyes. He just heard him say, "Just now, I received an order from the clan..."


Hearing this, the two people next to him became slightly nervous. The old man in black clothes condensed his eyes, and the murderous intention hidden in his eyes became heavier, and said, "Elder Situ said that no matter what, this person cannot be allowed to return to the Bahuang League smoothly. …”


Upon hearing this, the other two people quickly reacted. The old man in green on the left was startled, as if he still didn't believe it, and said, "Is this really what Elder Situ passed down? Could it be..."

"When necessary, kill directly." At this moment, the old man in black clothes finally showed his murderous intent. He no longer had the immortal demeanor of the past, only a cold and murderous aura.


At this moment, the other two people also realized that they must not let this person return to the realm of the Eight Desolate Alliance. Once he returns to the realm of the Eight Desolate Alliance, they will no longer be able to pursue him. Then, there is only one place... Qiyouyan is a place that this person must pass through.

Two days later, Xiao Chen came to this place called "Seven Nether Rocks". Each of the seven peaks was covered with restrictions. If you want to force your way through, you must either have a profound cultivation level or be pregnant. It's a powerful magic weapon. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll die under that restriction before it's over.

"It seems that you have been waiting here for me for a long time."

At this moment, Xiao Chen came to a mountain peak. As he had expected before, people from the Thunder Clan would definitely lay an ambush here. When he arrived, there were three auras among them that were very strong. It seemed that the three elders of the Thunder Clan were more powerful than He got here first.

"Master Canglong Palace knew that I was waiting here, but still came to break through. It seems that you are very confident in yourself."

At this time, three figures appeared. They were the three elders of the Thunder Clan. The old man in black clothes was in the middle, his eyes were cold. Today, there was obviously an invisible murderous aura in him.


Xiao Chen looked at these three people from a distance, and obviously he could feel that the murderous intent of these three people had become much stronger today. It seemed that they had murderous intentions towards him. A few days ago, they just wanted to capture him. Said, "It seems that the three elders are also very confident. They will definitely be able to kill me here today."

"You can't get out of here today."

The three people slowly approached, the murderous aura on their bodies getting heavier and heavier. This place was different from the previous empty mountain temple. There were restrictions everywhere. Even if Xiao Chen was carrying Lingxian Steps, under the siege of the three people, there was no It was so easy to leave before.

At this time, the atmosphere gradually became tense, and in some other places, there were still some people hiding, watching everything in front of them. I don't know if these people were from the Bahuang Ancient Clan, but it seemed that they were not from the Thunder Clan.

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