The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1875 The Three Elders of the Thunder Clan

In the evening, Xiao Chen came to a mountain. There was a dilapidated ancient temple halfway up the mountain. As soon as he approached, there was a burst of muffled thunder in the sky, and then heavy raindrops fell.

It took him half a day to shake off the three elders of the Thunder Clan who were chasing after him, and he used Lingxian Steps one after another. At this time, he felt a little weak. When he saw an ancient temple in front of him, he walked inside. .


The door of the temple is half collapsed, as if it will fall down with the slightest touch. I don’t know when this temple was built. The morning bells and evening drums used to be used, but now the incense has been cut off. The doors and windows are dilapidated, and they are constantly knocked out by the wind. The sound, coupled with the dark sky outside and the imminent thunderstorm, can't help but give people an eerie feeling.

Xiao Chen walked inside and saw a few tattered banners and cloths hanging from the roof beams, falling on a fallen Buddha statue at the front of the temple. It was surrounded by spider webs. It seemed that someone was coming in, and the spiders hid in the darkness. Go to the corner.

Nowadays, most people in the world advocate cultivating immortals. Many Buddhist temples can only be seen in the mortal world. In the past, when Weiyang and Mingyue went to the mortal world, they would often stop by the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha. I don’t know who built the temple in front of me. I think it has been a few years.

Xiao Chen walked to the Sumeru Seat at the front of the temple, gently dusted it off, and slowly straightened the collapsed Buddha statue. He looked at it quietly for a while and said to himself, "You said, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately." ...But how can you see the bliss in the West? All living beings are suffering."

Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a pain in his head, and his heart beat violently. In his mind, the terrifying voice he heard after swallowing the Heavenly Demon Yuan Pill "Once a success" vaguely appeared in his mind. Once the Buddha becomes a demon, all sentient beings will not abandon the heaven..."

"Uh..." ✻✫

Xiao Chen covered his chest. At this moment, it was as if the Demonic Essence Pill was beating violently in his Dantian again, "Once you become a Buddha, you become a demon, and all living beings will never abandon the sky..."


There was sudden thunder outside and strong winds raging. The Buddha statue that had just been righted suddenly collapsed again under a bolt of lightning.

"Uh..." ✻✫

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to hold the Buddha statue, and with a movement of his palm, he pushed it back. It took a while before the voice in his mind slowly disappeared, and the thunderstorm outside also became smaller.

Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses, looked at the Buddha statue in front of him, and finally sat on the futon. Who was that voice in his mind just now? It must be related to the Heavenly Demon Yuandan he swallowed before. Once he became a Buddha, he became a demon, Heavenly Demon... Could it be that before the Heavenly Demon, he was actually a Buddha? Who is the devil?

After a while, the rain outside gradually subsided. Xiao Chen sat on the futon, meditating on his exercises to regain his strength. When it was getting dark, he suddenly sensed three cold murderous auras outside, approaching the ancient temple.

"Three of you here at Kongshan Ancient Temple are here with murderous intent. It's better not to let this murderous intent disturb the peace here."

Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes. The rain outside had stopped. He stood up from the futon and went outside. Under the dim dusk, there were three peaks looming, and the three powerful auras came from one of the peaks.

In the middle one, on the top of the mountain, there is an old man wearing ink clothes sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. There are invisible air currents flowing on his body, which seems to have blocked the void nearby, giving people a sense of wonder. An unfathomable feeling.

On the one on the left, there is an old man in green clothes standing on it, standing with a sword, his left hand is behind his back, and the two fingers of his right hand are connected to his chest. It is impossible to see through all his cultivation at a glance, which also gives people an unfathomable feeling. Feel.

The one on the right is an old man wearing purple clothes. His left hand is clasped behind his back. On the fingertips of his right hand, there are a few faint lightning flashes, causing the void nearby to form a thunder field.

"Hmm... this feeling is finally starting to become interesting." Xiao Chen looked at the Thunder Clan elders on the three mountain peaks and said calmly, "The rest of you, please come out too."

Just as he finished speaking, many figures appeared behind the three mountain peaks. The night fell lightly, so it was difficult to see the faces of those people clearly, but the auras coming from them were stronger than those of the previous masters of Leiyan Sect. many.

At this time, the old man in black clothes on the mountain in the middle finally opened his eyes and did not speak, but his voice penetrated through his strong inner strength: "Fellow Taoist has killed countless people under my sect, where do you have to go today?"

The sound was deep and powerful, shaking the doors and windows of the ancient temple behind Xiao Chen. If he hadn't blocked it, the whole temple would have collapsed if he had applied more force.

"Your Excellency can't leave today. Take off your Canglong mask and come with the three of me."

The old man in blue who was wielding a sword on the mountain on the left had a cold voice. He pointed his finger, and countless green sword energy suddenly appeared in the sky. With such a level of cultivation, he would never be inferior to the Holy One.

Xiao Chen said, "If I take off the Canglong mask, I am no longer Canglong. Well... the leader of the Thunder Clan is really good at planning. It's a pity that the three people he sent are not cultivated enough. I hope he won't do what he did today in the future." Sorry, I regret it."

"Hmph! If I'm not talented, I'll come and learn the master's tricks from Canglong Palace!"

Suddenly, the old man in purple on the mountain peak on the right stretched out his hand, and a bolt of lightning came through the air, and with lightning speed, it suddenly wrapped around Xiao Chen.


With a loud noise, the ancient temple was smashed to pieces, but Xiao Chen's figure disappeared in an instant. By the time the three of them saw clearly, he had already flown towards the top of the mountain.

"He wants to escape!"

The three people reacted immediately. Although the three of them blocked three directions, no one blocked the direction behind the temple. This person must want to escape in this direction.

"Stop him!"

At this moment, the three of them took action at the same time, and the power of the three Taiqing realms was about to tear the void apart. They covered Xiao Chen's head at once, blocking the way to the top of the mountain.

But the moment those three forces gathered together, Xiao Chen's figure disappeared from the place again, and the next moment, he appeared behind the three people.

It turned out that he did not want to escape through the direction of the mountain top, but just wanted to lure the three of them to take action. This move was exactly what Ling Yin had said to him: virtuality within reality, reality within virtuality. The subtlety of Xianbu is that the enemy cannot judge his true intentions at all, but he can change his position in an instant.

"So fast..."

No matter how high their cultivation level was, the three of them could not react at all this time. With such a fast speed, if they wanted to sneak attack them just now, wouldn't it be... At this moment, the three people's eyebrows were deeply furrowed, and they were even more afraid of the person in front of them. .

Xiao Chen said lightly, "I said, just the three of you, there is no way you can capture me. If it were that easy, you wouldn't have chased me here... Well, I haven't experienced being beaten for a long time. I feel like I'm being chased, so follow me." As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Xian stepped forward again and disappeared in an instant.


The three of them reacted immediately. Although Xiao Chen was nowhere to be seen, their cultivation was so high that they could feel each other's aura.

A day passed like this. In the evening, Xiao Chen came to an endless mountain range. He was not familiar with the Eight Wastelands and could only barely calculate where he was at this moment. Liu San and others must have been there by now. Are you leaving the land of Genyue soon?


Suddenly there was thunder in the sky, and then it started to rain heavily. Xiao Chen looked at the rainy and foggy mountain peaks in the distance. The three elders of the Thunder Clan were not low in cultivation. If they were together, it would be even more difficult to deal with them. He had to find a way. , let the three of them separate, and then defeat them one by one. The sudden rain and the coming night gave him the best opportunity. In such an environment, no one would be sharper than his consciousness... Continue Come down and the hunt begins.

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