"Junior brother, be careful of this person!"

In the distance, Elder Mo Yi and the dead souls such as Sheng Yizi were stuck together, unable to get away for a while. The elder in Tsing Yi who wielded the sword was obviously much more cautious than the elder in purple just now. He was good at the art of wielding swords. He fights the enemy from a distance, so he always keeps a distance from Xiao Chen.

At this moment, the emperor's sword and the green thunder sword were confronting each other, causing wind and thunder to surge nearby. There was also a sudden thunder in the nine heavens, as if heaven's punishment would come at any time.

Although the restrictions on heaven and earth are somewhat lighter in the Eight Desolate Realms, if the power of a certain place exceeds the limit, it will still attract heavenly punishment, especially in places like Qiyou Rock where the restrictions are extremely heavy.

"Wind, fire, thunder and lightning—quick!"

Suddenly, the elder in Tsing Yi activated the Heaven and Earth Sword Technique. Behind him, countless blue fairy swords appeared immediately. The swords all over the sky formed a green sword curtain, and with the power of wind and fire, they quickly slashed down at Xiao Chen. .

The power of such a group of swords is unstoppable. Even if Xiao Chen has ten thousand dragon scales, he can never take on this group of swords. The old man in green is good at sword control, so he must break his sword formation to defeat him.

At this moment, the blue sword energy that filled the sky had been cut down, and the cultivators in the distance held their breath. No matter how far away they were, they could still feel the sword energy that destroyed the world.

At the moment when the sword energy in the sky fell, Xiao Chen suddenly raised his sleeves, and golden lights flew out from his sleeves. Upon closer inspection, the golden lights turned out to be ancient broken swords, a total of seven hundred The twenty broken swords are exactly the group of ancient swords he collected when he passed the Ten Thousand Swords Pass in the ancient immortal world.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

The sky is full of sword aura. Although these seven hundred and twenty swords are all broken swords, none of them are complete, their power is amazing, especially now that Xiao Chen's cultivation has greatly increased, and the power of this group of ancient swords , also enhanced countless times.

In just a short moment, the immortal sword wielded by the elder in green was originally unstoppable, but at this time, under the attack of Xiao Chen's group of ancient swords, it was on the verge of being knocked back, shocking the cultivators in the distance. What happened? What sword is it? Each one is a broken sword, but each one contains such terrifying power!

Elder Qingyi has practiced the art of sword control all his life. Others could not tell what Xiao Chen's seven hundred and twenty broken swords were, but he could tell at a glance that they were things that guarded the fairy world in ancient times! Although they are all broken swords now, their power is still astonishing. Cang Long is a cultivator in the mortal world. How did he obtain this ancient fairy world thing? How can one control such a fairy sword?

These seven hundred and twenty swords are indeed very powerful and almost indestructible. Xiao Chen's body was completely destroyed by Ling Yin's thousand-life calamity, but these seven hundred and twenty swords were not damaged at all. It was only after Xiao Chen's body was destroyed that , seven hundred and twenty broken swords fell into the deep valley below Zixiao Peak.

Soon, Elder Qingyi's sword group could no longer withstand the attack of these 720 broken swords, and was forced to retreat continuously, and some of them were even broken.

The elder in Tsing Yi's face was covered in cold sweat, and the sword techniques in his hands were constantly changing. His face was getting paler at this time, but he was not surprised by the power of this group of ancient swords. He knew how powerful this group of swords was, but he didn't expect that this Canglong would be so difficult. The response far exceeded the expectations of the three of them.

"Junior brother!"

Elder Mo Yi also had a look of surprise on his face, what on earth was that group of golden swords? Even the Heaven and Earth Sword Technique that my junior brother has painstakingly cultivated for many years is completely unable to withstand it...

The people in the distance were even more shocked. He possesses the unique skill of severely injuring Taiqing strong men with one finger, and can summon dead souls that rival Taiqing strong men. Now he can also control such terrifying golden swords. The blue dragon in front of him , it’s too mysterious.


Xiao Chen snorted coldly, pointed his fingers, and the seven hundred and twenty ancient broken swords were unstoppable and finally broke through the sword formation of the elder in blue.

"Uh... poof!"

At this moment, Elder Qingyi was seriously injured, vomited blood at the mouth, and flew backwards. Although the injury was not as serious as Elder Ziyi, he was injured by these seven hundred and twenty ancient swords, and he was instantly injured. It's hard to recover.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's demonic fingers condensed again, and the two fingers of his right hand suddenly became dazzling with golden light. He pointed his fingers towards the elder in green.

"Junior brother!"

Elder Mo Yi was suddenly startled. Although he did not know what kind of magical power this finger power was, he had already seen its power just now. He did not hesitate at this time. The seal in his hand changed and he finally imprisoned the dead souls such as Sheng Yizi and others. In the void, at the same time, a green light flew out from his sleeve. With a "bang" sound, it collided with the golden finger force in the air, causing several nearby mountains to tremble violently. The cultivator was even more shocked and quickly used his kung fu to protect his heart.

"Junior brother! How are you?"

After blocking Xiao Chen's demonic finger, Elder Mo Yi flew over in an instant and supported Elder Qing Yi. At this time, Elder Qing Yi turned pale and shook his head, "It's okay, leave me alone... Use Panlong Seal quickly to suppress this person." Down at Qiyou Peak! Wait for Elder Situ to come..."

"Panlong Seal..."

Xiao Chen was just thinking about what could block his Heavenly Demon Finger. At this moment, he took a closer look in the air and saw that the green fairy seal was square, with four lifelike green dragons carved on it, and densely packed The curse seal turned out to be a powerful magic weapon.

"It's the Panlong Seal of the Bahuang Ancient Clan..."

Some cultivators in the distance also recognized the origin of this object. It turned out to be the Panlong Seal of the Bahuang Ancient Clan. Wasn't this Coiled Dragon Seal always in Situ Xuan's hand?

Situ Xuan has a very high status in the Bahuang Ancient Clan, and his cultivation is unfathomable. He is also the only person with a non-Lei Clan surname, but has the identity of the Lei Clan's great elder. It seems that this Panlong Seal was made by Situ Xuan in this Lei Clan. In the hands of the three elders of the clan.


Xiao Chen looked at the Coiled Dragon Seal in mid-air. This thing was not from the Thunder Clan. It seemed that people from the Thunder Clan were not the only ones who wanted to capture him.

"I didn't expect that I would have to use this dragon seal in the end..."

Elder Mo Yi frowned deeply, as if sighing deeply. The next moment, he continued to form seals with his hands, raised the Panlong Seal, and flew towards Xiao Chen.

The green light was shining brightly on the dragon seal, and there was an extremely powerful seal power inside. Xiao Chen did not dare to underestimate it, and with a single movement of his fingers, the group of seven hundred and twenty ancient swords flew back, and fiercely headed towards the dragon seal. The flying dragon seal was chopped away.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

But there was only a sharp sound. The seven hundred and twenty ancient immortal swords were indestructible, but at this time they could not break through the dragon seal, and they could not even block it.

What a powerful magic weapon... Xiao Chen's expression condensed. Seeing that the Panlong Seal was suppressed, he flicked his sleeves and took back the seven hundred and twenty remaining swords. At the same time, he launched the Lingxian Step and flew to another mountain peak. Go.

"Want to escape?"

When Elder Mo Yi saw him flying towards another mountain peak, the seal in his hand changed. The dragon seal in mid-air suddenly glowed with green light, and with a "whoosh" sound, he seemed to have spiritual wisdom, and he chased after him in an instant. When he got behind Xiao Chen, he suddenly suppressed him, vowing to pin him down under the Seven Serenities Peak.

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