The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1879 Ancient Evil Cauldron

But seeing the array of green light on the dragon seal, the four green dragons on it were lifelike. Under the incantation urged by Elder Moyi, the entire seal was enlarged a lot, and its momentum was unstoppable.

Everyone in the distance held their breath. The power of this dragon seal, coupled with the restrictions of Qiyou Peak, once suppressed below, even gods may not be able to escape.

But at the moment when the dragon seal pressed towards Xiao Chen, a black wind suddenly flew out from his sleeve. With a "bang" sound, it collided with the dragon seal and shook the entire mountain peak violently. trembling.

At this time, everyone clearly felt the violent shock. Looking closely, they saw a black wind and evil aura condensed in the air. After the evil aura dispersed, everyone finally saw clearly what had just collided with the Panlong Seal. It turned out to be a black strange cauldron.

But look at the nine divine dragons on the cauldron, which are lifelike. There is a faint sound of dragon roars, but inside the cauldron, there is a black evil aura constantly filling the air, making the whole cauldron look somewhat evil.

"That is……"

At this moment, everyone in the distance held their breath. No one had ever seen the Ancient Fulong Cauldron, so they did not know that the black cauldron that Xiao Chen was offering at this moment was the ancient Fulong Cauldron, the magic weapon of the Tao of Reincarnation. If combined with the Nine Cauldron Fulong Formation, the two become one, and the power is extraordinary. No matter how powerful a person is, once trapped in it, it will be difficult to escape.

Elder Mo Yi's eyes narrowed, and he saw that this strange black cauldron was full of evil energy. It could actually fight with the dragon seal. It was absolutely extraordinary. However, in addition to a black evil energy, there was also a faint blood light coming out of the cauldron. I don't know. It was made with the blood and soul sacrifices of many people. Compared with the Panlong Seal, which has pure Qi and Qi, this cauldron is really an extremely evil thing.

He just heard him say, "I never expected that the majestic Master of Canglong Palace would actually be able to sacrifice such harmful evil things."

Xiao Chen controlled the Fulong Cauldron and fought with the Coiled Dragon Seal. He said lightly, "Evil object? What is an evil object? There is no good or evil in magic weapons, only people are evil."

"Hmph!" The elder in green snorted coldly, "I will let you be buried here with this evil thing today! So that you won't cause harm to the people in the future!"


Xiao Chen was almost amused by these three people, and said calmly, "You are clearly the ones chasing me, but now in your mouth, you have become righteous men, and I am evil... Well, I am worthy of being the three elders of the Thunder Clan. , Great, I finally get to see you today, what does it mean to be shameless?"

"Senior brother! Don't talk to him too much, suppress him at the foot of the mountain!"

Elder Qingyi's eyes were sharp and he quickly regained his energy when he spoke, while Elder Moyi didn't say much. No matter whether it was good or evil, no matter what the reason was, he would never let him leave today. This person was too terrifying. , once the tiger returns to the mountain, there will be endless troubles.

At this moment, I could see that he was forming seals with his hands continuously, and he was mumbling words in his mouth. A series of blue mantras flew to the dragon seal, and suddenly the whole dragon seal was filled with green light, and its power seemed to increase countless times in an instant. , and violently suppressed it towards the Ancient Fulong Cauldron.

The ancient Fulong Cauldron could hardly exert its original power in Xiao Chen's hands, but it was not a mortal thing after all. And although the Panlong Seal was also an extraordinary thing, in the hands of Elder Mo Yi, it could not exert even a fraction of its power. So at this moment, the two magic weapons were facing each other in the air, and for a moment, it was hard to tell the winner.

After fighting like this for about half a stick of incense, the seven peaks were shaking, and the wind was even fiercer in the air. No one could get close at this time. Once they got close, they would be destroyed physically and mentally by the impact of the two magic weapons. .

At this moment, the void restriction behind Elder Mo Yi gradually weakened, and the dead souls such as Sheng Yizi were able to faintly rush out.


It seemed that Elder Mo Yi had also noticed that the void restriction behind him had weakened, and he was now facing off against Xiao Chen, unable to do anything else. Once those dead souls rushed out, the consequences would be bad.


Xiao Chen's thoughts moved, and at that moment, the Holy Son flew out of the void restriction, and suddenly struck the back of Elder Mo Yi with a palm, "Ink Fire Burning Sacrifice!"

This move of ink fire burning sacrifice is the unique skill of Sheng Yizi during his lifetime. Anyone who is exposed to ink fire, the internal organs and the soul will be burned bit by bit by the ink fire. In the end, he can only die in pain. There is no cure. Understand, when Elder Sanqing was hit by this ink fire, no matter how high Xiao Chen's medical skills were, he had no choice but to watch the other person die.


With a sharp sound, Sheng Yizi's palm hit Elder Mo Yi hard on the back, and the ink fire instantly penetrated into the internal organs and all the veins in the body.


Elder Mo Yi's whole body was shaken, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out. The Panlong Seal couldn't control it, and it trembled suddenly and flew out. Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and took the magic weapon in his hand. He thought it was really good. Magic weapon, how could he have obtained this magic weapon if Sheng Yizi hadn't sneak-attacked the old man in black clothes?


Looking at Elder Mo Yi again, his expression was extremely ugly. Elder Qing Yi swung away Sheng Yizi with his sword and supported him, "Senior brother! What are you doing!"


For a moment, Elder Mo Yi was unable to speak, and on his neck, there was gradually a sign of ink fire erosion. When Elder Qing Yi saw this sign of ink fire burning, he couldn't help being shocked. This is...

"Thank you all three for the magic weapon you sent me today."

Xiao Chen looked at the Coiled Dragon Seal in his hand and put it into his sleeve. Everyone in the Lei Clan in the distance was shocked. He actually took the Coiled Dragon Seal away!

"The Panlong Seal fell into this person's hands...what a disaster!"

Elder Mo Yi suddenly turned pale, and at that moment, he had already felt that the ink fire was eating his heart, burning all his veins in an instant, and there was no way for the gods to save him... He was probably in trouble today, but this person... He We cannot let him leave today no matter what!

"Since you say I am evil, let me show you what evil is."

Xiao Chen's voice was light. As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his sleeves, and the ancient Fulong Cauldron in mid-air suddenly flew towards the mountain peak in the distance with a sinister wind. On top of that mountain peak, right It was the former elder in purple who was severely injured by the devil's finger. At this time, his life was hanging by a thread. Everyone worked together to slow down the injury.

"Junior brother... it's terrible!"

Seeing the evil cauldron flying towards his junior brother, Elder Mo Yi's expression suddenly changed. But at this time, he had no time to save him. He saw the ancient Fulong cauldron flying above everyone's heads, and there was a sudden burst of blood and dragon roars. , extremely terrifying.

The people of the Thunder Clan were all stunned, too frightened by the ancient evil cauldron to move. The next moment, under Xiao Chen's urging to recite the incantation, the ancient Fulong Cauldron suddenly pressed down, and with a "boom", the cauldron was knocked down. Everyone on the mountaintop turned into a blood mist, including the elder in purple, and they were all put into the cauldron. It only took a moment to refine his soul.

"Junior brother——"

Elder Mo Yi's eyes suddenly burst into tears and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. At this time, the sign of burning ink fire on his body became more and more obvious. The elder Qing Yi next to him was also stunned, just watching helplessly, Junior brother died under that evil cauldron, and even his soul could not escape.

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