The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1880 Seven Killing Formation

The cultivators in the distance were all shocked by this scene. The strange black cauldron was so terrifying and could easily swallow up a person's soul. It was truly the most evil thing.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

In the blink of an eye, the ancient Fulong Cauldron, under the control of Xiao Chen, flew towards Elder Mo Yi and Elder Qing Yi again. This move was so fast that neither of them could react. A black evil energy was spitting out from the cauldron. The whole cauldron suddenly burst into blood, causing the surrounding wind to howl.

"Be careful!" ✺❈

Elder Mo Yi's expression changed. Without the Panlong Seal, he had to forcefully use his skills to resist the Fulong Cauldron. Behind him, Sheng Yizi attacked again. Elder Qing Yi condensed his two fingers and instantly launched dozens of flying weapons. The sword condensed into a green sword curtain, blocking the dead souls such as Sheng Yizi and others behind.


The elder in green was covered in cold sweat, and his face was pale and bloodless. Today, they had the advantage in Qiyou Rock, but how could they have expected such a sudden change and that the other party would have such a powerful and evil magic weapon.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

The fierce light on the ancient Fulong Cauldron was even more fierce, and Elder Mo Yi could no longer resist it. In addition, he had just been burned by the ink fire from the Holy Son. At this time, the ink fire burned his heart, and the more he urged his skills, his heart pulse It would only burn faster. If he hadn't had a profound cultivation level, he might not have been able to sustain it.

"No... If this continues, it will only..."

Sweat poured down Elder Mo Yi's face. He knew that he could not hold on for long, and his junior brother was also injured. Once he was gone, his junior brother alone would never be able to match this person. Right now... there was only one way.

"Senior brother! What are you going to do!" It was the senior brothers who united with each other. At this moment, Elder Qingyi also felt the determination coming from behind... his senior brother.

"Junior brother... I was attacked by the dead soul just now. My heart is burning. I'm afraid there is no cure... My time is running out..."


Elder Tsing Yi's eyes were about to burst, and he said quickly, "Elder Situ is almost here... Senior brother, hold on! Don't..."

"It's too late..."

Elder Mo Yi's face became paler and paler, and he said with his spiritual thoughts, "This time, you and I have underestimated this person. Junior brother, listen to me... The restriction of Qiyou Peak is extremely strong. Only by using the restriction of the seven peaks can we To suppress this person, my current cultivation level is not enough to control the seven peaks. I can only sacrifice my soul and borrow the power of the seven peaks to set up the Seven Killing Formation of Heaven and Earth. Finally..."


Elder Tsing Yi was even more shocked. He had already guessed just now that the senior brother had been studying the art of confinement all his life and had spent his whole life to develop the Seven Killing Formation of Heaven and Earth. However, this Seven Killing Formation of Heaven and Earth was too cruel. People in the formation sacrifice their souls to the formation...

"Junior brother... I may not be able to go back this time. All my disciples will be left to you. 6̾̾"

As soon as he finished speaking, Elder Mo Yi formed a seal with his hands and struck his chest suddenly. At this moment, a streak of blood rushed out from his chest, and with a "bang", the Ancient Fulong Cauldron was knocked back. go out.


At this moment, Xiao Chen had already felt an abnormal aura of soul power. The next moment, a hundred-foot-long soul shadow suddenly flew up behind Elder Mo Yi. Above the nine heavens, thunder roared and dark clouds descended, heading towards the seven peaks. The pressure came down.


At this moment, even people in the distance felt a terrible forbidden aura, and they retreated further away, not daring to get closer to the seven peaks.

At this moment, the seven peaks suddenly moved quickly, the ground rumbled, and dust and smoke rose up. This scene shocked all those watching the battle in the distance. This is... the art of controlling the restrictions of heaven and earth!

Xiao Chen also felt the power of this restriction. The memory of being trapped on the top of Qiongshan Mountain with his master suddenly appeared in his mind again.

At this moment, he took back the Fulong Cauldron without thinking too much, and in an instant he launched the Lingxian Step and flew far away. However, the surrounding restrictions, together with the seven peaks, blocked his way in an instant. There is no place in the four directions of east, west, south and north that can be passed.


Elder Mo Yi raised his hands, with blue veins popping up all over his face. He looked terrifying. The power of the soul surged out from his body. Xiao Chen was finally a step slower, condensed by these seven peaks. The formation was imprisoned in it for an instant, making it impossible to escape.

As he was imprisoned in the formation, the dead souls such as Sheng Yizi and others outside also dispersed in an instant.


Elder Tsing Yi's expression changed greatly. Although Canglong was temporarily sealed at this time, the spirit of senior brother...

At this moment, Elder Mo Yi's face was pale, his hair was gray behind his shoulders, and there were many more wrinkles on his face, as if he had aged countless times all of a sudden, like a dying person whose oil has run out and his lamp has dried up.


The disciples of the Thunder Clan in the distance were also stunned and just stared blankly. The elder had to use up all the power of his soul to seal this man away.

"It is indeed the Seven Killing Formation of Heaven and Earth..."

The cultivators outside were also stunned. They used their souls to sacrifice their souls and burned up their soul power. Even if Canglong was imprisoned inside, he himself would definitely die.

"Senior brother..."

The elder in Qingyi was trembling all over and slowly walked towards the elder in Moyi. He did not dare to raise his head to look at the other party, because at this time the other party looked like a withered corpse, plus the ink fire of the dead soul before. Attack is already a fatal situation.

"Junior brother... no matter what, we cannot let this person leave until... Elder Situ arrives. I just sent my spiritual thoughts back to the clan..."

Elder Mo Yi's breath was weak, and he spoke word by word. In his current state, he could last for three days at most. After three days, his soul would be burned out, the oil would be exhausted, and he would die.


Elder Tsing Yi's voice was choked. The Seven Killing Formation was completed. No matter what happens next, he must control this person inside until Elder Situ arrives.


At this moment, a cold smile suddenly came from the Seven Killing Formation, followed by Xiao Chen's voice: "Do you really think that just these few mountain peaks can trap me... Huh, naive ”

I saw Xiao Chen slowly appearing in the middle of several mountain peaks. There were dragon shadows all over his body. All the cultivators in the distance were suffocated. That was... the power of the blue dragon!

If an ordinary person was suppressed by these seven peaks, he would have been trapped under the mountain and unable to get out. Although he could not escape the restrictions of the Seven Killing Formation, he could at least move freely inside.

In the distance, the members of the Thunder Clan also trembled. Could it be that even the Seven Killing Formation couldn't suppress this person? Elder Qingyi also held his breath. How is it possible? This person...

"Junior brother, don't worry...he won't be able to break through my seven-kill formation within three days."

Elder Mo Yi's breath was still weak, he raised his hand slightly, hugged Elder Qing Yi behind him, looked at Xiao Chen in the Seven Killing Formation, and said, "Your Excellency's strength is indeed beyond my expectation, but this Heaven and Earth Seven Killing Formation , it’s my life’s work... you won’t come out.”

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