The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1881: Formation Heart


Xiao Chen snorted coldly, raised his palm, and a blue dragon's power roared out. However, when it hit the restriction, it only caused the mountain peak to shake slightly, unable to shake the restriction in the slightest.

This made him frown. He had felt it just now. This restricted formation was unusual. Now it seemed that it was indeed not that easy to break.

"Master Canglong Palace...just stay in this formation with peace of mind." Elder Mo Yi looked at him, while speaking, his hands were still changing seals to make the Seven Killing Formation more stable.

At this moment, Xiao Chen was trapped in the formation, and his tone was still calm and calm, and he said calmly, "In order to trap me, I don't hesitate to burn my soul. It's interesting... It's just that whoever comes first next, I don't know if it's someone from your Thunder Clan, or... Where are the people from my Bahuang League?”

This statement immediately made the Thunder Clan disciples present become nervous. The Seven Killing Formation can last for up to three days. After three days, will the elders of the clan arrive first or the people from the Eight Desolate Alliance arrive first? This is indeed a problem.

Elder Tsing Yi's forehead was also covered with cold sweat. When the matter reached this point, there was no room for maneuver. If the people from the Eight Desolate Alliance arrived first, they would be dead... ✩

"Junior brother, don't be nervous..."

Elder Mo Yi's face was pale, but he was still very calm. He sent a spiritual thought to him and said, "The Bahuang League is far away from here, and they are not that fast. Elder Situ will arrive within three days. In these three days, no matter what, we must get there." He's trapped..."

"I see……"

Elder Tsing Yi's face was still full of cold sweat, but now he looked at Xiao Chen and had a firm idea in his heart, that is, no matter what, he must trap this person for three days.

Xiao Chen stood still in the formation. Although the other party was communicating with his spiritual consciousness at this time, he could also sense that these two people wanted to trap him for three days, and then wait for the real strong man of the Thunder Clan to arrive. He must not be able to escape.

Just now he said that people from the Bahuang League would come, and that was what he said, but Liu San and others wanted to take Xun Huozhu back, and they didn't know what obstacles they would encounter on the way, so most of the people from Canglong Palace were too busy to come to rescue them. .

And the only ones left are the few elders from Bahuang Palace who are not in retreat. But Bahuang Palace is far away from here. No matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than the people of the Thunder Clan. So next, he can only think about it. He had to find a way to break through this formation, otherwise once the other party's people came, he would really be unable to leave. He didn't want to wake up the three corpse demons here.

To break this formation, the only way is to find the formation... At this moment, Xiao Chen looked at the seven peaks. Obviously, the seven formations of the Seven Killing Formation were these seven peaks. But what made him difficult was that, and Not to mention that the seven positions of the Seven Killing Formation are extremely dangerous, how can he resist the restrictions imposed by these seven peaks? Even if he has Ten Thousand Dragon Scales on his body, it doesn't mean that he can do whatever he wants without any scruples...

In this way, one day passed, and Xiao Chen still hadn't found a way to break the formation. He forced himself to break the formation, which was just a waste of his energy. As of today, the elder Mo Yi looks even more haggard, with wrinkles all over his face. Yesterday, His hair is still gray, but his hair has fallen out sparsely today, and the ink fire is burning through his internal organs. In addition, he uses the spirit sacrifice array to burn the power of the soul, so he won't be able to hold on for much longer.

In the Seven Killing Formation, Xiao Chen carefully explored the seven mountain peaks with his spiritual consciousness. This Seven Killing Formation was indeed very powerful. To put it bluntly, his cultivation at the second level of Taiqing, even the fourth or fifth level, might not be able to escape. Unless you reach the sixth level, you may be able to take risks and use unnatural means to forcibly destroy the seven peaks.

"There must be a flaw in this formation..."

Xiao Chen used his spiritual consciousness to explore as much as possible. No matter how powerful the formation is, it must have its flaws. It is impossible for a perfect formation without any flaws to exist in this world. Even the legendary first ancient formation. The ancient formation of ten directions also no longer exists now.

If he wants to find the flaw in the Seven Killing Formation, judging from the current situation, he must take a desperate risk, enter the center of the formation, and communicate with the center of the formation. Only in this way can he find the flaw in the entire formation in the shortest time.

In such a ferocious formation, ordinary people who enter the center of the formation will undoubtedly die. Not to mention, these seven peaks themselves have very terrible restrictions. Probably no one dares to risk their lives to try. Even he has to do it again and again. Only by estimating the dangers can you decide what to do next.

The intersection of the spiritual powers of the seven mountain peaks is where the center of the formation is, and the restrictions there are the most severe. Xiao Chen thought for a long time, and finally decided to take a risk. He could feel that the strong men of the Thunder Clan were approaching, and he could no longer Keep waiting.

After getting ready, he jumped up and landed at the center of the formation. The cultivators outside were shocked when they saw him heading towards the center of the formation. That was the most dangerous place in the entire Seven Killings Formation. , if you enter the center of the formation, wouldn’t you be seeking death?

The disciples of the Thunder Clan also held their breaths. Elder Mo Yi said, "He wants to break my formation. It's not easy to start from the center of the formation..."

"What should we do?"

Elder Qing Yi frowned, fearing that the Seven Killing Formation would not be able to hold up. Elder Mo Yi remained calm and said, "Don't worry, he can't break the formation..." After saying that, he closed his eyes and recited the formation formula silently in his heart.

Looking at the Seven Killing Formation again, the moment Xiao Chen entered the center of the formation, the seven peaks shook violently, and everyone outside held their breath. He actually entered the center of the formation, but how long can he hold on? At most one stick of incense will destroy both body and soul, right?

After entering the center of the formation, Xiao Chen immediately had an indescribable feeling. Fortunately, there were ten thousand dragon scales protecting him, otherwise he would not be able to bear the original restrictions of the seven peaks. However, after entering the center of the formation, he felt this strange and familiar feeling. Feeling, what exactly is it?

And now, he has entered the center of the formation. This is only the first step. The most important thing next is to connect with the center of the formation, so that he can see through the flaws of the entire formation.

It is not easy to communicate with the heart of the formation. It is like introducing the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder into oneself. If you are not careful, it will be wiped out in the formation.

After he was ready, he no longer hesitated, and immediately sat down cross-legged, trying to communicate with the heart of the array. But at this moment, for some reason, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest and abdomen, and a muffled groan came from his throat, and then in his mind , a strange yet familiar voice rang out. This voice was actually the remaining consciousness of the ancient god when he and Luo Die were in the Tomb of Gods and Demons many years ago, in the Ten Thousand Bone Formation.

"Failed... failed... the heart of the formation has been lost... exiled... returned to the ruins... the heart of the formation has been lost... left..."


At this moment, he felt a sharp pain in his head, and his face suddenly turned extremely pale. Why did he suddenly hear this voice?

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