"Zhu Qing, Zhong Yuan...you two don't really think that just these formations can block everyone outside, right?"

At this moment, on a mountain peak in the distance, I saw an old man wearing a black robe standing on the top of the mountain. This old man had an evil aura about him, but his Taoism was very powerful. Behind him, there were about three others. Hundreds of disciples.

In addition to this mountain peak, there are also many people on several other mountain peaks in the distance. They are all eyeing the place where dozens of people from Canglong Palace are, but no one steps forward to break the formation.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Several young disciples came to the side of the old man in black and looked at the eight mysterious lights in front of them. The Eight Desolations Xuanyang Formation was also very tight and not easy to break.


The old man in black focused his gaze, and then looked at the people on the mountains in the distance. Unless everyone contributed, and he was asked to step forward to break the formation alone, it would be absolutely impossible for him to do so, not with his way of doing things. He couldn't break the formation, but even if the formation was broken, he would be exhausted by then. Although these people in front of him were invited by him, once he loses his advantage, he is afraid that these people will immediately turn against each other for Canglong Qisu... ...Taking a step back, even if these people still help him get the Junwu Hook, will he be able to take it out with his life?

At this moment, I saw him standing forward. Nei Yuan raised his voice and sent a message to the mountain peak: "Zhu Qing, Zhong Yuan, why do you two have to hold on? Even if you are allowed to leave here, you can guarantee that you will survive." Take Wu Gou out? Can you guarantee that the disciples behind you will be safe?"

The voice was deep and powerful, and the more than thirty disciples of Canglong Hall were even more trembling when they heard it. At this moment, several people came to the two elders Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan, and asked in a trembling voice, "Elder, what should we do now?"

"Don't be afraid.

Zhong Yuan's face was livid, he also raised Nei Yuan, and said a deep and full voice to the outside of the mountain: "Xuan Youzi, you are right, even if I hand over Jun Wu Gou to you, you can guarantee that you can How many people are trying to get Canglong Qisu out there alive? How many of your disciples will survive in the end?

The sound spread for dozens of miles. When the disciples behind the old man in black heard this, they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, as if they had already seen the blood-stained scene of sinful love. Just thinking about it was terrifying.

The old man in black snorted coldly, "I'm outside, and there are three thousand disciples, what do you think?"

"Haha! Three thousand disciples. In that battle at the Sea of ​​Evil, millions of creatures were eventually buried at the bottom of the sea. Your three thousand disciples are not enough to scratch anyone's itch!"

Elder Zhong Yuan's rich voice came from inside again, and this old man in black, named Xuan Youzi, has a paradise of his own, with more than 10,000 disciples, and is known as the ancestor of Xuanyou. He is also a ruthless character who has practiced for thousands of years. Because I have already stepped into the realm of Taiqing, otherwise I would never dare to come to this sea of ​​sinful emotions and compete with the people of the Bahuang Ancient Clan and other forces for Canglong Qisu.

"Ancestor Xuanyou, what do you say now?"

At this moment, several middle-aged men in the distance looked over. In addition to a few middle-aged men, there was also a charming woman in red and two old men in green. These people had extraordinary cultivation. They were all invited by Xuan Youzi.


Xuan Youzi's eyes were slightly focused as he looked at the Eight Desolate Xuanyang Formation on those mountains. If everyone worked together, it would not be difficult to break the formation. Three days would be enough. The only thing he was worried about now was the people outside, especially the Eight Desolates. For the people of the Huanggu tribe, just as Zhong Yuan said just now, even if he got the Junwu hook, it would be troublesome to take it out.

These people in front of him were only interested in profit. Of course, he invited these people with the promise of huge profits, but if it was really a matter of life and death, these people would never seriously risk their lives to do things for him.

In three days, he was afraid that after three days he would get the Junwu Gou and people from outside would come in. Every time Canglong Qisu appeared, it would inevitably lead to a bloody storm.

"Master... what should I do?"

At this moment, the more than 300 disciples behind Xuan Youzi are a little uneasy. Although their cultivation level is not too low, if they really encounter a strong man from the Taiqing Realm who comes to snatch the Jun Wu Gou, then the master will If they don't have time to look around, the other party can destroy them physically and mentally with one palm.

"Break the formation!"

Finally, Xuan Youzi's eyes narrowed and he made a decision. Now that a month has passed, he must not continue to delay. When all the people from outside are really brought in, he will not be able to leave even if he wants to.

"Break the formation."

In the distance, people on several other mountain peaks were already prepared. Xuan Youzi looked at them again and said loudly, "Don't worry, everyone, when Jun Wu Gou is taken out, what I promised you before will be fulfilled. Don’t break your promise.”

"Haha..." The charming woman in red smiled softly and said in a charming voice, "Everyone knows that Senior Xuanyou has made a huge promise, so we can rest assured."

"Let's do something."

Everyone no longer hesitated, and immediately worked together to attack the forbidden peaks with mana. The peaks immediately began to vibrate, especially the peaks where Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan were. They were shaking violently, as if It looks like it will collapse at any time.


Dozens of disciples turned pale with fright. Although they had been used to seeing dangers in the past years near the Sea of ​​Sinful Love, they usually did not panic when encountering problems. However, today's situation was almost certain to lead to death. Who has not been afraid of death since ancient times?

"Everyone, don't panic!"

Elder Zhuqing shouted loudly, then clasped his palms together, and several green lights flew up behind him. A majestic Qi of the Eight Desolations immediately dispersed with the green light, forcing the formation outside to Stabilized.

"Huh, two old guys, they are injured and still have such great skills."

Those people outside injected magic power again, and the entire Eight Desolations Xuanyang Formation immediately began to shake again. Even with the power of the Eight Desolations, the two elders Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan, under the siege of so many people, it was probably impossible. I can't hold on much longer.

Xuan Youzi's eyes narrowed, and he thought secretly in his heart, even if the formation was broken, everyone would be exhausted at that time. If they really encountered the enemy at that time, they would be difficult to deal with. He said, "Zhu Qing, Zhong Yuan, you open the formation now." , hand over Jun Wu Gou, and I promise not to harm any of you, but if I break this formation, not only will you two die, but the souls of the dozens of disciples behind you will also be refined by me!"

Hearing this, the disciples inside trembled even more, and they all looked at the two elders, Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan.

"Don't listen to what this person says!" Zhong Yuan's face turned livid and he said coldly, "If you want to conquer the enemy without fighting, how can there be such a beautiful thing in the world!"

Elder Zhuqing said, "Just hold on for three more days and Elder Liu will arrive. They must have been hindered by the strong waves outside, but they should be close. Hold on..."


Just like that, three days later, several formations outside were breached. Seeing that the entire Eight Desolations Xuanyang Formation could not hold on for long, the disciples' expressions completely changed.

"Elder! It's bad! Li... Li's position is broken!"

"Elder! Kan...Kan's position is broken!"

"The fuck...the fuck position is also broken!"

There are still two or three shaky positions left in the entire Bahuang Xuanyang Formation. Once this last position is broken, the entire formation will collapse, and there will no longer be any defensive restrictions at all.

"Hmph... these two old guys have cost me a lot of trouble. If I don't refine your souls this time, I won't be able to afford the spiritual stones I've lost."

Xuan Youzi's eyes were cold and his face was full of fierceness. All the surrounding peaks collapsed, leaving only the last one. But just when the formation was about to break, several golden sword lights suddenly struck from the distance. "Chichichichi" there was a rapid sound, and many people died immediately under the sword energy.

"Watch out! Get out of the way!"

When the golden sword energy in the sky came, several middle-aged men were shocked and quickly retreated away, thinking that the sword energy was so powerful!


Xuan Youzi turned around quickly and looked in the direction where the sword energy came from. He felt a little uncomfortable. Could it be that those people outside had already come in so quickly? But this smell... is wrong!

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