The moon was dark and the wind was high in the mountains. A dozen killers in black had already entered the Death Palace, but they were still unaware of it and were still approaching Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang step by step.

"It's strange... the aura was just here near here, why did it disappear in the blink of an eye..."

The leader carefully explored. These people were all killers with high levels of cultivation. They had killed many people for the Ye family over the years, so they were very sensitive to the smell of strangers and the smell of blood.

But how did they know that Xiao Chen's injuries were no longer serious after the treatment of Hua Weiyang's Lianhuaxiyi Jue, and now, it was Hua Weiyang who deliberately attracted them here to avoid disturbing another place. By defeating the killers and members of the Ye family one by one, she and Xiao Chen could leave the mountain safely before dawn.

"It must still be around here, look carefully!"

The leader sent a secret message to the people behind him, but at this moment, a cold and faint voice suddenly sounded in the wind: "As a killer, before finding the other party, he first reveals his murderous intention to let the other party notice. You...are really a failure."

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures were seen flying down from the tree. It was Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang. The dozen or so people were immediately shocked to realize that they were ambushed. Just when they were about to attack, a dark cloud suddenly came over the sky, covering them up. The moon fell, and everything suddenly became pitch black.

When the dark clouds dispersed, they saw more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground. The dozen killers from before were all killed by the swords of Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang.

"Unjust is doomed to destruction."

At this moment, there was no pity or sympathy in Xiao Chen's eyes. These were cold-blooded killers, and he felt no guilt at all for taking their lives. He waved his long sword, wiped away the blood on it, and turned to Hua Weiyang. Looked over.

I saw Hua Weiyang's originally pure white dress, but now it was stained with a little blood. The thin long sword in her hand was also dripping with blood, and even her cheeks were splashed with a few drops of bright red blood. .

Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown. Since he left Butterfly Valley, his temperament has gradually become colder. He can't even remember how many people he killed along the way. However, in his impression, Weiyang has never killed anyone. However, right now, her flawless dress was stained with blood because of herself.


Xiao Chen slowly walked over and gently wiped a few drops of blood from her face. He wanted to say something, but Weiyang shook her head and said, "If one day, your hands are covered with blood, my sword will not be able to do it either." No longer stained."

Such a simple sentence made Xiao Chen suddenly feel a pain in his heart. Hua Weiyang raised her head again and looked into his eyes, "I just hope that when the time comes, you won't think in your heart that I am some kind of demonic witch who kills without blinking an eye." Don't say anything more, see you next time, if the three-foot sword will show no mercy..."

Unexpectedly, her words at that time would be remembered in her heart. At this moment, Xiao Chen's heart was even more mixed. Although the three-foot sword had not come out, these words were more hurtful than the three-foot sword. .

When he was in Kunlun Xuanjing, he was just worried that Hua Weiyang would get the Jade Lianhua and Lianhua Xiyi Jue, and then go out to do evil. But by that time, he was afraid that he would not be able to do it, so he left such a sentence.

But now in his heart, the so-called righteousness of a famous family is lighter than a piece of paper. The Ye family claims to be a famous family in the ancient realm of Xianbei, but today they are chasing him for the heavenly book on his body, and their methods are worse than those outside the Five Realms of Xianyuan. A demon sect is even more despicable.

Who knows how many shady things these people have done secretly. At least the three talismans that sealed Su Ye Yuanhun, in his opinion, definitely didn't look like they were made by some famous and righteous family.

"Weiyang, let's go."


Next, the two of them continued to sneak outside the mountains. In order to hide their traces, Hua Weiyang had changed into black night clothes. It was not until dawn that the two of them arrived at the edge of the mountains. I don’t know how many people were assassinated along the way. Those cold-blooded killers also included people from the Ye family.

Anyway, now the Ye family will not let him go, so he doesn't have any scruples. He will kill as many as he comes. At worst, he will return to the Fifth Immortal Realm. I don't believe that no matter how powerful the Ye Family is, they can still chase him to the Fifth Immortal Realm. Go and wait until he returns to the Five Domains of Xianyuan. It is a place he is familiar with. Whether it is the Ye family or the Xuanxiao Palace, there is no need to worry about it.

"Idiot, wait..."

At this moment, Hua Weiyang stretched out her hand, suddenly stopped, and then slowly squatted down, as if she was exploring something nearby. After a long time, she said, "They have set up a prohibition formation here."

Xiao Chen's sensitivity to spiritual power was not as good as hers, but when he heard what she said, he probed with his spiritual consciousness, and sure enough, he immediately found some traces of the flow of spiritual power.

"It took so much effort, but in the end nothing was obtained, and so many people died. It's so stupid that you are trapped in a cocoon..."

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and immediately found several positions, broke them open, and then quickly walked outside the mountains with Hua Weiyang.

When the sky dawned, the two finally came outside. Hua Weiyang turned back and glanced in the direction of escape. She lowered her voice and said, "The formation has been broken. Those people must have noticed it and will catch up soon. Let's go quickly." ”


Xiao Chen no longer hesitated. Even though he was worried about Su Ye, he had no choice now. He had to escape from the pursuit of Ye family masters first. Otherwise, not only would it be difficult to find a way to get the unlocking talisman, but he and Wei Yang would also be in danger. territory.

Three days later, the two of them were chased by several elders of the Ye family and arrived at an ancient town. The town was crowded with people, making it convenient for them to blend in.

"Idiot, you go to the inn first, and I'll get some disguises. I'll be back soon." When they arrived at an inn, Hua Weiyang sent a secret message to Xiao Chen.

"Be careful."

Xiao Chen nodded and walked into the inn. After casually requesting a guest room on the second floor, he closed the doors and windows tightly and set up a soundproof barrier before taking Fu Xiqin out of his sleeve.

"Suye? Are you awake? Suye..."

After shouting several times in succession, there was no sound coming from Fuxi Qin. Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown. Su Ye was afraid that his real soul had been damaged this time. If he didn't unlock the three strange spells, he was afraid of the consequences. Unpredictable.

Now, when he thought about it carefully, he realized that those three talismans were definitely not refined by the Ye family, but who made them? Even Suye couldn't resist them. I'm afraid this person is very serious.

About half an hour later, when dusk had arrived, Xiao Chen walked to the window and saw that Weiyang had not come back after being gone for so long, and he could not help but frown gradually.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion on the street on the other side of the guest room. Before he could reach out with his consciousness, the door was pushed open. "Idiot! Let's go!"

Hua Weiyang walked in quickly, with a rather anxious look on her face. Xiao Chen knew that she was always calm, and he didn't know what happened at this time, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Stop talking, let's go quickly..." Hua Weiyang didn't have time to explain to him, so she pulled him and flew out of the window.

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