The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 193: Backlash is hard to heal

The two of them left the town all the way. No one was chasing them along the way. Unknowingly, dusk was approaching and they left the ancient town. The mountains and fields looked a bit desolate. Xiao Chen finally stopped and frowned at the flowers. Weiyang "What happened?"

Unexpectedly, Hua Weiyang lost all her previous nervousness, and instead smiled sweetly, "I just met two people from the Ye family.

"People from the Ye family..."

Now that Suye's life and death are unknown, Xiao Chen didn't know why she could still laugh at this time, and asked, "Did you take action against them?"


Hua Weiyang shook her head and looked at him mysteriously, "Guess, I secretly followed them all the way and heard something?"


At this moment, Xiao Chen's expression gradually became serious. Hua Weiyang walked closer to him and lowered her voice and said, "Towards the south of Zhongjing, there is a Changyin Mountain Range, and within that mountain range, there is another mountain range. The mountain peak is called 'Guidoluo Mountain'..."

"Gudala Mountain..."

Xiao Chen pondered for a moment, and when he heard the name, it didn't sound like a good place. He raised his head and saw her looking at him mysteriously, and asked, "What place is this?"

Hua Weiyang smiled softly and deliberately said, "Don't worry, just listen to me first." At this point, he paused for a while and continued, "There is a master on Guituoluo Mountain, who is known as 'Guituo Ancestor'. He has many disciples and is very powerful.”

Xiao Chen didn't know what she wanted to say after going around and around, so he could only listen to her quietly.

Hua Weiyang continued, "This Guituo ancestor possesses a soul-refining magical power. He often absorbs other people's souls and uses them for his own cultivation. It can be said to be evil and evil. If it were placed in the five realms of Xianyuan, it would be the so-called He is a heinous devil, and Xuan Qingmen will be the first to do justice for heaven." At the end of his words, he looked at him with a half-smile.

Xiao Chen looked at her and looked at him in a strange way, thinking that now that he was no longer a disciple of Xuan Qing, could he still go out to "do justice for heaven" for others? Asking “What then?”


Hua Weiyang glanced at him again and said with a smile, "Then your Suye will be saved.


Xiao Chen's expression suddenly became more solemn, and he solemnly said, "Wait a said Suye was saved, could it be..."

"Oh, you idiot, why are you so stupid?"

Hua Weiyang looked at him and said seriously, "I found out that what sealed Suye was the soul-eating talisman. If you think about it carefully, how could the Ye family refine this kind of talisman? Of course it was the ancestor Guituo who made it." As for his relationship with the Ye family, most outsiders don’t know..."

"I see……"

Xiao Chen seemed to suddenly realize, and slowly looked at Hua Weiyang. Unexpectedly, in just half an hour, she had found out so many things in the town. No wonder she had the ability to fool the sects in the North Immortal Yuan Territory. .

But listening to what she said at this moment, Guituo Ancestor must have a lot of cultivation, and Guituoluo Mountain is even more heavily guarded. How can he get the decryption talisman?

Hua Weiyang smiled and said, "It's better to break in than to outwit. Let's go, get out of here first, and I'll tell you slowly."

At that moment, the two of them walked forward for hundreds of miles, constantly changing routes and changing routes, and gathering all the breath in their bodies to prevent the elders of the Ye family from pursuing them again.

After confirming that the Ye family's people could no longer catch up, the two of them stopped. At that time, dusk had arrived, and the yellow clouds were slowly rising in the sky. Hua Weiyang found a valley to rest, drank a few sips of spring water, and then sat down and slowly He said slowly, "Idiot, let me tell you, the relationship between the Ye family and Guituoluo Mountain is not shallow. Most outsiders don't know it. On the fifteenth of next month, the Ye family will send two people to Guituoluo Mountain to deliver elixirs to Guituo Ancestor." Medicine and soul.”

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "What do you mean...we will disguise ourselves as those two people and sneak into Guituoluo Mountain?" After saying this, he pondered for a moment, then raised his head, "That's okay... I just have to wait until the 15th of next month, I'm afraid that Su Ye will..."

Hua Weiyang shook her head, "Other than that, there is no other way. Guituoluo Mountain is heavily guarded. The ancestor Guituo's cultivation has reached the realm of refining the void and combining the Tao. It is better than the one who came to Xuanxiao Palace last time." The Chiyun user is stronger. It is almost impossible for you and me to sneak in, let alone get the decryption talisman from him.

Seeing that there was still a look of worry on his face, Hua Weiyang continued, "Don't worry, the three talismans that entered Suye's soul are the soul-eating talismans refined by Guituo Ancestor. Although they are powerful, now Suye has entered It will take at least three months for Fuxi Qinli to cultivate and the spell to take effect. Three months is enough for us to get the decryption talisman."


Xiao Chen nodded. Wei Young has always been smart and smart. Fortunately, she was with her along the way. Otherwise, he would be alone and not know what to do.

Hua Weiyang smiled softly, "Of course, just leave these little things to me now. If something big happens in the future, I will listen to you."

At the end of her sentence, she was silent for a while and then said, "Actually, I'm more worried about you than Su Ye..."

"I...what's the matter with me."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and walked slowly to the stream. He lowered his head and looked at the reflection in the water. Unconsciously, there were more white hairs on his head.


Suddenly, a wisp of death energy appeared between his eyebrows, and then his face quickly darkened, and a wisp of black energy loomed in the palm of his hand. It was obvious that this life-and-death backlash had occurred again.


Hua Weiyang's face was startled, and she reached out to support him. Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and pushed her away, "Don't come close to me..."

I saw that the flowers, plants and trees nearby were gradually withering again. Hua Weiyang could no longer care so much. She made a slight seal on her hand and injected a stream of spiritual power into him. "Let's go!" After that, she supported him and walked towards him. Flying deep into the valley.

Arriving in the deep valley, the night gradually shrouded, and a crescent moon rose slowly on the horizon. Hua Weiyang found a hidden cave, sealed the entrance of the cave, and immediately used the "Pitying Flowers and Cherishing Art" to seal the cave for him. The backlash of life and death suppressed it.

It was not until the middle of the night that the backlash of life and death in Xiao Chen's body was finally slowly suppressed, but only temporarily.

"Are you feeling better?"

Hua Weiyang looked at him nervously at this moment. Originally, the "Lian Hua Che Yi Jue" was an ancient miracle left by the Qing Emperor. It was supposed to be able to cure any injury in the world, especially the backlash. However, it turned out to be a life-and-death backlash. It has no effect. Each time it can only temporarily suppress the backlash, and the next time the effect will inevitably be much weaker.

Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, his face was still a little pale. Seeing that she had spent half the night on him again, he felt quite sorry. He said slowly, "Weiyang, I'm fine. I can suppress this backlash myself. You don't have to do it every time." For me every time..."

"Idiot, stop talking..."

Hua Weiyang shook her head and stopped him from continuing. She had suppressed the life-and-death backlash for him so many times. How could she not know that this life-and-death backlash was a normal backlash?

Every time he has a backlash, it will be more serious than the last one. If this continues, if it cannot be completely cured, it will one day kill him. The horror of manipulating life and death is beyond the imagination of the two of them.

The two of them just sat in the cave, each with their own thoughts. After a long time, Xiao Chen said, "Weiyang, you go out first, I will use my energy to adjust my breath."


Hua Weiyang nodded slightly, stopped disturbing him, and walked outside the cave alone.

After she left, Xiao Chen slowly began to meditate on his martial arts again. Even now, it is difficult for him to fully comprehend the fragments of the Heavenly Book. Although the Heavenly Book greatly increased his cultivation, he is now able to compete with two 400-year-old warriors. If you compete with masters of Taoism, who can believe it? Soon, he will probably be able to compete with even the peerless masters at the "Refining the Void and Combining the Dao" realm.

It's just that the life and death backlash in his body has become more and more serious as his cultivation level has improved. It has gradually become a hidden danger buried in his body and may explode at any time. Now he can still rely on Yao Guang's Heart Technique and Wei Young's Lian Hua Xi Yi Jue temporarily suppressed it, but if one day, once the backlash got out of control, it could kill him at any time.

The night was getting colder. Outside the cave, Hua Weiyang was in a gloomy mood. She came to a lake and sat down slowly.

The breeze was blowing gently, the water surface was sparkling, and she sighed softly. Now she didn't know how to cure the backlash injury on Xiao Chen's body. Although she possessed the miraculous skill of Lianhuaxiyi Jue, but as for medical skills, But he knows nothing about it.

If she were in the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan, she could still mobilize everyone in Lianhua Palace to find a cure for Xiao Chen's injuries, but now she was in the ancient realm of Immortal North and was unfamiliar with the place. Who was she going to find? I originally thought that several elders from Tianji Tower could heal Xiao Chen's injuries, but now it seems that even the four elders may not be able to heal Xiao Chen's backlash injuries.

Sighing again, her mood became more depressed, but at this moment, she seemed to have finally thought of something. There was no other way to do it at the moment. The ancient realm of Xianbei was far away from the five realms of Xianyuan, so she could only give it a try.

Thinking about this, she glanced at the cave behind. After confirming that Xiao Chen would not come out, she immediately carved a simple formation on the ground. As she continued to chant the incantation, the formation finally became brighter. Immediately afterwards, a half-foot-long light curtain was illuminated, and the picture displayed inside the light curtain was exactly like the Lianhua Palace.


Perhaps it was due to the pure spiritual power of the world here. Hua Weiyang did not expect that this time the spiritual power array was finally successful. Two figures suddenly appeared in the light screen, but they were her two confidants. Youqin and Youchang.

"Your Highness...Princess!"

In the picture, Youqin and Youchang were also shocked. They did not expect that the princess, who had lost contact for many days, suddenly opened the spiritual power array tonight. Youchang said quickly, "Princess, where are you now, my subordinates will come to find you immediately!"

Hua Weiyang said, "You don't have to come to me. I'm in the ancient realm of Xianbei right now, and you can't come."

"Xianbei Ancient Realm..."

In the picture, both of them were stunned. How could Her Highness the Princess run so far away? Youqin looked anxious and said, "Princess, come back quickly. If the High Priest finds out that Her Highness helps you sneak out, I'm just afraid..."

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