The palm print shrouded in an instant, and the world ten miles away seemed to be blocked for an instant. It was almost difficult for Xiao Chen to escape. In desperation, he had to use the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques. Protect your heart.

When Elder Youli used this move forcefully, it was obvious that he had consumed too much real energy. At this time, his face was extremely pale. In a short period of time, he could only maintain the law of heaven and earth, and it was difficult to do anything else.

Elder Xuan Ming no longer hesitated, holding the sword in his right hand, using his left hand to draw the sword spells, and mouthing the sword spells in succession. When the sword spells were completed, he slashed at Xiao Chen with one sword.

Elder Bai Feng and Elder Qingshi were worried that it would be difficult for him to control the ancient hidden-edge sword alone, so they moved behind him in an instant. They both took out their palms and used their true energy to help him slash with the sword.

With the help of Bai Feng and Qingshi, this sword was slashed out, and the mountains and rivers suddenly shook, and the sky and the earth were eclipsed. It seemed that everything in the vast world had lost its brilliance at this moment, except for the ten thousand feet that mercilessly slashed towards Xiao Chen. The edge of the ancient sword is so dazzling...that is the edge of the hidden edge!

If the hidden front doesn't come out, it will definitely shock the ghosts and gods and shake the world! ✩

"Boom boom boom!"

Before the sword arrived, the entire Zangfeng Valley was already shaking violently. Even with the defensive array maintained, countless palace buildings were wiped out in an instant by the sword energy. The ten thousand defensive sword energy surrounding the entire valley, It is even more difficult to bear the power of the hidden front at this moment, and it turns into nothing in an instant!

The entire square has been cracked open in large areas, and large areas have sunk. There is no complete place anymore, and the vast sky and earth are covered in smoke and dust.

Elder Xuan Ming has made up his mind. Even if his cultivation level is damaged today, he must also eliminate future troubles for Zangfeng Valley forever. Thinking of this, he untied his own seal, and in an instant, dazzling lights bloomed on his body. With golden light, he stood in mid-air at this moment, just like an immortal from heaven descending to earth!

Later, Elder Bai Feng and Elder Qingshi didn't care so much anymore. They released their seals at once. At that moment, the ten thousand feet of hidden edge sword light became even more dazzling, and they slashed at Xiao Chen like they were destroying the heaven and the earth.

At this scene, not only the disciples of Zangfeng Valley were frightened to death, but also the faces of those elders with advanced cultivation levels suddenly turned pale!


Xiao Chen's whole body has been enveloped by the Zangfeng Sword Qi, making it difficult to move even an inch. No matter how powerful the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques are, he cannot withstand the ancient Zangfeng Sword at this moment.


There was a sharp sound, and two streaks of blood burst out from his shoulders. Before the sword energy came down, he could no longer bear it. He could only watch the sword that destroyed the world and beheaded him. Next, there is no room for maneuver.

Ye Runian had just returned from Qingfeng Valley and happened to see this scene at this time, seeing the three elders mercilessly slashing at Xiao Chen with their swords.

Suddenly, he recalled in his mind the stubborn young man who was covered in blood on the fighting stage in Tianmen and was not even afraid of death.

He...must die?

Ye Runian didn't know why he suddenly had such an idea in his heart. He just suddenly thought of the scene in Xuanqingmen back then. Everyone wanted to kill this young man. Now, the four elders must also kill him. He must die. ?

In troubled times, who is right and who is wrong? When fighting with others, they are often ruthless. When fighting with the sky, they are often powerless. At this moment, he looked at the dust blown away by the wind on the Broken Square, and saw that he was unable to resist the ruthless sword energy of Zang Feng. Xiao Chen seemed to have seen the stubborn young man on the fighting stage again, and he couldn't help but lament in his heart, "We live in this world, and suddenly it is like the wind blowing dust."

If his current thoughts were known to his master Liu Xuanyin, it would probably bring disaster to himself.

In the sky, the sword energy was getting closer and closer. Xiao Chen's eyes were bloodshot, blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, and there was not much body-protecting energy left... Are you dead? Just die like this? Weiyang hasn't woken up yet, Weiyang hasn't seen herself yet, Shen Jing is still waiting for her to go back, the sword energy hasn't been removed from her body, so she died like this...

What happened back then has not been clarified, and the Ningcun murderer has not been found, so he died like this...


At this moment, he suddenly remembered something. It was the Ten Thousand Bone Formation that he had taken away from the Bone City in the Tomb of Gods and Demons! Only this formation... can withstand the hidden sword energy at this moment!

I don’t know if this formation can be used by him temporarily, but at this moment, there is only one way to try!

Thinking of this, he tried his best to flick his sleeves under the sword wind, and two hundred and thirteen sacred bones flew out of his sleeves in an instant. In addition, there were Only with the countless skulls in the Bone City can a complete Ten Thousand Bones Formation be formed.

At this moment, I saw that the originally bright sky and earth were suddenly filled with gloomy energy and evil spirits. Countless bones rose from the ground and rolled straight into the air, making the entire square seem to have suddenly turned into a gloomy ghostland. The scene was terrifying!

"Then...what is that!"

The place where Xuanmen cultivates immortality has never seen such a strange and terrifying scene. At this moment, countless bones almost filled the world, and then they gathered together and made continuous roaring sounds. Whether listening or watching, it was very shocking. My scalp is numb.

The disciples in the Hidden Front Valley in the distance were already frightened to death. Even the elders with advanced cultivation levels felt terrified under the shroud of this terrifying Yin Qi.

"Sha, Sha, Sha! Sha, Sha, Sha!"

I saw the white bones all over the sky gathered together, blocking the hidden sword energy in mid-air. With a loud "bang", the entire square suddenly shattered, and the buildings in all directions were shattered into powder at this moment.

The sword energy of the Zangfeng Ancient Sword struck the Ten Thousand Bone Formation, but was eventually blocked. Elders Xuanming, Baifeng, Elder Qingshi, and Elder Youli stood aside to maintain the Fa Tian Xiang Di.

At this moment, the four Grand Elders were shocked by the sword energy, coupled with the terrifying power of the Ten Thousand Bone Formation, all four of them spat out a mouthful of blood and were thrown backwards by the shock.

"Sha, Sha, Sha! Sha, Sha, Sha!"

The sky full of white bones still lingered, just like dark clouds covering the sky and the earth, covering the entire Zangfeng Valley. Seeing that the four elders were injured, all the disciples were frightened to death. Seeing the sky full of white bones pressing down on their heads again, this For a moment, everyone felt that disaster was coming.


Liu Xuanyin and Liu Xuanyang never expected that such an accident would happen. The two of them ran towards the four elders like flying. They saw the four elders falling to the ground with blood coming from their mouths. They were obviously very seriously injured. It’s hard to fight anymore.

At this moment, the entire Zangfeng Valley was in chaos, and everyone was in panic, especially when they saw the white bones and skeletons all over the sky, they stood still and did not dare to move, as if their souls had been sucked away.

Looking at the broken square again, Xiao Chen slowly stood up from the pile of rubble. At this moment, he saw that his eyes were bloodshot and blood was flowing out of his shoulders. He was injured by the sword energy of the ancient Zangfeng sword just now. But luckily it was just a skin injury.

At this moment, he looked at the four elders who had fallen to the ground, and suddenly he felt angry. The voice of the inner demon seemed to be heard in his mind: "They were determined to kill you just now, then kill them, and use the Ten Thousand Bone Formation to destroy the entire city." Hidden Front Valley..."

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