At this moment, the anger in Xiao Chen's heart became even stronger, and there was a sudden pain in his head, and the scene in front of him seemed to have turned into the scene of the Xuan Qing trial again.

"Kill him! Kill this witch! Kill this little devil!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them..."

"Kill...kill...kill! Ah! Kill kill kill!"

Suddenly, Xiao Chen's body became violent, his eyes turned blood red, as if he was possessed by a demon. He stretched out his hands, and the white bones in the sky roared, and the sinister wind filled the entire Hidden Front Valley in an instant!

Seeing that the 3,000-year-old foundation of Zangfeng Valley was about to be destroyed, the four elders in the distance were frightened to death and hurriedly said, "Stop him!"

However, with those disciples alone, how could they stop Xiao Chen at this moment, and how could they stop the Ten Thousand Bone Formation that was swallowing them up in mid-air?

Everyone was panicking, running around in panic, too distracted to take care of themselves. At this critical moment, from nowhere, a long sigh suddenly came from "Alas..."

Such a long and old sigh seemed to resound between heaven and earth, causing the entire Zangfeng Valley to fall silent, as if time had stopped. The disciples who were running around in panic just now were standing still at this moment. Not moving, the countless bone spirits in the air also stopped moving.

Xiao Chen quickly regained consciousness, and the blood in his eyes disappeared. He stretched out his hand and instantly put the Ten Thousand Bone Array back into his sleeve, staring in the direction of the back valley, "Which senior?"

"Alas... now that you have got what you need, why bother killing everyone..."

At this moment, the long and old voice sounded again, and Xiao Chen was shocked all over. This person's cultivation level...

At this moment, he only felt a pressure as heavy as a mountain. This was the first time he felt such heavy pressure since he returned to the Five Immortal Realms!

This person's cultivation has reached the Cave Ruins Realm...or is it the Ruins Heaven Realm?

It was only then that he realized a problem. Zangfeng Valley had been able to stand in the world for thousands of years and was one of the four great sects. How could it be that there really wasn't a hidden master in charge?

This person has lived for an unknown number of years. Looking at the confused faces of all the disciples in Zangfeng Valley at this moment, it seems that many disciples do not know this person, and this person will never appear until the real life and death of Zangfeng Valley is over. body.

At this moment, Xiao Chen has understood something. Although he still doesn't know why this person doesn't take action against him, he must leave now. This person's cultivation is so unpredictable that it is impossible for him to deal with it. Anyway, today he will conquer Zangfeng Valley. It's a mess, and this revenge is half paid.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and with a movement of his body, he instantly turned into a ray of light and flew out of the valley.

But at this moment in the Zangfeng Valley, all the disciples had just recovered from the shock, but they still looked confused, as if they had just woken up from a dream. Who was that voice just now...?

Liu Xuanyin was stunned at this time. The voice just now... was Xuanzu! He couldn't hear it wrong. It has been more than six hundred years, has Xuanzu never left the valley?

At this moment, he recalled the scene in his mind. Even though six hundred years had passed, he still remembered it clearly.

He was still so young at that time, and Xuanzu not only handed over the Guyu Sword to him, but also handed over the entire Zangfeng Valley to him. If there were not four elders supporting him at that time, how could he persist?

He deeply remembered that at that time, Xuanzu said that he wanted to break through a realm. If he could not break through, his life span would be exhausted and he would reenter the reincarnation. Now six hundred years have passed and Xuanzu is not dead. Has Xuanzu already broken through that realm? …

"Xuanzu, it's Xuanzu..."

At this moment, Liu Xuanyin couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and his hands kept trembling. Xuanzu was back! Xuanzu is back!

In his eyes, even Qingxuanzi's master Xuanyin was a bit afraid of Xuanzu. Now that Xuanzu came out, wouldn't Zangfeng Valley immediately become the leader of the world's righteous path? Qing Xuanzi is nothing, Ling Yin is nothing, and the Seven Xuan Qings are nothing!

It has been more than six hundred years... Can Zangfeng Valley finally regain its former position as the leader of Xuanmen?

The more Liu Xuanyin thought about it, the more excited he became. However, at this moment, he suddenly couldn't sense Xuanzu's aura anymore. It seemed as if he had disappeared again, and it seemed as if he had never appeared.

His heart couldn't help but tremble, what's going on? Did Xuanzu leave again? That's right, why didn't Xuanzu take action against that boy just now? Xuanzu had absolutely no reason to be afraid of Lingyin, why...

In the mountains hundreds of miles outside the Zangfeng Valley, Xiao Chen was walking fast, still thinking about the aura in the Zangfeng Valley just now. That person's cultivation was unpredictable, but why didn't he take action on him just now? It's definitely not because I'm afraid of Master, so could it be...

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, his face condensed slightly, and the speed of his feet became faster, wishing he could escape tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

Three days later, he had walked halfway through the journey, and it would take about three days to return to Qingmu Cliff. However, around noon that day, dark clouds suddenly gathered in the originally clear sky.

There was an unexpected situation in the sky. At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly sensed something. He secretly thought that something was wrong and moved forward quickly. However, no matter how fast he went, the breath behind him always followed him leisurely, about Hundreds of miles away.

At this moment, his heartbeat gradually increased, and he obviously sensed that it was the person from Zangfeng Valley. When he was in Zangfeng Valley that day, that person didn't take action against him. There was only one reason why, and that was that there was another person near Zangfeng Valley at that time. An extremely powerful existence!

Now it seems that this is indeed the case. Xiao Chen only feels a little numb. It turns out that there was an extremely strong old monster outside Zangfeng Valley that day. The other party witnessed everything that happened that day, but he didn't do anything about it. He was not aware of it, but the mysterious man in Zangfeng Valley sensed his presence, so he did not take action against him that day.

Thinking about it, no matter how mysterious the distant Eastern Continent is, the Five Realms of Xianyuan are located in the place with the most spiritual energy in the entire Xianyuan Ancient Land. How can there really be no hermit masters? Even if the prosperous age of immortality created by Emperor Qing ten thousand years ago is gone, how can there be no strong people now?

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat, and he walked faster. In this vast world, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people. Perhaps this is the "Kang Long" that Senior Wei told him back then. I have regrets.”

These four characters are taken from the Qian hexagram in the "Book of Changes", which means that no matter how high a person achieves, he must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, otherwise he will fail and regret it.

Although his current cultivation level is almost unmatched among his peers, it is still not as good as those old monsters who have lived for thousands of years.

It was probably approaching dusk, and Xiao Chen no longer knew where he was. He kept changing routes and changing paths all the way. He seemed to have lost his way. At this moment, the breath behind him, which had always been a hundred miles away from him, finally gradually approached him. .

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