The night unknowingly got a little deeper. Xiao Chen pondered for a long time. No matter what, he wanted to go to Qingzhou City to visit. If he could find the person from back then, he could solve many mysteries, especially about his life experience.

"Let's... go back and see Miss Weiyang."


The two slowly walked back to the cave. Hua Weiyang was still lying quietly on the stone bed, as if she had just fallen asleep.


Xiao Chen gently stretched out his hand and touched her cheek with his fingers. He still felt a bone-chilling coldness, which made his heart sting again. "Weiyang, no matter what, I will definitely let you wake up..."

The next day, the sky was a little gloomy. The two of them went to the valley. After a night of recovery, Shen Jing's complexion looked much better. As the sword energy left her body, the sword wounds on her back would slowly heal. Disappear.

"You can go without worry, Weiyang, I will take good care of her."


Xiao Chen nodded and thought for a night. He finally decided to go to Qingzhou City in two days to see if he could find the person who survived.

Qingzhou City is located more than a hundred miles southwest of Xuanqing Mountain. Due to its excellent geographical location and because the Xuanqing Gate of Immortality Cultivation is located nearby, Qingzhou City is extremely prosperous and is one of the largest cities in Kyushu with a permanent population of tens of millions.

People only live in this world for a few hundred years, so mortals also have mortal lives. To them, Xuanmen who cultivate immortals is just like the legend of Miao Miao immortals and gods, just like the people in Xuanmen today have feelings for those gods and demons in ancient times. The perception is the same, most people think it is just a legend.

As a prosperous metropolis in the mortal world, Qingzhou is naturally filled with mortals. Where mortals gather, martial arts battles are inevitable. In places such as Suzhou, there are some martial arts families. Xuanmen often does not interfere in mortal martial arts battles. If the forces in the martial arts world are protected by a mysterious gate, they will surely prosper.

This day is the last day of the twelfth lunar month, which is called "New Year" in the mortal world. Today, the entire Qingzhou City is extremely lively, with lion dances, opera singers, firecrackers, gongs and drums blasting, and red lights hanging high in every household, as if A joyful New Year atmosphere.

Xiao Chen was walking alone on the street against the strong wind blowing in his face. Looking at the children laughing and playing on the street, he couldn't help but recall that when he was a child, his mother-in-law would always knit two new clothes for him during the Chinese New Year. Then I went to the town to buy some new year goods and came back... In the blink of an eye, it turned out that almost twenty years had passed.

As I was walking, there was suddenly the sound of opera coming from a street in front of me. When I turned the corner, I saw a large restaurant full of people. It turned out that a famous opera troupe from Suzhou came to Qingzhou City a few days ago.

When Xiao Chen came outside the restaurant, he saw what was being performed on the stage, as if he had known him before, the actors in the opera, and the master who sang the opera.

As the actor acted, the opera master sang as he did. The opera master's voice was ups and downs as he sang, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." I saw Xiao Yichen stabbing the bad guy with his sword, scaring the bad guy instantly. He was frightened and staggered back. At this moment, Fairy Miaoyin suddenly arrived and shouted, "Chen'er, stop it quickly!"

It turns out that what was performed in the play was actually an incident involving Xuan Qing back then.

"This young master, please come in, please come in!"

At the door of the restaurant, the waiter saw Xiao Chen's extraordinary appearance and quickly stepped forward to greet him warmly.

Xiao Chen entered the restaurant and watched the scene played on the stage. At this moment, his heart was like a lake blown by the wind, with ripples rising again.

The actor on the stage acted with immersion, and the opera singer was even more skilled in music. Every beat of his voice could hold the hearts of the spectators tightly. When he heard him singing, "Xiao Yichen turned around and saw the master coming, and he suddenly felt sad. Throwing the sword away, he said, "This disciple's abilities are all passed down by his master. There is no room for him in the world today, so I will return all my abilities to my master!"

When the opera master sang this, it touched everyone's hearts. It was as if everyone in the restaurant knew what was going to happen next and stood up one after another. There were even children who covered their eyes, and several girls. I was so scared that I cried, "No, no..."

With a "bang", the actor playing Yichen on the stage slapped his forehead with both hands, and the red juice prepared in advance overflowed from his mouth, and he stumbled backwards and fell down.

As "Yichen" fell down, the entire restaurant fell into an atmosphere of sadness and anger. The onlookers sighed, while the girl wiped her tears and choked with sobs.

The opera master continued to sing, "This is to prove innocence through death. Let's talk about it. Xiao Yichen devoted himself to being a teacher, but he taught that evil person to pretend to be a scoundrel of the devil's sect. This shows the dangers of the world, the evil of people's hearts, and the injustice of heaven." Na!"

Xiao Chen sat in his seat, with neither sadness nor joy on his face. He never expected that what happened to him back then would be adapted into a drama in the mortal world. Those righteous and mysterious people said that he colluded with the demonic witches and killed countless people, but these were the ones on the contrary. Mortals in this world will feel aggrieved for themselves.


Just when the restaurant was quiet, a scoundrel voice suddenly came from outside, "What the hell are you singing? I'm confused. Am I the only one who thinks this opera is sung and ugly?"

I saw a scumbag-faced ruffian standing outside the restaurant. The ruffian had been watching and scolding the first play in the morning. No matter how hard the troupe rehearsed every day before dawn, no matter how hard they sang, the good or the bad had to come first. I scolded him again and again, and he scolded me again after every song. The scolding hasn't stopped yet.

At this time, the people in the restaurant finally couldn't stand it anymore and went out to argue with him. However, what reason could there be to argue with this kind of person? Instead, he sprayed stinky saliva all over his face.

Finally, a young boy couldn't stand it any longer and scolded him angrily, "You're a guy who goes out to see the theater for nothing. You didn't spend a penny. Why are you yelling here all day long?"

Unexpectedly, the ruffian became angry after hearing this. He rushed up, raised his fist as big as a bowl, and punched the young man in the face with one punch. "What's wrong with me, I want you to take care of it!"

This time, the other theatergoers at the door couldn't stand it any longer. It wasn't that they couldn't afford the tea, it was just that the restaurant was overcrowded, but at least they knew how to respect the efforts of others and would not make mistakes based on their own opinions. However, this ruffian was different. He was used to taking advantage of others and causing trouble everywhere. Everyone criticized him for being barbaric and unreasonable.

When the waiter in the restaurant saw a fight starting outside, he hurriedly came out to try to persuade them. However, in the chaos, Xiao Chen left without knowing when. This is probably what happens in the world.

In the next half month, there are thousands of restaurants and inns in Qingzhou city. How is Xiao Chen going to find the person who escaped the ancient village back then?

He searched for half a month, but had no clue, and felt quite melancholy. On this day, he came to another restaurant. Not long after he sat down, he heard a noise downstairs, and saw two waiters trying their best to An old beggar pushed out: "You go, you go, we are really out of wine today..."

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