The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 508 The strange beggar

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed. Isn't this the old beggar he met in the valley that day? Why are you here in Qingzhou City again? He recalled carefully that after meeting the old beggar that day, the man from Zangfeng Valley stopped pursuing him...

At this moment, he concluded that the old beggar was definitely an ordinary person in this world. However, just in the midst of these thoughts, the old beggar had been pushed out of the door by two waiters.

Xiao Chen wanted to get up and chase after him, but after thinking about it, he stopped again. It would be too abrupt to continue like this. After a while, he went downstairs, bought a jug of wine from the waiter, and carried the wine gourd outside.

But after walking several streets, the old beggar was nowhere to be seen. Xiao Chen looked around, thinking, after just a short while, where had the old beggar gone? ❊✧

About the time it took to burn incense, Xiao Chen came to a lake. The weather was sunny today and the breeze was gentle. He saw a figure on the bridge, sitting with his back against the stone pier. Could it be the old beggar?

Xiao Chen slowly walked over and saw the old beggar squinting his eyes, sitting with his back against the stone pillar, basking in the sun comfortably, snoring, and seemed to have fallen asleep.

"Old sir?"

Xiao Chen shouted twice, but there was no response. Instead, his snoring became louder and louder, but it didn't look like he was pretending to sleep.

"Old sir?"

After shouting twice more, but still no response, Xiao Chen simply walked closer, and with a "pop" sound, he opened the wine gourd and handed it to the old beggar's nose.

Sure enough, the old beggar suddenly became energetic after smelling it twice. He opened his eyes and grabbed the wine gourd. When Xiao Chen saw him waking up, he smiled and said, "Old sir, we meet again, do you still remember this junior?"

The old beggar narrowed his eyes and said, "So it's your boy..."

Xiao Chen smiled softly and said, "That day in the mountains, I accidentally kicked over a bottle of wine from my husband. This bottle of wine can be regarded as an apology."

"Hey, you're pretty good at it."

The old beggar drank the wine happily and couldn't help but praise, "After all these years, the wine brewed with water from Zuixian Lake is still the most delicious in this mortal world!"

Xiao Chen was smiling next to him. Hearing him say "in this mortal world", he thought to himself, is he really a senior of Xuanmen? But why can't he feel the slightest breath of cultivation on his body?

There are only two situations, one is that this person really has no cultivation level, and the other is that this person's cultivation level is far higher than his own, and he can control it freely.

After a while, the old beggar drank a gourd of wine, burped, looked a little tipsy, glanced at Xiao Chen, and said with a smile, "How is it? That day, you were chased by your enemies. Up?"

Xiao Chen smiled slightly and said, "Thanks to my seniors, I was not in danger that day."

“Hehe, that’s good, that’s good.

The old beggar smiled and pointed to a pavilion in the center of the lake, "Have you seen that Drunkard's Pavilion? In the coming days, every time you bring me a pot of wine, old man, I will tell you a story. How about that?" "

Xiao Chen readily agreed, "It's easy to talk."

The next day, he prepared a pot of wine early and went to the Drunkard's Pavilion in the lake. He saw that the old beggar was already there, but he didn't know how long he had been waiting.

"Too slow, too slow. The old man has been waiting here for a long time before you come slowly... Did you bring the wine?"

The old beggar waved his hand impatiently. Xiao Chen smiled softly, carried the wine gourd into the pavilion, and said with a smile, "Old sir, I'm being rude by waiting here for a long time."

"Okay, okay, stop talking. I can smell the aroma of wine from far away...let me smell it...well, yes, this is the smell."

The old beggar drank the wine brought by Xiao Chen with great enjoyment, while Xiao Chen stood by, quietly waiting for the first story he wanted to tell.

"Listen carefully to the first story I want to tell you. A long time ago, a woodcutter went up the mountain to cut firewood. He came across a cave on the way. When he got closer, he saw two old men playing chess in front of the cave. , the woodcutter put down his axe, and began to watch in fascination. After watching the game, the woodcutter thought of going home. However, when he looked back, he saw that the ax handle had already rotted..."

"The woodcutter was confused, so he hurried down the mountain. When he returned to the village, he found that no one recognized him. A hundred years had passed in the mortal world while he was watching chess on the mountain..."

The old beggar slowly finished telling the story and finished the wine in his hand. Xiao Chen listened and smiled softly, "Senior told it, it's Lan Ke's story."

He had heard this story before. At that time, he was in Zixiao Peak, but he always wanted to go back to the mortal world to see Wu Niang. Ling Yin said that his heart was tied to the world, so when would he be willing to practice quietly?

Then I told him this story. There will always be a separation between immortals and mortals, and changes in the world are often beyond human power.

"Okay, okay, go ahead. You came too late today. Remember to be early tomorrow. I will tell you another story."

The old beggar held the bamboo stick in his hand, swaying, and slowly walked outside the Drunkard Pavilion while talking.

Xiao Chen returned to the inn. On the second day, before dawn, he went to the Drunken Old Man's Pavilion. Along the way, he saw the stars and the moon gradually sinking, and the dawn breeze blew gently. When he arrived at the Drunken Old Man's Pavilion, it was just dawn, and then The old beggar was already in the pavilion again.

"Too slow, too slow, still too slow..."

The old beggar shook his hand. Xiao Chen smiled softly and walked in with the wine gourd. Today, he told another story. This story is also just a folk tale and has nothing to do with Xuanmen's righteous way or the demon sect. .

Before leaving, the old beggar asked him to come early tomorrow. On the third day, Xiao Chen arrived even earlier. When he arrived at the Drunkard Pavilion, it was still dark, but the old beggar was already sitting inside.

Xiao Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly, and so on until the seventh day, the moon was sparse and the stars were sparse, and it was still a bit cold outside. Just after midnight, he took the wine gourd out of the inn, and after a while he arrived at the Drunkard's Pavilion. In the end, the old beggar was one step ahead of him and waited here.

"Old sir... aren't you cold?"

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly and was speechless. He saw that the old beggar seemed to be just a mortal, shivering, rubbing his hands, sneezing, and said, "The old man works so hard to be one step ahead of you every day..."

Xiao Chen shook his head and smiled bitterly, walked over, opened the wine gourd, handed it to him and said, "Old sir, take a sip of wine and warm yourself up first."

The old beggar took the wine he handed and took two sips. Xiao Chen sat next to him, waiting for him to tell the seventh story. But this time, the old beggar stopped telling the story. He stood up and said, "You can drink this wine as well." I'm tired of it, I'm a little greedy, and suddenly I want to eat fish..."


Xiao Chen didn't know what kind of medicine the old beggar was selling in his gourd. He looked at the lake outside the pavilion. Could it be that it was so cold that he wanted to go down and catch two fish for him?


The old beggar coughed twice, "Of course I'm not asking you to catch fish. Listen carefully, old man. I'm greedy and want to eat four kinds of fish. They are steamed sea bass, braised carp, and Linyuan fish. There are no fish in the clear water."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly after hearing this. The first two things were reasonable, but what kind of reputation was the Lin Yuan Xianyu behind? The water was clear and there were no fish.

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